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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
Llyfr Gweddi Gyffredin |
The 1662 Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England was used as the Prayer Book in Wales for many years, and was translated into Welsh almost immediately after its adoption. In fact, the Welsh translation of the Book of Common Prayer has gone thourgh more printings than any other translation, except for French. The text used here has two sources: a Welsh-only Book published in Oxford in 1896 for the Psalter and Ordinal, and a Welsh / English (parallel column) Prayer Book published in 1938 for everything else. Accordingly, the prayers for the reigning monarch and royal family refer to King George VI and his family (Queen Victoria in the Ordinal); this has not been updated. The 1938 book omits the Ordinal. Both of these books appear to be completely identical translations for those portions they have in common. The 1896 text appears in David Griffiths' Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer as 192:61, and the 1938 text as 192:67. We also have older all-Welsh Prayer Books from 1788 and 1746 (see title pages at right). Apparently the Welsh translation was updated in 1841, but cursory examination of the two texts indicates that very few changes were made, aside from changes in the titles of some services. The 1788 printing is Griffiths 192:36; the 1746 is Griffiths 192:27. A number of other Welsh translations are online, from Google Books or the Internet Archive; these are liated on our Languages page. All of these are in PDF graphics format - that is, the text is presented as if it was pictures. Welsh contains three characters which are not part of the normal character set used in HTML. These three characters are printed below twice:
If the two sets of characters above don't match, you won't be able to see these characters properly in the texts and may need to upgrade your browser. Although I am partly of Welsh extraction, I know no Welsh, and, while the text has been spell-checked, it is likely that there will be some errors remaining. When these are found, please let me know and I will make the corrections. Understand also that this is an old translation, using the approximate Welsh equivalent of Elizabethan English. Accordingly, differences from Welsh as it is currently used can be expected. Additionally we have the entire 1938 Welsh-English BCP available as PDF graphics. This includes those portions not linked in the tables below. |
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Y Rhagymadrodd |
Am Wasanaeth yr Eglwys. Concerning the Service of the Church |
Am Seremoniau, paham y diddymmwyd rhai, ac y cedwir eraill. Concerning Ceremonies, why some be abolished and some retained |
Y Drefn pa wedd y gosodir darllain y Psallwyr. The Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read |
Y Drefn pa wedd y gosodir darllain y rhan arall o’r
Ysgrythyr Lân. The Order how the rest of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read |
Taflennau o’r Llithiau a'r Psalmau prïod. A Table of Proper Lessons and Psalms |
Y Calendar, gyd â Thaflen y Llithiau. The Calendar, with a Table of Lessons |
Taflennau a Threfnau y Gwyliau a’r Ymprydiau trwy'r holl
flwyddyn. Tables and Rules for the Feasts and Fasts through the whole Year |
Trefn y Weddi Foreol. |
Trefn y Weddi Brydnhawnol. |
Credo Sant Athanasius |
Y Litani. |
a Dïolchiadau ar amryw achosion. |
Y Colectau, yr Epistolau,
a'r Efangylau, a arferir trwy’r Flwyddyn. The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels to be used throughout the Year |
Trefn Gweinyddiad Swpper
yr Arglwydd, neu y Cymmun Bendigaid. Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion |
Gweinyddiad Bedydd Cyhoedd Plant
bychain, i’w arfer yn yr Eglwys Administration of Public Baptism of Infants, to be used in the Church |
Gweinyddiad Bedydd Neillduol
Plant mewn Tai gartref. Administration of Private Baptism of Children, in Houses |
Gweinyddiad Bedydd y rhai
a fo mewn Oedran addfedach. |
Y Catecism. |
Conffirmasiwn. |
Ffurf Gweinyddiad Prïodas. |
Y Drefn i ymweled
â’r Claf. |
Cymmun y Claf. |
Trefn Claddedigaeth y Marw. |
Dïolwch Gwragedd ar ol esgor Plant. |
Y Comminasiwn, neu Gyhoeddiad Digofaint a Barnedigaethau
Duw yn erbyn Pechaduriaid. |
Y Psallwyr, neu Psalmau Dafydd. |
Ffurfiau o Weddi i'w harfer ar y Môr. |
Ffurf a Dull gwneuthur, urddo, a chyssegru Esgobion, Offeiriaid a
Diaconiaid Form & Manner of Making, Ordaining, & Consecrating Bishops, Priests, & Deacons |
Ffurfiau o Weddi ar Gylchwyl dydd Dyfodiad y Brenhin
i'r Orsedd. |
Y XXXIX. Erthyglau Crefydd,
a’u Taflen. |
All the above files (except the Psalter & Ordinal) in WordPerfect format, zip compressed
Download the entire 1938 Welsh-English BCP as PDF graphics (size=16MB).Last Updated: 19 April 2009
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |