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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
Malay is one of the major languages of South East Asia, where it has official status in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei. It is spoken as a first language by about 40 million people, primarily in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and parts of Sumatra. Additionally, a version of Malay is the lingua franca in Indonesia, where it is spoken as a first or second language by nearly the entire population. It is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world. The first Anglican liturgical translations into Malay were published in 1836, with subsequent revisions and expansions in both Jawi script (based on Arabic) and in Roman characters (called Rumi) continuing under missionary auspices throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Today, the Rumi script is far more commonly used. We present here two translations: one, a fairly complete Book of Common Prayer from 1915, and the other a newer partial translation from 1969. The first was translated by the Rev. William Henry Gomes (1827-1902) and George Frederick Hose (1838-1922), Bishop of Labuan & Sarawak and was published by the SPCK (Society for Promoting Chritian Knowledge). It was likely intended for use in British colonies and protectorates in Southeast Asia - i. e., what is today Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei. The second (1969) was published by the The Anglican Diocese of Sabah, which includes the Malaysian states of Sabah and Labuan on the island of Borneo. It is part of the Province of South East Asia. As might be expected, Malay orthography (spelling) has changed over the years, and is also somewhat different in Malaysia and in Indonesia. Therefore, words in these translations may have different spelling today than when they were printed. Also, one will note that the two translations are quite different, which may be as much a difference of dialect as of time. Griffiths identifies the 1915 translation as No. 100:8 and the 1969 as 100:9 in his Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer. Both are translations of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. William Muss-Arnolt discusses earlier Malay translations in Chapter XXXVIII of The Book of Common Prayer among the Nations of the World.
KITAB SEMBAHYANG DALAM GREJAPortions of the Book of Common Prayer (1915)
Contents of this Book1. Bachaan dan Mazmur yang ditentukan bagi Hari Minggo dan Hari Raya
Lessons & Psalms for Days & Seasons (Calendar)
2. Deri hal Hari Raya dan Hari Puasah
3. Peratoran Sembahyang Pagi
Morning Prayer
4. Peratoran Sembahyang Petang
Evening Prayer
5. Litani
6. Bebrapa Doa Permintaan dan Doa Membalas Shukor
Prayers & Thanksgivings
7. Doa-Doa, serta dengan Epistola dan Injil, yang dibacha Sapanjang Tahun
Collects, Epistles & Gospels
8. Peratoran Sembahyang Sakramen Perjamuan Tuhan
Holy Communion
9. Peratoran Sembahyang Membaptisakan Anak kechil dalam Greja
Public Baptism of Infants
10. Peratoran Sembahyang Membaptisakau Anak kechil dalam Rumah orang.
Private Baptism of Infants in Houses
11. Peratoran Sembahyang Membaptisakan Orang yang sudah besar
Baptism of Adults
12. Katekismus
13. Katetapan
14. Akan Mengkuduskan Nikah
Holy Matrimony
15. Akan Melawat Orang Sakit
Visitation of the Sick
16. Akan Membri Sakramen kapada Orang Sakit
Communion of the Sick
17. Akan Menanam Orang Mati
Burial of the Dead
18. Sembahyang Perampuan akan Membri Shukor lepas Beranak
Thanksgiving after Childbirth
19. Amang
20. Bebrapa Mazmur
Selections of Psalms
21. Adat dan Peratoran Sembahyang akan Menjadikan, dan Menyurohkan, dan Mengkuduskan Bishop, dan Padri, dan Dikon
The Ordinal: Bishops, Priests & Deacons
22. Peratoran Sembahyang yang dipakai pada Hari Raja memulai memegang prentah
Accession ServiceDownload as PDF graphics:
The entire book (61 MB).
Collects, Epistles & Gospels (25 MB)
Psalms, Ordinal, Accession service (15 MB)
Everything else (22 MB)
Peratoran Sembahyang
Diocese of Sabah, 1969Peratoran Sembahyang Pagi
Morning Prayer 1-12Peratoran Sembahyang Petang
Evening Prayer 13-23Peratoran Sembahyang Perjaimmuan Tahun
Holy Communion 24-37Peratoran Sembahyang Akan Membaptiskan Orang
Administration of Baptism 38-48Peratoran Sembahyang Ketetapan
Confirmation 49-51Peratoran Sembahyang Akan Menguduskan Nikah
Solemnization of Matrimony 52-58Peratoran Sembahyang Akan Menanam Orang Mati
Burial of the Dead 59-65Thanks are due to Richard Mammana, who transcribed the text, and to Thomas Rae, who provided a copy of the text.
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |