The fyrst Sonday in Advente.
vir. Psalm i.
is that manne that hath not walked in the counsayle of the ungodly,
nor stand in the waye of synners : and hath not sate in the seate of
the skornefull;
But his delight is in the law of the LORD : and in
his law will he exercyse himself day and night.
And he shalbe like a tree planted by the watersyde
: that will bring foorth his fruite in due season.
His leafe also shal not wither : and looke whatsoever
he doth, it shall prospere.
As for the ungodly, it is not so with them : but
they are like the chaffe whiche the wynde skatereth awaye (from the
face of the yearth).
Therefore the ungodly shall not be hable to stand
in the judgement : neyther the synners in the congregacion of the righteous.
But the LORDE knoweth the waye of the righteous:
and the waye of the ungodlye shal perishe.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne: and to
the holye hoste.
As it was in the begynnyng, is nowe, and ever shalbe
: worlde without ende. Amen.
so must every Introite be ended.
us pray.
* Found only in the 1549
Psalms are given only
in the 1549 Book. |
God, geve us grace, that we may cast awaye the workes of darknes, and
put upon us the armour of light, now in the tyme of this mortall lyfe,
(in the whiche thy sonne Jesus Christe came to visite us in great humilitie;)
that in the last daye when he shal come again in his glorious majestye
to judge bothe the quicke and the dead, we maye ryse to the lyfe immortal,
through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy ghoste now
and ever. Amen.
The Epistle. Rom. xiii.
OWE nothing to
any man but this, that ye love one another. For he that loveth another,
fulfilleth the law. For these commaundementes Thou shalt not commit
adultry: Thou shalt not kyll Thou shalte not steale: Thou shalte beare
no false witnes: Thou shalt not luste: and so forth (if there be any
other commaundemente) it is al comprehended in this saiyng, namely,
Love thy neighbor as thyself. Love hurteth not his neyghbor; therfore
is love the fulfillyng of the law. This also, we know the season, how
that it is tyme that we should now awake out of slepe: for nowe is our
salvacion nerer, then when we beleved. The nyght is passed, the day
is come nye; let us therfore caste awaie the dedes of darkenes, and
let us put on the armour of lyght. Let us walke honestlye, as it were
in the day lyght; not in eating and drinking, neither in chambouryng
[=debauchery] and wantonnes, neither in
stryfe nor enviyng: but put ye on the lord Jesus Christe. And make not
provision for the fleshe, to fulfill the lustes of it.
verse numbers (rather than just chapter numbers) were added in 1604.
[Romans 13:8-14] |
The Gospell. Matt. xxi.
AND when they
drew nigh to Jerusalem, and were com to Bethphage, unto Mount Olivet,
then sente Jesus two [of his]* disciples, saying unto them: Goe into
the towne that lyeth over agaynst you, and anone ye shall fynde an Asse
bound, and a Colte with her: looce them and bryng them unto me. And
if any man say ought unto you, say ye, the lord hath neede of them;
and straightway he wil let them goe. All this was done that it myghte
bee fulfilled, whiche was spoken by the Prophete, saying: Tell ye the
daughter of Sion, behold, thy kyng cummeth unto thee, meke, sitting
upon an Asse, and a colt, the fole of the Asse used to the yoke. The
disciples went and did as Jesus commaunded them; and brought the Asse,
and the Colte, and put on them theyr clothes, and set him theron. And
many of the people spred theyr garmentes in the waye. Other cut downe
braunches From the trees, and strawed [strew]
them in the way. Moreover the people that wente beefore, and they that
came after, cryed saying; Hosanna to the sonne of David; Blessed
is he that cummeth in the name of the lorde, Hosanna in the higheste.
And when he was come to Jerusalem all the citie was moved, saying: who
is this? And the people sayde, this is Jesus the Prophete of Nazareth
a citie of Galile. And Jesus went into the temple of god, and cast out
al them that solde and boughte in the temple, and overthrew the tables
of money-chaungers, and the seates of them that solde doves, and said
unto them, It is written; My house shall be called the house of prayer,
but ye have made it denne of theves. |
* added 1552.
The second sunday.
Ad Dominum cum tribularer. Psalm cxx.
WHEN I was in
trouble I called upon the Lorde: and he heard me.
Delyver my soule (o Lorde) from lyinge lippes, and
from deceiptfull tongue.
What reward shal be geven unto thee, thou false tong?
even mightie and sharpe arrowes, with hote burnyng coles.
Woe is me, that I am constrained to dwel with Mesech
: and to have mine habitacion among the tentes of Cedar.
My soule hath long dwelt among them : that be enemies
unto peace.
I labour for peace, but when I speake unto them thereof
: they make them to battayl.
Glory be to the father, &c.
As it was in the begynnyng, &c.
The Collect.
which hast caused all holy Scriptures to bee written for our learnyng;
graunte us that we maye in suche wise heare them, read, marke, learne,
and inwardly digeste them; that by pacience, and coumfort of thy holy
woorde, we may embrace, and ever holde fast the blessed hope of everlasting
life, which thou hast geven us in our saviour Jesus Christe.
added at the end of this and each subsequent collect in the 1559 edition
only |
The Epistle. Rom. xv.
are written aforetime, they are written for our learning, that we through
pacience, and comfort of the scriptures, might have hope. The God of
pacience and consolation graunt you to be like-minded one toward another,
after the ensaumple [example]
of Christ Jesu: that ye all agreeyng together, may with one mouth prayse
God the father of our lorde Jesus Christ: wherfore receive ye one another
as Christ received us, to the prayse of God. And thys I say, that Jesus
Christe is a minister of the circumcision for the trueth of God, to
confirme the promises made unto the fathers, and that the Gentiles might
praise God for his mercie, as it is written. For this cause I will praise
thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. And agayne he sayeth:
rejoyce ye Gentiles with hys people. And againe; praise the Lorde, all
ye Gentyles, and laude hym all ye nacyons together. And againe Esai
sayeth: there shall be the rote of Jesse, and he that shall ryse to
reigne over the Gentiles: in him shal the Gentiles trust. The God of
hope fyll you with all joy and peace in belevyng, that ye may be riche
in hope, through the power of the holy gost.
[Romans 15:4-13]
The Gospell. Luke xxi.
THERE shalbe signes
in the Sunne, and in the Moone, and in the starres; and in the earth
the people shalbe at their wittes ende, through despayre. The sea and
the water shall roare, and mens heartes shall fayle them for feare,
and for loking after those thinges which shall come on the earth. For
the powers of heaven shall move. And then shall they see the sonne of
man come in a cloude, with power and great glorye. When these thynges
begynne to come to passe, then loke up, and lyft up your heades, for
your redempcion draweth nye. And he shewed them a similytude [parable]: beholde the fygge-tree, and all other trees,
when they shote furth their buddes, ye see and knowe of your owne selves
that sommer is then nye at hande. So lykewyse ye also (when ye see these
thinges come to passe) be sure that the kyngdome of God is nye. Verely
I saye unto you: this generacion shall not passe, tyll all be fulfylled:
Heaven and earth shall passe: but my worde shall not passe. |
[Luke 21:25-33]
¶ The thirde sonday [in
Cum invoca rem. Psalm iv.
HEARE me when
I call, o God of my ryghteousnes : thou hast set me at libertie when
I was in trouble; have mercy upon me, and herken unto my prayer.
O ye sonnes of menne, howe long will ye blaspheme
myne honor? and have such pleasure in vanitie, and seke after easing?
Know this also, that the Lord hath chosen to himselfe
the manne that is godly : when I call upon the Lord, he will heare me.
Stande in awe, and synne not : common
[commune] with your owne hearte, and in youre chambre, and be
Offer the sacrifice of righteousnes : and put your
trust in the Lorde.
There be many that will saye: who wyll shewe us any
Lorde lift thou up: the light of thy countenaunce
upon us.
Thou hast put gladnes in mine heart : sence the tyme
that their corne and wyne, (and oyle) increased.
I will lay me downe in peace, and take my rest :
for it is thou, Lorde, onely, that makest me to dwell in safetie.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, &c.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever &c.
* added in late 1500's |
The Collect.
LORD, we beseche
thee, geve eare to our prayers, and by thy gracious visitacion lighten
the darkenes of our hearte, by our Lorde Jesus Christe.
Epistle. 1 Cor. iv.
a man this wise esteme us, even as the ministers of Christ and stewardes
of the secretes of God. Furthermore, it is required of the stewardes,
that a man be founde faithfull: with me it is but a very small thing
that I should be judged of you, eyther of mannes judgement: no I judge
not mine owne selfe, for I know nought by myselfe, yet am I not therby
justified. It is the Lorde that judgeth me. Therfore judge nothing before
the tyme, untyll the Lorde come, whiche wyll lighten thynges that are
hydde in darkenesse, and open the counsayles of the heartes and then
shall every manne have prayse of God.
