Proper Psalmes and lessons on Christmas day.
At Mattins.
xix. xlv. lxxxv.
First Lesson, Isa. ix. Unto the ende.
The Second Less, Matt. 1. Unto the ende.
At the First Communion.
Domino. Psalm xcviii.
SING unto the Lorde a newe song: for he hath done maruaylous thinges.
With his owne right hande, and with his holy arme
: hath he gotten himselfe the victorye.
The Lorde declared his saluacion : his righteousnes
hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen.
He hath remembred his mercie and trueth toward the
house of Israell: and all the endes the worlde haue seene the saluacion
of our God.
Shewe youreselfes joyfull unto the Lorde all ye landes
: sing, rejoyce, and geue thankes.
Prayse the Lorde upon the Harpe : syng to the Harpe
with a Psalme of thankesgeuinge.
With trumpettes also and shawmes : O shewe youreselues
joyfull before the Lorde the kinge.
Let the sea make a noyse, and all that therein is
: the round worlde, and they that dwell therein.
Let the fluddes clap theyr handes, and let the hilles
bee joyfull together before the Lorde for he is come to judge the yearth.
With righteousnes shall he judge the worlde : and
the people with equitie.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne &c.
As it was in the begynnyng, is nowe, and euer &c.
whiche makest us glad with the yerely remembraunce of the birth of thy
onely sonne Jesus Christ; graunt that as we joyfully receiue him for
our redemer, so we may with sure confidence beholde hym, when he shall
come to be our judge, who liveth and reigneth &c.
Lessons for the first communion of Christmas Day are found only in the
1549 book. |
The Epistle. Tit. ii.
THE grace of god
that bringeth saluacion unto all men, hath appeared, and teacheth us
that we should denye ungodlines and worldly lustes, and that we shoulde
live soberlye, and ryghteously, and godlye in this present world, looking
for that blessed hope, and appering of the glory of the great god and
of our sauiour Jesu Christ, which gaue himselfe for us, to redeme us
from all unrighteousnes and to purge us a peculiar people unto himselfe,
feruently geven unto good woorkes. These thynges speake, and exhorte,
and rebuke with all feruentnes of commaundyng. See that no man despise
[Titus 2:11-15]
The Gospel. Luke ii.
AND it chaunsed
in those dayes, that there wente out a cornmaundemente from Augustus
the Emperour, that all the worlde shoulde be taxed. And this taxing
was the firste, and executed when Syrenius was lieutenaunt in Siria.
And euery man wente unto hys owne citie to bee taxed. And Joseph also
ascended from Galile, out of a citie called Nazareth into Jury [Jewry,
Judah], unto the citie of Dauid, which is called Bethleem; because
he was of the house and linage of Dauid, to be taxed wyth Mari his spoused
wyfe, which was with childe. And it fortuned that while they were there,
her tyme was come that she shoulde be deliuered. And she brought furth
her first begotten sonne, and wrapped hym in swadlyng clothes and layde
hym in a Maungier, because there was no roume for them in the Inne.
And there were in the same region shepeherdes watchyng and kepyng theyr
flocke by ngyht. And loe, the Angel of the Lorde stoode harde by them,
and the bryghtenesse of the Lorde shone rounde about them, and they
were sore aifrayd. And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid, for
behold, I bring you tidinges of great ioy, that shal come to al people:
for unto you is borne this daie in the citie of Dauid a sauiour, which
is Christ the lorde. And take this for a signe: ye shall fynde the childe
wrapped in swadlyng clothes, and layde in a maungier. And strayghtwaye
there was with the angel a multitude of heauenly souldiers, praisyng
God, and saying: Glory to God on hye, and peace on the yearth, and unto
men a good wyll.
[Luke 2:1-14] |
¶ At the Seconde Communion.
Domine, Dornenus nosier. Ps. viii.
O LORDE oure gouernour,
how excellente is thy name in al the worlde : thou that hast sette thy
glorye aboue the heauens?
Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklynges haste
thou ordeined strength, because of thyne enemies : that thou mighteste
styll the enemye and the avenger.
For I wyll consider thy heauens, euen the woorkes
of th fyngers : the Moone and the starres which thou hast ordeyned.
What is man, that thou art so mindefull of hym :
and the sonne of man, that thou visitest him?
Thou madest him lower then the angels to croune him
wyth glory and woorship.
Thou makeste hym to haue dominion of the workes of
thy handes : and thou haste put all thynges in subjeccion under his
All shepe and oxen : yea and the beastes of the field.
The foules of the ayre and the fyshes of the sea
: and whatsoeuer walketh thorowe the pathes of the seas.
Lorde our gouernoure : how excellent is thy name
in all the world.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne &c.
As it was in the begynnyng, is now, and euer &c.
The Collect.
whiche haste geuen us thy onlye begotten sonne to take our nature upon
hym, and this daye to bee borne of a pure Vyrgyn; Graunte that we beyng
regenerate, and made thy children by adoption and grace, maye dailye
be renued by thy holy spirite, through the same our Lorde Jesus Christe
who lyueth and reygneth &c.
in books after 1549, these are the only lessons given for Christmas
The Epistle Heb. i.
GOD in tymes paste
dyuerselye and manye waies spake unto the fathers by Prophetes: but
in these laste dayes, he hathe spoken to us by his owne sonne, whome
he hath made heyre of all thynges, by whome also he made the worlde.
Whiche (sonne) beeing the brightenesse of his glorye, and the very image
of his substaunce, rulying al thynges wyth the woorde of his power,
hath by his owne person pourged our synnes, and sytteth on the righte
hande of the Majestye on hygh: being so much more excellent then the
Angels, as he hath by inheritaunce obtained a more excellent name then
they. For unto which of the Angels said he at anye tyme? Thou arte my
sonne, this daye haue I begotten thee. And agayne, I wilbe his father,
and he shall bee my sonne. And agayne, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten
sonne into the worlde, he sayth: and let all the Angels of God wurship
him. And unto the Angels he sayeth, He maketh his Angels spirites, and
his ministers a flame of fyer. But unto the sonne he sayeth, thy seate
(O God) shalbe for euer and euer. The scepter of thy kingdome is a ryghte
scepter. Thou haste loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie; wherfore
God, euen thy God, hath anointed thee with oyle of gladnes aboue thy
felowes. And thou lorde in the beginning hast layde the foundacion of
the yearth; and the heauens are the woorkes of thy handes. They shall
perish, but thou endurest. But they al shal waxe old as doeth a garment,
and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them, and they shalbe chaungecl.
But thou art even the same, and thy yeares shall not fayle.
[Hebrews 1: 1-12]
The Gospel. John i.
IN the begynnyng
was the woorde, and the woorde was with God: and God was the worde.
The same was in the beginning with God. All thinges were made by it,
and without it, was made nothyng that was made. In it was life, and
the lyfe was the light of men, and the light shineth in darkenes, and
the darkenes comprehended it not. There was sente from God a manne,
whose name was John. The same came as a witnes to beare witnes of the
light, that al men through him might beleue. He was not that light,
but was sent to beare witnes of the light. That light was the true lyghte,
whiche lighteth euerye man that cometh into the worlde. He was in the
world, and the world was made by him; and the worlde knew him not. He
came among his owne, and his owne receiued him not: But as many as receiued
him, to them gaue he power to be the sonnes of god; even them that beleued
on his name, whiche were borne, not of bloud, nor of the will of the
fleshe, nor yet of the will of man; but of God. And the same worde became
fleshe, and dwelt among us; and we sawe the glory of it, as the glory
of the onely begotten sonne of the father, full of grace and trueth.
[John 1:1-14] |
¶ Proper Psalmes and lessons at Euensong.
Psal. lxxxix. cx. cxxxii.
The First Lesson, Esa. vii. "God
spake once agayne to Achas," &c. unto the ende
The Seconde Lesson, Tit. iii. "The kyndnes and
love of our, saniour," &c. unto "Foolishe questions."
[Isaiah 7:10-25]
[Titus 3:4-9] |
¶ St. Stephin's Day.
¶ At Matins.
The Seconde Lesson, Acts vi. vii.
"Stephin full of fayth and power," (unto) "And when xl
At the Communion.
gloriaris in malicia? Ps. lii.
hoastest thou thyself, thou tyraunt: that thou canst do mischiefe.
Whereas the goodnes of God : endureth yet dayly.
Thy tong [tongue]
wickednes : and with lyes thou cuttest lyke a sharp rasor.
Thou hast loved ungraciousnes more than goodnes :
and to talke of lyes more then righteousnes.
Thou hast loved to speake all woordes that may doe
hurt : O thou false tongue.
Therfore shal God destroy thee for euer : he
shall take thee, and plucke thee out of thy dwellyng, and roote thee
out of the lande of the liuing.
The righteous also shall see this, and feare, and
shall laugh him to skorne.
Loe, this is the man that toke not God for his strength
: but trusted unto the multitude of his riches, and strengthed himselfe
in his wickednes.
As for me, I am lyke a grene Oliue-tree in the house
of God my truste is in the tendre mercye of God for euer and euer.
I wyl alwaye geve thankes unto thee for that thou
hast done and I wyll hope in thy Name, for thy sainctes lyke it well.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne &c.
As it was in the begynnyng, is nowe and euer &c.
The Collect.
us, O Lorde, to learne to loue oure enemies, by the example of thy marter
saincte Stephin, who prayed to thee for hys persecutors; whiche liuest
and reignest, &c.
Then shall folowe a Collect of the Nativitie [which shalbe sayd
continually unto newe years daye]*.
[Acts 6:8-7:29]
added in 1552
The Epistle. Acts vii.
AND Stephin, beyng
ful of the holy goste, loked up stedfastly with his iyes into heauen,
and sawe the glorye of God, and Jesus standyng on the ryght hande of
God, and said: behold, I se the heauens open, and the sonne of man standyng
on the ryght hande of God. Then they gaue a shoute with a loude voice,
and stopped their eares, and ran upon him al at once, and caste him
out of the citie, and stoned him. And the witnesses laide down their
clothes at a young mannes fete, whose name was Saul. And thei stoned
Stephin, calling on and saiyng; Lorde Jesus, receyve my spirite. And
he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sinne
to theyr charge. And when he had thus spoken, he fell aslepe.
[Acts 7:55-60]
The Gospell. Matt. xxiii.
BEHOLD, I send
unto you prophetes, and wise men, and Scribes, and some of them ye shall
kyll and crucifye; and some of them shall ye scourge in youre Sinagoges,
and persecute them from citie to citie: that upon you maye come all
the righteous bloude whiche hath bene shed upon the yearth, from the
bloude of righteous Abel unto the bloud of Zacharias the sonne of Barachias,
whome ye slewe betwene the temple and the altare. Verelye I saye unto
you, All these thynges shall come upon this generacion. O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, thou that killeste the prophetes and stonest them whiche
are sent unto thee; how often would I haue gathered thy children together,
euen as the henne gathereth her chickens under her wynges, and ye would
not? Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you,
Ye shall not se me henceforth, tyll that ye say: Blessed is he that
commeth in the name of the Lord.
[Matthew 23:34-39]
The Seconde lesson at Euensong.
Acts vii. ¶ " And when forty
years were expired, there appeared unto Moses," unto "Stephin
full of the holy ghost," &c.
[Acts 7:30-60]; 1549 only
¶ Sayncte John Evangelistes
[At Matins.
¶ The Seconde Lesson, Apoc. i. unto the ende.]*
At the Communion.
Domino contido. Psalm xi.
the Lord put I my trust : how say ye then to my soule, that she shoulde
flye as a bird to the hyll?
