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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
Peculiarities in the Pre-Standard of 1822.
Among the many verbal or typographical peculiarities, errors, or changes made in the original edition of 1818, and tacitly inherited by the Standard of 1822, the following may be mentioned. The rubrics, for the first time, were not printed in italics, when not in red ink, and this error was continued till corrected in the Standard of 1845. In the phrase "This is my Body—Blood," the capital "T" in "This" — of the First Book, 1790, 1791, including in it the folio and quarto partial editions, and of the Standard of 1793, with the Quarto Standard of the Ordinal, in 1793 — was changed to a small "t" entirely without authority, for this edition should have followed the Standard of 1793, and this error has never since been corrected. The Roman notation of the Psalms in the Psalter and of the days of the
Month, from the earlier Standards, was changed to the Arabic figures.
In the Order of Confirmation, in the Collect after the Lord's Prayer,
"everliving" was misprinted "everlasting," as it was
also in the Ordinal, in the Prayer for Christ's Church, but this last
error was inherited from a misprint in the Quarto Standard of the Ordination
Offices of 1793. The reading "And grant that all they who,"
of the First and Second Books, and even of the Proposed Book, in the Prayer
for Christ's Church, was changed to "all those who,"
but this change had already been made in the Quarto Standard of the Ordinal,
1793, and also in Hugh Gaine's folio complete edition of 1795. The marginal
note to that prayer was, for the first time, placed at the bottom of the
page. The old marginal note to "Holy Father," after
Sursum corda is the Office of Holy Communion, which had been
put in the body of the page in our first Standards, was also
removed to the bottom of the page. The peculiar spelling, in
the Gospel for Advent 1., of the word "cloaths," of our first
two Books, and found also in an Oxford edition of 1715, was corrected
to "clothes," after the Bible version. The correct Latin heading
to Psalm 35 in the Psalter, "Judica, Domine," of the
earlier editions, was changed to "Judica me, Domine."
In Psalm 100.1 of the Psalter, the word "ye" was inserted, "O
be ye joyful," and this was not dropped till several years after
our last Standard of 1871. In Psalm 104.11, the word "the" was
interpolated in the phrase, "All the beasts of the field."
In the Venite, both as a Canticle and as a Psalm, at the 6th
verse, a comma was inserted after "let us worship," but this
was intentionally omitted in the Standard of 1845. In Psalm 83.9, the
old form "Madianites" of the English Book and of our first American
Standards (as in Acts vii. 29, “Madian" is used) was changed
to "Midianites," but was corrected in 1892. |
These are Griffiths 1818/25 & 1818/32 |
Changes Authorised in the Standard of 1822.
The changes made
by the Committee in the edition of 1818 for the Standard of 1822 are not
many, but some of them are very important. In the Table of Fasts, "The
Season of Lent" is corrected to "The Forty Days of Lent,"
as had been suggested by Bishop White in his report to the General Convention
of 1821. The Golden Numbers in the Calendar for March and April are omitted,
but were restored again in the edition of 1831, which was afterward made
the Standard in 1832. For the first time in the history of our
American Books the word "Amen" was occasionally printed in Roman
type, when the Minister and the People, or the Minister alone, repeated
the preceding words, as after the Lord's Prayer, Confessions, Creeds,
the last Prayer for Ash-Wednesday, the formula of Baptism, the Reception
and the Signing of the Child, the Confirmation form, "Defend, O Lord,"
the Declaration pronouncing the persons" man and wife," and
the first Blessing In the Visitation of the Sick. "The Almighty Lord."
The Confirmation form in our American Books had no "Amen" at
all even in italics, until this Standard of 1822, when "Amen"
was added, and, which should be noted, was printed in Roman type. In the
Public Baptism of Infants, after the Prayer introduced by the words "let
us . . . give thanks unto him, and say," "Amen" is printed
in Roman character. In the rubric before the Absolution in the Forms of
Prayer to be used at Sea, the word Minister is changed to Priest.
