Additions, Corrections and Revisions


New additions to this site:

18 November 2024: Added a PDF version of Bishop Seabury's Communion Office.
17 November:
Added a 1992 BCP in Inuinakton (an Inuit language)
14 November:
Added the US 1822 Standard Edition of the BCP
15 October:
Added the BCP in Chinsenga (Nsenga, 1921). Also added alternative Eucharistic Prayer C, Good Friday and Marriage liturgies approved at US General Convention 2024, and added links from
30 May:
Added Catalogue of an Exhibition Commemorating the 400th Anniversay of the BCP (1949)
5 April:
Added The BCP with Plain-Tune (1843).
22 March:
Added the Supplemental Report on the 1892 US Standadrd Book of Common Prayer.
21 March:
Added the 1950 Eucharist of the Church of South India.
19 March:
Added a PDF version of the 1954 BCP of the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church; also add a link to a PDF version of the 1786 Proposed US BCP.
13 March:
Added the Fifth Report leading to the US 1928 BCP.
6 March:
Added a link to a Trial Good Friday Liturgy from the US Episcopal Church.


Corrections and Revisions:

7 March 2025: Replaced liturgies approved at 2024 General Convention with official versions. Also fixed typo and added links to the 1662 Baskerville BCP.
30 January:
Fixed links in Standard Editons of the US BCP.
14 November 2024:
Fixed typos in Gibson's Standard Editions of the American Book of Common Prayer.
15 October:
Removed links to liturgies in Dinka and Nuer, which are no longer available.
30 May:
Fixed typos in the 1928 C of E Quincunque Vult, and in the 1789 & 1892 US Visitation of Prisoners (affects html file and 1871 PDF's)..


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Web author: Charles Wohlers