___________________________________ S y n o d N E W S e x t r a monday, june 5, 1995 "preparing the way" part two ___________________________________ s u m m a r y Yesterday, you received the mission statement behind the "Preparing the Way" restructuring proposal. Today, the restructuring was approved by the General Synod. Here, then, is the complete text of the approved restructuring plan. This will be the mandate of the Anglican Church of Canada for the next three years, perhaps longer -- it is probably one of the most important documents for the church. ___________________________________ t h e p l a n A.STRENGTHEN OUR MISSION AND DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIPS OUTSIDE CANADA NATIONAL In accordance with the Anglican Communion's 10 Principles of Partnership, seek to learn from our partners and focus our resources to enable local autonomy. 1. Create stronger, mutually beneficial worldwide partnerships 2. Target specific regions overseas for priority partnership work (e.g. Tanzania) 3. Link companion dioceses to targeted regions 4. Expand Volunteers in Mission program to include an increased educational component 5. Provide funds to the extent possible 6. Facilitate networks for education, advocacy 7. Increase collaboration between committees engaged in international work (e.g. fundraising, education, networking, and advocacy) DIOCESAN AND PARISH Increase visibility and participation; support financially 1. Encourage coordinated creative work in education and fundraising for world mission and development 2. Encourage dissemination of information about world partners 3. Identify and uphold network volunteers -- seek potential volunteers in mission; seek placement for external volunteers in Canada 4. Connect ecumenically re: international work 5. Engage actively in companion dioceses relationship. ------------------------------------------------------------ B.CLARIFY ANGLICAN IDENTITY, DOCTRINE, LITURGY, AND WORSHIP NATIONAL Coordinate standards for worship, liturgy, and ministry; initiate theological dialogue and discussion provide liturgical resources; promote networks 1. Primacy promoted as focus of unity 2. Work with the House of Bishops to define doctrine when necessary 3. Develop liturgical resources, sensitive to a multicultural context 4. Facilitate consultations regarding liturgy 5. Research theological/ethical issues to share with dioceses 6. Participate in the Anglican Consultative Council; fund to the extent possible 7. Foster and facilitate collaboration among Canadian theological colleges and between the national church and the colleges 8. Journey with indigenous peoples DIOCESAN AND PARISH Engage in discussion and activity with ecumenical partners 1. Participate in theological and liturgical consultations 2. Contribute to the development of liturgical resources 3. Encourage use of liturgical resources 4. Encourage awareness of Canadian multicultural Anglican heritage ------------------------------------------------------------ C.NURTURE ECUMENICAL RELATIONSHIPS NATIONAL Engage in ecumenical discussion and activity 1. Use the Lund Principle -- work ecumenically wherever possible 2. Participate in the World Council of Churches and Canadian Council of Churches and fund to the extent possible 3. Engage in ecumenical/interfaith dialogues DIOCESAN AND PARISH Engage in discussion and activity with ecumenical partners 1. Work ecumenically wherever possible 2. Engage in local dialogue with ecumenical and interfaith participants ------------------------------------------------------------ D.ADVOCATE SOCIAL JUSTICE AND PROPHETIC MISSION WITHIN CANADA, ESPECIALLY IN INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' CONCERNS AND SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ISSUES NATIONAL Concentrate on the promotion of networks and develop discussion frameworks; develop a new relationship with indigenous peoples 1. Build, facilitate, and animate networks in partnership with dioceses 2. Initiate development of frameworks to engage people in ethical reflection 3. Participate in ecumenically-based research, advocacy, and educational activities (i.e., through restructured coalitions) 4. Guide national/diocesan relationships using partnership principles 5. Develop targeted communications to enable better informed networks (e.g. downlinks, computer networks) 6. Journey with indigenous peoples toward healing, reconciliation, and self-determination DIOCESAN AND PARISH Participate in networks; build own programs 1. Participate in networks by entering into partnership, identifying participants, encouraging information flow, mobilizing around local concerns, supporting the work financially 2. Through the networks, join in advocacy to business and government 3. Participate in relationships with indigenous peoples ------------------------------------------------------------ E.STRENGTHEN COMMITMENT OF THE WHOLE CHURCH TO DOMESTIC MISSION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH COUNCIL OF THE NORTH AND TO WORK WITH THE COUNCIL OF THE NORTH TO MOVE TOWARD SELF- SUFFICIENCY NATIONAL Coordinate transfer payments and encourage improvements in stewardship 1. Identify needs not currently being met 2. Encourage increased stewardship education in assisted dioceses 3. Continue to develop Anglican Appeal partially for the support of the Council of the North DIOCESAN AND PARISH Support work in the North through apportionment grants and the Anglican Appeal ------------------------------------------------------------ F.PROVIDE SERVICES TO DIOCESES -- INFORMATION, FINANCIAL, ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL Provide and share expertise; coordinate communication 1. Provide information and communication services (research, resources, publishing, archives) to dioceses and to the national church to support the priorities 2. Affirm The Journal's primary responsibility "...to inform Anglicans in Canada about the domestic and international work of their church..." and the rest of Sections 1-5 in the General Synod Handbook within the context of a coordinated national communications approach. The independent editorial policy continues as so defined. 3. Facilitate networks of finance officers and financial development volunteers 4. Provide expertise and availability in pensions, administrative services, financial development, and gift planning 5. Develop proposals for a coordinated national fundraising capability tailored to suit the needs of parishes, dioceses, and the national church, and focused on the priorities in this option 6. Develop a volunteer and staff resource capacity to assist dioceses in handling financial/legal/communications / personnel / property issues DIOCESAN AND PARISH Actively manage revenue; share information 1. Continue to collect money, manage gift planning programs, and contribute to apportionment and assessment budgets 2. Call on national skills and knowledge when needed 3. Participate in networks through their selected members 4. Provide news to share with the wider church 5. Increase attention to stewardship education ------------------------------------------------------------ G.ELIMINATE OTHER NATIONALLY COORDINATED DOMESTIC MISSION NATIONAL No national program support Eliminate all program development, resource production, consultation other than that required for the above (e.g. congregational development, youth ministry, stewardship education) DIOCESAN AND PARISH Develop and conduct programs as needed, e.g. congregational development, leadership training, and spiritual growth. ------------------------------------------------------------ * END OF TEXT *