The Book of Common Prayer
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    Le Livre de Prières Publiques
The 1928 Book of Common Prayer in French


The U. S. Episcopal Church has, since its formation, produced a translation of its liturgy, the Book of Common Prayer, into French. The first two editions (1789 and 1892) apparently were primarily for use in French-speaking (Francophone) congregations within the United States, but, by the time of the 1928 edition these congregations appear to have been very few in number. At least two separate French editions of the 1928 BCP were issued: one for general use within or outside the U. S., and the other specifically for use in the Episcopal Church in Haiti, which was then, as it is now, part of the U. S. Episcopal Church. Both of these editions are very similar, with differences primarily only in some of the Prayers, and in occasional phrases or words translated differently.

The French text appears to be nearly identical to the English 1928 edition, with everything in the English edition included in the French. There are a few minor differences, additions and omissions. Any significant differences between the English and French editions are indicated in the text.

The primary text used here is the edition for general use (published by Seabury Press in 1958), called here the "generic" version. As noted above, an edition was published earlier in 1940 specifically for use in Haiti. Differences between the two versions other than words or phrases translated differently are given in the text. The Haitian version omits everything before Morning Prayer (Table of Contents, Preface, Tables, etc.), omits the Catechism and Articles of Religion, and additionally includes a "Supplement" of short services, devotions, and prayers. These books are listed in David Griffiths' Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer as 36:76 (generic version) and 36:75 (Haitian version).

In addition to the HTML files below, we also have both the complete Haitian version and the complete "generic" version as PDF files, with extractable text. Note that the text has not been proofread and undoubtedly contains errors. Note also that the occaisional "corrections" present in the Haitian text are not official and are from a previoous owner.

My knowledge of the history of these French editions of the BCP, and of French-speaking congregations in the Episcopal Church is quite lacking; if any have additional information I'd be pleased to hear it.

As I am not well-versed in French, I would, as usual, appreciate any and all corrections and comments.

Title page for the 1928 BCP in French
Title page for the "generic" French edition.

Haiti title page
Title page for the Haitian edition.





Preface  [Generic version only]
Du Service de l'Eglise avec les Instructions relatives a l'Usage du Psautier et du Lectionnaire,
Concerning the Service of the Church, including the use of the Psalter and the Lectionary  [Generic only]
Psaumes et Leçons pour l'année Chrétienne,
Psalms and Lessons for the Christian Year.   [Generic only]
Calendar   [Generic only]
Tables et Règles concernant les Fêtes Mobiles et les Fêtes Immobiles, les Jours de Jeûne et d’Abstinence, pendant l’année et les Jours de Supplication solennelle,
Tables and Rules for the Moveable and Immoveable Feasts, together with the Days of Fasting and Abstinence throughout the Year and the Days of Solemn Supplication.   [Generic only]
Tables de Préséance,
Tables of Precedence  [Generic only]
Tables pour determiner les Jours Saints,
Tables for finding Holy Days.   [Generic only]
Prières du Matin,
Morning Prayer.
Prières du Soir,
Evening Prayer.
Prières et Actions de Grâces
Prayers and Thanksgivings
Office des Litanies
The Litany
Office Pénitential, Pour le Mercredi des Cendres
A Penitential Office for Ash Wednesday

Ordre pour l’Administration de la Cène du Seigneur, ou de la Sainte Communion,
The Order for the Administration of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion.

Collectes, Epîtres et Evangiles
The Collects Epistles, and Gospels, to be used throughout the Year.
Administration du Saint Baptême,
The Ministration of Holy Baptism
Offices d'Instruction
  Offices of Instruction
Ordre de la Confirmation
The Order of Confirmation.
Forme de la Célébration du Mariage,
  The Form of Solemnization of Matrimony. 
Action de Grâces des Femmes après leurs Couches
The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-birth
Ordre pour la Visite des Malades,
  The Order for the Visitation of the Sick.
Communion des Malades,
The Communion of the Sick.
Ordre pour la Sépulture des Morts,
The Order for the Burial of the Dead.
Sepulture d'un Enfant
At the Burial of a Child
Psautier, ou Psaumes de David,
The Psalter, or Psalms of David. [The translation used is the Louis Segond, which is available at, and other places.]
  The Ordinal
Forme et Manière de faire les Diacres
The Form and Manner of Making Deacons
Forme et Manière d'Ordonner les Prêtres
The Form and Manner of Ordering Priests
Forme pour l'Ordination ou la Consécration d'un Evêque
The Form of Ordaining or Consecrating a Bishop
Litanie et Suffrages Pour Ordinations
The Litany and Suffrages for Ordinations
Forme pour la Consecration d'une Eglise ou d'une Chapelle
The Form of a Consecration of a Church or Chapel
Office pour l'Institution des Ministres dans une Paroisses ou dans les Eglises
An Office of Institution of Ministers into Parishes or Churches

Catechism [Generic version only]
  Formulaire de Prières pour le Culte de Famille, avec des Prières Additionelles
Forms of Prayer to be used in Families, with Additional Prayers

Articles de Religion,
The Articles of Reli
gion [Generic version only]

Supplement [Haitian version only]

Download the generic version as PDF (size = 45MB)

Download the Haitian version as PDF (size = 55MB)


Certificate for the 1958 "Generic" edition:


Je certifie que la présente édition du Livre de Prières Publiques contient une traduction fidèle du texte officiel du Book of Common Prayer, à l'exception du Psalter qui est tiré de la traduction de la Sainte Bible par Louis Segond.

Custodian of the
Standard Book of Common Prayer



novembre 1957


Certificate for the 1940 Haitian edition:

Ce livre est autorisé par l'Evêque d'Haiti pour être employé dans ce District Missionaire selon Résolution de la Chambre des Evêques,

le 8 Novembre 1939.


Web author: Charles Wohlers U. S. EnglandScotlandIrelandWalesCanadaWorld