In Psalm 7.5 of the Psalter, the word "yea" is inserted, to
make the Psalm correspond to the Canticle in the Evening Prayer. In Bishop
White's Report to the General Convention of 1821, on corrections in Hugh
Gaine's Prayer Book, the Standard of 1793, he mentions that the word “ought”
In the Gospel for Advent I. should be changed to "aught." From
this it appears that the spelling of the First edition of 1790 of the
word "aught" in that Gospel (which had been changed in the Standard
of 1793 to "ought"), and also in the Gospel of VI. Trinity,
was due to Bishop White. In the Standard of 1822 "naught" is
given in the Litany, as well as in Psalm 144.4, and" aught"
in both of these Gospels. This spelling is again altered-in the Litany
and Psalm, in the Standard of 1845, and in those Gospels, in the Standard
of 1871-to "ought" and "nought," that they might conform
to the spelling of the Authorised Version of Holy Scripture. Two new Cycles
for Easter, from 1824 to 1861 inclusive, prepared by Bishop White, and
printed in the General Convention Journal of 1821, are inserted in place
of the old Cycles. This was the first standard edition which,
besides the Prayer Book proper, the Psalms in Metre, and the Hymns, contained
in it The Ordination Offices, established in 1792, but at first only published
in a separate form, in the Quarto Standard of 1793; the form of Consecration
of a Church or Chapel, established in 1799, and a Prayer of Convention;
Articles of Religion, established in 1801; an Office of Institution, established
in 1804, and set forth with alterations 1808; and the thirty additional
Hymns, set forth also in 1808. |
Fourth Book, the Standard of 1832.
The Fourth Book is
a royal duodecimo stereotyped edition, published in New York, by the Protestant
Episcopal Press, in 1832, being, with a few very slight changes, from
an edition by the same in 1831, with Bishop Benjamin T. Onderdonk's certificate,
New York, August 1, 1831. This edition was made the Standard by the General
Convention of 1832, and authorised by Canon XLVI. of 1832, and Canon VI.
of 1835. The original edition of 1831 was of course supposed to conform
to the previous Standard of 1822. Its chief peculiarity was in printing,
in capital letters throughout, the sacred words, GOD,
the FATHER, the SON, the
CHRIST, and the LORD, wherever
they occur in the Prayer Book. This peculiar feature is continued in the
Standard of 1832, but it was not reproduced afterward. "Amen"
was printed in Roman type, in addition to the places given in the Standard
of 1822, after the Sanctus, the giving of the Ring in Holy Matrimony,
and the Ordination Prayer for Priests and Deacons. When it was made the
Standard, "Amen" is put in Roman character after Gloria
in Excelsis also. The Golden Numbers were restored to the Calendar
in March and April. In the prayer for Christ's Church in the Communion
Service after the forms of Ordination, "everlasting" was changed
to "everliving." In Psalm 76.2, the word "Jury," of
all the earlier Standards of the old English Prayer Books, and of the
Sealed Books, was changed to "Jewry," the spelling of the Bible,
and of the modern English Prayer Books. When it was set forth as the Standard,
in the "Comfortable Words" in the Office of Holy Communion,
the old spelling "travel" of the Sealed Books is changed to
"travail," and an error in the new Cycle for Easter, introduced
in 1821 and continued in the Standard of 1822, is corrected, "March
16" being changed to "April 16," for Easter-day, 1843.
In the Prayer of Consecration in the Holy Communion, the word "Do,"
in "Do this," was, for the first time in the American Book,
printed with a small "d." In like manner, "New Testament,"
in the same prayer, was begun with a small "n" and a small "t,"
and this is continued in the Standard of 1832, and in that of 1838, but
it was corrected in the Standard of 1845. It is interesting to know that
the original edition of this Standard was prepared in part by Bishop Whittingham,
of Maryland, when he was quite a young man, and had only recently been
admitted to Priests' Orders. In a copy of this Standard, published in
1838 and now in the Whittingham Library, Baltimore, there is written on
the fly-leaf, in Bishop Whittingham's well-known hand: "The plates
from which this edition is printed were corrected, as the copy from which
they were set up had been prepared, by J. V. Van Ingen and W. R. Whittingham."
Griffiths 1832/29 |
Changes Ordered by the General Conventions of 1832 and 1835. The House of Bishops in the General Convention of 1832 "declared" that in "the Private Baptism of Children, when a child already baptised is to be received into the congregation of Christ's flock, the Question and Answer there given, "Wilt thou be baptised in this faith? That is my desire," was "a typographical error" in previous editions, inherited from our first Book, and "should be omitted in future editions of the Prayer Book." This correction is, therefore, made, for the first time, in this Standard of 1832. The General Convention, in 1835 after due notice to the several Dioceses in 1832, ordered the Prayer at the Meetings of Convention to be removed from the end of the Form for Consecration of a Church or Chapel, and, with an additional rubric to it, to be placed after the Occasional Prayers; and in the third rubric before the Office of the Holy Communion, it ordered the word "north" to be changed to "right," and this is accordingly done in later editions of this Standard, published after the year 1835. In this Standard
of 1832, the old Tate & Brady Psalms are omitted, and in their stead
are printed the new" Psalms in Metre, selected from the Psalms of
David," which were,set forth December 27, 1832. In it are given also
the 212 Hymns, set forth in 1789, 1808, and 1826. |
Fifth Book, the Standard of 1838.
The Fifth Book is a duodecimo edition, in large clear type, one column to a page, published in Philadelphia in 1838, from corrected stereotyped plates, prepared originally in 1837 by the Female Protestant Episcopal Prayer Book Society of Pennsylvania. It is authorised in advance by Canon IX. of the General Convention of 1838, and has the following declaration on its second page:
"In pursuance of a Resolution of the General Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States of America, we, the subscribers,
a Committee appointed for the purpose, do hereby set forth this Corrected
Standard Prayer Book; being printed from the stereotyped plates of the
Female Protestant Episcopal Prayer Book Society of Philadelphia [? Pennsylvania];
and comprising the Common Prayer Book, the Articles, Offices, Psalms in
Metre selected from the Psalms of David, and Hymns.
A long and very interesting statement concerning this Standard, signed by the Committee, was made in December, 1838, and published in The Protestant Episcopalian, The Banner of the Cross, and other Church publications of that date. In this statement, the Committee say that they "have met nine times," and "have considered all the corrections reported, having also the use of a Prayer Book largely corrected by the Rev. H. M. Mason, D. D., and one by the late J. B. Wallace, Esq. Of the various corrections they have adopted, in the prose portion of the Prayer Book, . . . . more than 700 of all sorts; of which only 5 or 6 affect materially the sense, and about 36 relate to matters prescribed by the 'votes, on the subject, of the General Convention.' In the Metrical department . . . they have adopted 1016 corrections, none of which affect the sense materially; . . . The whole number of corrections is 1720; almost all referring to slight omissions or misprints, to capital, roman, or italic letters, to punctuation or figures, or other defects in the plates." A short Report was
also made by them to the General Convention of 1841, and the Committee
was thanked by that Convention, "for the faithful, laborious, and
successful manner in which the task has been performed. " |
Griffiths 1838/32 |
Pre-Standard of 1838.
The original plates
of this edition were stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia, and printed
by William Stavely, No. 12 Pear Street, Philadelphia, for the Female Prayer-Book
Society, with a certificate from Bishop H. U. Onderdonk, Philadelphia,
January 20, 1837. A singular misprint in punctuation was inherited by
us from the original plates, but is corrected in the Standard of 1892.
In the rubric before the Lord's Prayer, in Holy Matrimony, a comma was
inserted after the word "Man." |
Griffiths 1837/30 |
in the Standard of 1838.
In the corrected
Standard edition, "A. & M" after S. Simon and S. Simon and
S. Jude in the Calendar for October 28th, which had been retained heretofore
from the Proposed Book, is dropped. In Psalm 145.3, in the Psalter, the
comma between "marvellous" and "worthy" is omitted,
since, as it was stated, "marvellous" is here probably an adverb.
In the Apostles' Creed a comma is deliberately inserted after "God,"
in the first line, wherever that Creed is used, but this was omitted again
in the next Standard. In the second rubric of Churching of Women, the
word "Priest" is changed to "Minister,"
and in the Visitation of Prisoners, in the rubric before the Absolution,
the word "Minister" is changed to "Priest."
These last alterations are expressly mentioned in the Statement of the
Committee, and the last change is in accordance with a similar alteration
in the Office at Sea in the Standard of 1822, made at the recommendation
of Bishop White. In the Litany, the second bracket, which had heretofore,
from 1790, preceded "Let us Pray," is in this Standard placed
after it; but both brackets were omitted in the next Standard, as they
had before been dropped in the Quarto Standard of 1793 of the Ordination
Offices. |
Made by Order of the General Conventions of 1835 and 1838.
In consequence of
the action of the General Conventions of 1835 and 1838, an addition was
made to the rubric of A Table of Moveable Feasts, in the words: "unless
the Table gives some day in the month of March for it; for in that case,
the day given by the Table is the right day." In the General Convention
of 1838, on motion of Bishop Benjamin T. Onderdonk, of New York, It was
“Resolved — As the sense of this Convention, that after the
words used by the Bishop at the laying on of Hands in Confirmation the
word 'Amen' should be printed in the Italic character, as being properly
a response." However, it had been deliberately printed in
the Roman character in the Standard of 1822. In consequence of this later
action, in the Standard of 1838, this "Amen," for the first
time is printed in Italics. It was again printed in Roman character in
our next Standard of 1845, without an exception from the General Convention
of 1844 which authorised that Standard, and it is so printed in our present
Standard. |
Sixth Book, the Standard of 1845.
The Sixth Book is
a large octavo edition, stereotyped by H. W. Hewet, New York, and published
in New York,in 1845, by the New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society,
and by Messrs. Harper & Brother. It is certified to, on its second
page, as the Standard by the Committee of the General Convention of 1844,
and this certificate is signed by Bishops Meade, Ives, and Alfred Lee,
and by the Reverend Doctors Anthon, Wainwright, Mead, and Coit. This Standard
is authorised by Canon VII. of the General Convention of 1847. It is by
far the most carefully prepared edition of all our Standards, and for
this result the American Church is chiefly indebted to the labours of
Dr. Coit, with the assistance of Dr. Wainwright, afterward the Provisional
Bishop of New York. This Standard was prepared and corrected from sheets
of Dr. Wainwright's illustrated edition of the Prayer Book, bearing Bishop
Onderdonk's certificate, New York, December 18, 1843. As Dr. Coit's Report
to the General Convention of 1844 is reprinted in the Journal of the General
Convention of 1868, on the suggestion of the Rev. Dr. Hodges, now of Baltimore,
there will be no need to enter into the many and minute corrections in
this Standard, but those interested in the matter are referred to that
Report. The original edition of this Standard was stereotyped and printed
by H. W. Hewet in 1844, and only 250 copies printed, 200 of which were
for use of the Convention. This edition, with a few slight changes made
by the General Convention, was published in 1845 as the Standard. |
Griffiths 1843/33
Griffiths 1843/43 & 44
Ordered by the General Convention of 1844 in the Proposed Standard.