For loe, the ungodly bend their bow, and make ready
theyr arowes in the quiver : that they maye prieuelye shote at them
whiche are trew of hearte.
For the foundacions wil be cast downe : and what
hath the righteous done?
The Lorde is in his holy temple : the Lordes seate
is in heauen.
His iyes consider the poore : and his iyelyddes trieth
the chyldren of men.
The Lord aloweth the ryghteous : but the ungodly,
and hym that delyteth in wickednesse, doeth his soule abhorre.
Upon the ungodly he shall rayne snares, fyre and
brymstone, storme and tempest : this shalbe their porcion to drinke.
For the righteous Lorde loueth righteousnes : his
counten aunce wyll beholde the thynge that is just.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne &c.
As it was in the beginnyng, is now, and ever &c.
Lorde, we beseche thee to caste thy bryght beames of lyght upon thy
Churche: that it beeyng lyghtened by the doctryne of thy blessed Apostle
and Euangelyste John may attayne to thy euerlastyng gyftes; Through
Jesus Christe our Lorde.
* 1549
only. |
The Epistle. 1 John i.
THAT whiche was
from the begynnyng, whiche we haue hearde, whiche we haue seen wyth
our iyes, whiche we haue looked upon, and oure handes haue handeled
of the woorde of lyfe. And the lyfe appeared, and we haue seen and beare
witnes, and shewe unto you that eternall lyfe, whiche was with the father,
and appered unto us. That whiche we haue seen and heard, declare we
unto you, that ye also may haue felowshyp with us, and that oure felowshyp
may be with the father and his sonne Jesus Christe. And this wryte we
unto you, that ye maye rejoyce, and that youre joy maye bee full. And
this is the tydynges whiche we haue heard of him, and declare unto you,
that God is lyght, and in him is no darkenesse at all. If we saye that
we haue felowshyppe with hym, and walke in darkenes, we lye, and do
not saye the trueth. But and yf we walke in lyght, euen as he is in
light, then haue we felowship with him, and the bloud of Jesus Christe
hys sonne clenseth us from all synne. If we saye we haue no synne, we
deceyue ourselues, and the trueth is not in us. If we knowlege our synnes,
he is faythfull and just to forgeue us our synnes, and to clense us
from all unrighteousnes. If we saye we haue not synned, we make him
a lyer, and his woorde is not in us.
[1 John 1:1-10]
The Gospell. John xxi.
JESUS sayed unto
Peter, folowe thou me. Peter turned about, and sawe the disciple whome
Jesus loued folowyng (whiche also leaned on his breast at Supper, and
sayed: Lorde, whiche is he that betraieth the) when Peter therfore sawe
hym, he sayed to Jesus: Lord what shall he here do? Jesus sayed unto
him; yf I wyll haue him to tarye tyll I come, what is that to the? Folowe
thou me. Then went this saying abroade amonge the brethren, that that
disciple should not dye. Yet Jesus sayde not to hym, he shall not dye;
but if I wyll that he tarye tyll I come, what is that to thee. The same
disciple is he whiche testifyeth of these thynges, and wrote these thinges,
and we know that his testimony is true. There are also many other thynges
whiche Jesus dyd, the whiche yf they should be wrytten euery one, I
suppose the worlde coulde not conteyne the bookes that should be wrytten.
[¶ At Evensong.
¶ The Seconde Lesson, Apoc. xxii. unto the ende.]*
[John 21:19-25]
1549 only |
¶ The Innocentes
¶ At Mattyns,
¶ The fyrste Lesson, Hiere. xxxi. unto, "Moreouer I heard Effraim."
Deus, venerunt genies. Psalm lxxix.
O GOD, the Heathen
are come into thyne inheritaunce : thy holy temple haue they defyled,
and made Jerusalem an heape of stones.
The dead bodyes of thy seruauntes haue they geuen
to bee meate unto the foules of the ayre; and the flesh of thy sainctes
unto the beastes of the lande.
Theyr bloud haue they shed lyke water on euery syde
of Jerusalem : and there was no man to bury them.
We are become an open shame to oure enemyes : a very
skorne and derysyon unto them that are rounde aboute us.
Lorde, how longe wylt thou be angry? shall thy gelousye
burne lyke fyre for euer?
Powre out thyne indignacion upon the Heathen that
haue not knowen thee : and upon the kyngdomes that haue not called upon
thy name.
For they haue deuoured Jacob : and layed waste hys
O remembre not oure olde synnes, but haue mercy upon
us and that soone : for we are come to greate myserye.
Helpe us, O God of oure saluacion, for the glory
of thy Name O delyuer us, and be mercyfull unto oure synnes, for thy
name sake.
Wherfore shall the heathen saye : where is nowe theyr
O let the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes bloud that
is shed be openly shewed upon the heathen in oure syght.
O let the sorowfull syghyng of the prisoners come
before the acordinge unto the greatnesse of thy power, preserue thou
thos that are appoynted to dye.
And as for the blasphemyc (wherewith oure neyghbours
have blasphemed thee) : rewarde thou them, O Lorde, seuen-folde into
their bosome.
So we, that be thy people, and shepe of thy pasture,
shall geue thee thankes for euer : and will alwaye be shewing forth
thy prayse from generacion to generacion.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne &c.
As it was in the begynning, is now, and euer &c.
The Collect.
whose prayse this daye the yong innocentes thy witnesses hath confessed
and shewed forth, not in speakyng but in dying; Mortifye and kyll all
vyces in us, that in oure conuersacion [=behavior]
oure lyfe maye expresse thy fayth, whiche with oure tongues we doe confesse;
through Jesus Christe oure Lord.
[Jeremiah 31:1-17]; 1549
The Epistle. Apoc. xiv.
loe, a lambe stode on the mounte Sion, and with hym an hundred and xliiii
thousande, hauyng his name and his fathers name written in their forheades.
And I heard a voice from heauen, as the sounde of many waters, and as
the voice of a great thundre. And I heard the voice of harpers harping
with their harpes. And thei song [sang]
as it were a new song before the seate, and before the iiii beastes,
and the elders, and no man coulde learne the song, but the cxliiii thousande,
whiche were redemed from the earth. These are they whiche were not defyled
wyth weomen, for they are virgins. These folowe the lambe whethersoeuer
he goeth. These were redemed from men, being the firste fruites unto
God, and to the lambe, and in their mouthes was found no guile; for
they are without spot before the throne of God.
[Revelation 14:1-5]
The Gospel. Matt. ii.
THE Angel of the
lorde appeared to Joseph in a slepe, saying: aryse, and take the childe,
and his mother, and flye into Egipt, and be thou there til I bring thee
worde. For it wil come to passe, that Herode shall seke the childe to
destroy him. So when be awoke, he tooke the chylde and his mother by
night, and departed into Egipte, and was there unto the death of Herode:
that it myghte be fulfilled whiche was spoken of the lorde by the prophete,
saying: out of Egipt haue I called my sonne. Then Herode, when he sawe
that he was mocked of the wise men, he was exceding wroth, and sent
furthe men of warre and slewe all the chyldren that were in Bethleem,
and in all the coastes, (as many as were ii yere olde and under,) according
to the time whiche he had diligently knowen out of the wise men. Then
was fulfilled that whiche was spoken by the prophete Jeremie, where
as he sayde: In Rama was there a voyce hearde, lamentacyon, weepyng,
and great mourning, Rachel weepyng for her chyldren, and woulde not
be conforted, because they were not.
[Matthew 2:13-18]
¶ The Sunday after
Christmas Day.
Levavi oculos. Psalm cxxi.
I WIL lift up
mine iyes unto the hilles: from whence cummeth my helpe.
My helpe cummeth even from the Lorde : whiche hath
made heauen and yearth.
He will not suifre thy foote to be moued : and he
that kepeth thee will not slepe.
Bebolde, he that kepeth Israell shall neyther slombre
nor slepe.
The Lorde hymselfe is thy keper : the Lorde is thy
defence upon thy ryght hande.
So that the Sunne shal not burne the by daye : neyther
the Moone by nyght.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all eivill : yea,
it is even he that shall kepe thy soule.
The Lorde shall preserue thy going out, and thy cummynge
in : from this tyme forth for evermore.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne &c.
As it was in the begynnyng, is now, and euer &c.
The Collect.
which hast geven us, &c. as upon Christmas-day.
printed at length in 1559
The Epistle. Gal. iv.
AND I saye, that
the heyre (as long as he is a child) differeth not from a seruaunt,
though he be lorde of all, but is under tutors and gouernours, until
the time that the father hath appoynted. Euen so wee also, when wee
were chyldren, were in bondage under the ordinaunces of the worlde:
But when the tyme was full come, God sente hys sonne, made of a woman,
and made bonde unto the lawe, to redeme them which were bonde unto the
lawe: that wee throughe eleccion myghte receyue the inheritaunce that
belongeth unto the naturall sonnes. Because ye are sonnes, God hathe
sente the spyryte of hys sonne into our hartes, which crieth Abba father.
Wherfore nowe, thou art not a seruaunt, but a sonne: If thou bee a sonne,
thou arte also an heyre of God throughe Christe.
[Galatians 4:1-7]
The Gospel. Matt. i.
is the booke of the generacyon of Jesus Christe, the sonne of Dauid,
the sonne of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac begat Jacob; Jacob
begat Judas and his brethren; Judas begat Phares [Perez]
and Zaram
of Thamar; Phares begat Esrom [Hezron];
Esrom begat Aram; Aram begat Aminadab; Aminadab begat Naasson; Naasson
begat Salmon; Salmon begat Boos [Boaz]
of Rahab; Boos begat Obed of Ruth; Obed begat Jesse; Jesse begat Dauid
the kyng; Dauid the king begat Salomon of her that was the wife of Urye
Salomon begat Roboam [Rehoboam];
Roboam begat Abia
[Abijah]; Abia begat Asa [Asaph];
Asa begat Josaphat [Jehoshophat];
Josaphat begat Joram; Joram begat Osias [Uzziah];
Osias begat Joathan; Joathan begat Achas [Ahaz];
Achas begat Ezechias [Hezekiah];
Ezechias begat Manasses; Manasses begat Amon [Amos];
Amon begat Josias; Josias begat Jeconias and his brethren, about the
time that they were caried awaye to Babilon. And after they were brought
to Babilon, Jeconias begat Salathiell; Salathiell begat Zorobabel [Zerubbabel];
Zorobabel begat Abiud; Abiud begat Eliachim; Eliachim begat Azor; Azor
begat Sadoc [Zadoc];
Sadoc begat Achyn; Achyn begat Eliud; Eliud begat Eliazar; Eliazar begat
Matthan; Matthan begat Jacob; Jacob begat Joseph the husbande of Marie,
of whome was borne Jesus, euen be that is called Christe. And so all
the generacions from Abraham to Dauid are xiiii generacyons. And from
Dauid unto the captiuitie of Babilon are xiiii generacions. And from
the captiuitie of Babilon unto Christ, are xiiii generacions.
The birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When
his mother Mary was maried to Joseph, (beefore they came to dwell together)
she was founde with childe by the holy goste. Then Joseph her husbande
(because he was a righteous man, and would not put her to shame) was
minded prievily to departe from her. But while he thus thought, beholde,
the Angell of the lord appeared unto hym in slepe, saying: Joseph, thou
sonne of Dauid, feare not to take unto the Mary thy wife: for that which
is conceiued in her, cummeth of the holy gost. She shall bring furth
a sonne, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall saue his people
from theyr sinnes.
