Prayer Book of 1892 was the second for the Episcopal Church, and served
for over 35 years, until 1928. We are presenting this electronic version
of the U. S. 1892 Book of Common Prayer in hopes that it will prove useful
and instructive to the Church. Parishes might find it useful in recreating
historical services, for example, to celebrate the anniversary of the
parish. Others might find it instructive to compare the changes, additions,
and deletions, which have taken place in the various versions of the Book
of Common Prayer.
The 1892 Prayer Book was a conservative revision, meaning
that little of substance was changed from its predecessor, the 1789 BCP.
Perhaps for this reason its tenure was relatively short, being replaced
by a much more extensive revision in 1928.
The entire 1892 Book of Common Prayer is presented below
in both HTML and PDF (Adobe Acrobat) formats. The HTML files are best
for viewing on screen; the PDF files work best for printing and will look
more like the original.
The font used for the HTML files is Century Schoolbook, which
is widely available and seems to be a fairly close match to the original.
Century and Georgia (part of the standard Windows distribution) are allowed
as alternatives. It is recommended that you have one of these fonts installed
on your computer for best viewing.
Unlike the 1789 Book (but like the 1928 and 1979 Books),
all printings of the 1892 edition were essentially identical in layout,
pagination, typography, etc.
Several printings of this book are available from Google Books and the Internet Archive:
Pott, New York (Griffiths 1892/13)
Eyre & Spottiswoode for E & JB Young (Griffiths 1893/14)
T Nelson & Sons (Griffiths 1896/8)
James Pott, New York, 1896 
the Oxford Univ. Press (Griffiths 1897/12)
Female Prot. Epis. PB Soc., Philadephia, 1903 
James Pott, New York (Griffiths 1907/7)
Bp White PB Soc., Philadelphia (1921, Griffiths 1892/18)
Pointed Prayer Book (1899, Griffiths 1896/7), in which
the Psalms are "pointed" for singing; also available from the Internet Archive.
also have the 1892 Standard Book in
PDF format, along with an
article describing the genesis of that book and the 1892 BCP
in general.
For those interested in the history of this book, there are a number of books and articles available which describe how this book came to be. On this site we
The historical portions of Liturgiae
The 1889 Proposed Alterations & Additions, and Book of Offices (most of which was not adopted), and
The final 1892 Alterations and Additions, which describes in detail all the changes made and when they were made.
Two articles from the American Church Review of 1882, from authors who both favored revision, but from rather different perspectives.
Google Books has:
The 1880
Report of the Committee charged with devising this revision.
The Alterations
and Additions from 1883, t
The Book
Annexed of 1883 (Griffiths 1884/8, the BCP as proposed in 1883
- substantially different from what was finally adopted), which contain the proposed
changes as of those dates.
Books and the
Internet Archive both
have a
Concordance to the 1892 Book of
Common Prayer.
we have A Book of Offices,
published in 1914-17, the predecessor of today's Book of Occasional
Services. This book has a number of lesser-used services which
didn't make it into the Book of Common Prayer. It is also
available as PDF graphics from
the Internet Archive. A similar book is the Holy Cross Missal, published in 1920 for the Order of the Holy Cross, which contains "Propers and Commons of Various Feasts and Fasts not Included in the Book of Common Prayer together with . . . Requiems, and Other Votive Masses".
1892 Book of Common Prayer was translated into many languages, probably
more than any other edition - typically to serve immigrant populations.
We have online portions of the 1892 B. C. P. translated into French, German,
Italian, Ojibwe and Cheyenne.
Another site has portions of the 1892 B. C. P. translated into Swedish,
and Tigara
(an native Alaskan tongue). These and others may be found on our Languages page.
we also have the Campaign Prayer Book, an abridgement
of this Book, along with several additional prayers, which was published
for use in the Armed Forces in World War I.
Page. |
1. The
Ratification of the Book of Common Prayer |
iv |
2. The
Preface |
v |
3. Concerning
the Service of the Church, with the Order how the Psalter and
the rest of the Holy Scripture is appointed to be read |
vii |
4. Tables
of Proper Lessons of Holy Scripture |
ix |
5. The
Calendar, with Tables of Lessons of Holy Scripture |
xii |
6. Tables
and Rules for the Movable and Immovable Feasts, together with
the Days of Fasting and Abstinence throughout the Year |
xxiv |
7. Tables
for finding the Holy-days |
xxv |
8. The Order for Daily
Morning Prayer |
1 |
9. The Order for Daily
Evening Prayer |
16 |
10. The
Litany |
30 |
11. Prayers
and Thanksgivings upon several Occasions |
37 |
12. A
Penitential Office for Ash-Wednesday |
48 |
13. The
Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to be used throughout the Year |
52 |
14. The Order for the
Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy
Communion |
221 |
15. The Ministration
of Public Baptism of Infants, to be
used in the Church |
244 |
16. The Ministration
of Private Baptism of Children, in
Houses |
251 |
17. The Ministration
of Baptism to such as are of Riper Years,
and able to answer for themselves |
257 |
18. A
Catechism; that is to say, an Instruction, to be learned by every
Person before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop |
266 |
19. The
Order of Confirmation, or Laying on of Hands upon those that are
baptized, and come to years of Discretion |
273 |
20. The Form of Solemnization
of Matrimony |
277 |
21. The Order for the
Visitation of the Sick |
281 |
22. The Communion of the Sick |
292 |
23. The Order for the
Burial of the Dead |
294 |
24. The Thanksgiving
of Women after Child-birth; commonly called, The Churching
of Women |
302 |
25. Forms of Prayer
to be used at Sea |
305 |
26. A Form of Prayer
for the Visitation of Prisoners |
312 |
27. A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty
God, for the Fruits of the earth, and all the other Blessings
of his merciful Providence |
319 |
28. Forms of Prayer
to be used in Families |
322 |
29. The
Psalter, or Psalms of David |
329 |
The Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating Bishops,
Priests, and Deacons |
509 |
Litany and Suffrages |
530 |
Communion |
534 |
The Form of Consecration of a Church or Chapel |
546 |
An Office of Institution of Ministers into Parishes or
Churches |
550 |
of Religion |
555 |