The Book of Common Prayer
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    Le Livre du Prières Publiques (1662)
The 1662 Book of Common Prayer in French


 The Book of Common Prayer has gone through more editions and printings in French than any other non-English language. The first was in 1553, and they continue (at least in American editions) up to the present day.

There are also a number of different printings specific for the Channel Islands (some for Guernsey, some for Jersey). Evening Prayer in Jérriais, the language of Jersey is online. We also have available a French BCP printed on Jersey.

A number of older French editions are online, from Google Books and the Internet Archive. These may be found on our Languages page.

None of these French editions of the Church of England BCP were official, and so there are a number of different translations, and even different titles, as can be seen by comparing the title pages at left (1889) and below (1757). The text used here was first published in 1863 by the SPCK, (title page is at left) and is the last French edition of the 1662 BCP, although there have been a number of printings over the years since then. It contains the entire BCP, including the Psalter and Ordinal. It appears in David Griffith's Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer as 36:69.

The entire book may also be downloaded as PDF graphics - see the link below. There are bookmarks for navigation, and extractable text. However, the text has not been proofread and undoubtedly contains errors.



    The Preface
  2. Du Service de l'Église.
    Concerning the Service of the Church.
  3. Des Cérémonies: pourquoi quelques-unes ont été abolies, et d'autres conservées.
    Concerning Ceremonies, why some be abolished, and some retained.
  4. Ordre à suivre dans la Lecture des Psaumes.
    The Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read.
  5. Ordre à suivre dans la Lecture du reste de l'Écriture Sainte.
    The Order how the rest of Holy Scripture is appointed to be read.
  6. Table des Leçons et des Psaumes propres pour les Dimanches et les Fêtes.
    Table of proper Lessons and Psalms for Sundays and Holy Days
  7. Le Calendrier, avec les Tables des Leçons.
    The Calendar, with Tables of Lessons.
  8. Tables et Règles pour les Fêtes et les Jours de Jeûne pour toute l'Année.
    Table of Rules for the Feasts and Fasts through the whole Year.
  9. L'Ordre des Prières du Matin.
    Order for Morning Prayer.
  10. L'Ordre des Prières du Soir.
    Order for Evening Prayer.
  11. Le Symbole de Saint Athanase.
    Creed of Saint Athanasius.
  12. La Litanie.
    The Litany.
  13. Prières et Actions de Grâces pour diverses circonstances.
    Prayers and Thanksgivings upon several Occasions.
  14. Les Collectes, les Épîtres, et les Évangiles pour l'Administration de la Sainte Communion, pendant toute l'Année: Partie 1; Partie 2.
    Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to be used at the Ministration of the Holy Communion, throughout the Year (Parts 1 & 2)
  15. L'Ordre de l'Administration de la Sainte Communion.
    The Order of the Ministration of the Holy Communion.
  16. L'Ordre du Baptême, tant Public que Privé.
    The Order of Baptism both Publick and Private.
  17. L'Ordre du Baptême de ceux d'un âge plus mûr.
    Order of Baptism for those of Riper Years.
  18. Le Catéchisme.
    The Catechism.
  19. L'Ordre de la Confirmation.
    Order of Confirmation.
  20. La Forme de la Célébration du Mariage.
    The Form of Solemnization of Matrimony.
  21. L'Ordre pour la Visite les Malades, et la Communion des Malades.
    Order for the Visitation of the Sick, and the Communion of the Sick.
  22. L'Ordre pour la Sépulture des Morts.
    Order for the Burial of the Dead.
  23. L'Action de Grâces des Femmes après leurs Couches.
    The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-birth.
  24. Commination, on Dénonciation de la colère et des jugements de Dieu contre les Pécheurs.
    A Commination, or denouncing of God’s anger and judgements against Sinners.
  25. Le Psautier.
    The Psalter.
  26. Formulaire de Prières dont on doit se servir sur Mer.
    Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea.
  27. La Forme et la Manière de Faire, d'Ordonner, et de Consacrer les Évêques, les Prêtres et les Diacres.
    The Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.
  28. Formulaire de Prières pour le Vingt du mois de Juin.
    Form of Prayers for the twentieth day of June.
  29. Articles de Religion.
    Articles of Religion.


Title page from 1757

Download the entire book as PDF graphics (size = 25MB)


Web author: Charles Wohlers U. S. EnglandScotlandIrelandWalesCanadaWorld