All this was doone, that it mighte be fulfilled which
was spoken of the lorde by the prophet, saying: Beholde a mayde shall
bee with chylde, and shall bryng foorth a sonne, and they shall call
his name Emanuell, whiche, if a manne interprete, is as muche to saye,
as God with us. And Joseph as soone as he awoke out of slepe did as
the Angel of the lorde had bidden him: and he toke his wife unto him,
and knew her not, til she had broughte furth her firste begotten sonne,
and called his name JESUS. |
[Matthew 1:1-25]; first
paragraph (vs. 1-17) omitted after 1561. |
¶ The Circumcision
of Christ.
[At Mattins.
The Firste Lesson, Gen. xvii. unto
the ende.
The Seconde Lesson, Rom. ii. unto the ende.]*
At the Communion.
sum. Ps. cxxii.
WAS glad when they sayde unto me : We wil goe into the house of the
Our fete shall stande in thy gates : O Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is builded as a citie : that is at unitie
in itselfe.
For thither the tribes goe up, euen the tribes of
the Lorde to testifie unto Israell to geue thankes unto the Name of
the Lorde.
For there is the seate of judgement : even the seate
of the house of David.
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem : they shall prosper
that loue thee.
Peace be within thy walles, and plenteousnes within
thy palaces.
For my brethren and companions sakes : I wishe thee
Yea, because of the house of the Lorde oure God :
I wil seke to doe thee good.
Glory be to the father, &c.
As it was in the beginning, &c.
The Collect.
God, whiche madeste thy blessed sonne to be circumcised, and obedyente
to the law for man; Graunt us the true circumcision of thy spirite,
that our hertes, and al our membres, being mortifyed from al worldly
and carnal lustes, may in al thinges obey thy blessed wil; through the
same thy sonne Jesus Christ our Lorde.
1549 only |
The Epistle. Rom. iv.
BLESSED is that
man to whom the lord will not impute sinne. Came this blessednes then
upon the uncircumcision, or upon the circumcision also? for we say that
faith was rekoned to Abraham for righteousnes. How was it then rekoned?
when he was in the circumcision, or when he was in the uncircumcision?
not in the time of circumcision; but when he was yet uncircumcised.
And he receiued the signe of circumcision, as a seale of the righteousnes
of fayth, whiche he had yet being uncircumcised; that he should be the
father of al them that belieue, though they be not circumcised, that
righteousnes might be imputed to them also: and that he mighte be the
father of circumcision, not unto them only which came of the circumcised,
but unto them also that walke in the steppes of the faythe that was
in our father Abraham, before the time of circumcision. For the promise
(that he shoulde be the heyre of the worlde) happened not to Abraham,
or to his seede, through the law, but through the righteousnes of faith.
For if they which are of the law be heyres, then is faith but vayne,
and the promise of none effect.
[Romans 4:8 -14]
The Gospel. Luc. ii.
AND it fortuned,
as soone as the Angels were gone away from the shepeheardes into heauen,
they sayd one to another; let us goe now enen unto Bethleem, and se
this thing that we heare say is happened, whiche the lorde hath shewed
unto us. And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the
Babe laid in a manger. And when they had sene it, they published abrode
the saying which was tolde them of that childe. And al they that heard
it wondered at those thinges, whiche were tolde them of the shepeheardes.
But Mary kept all those sayinges, and pondered them in her hert. And
the shepeherdes returned praisyng and laudyng God, for al the thynges
that they had hearde and seene, euen as it was tolde unto them. And
when the eyght day was come that the childe should be circumcised, his
name was called JESUS, which was named of the Angel before he was conceiued
in the wombe.
[Luke 2:15-20]
At Euensong.
The First Lesson, Deut. x. "And now Israel," unto the ende.
The Seconde Lesson, Colloss. ii. unto the ende.
10:12-22]; 1549 only |
If there be a Sunday between the Epiphany and the Circumcision then
shall be used the same Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, at the Communion,
which was used upon the day of Circumcision. |
rubric was added in 1552