In the Proposed Standard, the Committee, in the Table of Contents, had inserted as additional headings, "The Litany," and also the titles of the Offices printed after the Psalter, thus giving XXXVI. heads of reference instead of 29 as before. To this change, the House of Bishops took exception, and after some discussion a joint resolution was passed, which was offered by Bishop Whittingham,— "That the Table of Contents of the Book of Common Prayer, having been prepared, proposed, and ratified, in the same manner as other parts of the said Book, cannot be altered in any other way than as prescribed by Art. VIII. of the Constitution.'" Under this action of the Convention, the Table of Contents was restored to its old form, and "The Litany" as a title omitted. However, notwithstanding this action in 1844, the Committee of 1868 on the Prayer Book inserted "The Litany" in the Table of Contents, and the General Convention of 1871, in the Standard adopted that year, accepted this "alteration," before proposed and rejected, without its reference to the Diocesan Conventions. A few other changes were ordered by the General Convention of 1844, in this Standard of 1845, but chiefly such as the substitution of "Selection" for "Psalm" before the number of the Psalms in Metre, and, in the title-page thereof, the putting of "Selections from the Psalms of David in Metre," for "Psalms in Metre." "Sel. 1, Sel. 2," etc., was also ordered to be printed on the outer-top margin of each page in the Selections of Psalms, uniform with "Day 1, Day 2," etc., on the outer top-margin of the Psalter. In this edition for the first time 'Lord' and 'God' used as translations of the Hebrew Jehovah are printed all in capital letters. The rubrics are again printed in italics as before the Standard of 1822, when Bruce's unauthorised change to Roman letters in 1818 was first introduced. The Titles to the Prayers are given in larger italics, and without the paragraph mark. The Collects are liturgically printed with semicolons, and with capital letters, as in the English Prayer Book. The liturgical clauses in the Confessions, the Creeds, the Lord's Prayer, and the like, begin each with a capital letter. The versicles after the Creed, and the clauses in the Lord's Prayer, are pointed with periods, instead of the semicolons which were inherited from errors in the English Books of the last century. In the first Collect after the Lord's Prayer in the Confirmation Office, "everlasting" is corrected to "everliving," as in our first editions of 1790 and 1793. In the Preface to the Prayer Book, GOD and JESUS CHRIST are in small capitals, after the Standard of 1832, and in part after the Editio Princeps. The Calendar and Introductory Tables are more clearly printed, and have leading lines to direct and assist the eye. A Note from the English Book, explaining the Golden Numbers prefixed to March and April, is added at the side of that page in the Calendar. This Note was proposed in the General Convention of 1838 for insertion in this place, but the proposition does not appear to have been consummated then, or in the next Convention. A new Cycle for Easter, from 1862 to 1880 inclusive, taken from Collingwood's English Prayer Book, is given, without its having been first proposed to the several Dioceses, as was done in 1821, and afterward in 1868. In the Nicene Creed, the comma between "One God" and "the Father Almighty" is omitted. The comma had been there in all our previous Books, as in Mark Baskett's London edition, 1765; the Oxford Quarto, 1775; and in the English Books of 1552, 1559, and 1604. The number of each
page is given at the bottom, and there are (xx.), 511 pages to
the end of the Psalter, in all 580 pages to the end of the Office of Institution.
In the Selections from the Psalms in Metre, with Hymns and Table, there
are 109 pages. An Index to the entire Book is given on a final fly-leaf.
The numbers being printed at the bottom of the page, the Days of the Month,
"DAY 1, DAY 2,"
etc., in the Psalter, are put on the outer-top margin of each page. In
our First and Second Books these were printed on both the outer and the
inner-top margin in Roman numerals, IV. DAY, VI.
DAY. In the Apostles' Creed a semicolon was placed
after 'buried' and a comma after 'hell,' following the Sealed Books. A
semicolon is put after" Sacraments," on the title-page, in imitation
of the sheets of Wainwright's Book. |
Seventh Book, the Standard of 1871.