[1 Cor. 4:1-5]
Gospel. Matt. xi.
John beeyng in pryson hearde the workes of Christe he sente two of his
disciples, and sayed unto hym; Art thou he that shall come? or doe we
looke for another? Jesus aunswered and sayd unto them: Goe and shewe
John agayrne what ye have hearde and seen: The blynde receive their
sight, the lame walke, the Lepers are clensed, and the deafe heare,
the dead aryse up, and the poore receyve the gladde tydinges of the
gospel, and happy is he that is not offended by me. And as they departed,
Jesus began to say unto the people concernyng John; What went ye out
into the wildernes to see? A rede that is shaken with the wynde? Or
what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft rayment? behold,
they that weare soft clothing, are in kinges houses. But what went ye
out for to see? A prophete? verely I saye unto you, and more then a
Prophete. For this is he of whom it is wrytten, beholde, I sende my
messenger before thy face, whiche shall prepare thy waye before thee.
[Matthew 11: 2-10]
¶ The fourth sonday [in
Verba mea auribus. Psalm v.
my woordes, O Lorde : considre my meditacion.
O herken thou unto the voyce of my calling, my kyng, and
my God : for unto thee wyll I make my prayer.
My voyce shalt thou heare betymes, o Lorde : early
in the morning will I directe my prayer unto thee, and will looke up.
For thou art the God that hath no pleasure in wickednes
: neither shall anye evill dwell with the.
Suche as be foolishe shalle not stande in thy sight
: for thou hatest all them that worke vanitie.
Thou shalt destroy them that speake leasing [=lies]
: the Lord
will abhorre both the bloud-thirstie and deceiptfull man.
But as for me, I will come into thy house, even upon
the multitude of thy mercy : and in thy feare I wyl wurship towarde
thy holy temple.
Leade me (o Lorde) in thy righteousnes, because of
myne enemyes : make thy waye playne before my face.
For there is no faythfulnes in his mouthe : their
inwarde partes are very wickednes.
Their throte is an open sepulchre : they flatter
with their tongue.
Destroy thou them, O God; let them peryshe through
their owne imaginacions : cast them out in the multitude of their ungodlines;
for they have rebelled agaynst thee.
And let all them that put their trust in thee rejoyce
: they shall ever be gevyng of thankes, because thou defendest them;
they that love thy name shalbe joyfull in thee.
For thou, Lord, wilt geve thy blessyng unto the righteous
and with thy favorable kyndnes wylt thou defende him as his shelde.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, &c.
As it was in the begynnyng, is now, and ever &c.
added in late 1500's |
The Collect.
LORDE rayse up
(we pray the) thy power, and come among us, and with great might succour
us; that whereas, through our synnes and wickednes, we be soore lette
and hindred, thy bountifull grace and mercye, through the satisfaccion
of thy sonne our Lord, may spedily deliver us; to whom with thee and
the holy gost be honor and glory, worlde without ende.
The Epistle. Philipp. iv.
REJOYCE in the
Lord alway, and againe I saye, rejoyce. Let your softnes be knowen unto
all men: the Lord is even at hand. Be careful for nothing: but in all
praier and supplicacion let your peticions be manifest unto God, with
gevyng of thankes. And the peace of God (whiche passeth all understandyng)
kepe your heartes and myndes through Christe Jesu.
[Phil. 4:4-7] |
The Gospell. John i.
THIS is the recorde
of John, when the Jewes sent priestes and Levites from Jerusalem to
aske him; what art thou? and he confessed, and denied not, and sayd
playnly: I am not Christ. And they asked him, what then? art thou Helyas
[Elijah]? and he sayeth: I am
not. Art thou that Prophete? and he aunswered, no. Then sayed they unto
him; what art thou? that we may geve an aunswer unto them that sent
us? what sayest thou of thy selfe? he said: I am the voyce of a cryer
in the wildernes, make straight the way of the lorde, as said the prophete
Esai [Isaiah]. And they whiche
were sente were of the Phariseis, and they asked hym, and sayde unto
hym, why baptisest thou then, if thou be not Christe, nor Helyas [Elijah],
neither that prophet? John aunswered them, saying: I baptise with water:
but there standeth one among you, whome ye know not: he it is which
though he came after me, was before me, whose shooe-latchet, I am not
woorthie to unlooce. These thinges were doen at Bethabara [Bethany]
beyond Jordane, where John did baptise. |
[John 1:19-28]