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Welcome! You've stumbled upon the Anglican communion's
unofficial little reststop in Cyberspace. We hope you'll find the material here interesting,
entertaining, and perhaps even challenging. Enjoy your stay!
Codes used throughout this site:
: this listing
has been added in the last week.
: sites selected as "cool"
by the Page Editor.

Never been to an Anglican church? Here's what to expect.
Sometimes, it's a little intimidating walking into a church for the first time.
Or maybe it's just been a long time since you last went to church (like
40 years ago when mom dragged you to Sunday School). A lot has changed
since then. The songs are singable, the sermon understandable, and you don't
need to come in a suit. This link may shed some light on other aspects of an
Anglican service. We'd love to see you this Sunday.
Our Statements of Faith: What we believe
Anglicans have two main "creeds" -- short statements of what
we believe -- the Nicene
and Apostles
Creeds. At each service, we say the creeds together as confirmation of
our common faith. Anglicans also have the Thirty-Nine
Articles of Faith, and, in Canada, the Solemn
Declaration of 1893 as foundations of faith.
Questions about this website?
One of the Internet traditions is to publish a "FAQ"
(Frequently Asked Questions). The Anglicans Online! FAQ answers
the most common questions like: Who are you
and why do you run this thing? How do I get my
parish listed? And, my favourite, "You must drink a lot of
coffee." :-)
Putting the Anglican Church of Canada Into Cyberspace 
Wondering how your parish could use electronic networking? Or what direction
Anglicans coast-to-coast believe the national church should go in embracing
the Internet? This hyperlink-rich research paper is a summary of ideas
from one hundred Canadian Anglicans on using the "new communication"
both between each other and to the wider community. If you read nothing
else in this website, read this.
The BCP Daily Prayer
Huh... BCP? The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is the primary prayer
book used throughout the Anglican communion. Rich with language and heritage,
the common prayer book is one of the things which bond Anglicans around
the world. This Daily Morning Prayer link will let you click on a calendar
day and get that day's prayer. Evening prayers too!
GospelNet's Bible Search
Who would have thought searching the Bible would be fun? Think
of this link as a Bible Concordance on steroids. You pick which text version
you want, which words to search for, which books to search, even what language
to speak to you in! A great tool for researchers. (Also see the "Resources"
page for links to searchable bible dictionaries and commentaries.)
Questions about being Anglican? 
Ever wondered who to ask when you have questions about Anglican doctrine
and theology? Yes, there is such a place. The Surfer's Guide is an e-mail
address where people are invited to ask questions about Christianity, doctrine,
theology, ethics, etc. Questions are answered by the ordinands and staff
of Westcott House, a Church of England seminary in Cambridge. Send your
questions to: