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General Synod 1995

A collection of resources from the
1995 Canadian General Synod

Official General Synod Summary

This long file is taken from the reports on major presentations and decisions of the General Synod which was supplied daily to members and other participants. It has been reorganized by topics and is made available with a minimum of editing. Prepared by the national church office, this long document serves as an excellent guide to what happened with particular issues.

Tod Maffin's Unofficial Synod NEWSlink Reports

During General Synod, Tod Maffin (webmaster of Anglicans Online!) wrote a daily unofficial report of the sights and sounds of Synod. More than 2,000 people subscribed to the daily reports where were distributed by Internet e-mail, Anglinet, and Ecunet. They are archived here for viewing or downloading.

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Note: This is site is not formally affiliated with the Anglican Church of Canada.