The Seventh Book is a royal octavo edition, stereotyped and printed in England, but published in New York, in 1871, by the New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. It is printed in very large black type, and is authenticated on its second page by the Resolution of the General Convention of 1871, "Adopted in the House of Bishops, Oct. 19: A. D. 1871, and signed by B. B. SMITH, Presiding Bishop, HENRY C. POTTER, Secretary." "Adopted in the House of Deputies, Oct. 24: A. D. 1871, and signed by JAMES CRAIK, President, WILLIAM STEVENS PERRY, Secretary." This edition is printed from new stereotyped plates, which were prepared under the direction of a Joint Committee appointed by the General Convention of 1868. These plates correspond page for page, to the last Standard. The Rev. W. J. Webbe was appointed Secretary of the Committee, and in their Report to the General Convention in 1871, they express "their great obligations to their Secretary, the Rev. W. T. Webbe, for the industry with which he has discovered the numerous typographical errors; and also for his laborious comparison of the Standard of 1844 with the Sealed Book." They state further that the new plates are "substantially in conformity with the alterations suggested by the Secretary." The Committee signing the Report are Bishops Eastburn, Randall, and Gregg, and Rev. Drs. Haight and Howe. A Report was made to the Convention of 1871, under three heads. I. Typographical inaccuracies; II. List of alterations; and III. Corrigenda in the copy laid before the Convention; and this Report is printed in the Journal, to which those interested can refer. Among the "inaccuracies" corrected are the insertions of the word "the" before "Saints" in the Gospel for the Sunday next before Easter, "and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose;" and the word "also" after "they" in the Lesson at the Burial of the Dead, "As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy." In the Public Baptism of Infants, and in the Baptism of those of Riper Years, after the prayer beginning, "Almighty and Everlasting God," and introduced with the words "let us faithfully and devoutly give thanks unto him and say," the "Amen" in Roman character, though ordered by the General Convention of 1844, is considered an inaccuracy, and italics are substituted therefor. The "Amen" in Roman type was used in the Public Baptism of Infants first in the Standard of 1822, and in the Baptism of those of Riper Years first in the Standard of 1838. This "Amen" has again been changed to Roman type in the Standard of 1892. In Psalm 79.1 of the Psalter, "God," before put in lower-case type, is printed in capital letters, GOD, because the phrase, "O God," being an opening vocative clause, typography would call for this change; but in the Standard of 1892 it is again printed in (broad-faced) lower-case type, since the original word here is Elohim, and not JEHOVAH. Among the "Alterations" may be mentioned the following. In the Table of Contents, the Litany is inserted. The Amen is added after the Gloria Patri in the Morning and the Evening Prayer (as it was intended it should be in the previous Standard), and after the Anthem in the Institution Office. In the General Thanksgiving, the second “may” is stricken out, and the clause now reads "and that we show forth," as in the present English Prayer Book, and as it was originally written in the folio Book of 1636, which was corrected for the Book of 1662, and as it is in the Sealed Books, and in the Manuscript Book. The word "Whitsun-day," wherever it occurs, is so printed as to carry out the analogy of Whitsun-week, and not as in the Standard of 1845, "Whit-Sunday," or as in all the earlier Standards and the last Standard of 1892, "Whitsunday." In the Heading at the end of the Office at Sea, "the" is changed to "their" before "Dead," "At the Burial of their Dead at Sea." It is thus printed in the English Book, and in our first editions of 1790 and 1791, and the change to "the" was probably a typographical error in the Standard of 1793. An additional cycle for finding Easter for the years 1881 to 1899, inclusive, which was duly proposed in the General Convention of 1868, was adopted in 1871, and inserted in this Standard, and the cycle for the years 1843 to 1861 inclusive, was omitted, In the Gospel for the First Sunday in Advent the word "strewed," first introduced into the Standard of 1838, after the edition of 1837, is changed to "strawed," in accordance with our earlier Standards and our authorised Bible. In Psalm 135.6 of
the Psalter, the word "and" was inserted before the words "in
the sea," in imitation of the present English Prayer Books and the
Sealed Books. In our first American Book the "and" was omitted,
as in Baskett's London editions, 1765, 1766, and in the Oxford quarto,
1775, and so it continued to be wanting in all our Standards till 1871.
