About the Editors
Here's a bit of background on the people who update this site each week, behind the scenes! These are the people to contact if you'd like your site added to a particular page.

Tod Maffin
Tod is editor and founder of Anglicans Online!. A member of the national communications committee of the Anglican Church of Canada, Tod served two years as chairperson of the B.C./Yukon Anglican Youth Movement. He also served as his diocese's youth delegate to two General Synods and produced a daily e-newsletter at the 1995 Synod, read by than 2,000 people. In January 1996, Tod traveled to Cuba to set up a nation-wide electronic mail system for the Anglican church in that country. Tod began his secular career as a journalist (print and broadcast) then moved into public relations. He is currently Senior Consultant of leading Internet strategy firm in Vancouver and regularly delivers speeches and seminars on the future of developing communications technologies.
Lyn Sibley (Canada, USA, and England/World pages) lyn@xl.ca
Lyn Sibley has been co-editor of Anglicans Online! for a year. Active in all aspects of youth ministry in her diocese, Lyn served two years as editor of the newsletter of the B.C./Yukon Anglican Youth Movement. She's been active in the Canadian national church, having been a member of its General Synod and serving a three-year term on the Partners in Mission Unit. She works with ophthalmologists and research staff to develop clinical data analysis tools.

Assistant Page Editors
Gail Miller (Hot Issues page) gmiller@gatewayone.com
Describing herself as a "fairly regular church-goer," Gail descibes herself as an objective editor -- probably helped by the many years of experience writing and editing. She prefers to listen, not talk, in online discussion groups, skills which will help a great deal as page editor of the Hot Issues page. Gail is webmaster of the web page of her parish in Alexandria VA.
Timothy Morgan (Youth Resources page) tim@acura.net
At fourteen years old, Timothy is our youngest page editor. Timothy is founder of the Anglican Kids Association (AKA), a group that besides producing a popular web site, fundraises for the local refugee committee in his home town of Winnipeg, Canada. He is in the International Baccaleauriate program at school and is actively involved in concert and jazz bands (he plays the alto sax). Timothy is head of his diocesan Information Resources committee, and plans to be a youth representative to the Lambeth conference in 1998.
Scott Rollins (Music Resources page) 4sir1@qlink.queensu.ca
Scott's the organist of St. John's Anglican Church, Portsmouth and an
undergraduate student in Arts at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario,
Canada. Scott's been active in church life for several
years, serving several terms on parish council and the worship committee
at his previous parish, as well as attending diocesan synod as a youth
observer and, later, a full member back in his home diocese of Ottawa.
Mari Smythe (Not In Communion page) tradwell@netcomuk.co.uk
Mari's been online for about a year and is a member of the Traditional Anglican Church in England (because her parish is so far from her home, she worships with the Greek Orthodox and the Ukrainian Catholics). Mari is familiar with publishing -- she co-edits a magazine for a children's charity.
Jim Warnock (News Centre page) jwarnock@burgoyne.com
Though Jim's web pages until now how never made it to cyberspace, he's been boning up on the net since going online seven years ago. With a doctorate in American religious history, and author of several articles on Episcopal history, Jim will be working on the News Centre page. He claims a tour of duty with the Coast Guard in 1960 got him hooked on coffee. He celebrated his 20th year wedding anniversary this year and has two children.
Christina Wible (Clergy Resources page) ckwible@ptd.net
Christina Wible describes herself as a "cradle Episcopalian and
reformed hippie" who divides her life between, part-time studies
at New Brunswick Theological Seminary, a ministry as an AIDS
educator and an avocation as an internet surfer/designer. If she
is not up to her ears in books ("I have to muck the bookcases again,
I can't find the cat.") she is tweaking her church's web site.