Additions, Corrections and Revisions


New additions to this site:

5 April 2024: Added The BCP with Plain-Tune (1843).
22 March:
Added the Supplemental Report on the 1892 US Standadrd Book of Common Prayer.
21 March:
Added the 1950 Eucharist of the Church of South India.
19 March:
Added a PDF version of the 1954 BCP of the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church; also add a link to a PDF version of the 1786 Proposed US BCP.
13 March:
Added the Fifth Report leading to the US 1928 BCP.
6 March:
Added a link to a Trial Good Friday Liturgy from the US Episcopal Church.
18 February:
Added a French 1662 BCP printed on Jersey; also an addition to the Variations in the 1662 BCP.
17 January:
Added the 1983 East Asia BCP in Chinese.
21 November 2023:
Added The Story of the Prayer Book, (1906) by C. J. Ridgeway.
18 November:
Added PDF files of the U. S. Soldiers & Sailors Prayer Book (for WW II) and the 1892 Alterations and Additions to the U. S. BCP; added links to several BCP's in Welsh.
10 November:
Added a PDF version of portions of the BCP in Esperanto; added links to 2 18th c. US BCP's; added links to several 18th c. Irish BCP's.
30 October:
Added the American Appendix to the Prayer Book of Edward VII; also added links to one Irish and several English BCP's from before 1700, all from Google Books.
28 October:
Added a 1633 Greek New Testament; also a link to the Book of Occasional Services (2022)
26 October:
Added a 1638 Greek translation of the 1559 BCP; also added links to translations into Igbo, Japanese and Khmer, from
7 October:
Added photo of Bp. Monahan to the Churchpeople's Prayer Book.
12 April:
Added English & Spanish translations of the 2015 BCP of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil; also added links to several printings of the US 1789 & 1892 BCP's.


Corrections and Revisions:

11 November 2023: Better PDF's of the 1845 Standard.
28 October:
Added the Biblical source for the 1560 Latin translation.
21 February:
Updated State Prayers of the Church of England.


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Web author: Charles Wohlers