Dr. Coit informs us in his Report in 1844, that "the 'and' is not
in the Hebrew, Septuagint, or Vulgate." It is retained in the Standard
of 1892, although omitted in the earlier Great Bibles. |
Eighth and Last Book, the Standard of 1892.
Eighth and Last Book is essentially different from all the preceding
Standards, in that it is not a corrected edition of previous Standards,
but is a certified copy of the American Book of Common Prayer, as it has
been revised, in sundry alterations and additions, during twelve years,
by General Convention. This last Standard is not a specified edition,
but it is a particular volume, of large folio size, printed by the De
Vinne Press, of New York, on vellum, with double lines in red on the borders
of the page, and with the rubrics in red, and authenticated by the signatures
of the presiding officers and secretaries of the two Houses of General
Convention, and by the signatures of the members of the joint Committee
who were charged with the duty of preparing and submitting to the Convention
a Standard Book. |
Griffiths 1892/5; 1893/6 & 7 |
Editions of the American Prayer Book
There is given below, from Sabin's Bibliotheca Americana and other sources, a list of the early editions of the American Prayer Book up to the year 1800 : Philadelphia: Printed by Hall & Sellers, MDCCXC. 12mo, pp.—, pp. 221 (iii). The Psalms in Metre alone are paged (pp. 221), and have a separate title. Griffiths 1790/13 Philadelphia: Hall & Sellers, MDCCXCI. 12mo, pp.—, pp. 221 (iii). Griffiths 1791/18 New York: Hugh Gaine, M,DCC,XCIII. 8vo, pp.—, pp. 204 (iii) by Direction of the General Convention. Griffiths 1793/10 New York: Hugh Gaine, M,DCC,XCIII. 12mo, pp.—, pp. 74 (ii). By Direction of the General Convention. Griffiths 1793/11 New York: Hugh Gaine, M,DCC,XIV. 12mo, pp.—, pp. 171. By Direction of the General Convention. Griffiths 1794/12; also another volume similar to 1793/11: Griffiths 1794/13 Boston: Printed by Manning & Loring, for J. Thomas & E. F. Andrews, MDCCXCIV. 12mo, pp. 244 (iv). Griffiths 1794/11 Philadelphia: Printed by Hall & Sellers, MDCCXCIV. 12mo, pp.—, pp. 221 (iii). not listed by Griffiths New York: Hugh Gaine, M,DCC,XCV. Folio. Griffiths 1795/11 Philadelphia: W. Young & J. Ormrod, 1795. 12mo, pp. xxxiv, 370. By Permission of the General Convention. Griffiths 1795/12 New York: Printed for T. Allen, 1797. 12mo, pp. xxxiv, 238. Griffiths 1797/11 New York: Printed for T. Allen, 1797. Pp. 168 (ii). not listed by Griffiths New York: Hugh Gaine, 1798. 18mo, pp. 336 Griffiths 1798/9 Charleston: for W. P. Young, 1799. 12mo, pp. 326 Griffiths 1799/8 Boston: I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews. October, 1800. Pp.—, pp. 70 (ii). Griffiths 1800/11 Philadelphia: Printed by Hall & Sellers, MDCCC. 12mo, pp. xxxvi, 327. Griffiths 1800/13 New York: M. L. & W. A. Davis for E. Duykinck & T. S. Arden, 1800. 12mo Griffiths 1800/12 Wilmington: P. Brynberg, 1800. 24mo. Griffiths 1800/14 New York: Hugh Gaine, MDCCXCIII. Quarto. Ordination offices alone. See Hist. Mag., I., 158, 219, 281, 308; II., 306. To this list of Prayer Books must be added:— OCCASIONAL
OFFICES | of the | Protestant Episcopal Church.
| In the | United States of | America. | Taken from the Book of Common
Prayer. A | Catechism: |
from the | Book | of | Common Prayer | of | the Protestant Episcopal Church. An Office of Induction of 1804. An Office of Institution of 1808. |
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