The Book of Common Prayer
United States England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World

    Le Livre de Prières Publiques
The 1789 Book of Common Prayer in French


Livre des Prieres Publiques - Title pageThe U. S. Episcopal Church has, since its formation, produced a translation of its liturgy, the Book of Common Prayer, into French. Nowadays this version is largely for use outside the United States, but that was clearly not the case originally. These early versions appears to have been produced for use in French-speaking (Francophone) congregations within the U. S. I am aware of such congregations in New York and in Louisiana, and there may have been others elsewhere.

The edition used here of the 1789 Book of Common Prayer in French was published in New York in 1846, and is stated to be a "new edition, revised and corrected", as one can see from the picture at left. It contains the entire Book of Common Prayer, less the Ordinal, but additionally including "Les Psaumes de David, mis en Vers Français". It is listed in David Griffiths' Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer as 36:61. Other French editions had been previously published in 1803 and 1831. The 1803 edition was actually the C of E (1662) French translation adapted for American use, and not a translation of the American BCP. The 1831 translation is online from the Internet Archive, and a later 1860 translation is from from Google Books.

My knowledge of the history of these French editions of the BCP, and of French-speaking congregations in the Episcopal Church is quite lacking; if any have additional information I'd be pleased to hear it. The history of one of them, Saint-Esprit in New York, is available online; this parish provided the translators of the two French BCP's which preceeded this one.

As I am not well-versed in French, I would, as usual, appreciate any and all corrections and comments.

Title page, 1831 edition
Title page of the 1831 translation




Certificat—Ratification du Livre des Prières Publiques, 
Certificate & Ratification of the Book of Common Prayer 
Ordre à suivre dans la lecture du Psautier,
Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read
Ordre à suivre dans la lecture du reste de l’Ecriture Sainte,
The Order how the rest of the Holy Scripture is appointed to be read. 
Tables des leçons de l’Ecriture Sainte, qui se liront pendant l’an née, aux Prières du Matin et à celles du Soir,
Table of Lessons of Holy Scripture to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer throughout the Year.
Tables et Règles pour les Fêtes Mobiles et les Immobiles, comme aussi pour les Jours de Jeûne et d’Abstinence, pendant toute l’année,
Tables and Rules for the Moveable and Immoveable Feasts, together with the Days of Fasting and Abstinence throughout the Year.
Tables pour trouver les Jours de Fête,
Tables for finding the Holydays.
Ordre à observer, chaque jour, aux Prières du Matin,
The Order for Daily Morning Prayer.
Ordre à observer; chaque jour, aux Prières du Soir,
The Order for Daily Evening Prayer.
The Litany
Prières et Actions de Grâces, pour diverses occasions, qu’il faut dire avant les deux dernières prières du Service du Matin et de celui du Soir,
Prayers and Thanksgivings upon several Occasions, to be used before the two final Prayers of Morning and Evening Service.
Collectes, Epîtres et Evangiles, pour toute l'année,
The Collects Epistles, aud Gospels, to be used throughout the Year.
Ordre pour l’administration de la Sainte Cène, ou de la Sainte Communion,
The Order for the Administration of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion.
Administration du Baptême Public des Enfants, dont on se servira dans l’Eglise,
The Ministration of Public Baptism of Infants, to be used in the Church.
Administration du Baptême Particulier des Enfants, qui se fait dans les maisons,
The Ministration of Private Baptism of Children, in Houses.
Administration du Baptême pour ceux d’un âge plus avancé, qui sont capables de répondre pour eux-mêmes,
The Ministration of Baptism to such as are of Riper Years, and able to answer for themselves. 
Catéchisme, c’est-à-dire, Instruction que toute Personne doit apprendre avant d’être présentée à l’Evêque pour être confirmée,
A Catechism; that is to say an Instruction to he learned by every Person before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop.
Ordre de la Confirmation, ou de l'imposition des mains sur ceux qui ont été baptisés, et qui ont atteint l'âge de discrétion,
The Order of Confirmation, or Laying on of Hands upon those that are baptized, and come to years of Discretion.
Forme de la Célébration du Mariage,
The Form of Solemnization of Matrimony. 
Ordre pour la Visite des Malades,
The Order for the Visitation of the Sick.
Communion des Malades,
The Communion of the Sick.
Ordre pour la Sépulture des Morts,
The Order for the Burial of the Dead.
Action de grâces des femmes après leurs Couches, qu’on appelle communément Les Relevailles,
The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-birth, commonly called, The Churching of Women.
Formulaire de Prières, dont on se servira sur Mer,
Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea.
Formulaire de Prières pour la Visite des Prisonniers,
A Form of Prayer for the Visitation of Prisoners.
Formulaire de Prières et d’Actions de Grâces à Dieu tout-puissant pour les Fruits de la terre, et pour toutes les autres Bénédictions de sa miséricordieuse providence,
A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Fruits of the earth, and all the other Blessings of his merciful Providence.
Formulaire de Prières à l'usage des Familles,
Forms of Prayer to he used in Families.
Choix de Psaumes, dont on se sert au lieu des Psaumes du jour, â la discrétion du Ministre,
Selections of Psalms, to he used instead of the Psalms for the Day, at the discretion of the Minister.
Le Psautier, ou Psaumes de David,
The Psalter, or Psalms of David. 

Articles de Religion,
The Articles of Religion



Web author: Charles Wohlers U. S. EnglandScotlandIrelandWalesCanadaWorld