The Book of Common Prayer
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    The Book of Common Prayer for Scotland (1637)


  Here followeth the Letany to be
used after the third Collect at morning prayer,
called the Collect for grace, upon Sundayes, Wednesdayes, and Fridayes, and at other times, when it shall be commanded by the Ordinarie, and without omission of any part of the other daily service of the Church on those dayes.


O GOD the Father of heaven : have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Father of heaven : have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Sonne Redeemer of the world : have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Sonne Redeemer of the world : have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Sonne : have mercie upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Sonne : have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, three persons and one God : have mercie upon us miserable sinners.
    O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, three persons and one God : have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    Remember not, Lord, our offenses, nor the offenses of our forefathers, neither take thou vengeance of our sins : spare us good Lord, spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious bloud, and be not angry with us for ever.
Spare us good Lord.
    From all evil and mischief, from sin, from the crafts and assaults of the devil, from thy wrath, and from everlasting damnation.
Good Lord deliver us.
    From all blindnesse of heart, from pride, vain-glory, and hypocrisie, from envie, hatred and malice, and all uncharitablenesse.
Good Lord deliver us.
    From fornication and all other deadly sinne, and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Good Lord deliver us.
    From lightning and tempest, from plague, pestilence, and famine, from battell and murder, and from sudden death.
Good Lord deliver us.
    From all sedition and privie conspiracy, from all false doctrine and heresie, from hardnesse of heart, and contempt of thy Word and Commandement.
Good Lord deliver us.
    By the mystery of thy holy Incarnation, by thy holy Nativitie and Circumcision, by thy Baptisme, Fasting, and Temptation.
Good Lord deliver us.
    By thine agonie and bloudy sweat, by thy Crosse and Passion, by thy precious Death and Buriall, by thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension, and by the coming of the holy Ghost.
Good Lord deliver us.
    In all time of our adversitie, in all time of our prosperitie, in all time of tribulation, in the hour of death, and in the day of judgment.
Good Lord deliver us.
    We sinners do beseech thee to heare us, (O Lord God) and that it may please thee to rule and governe thy holy Catholike Church universally in the right way.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to keep and strengthen in the true worshipping of thee, in righteousnesse and holinesse of life thy servant CHARLES our most gracious King and governour.

We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to rule his heart in thy faith, fear, and love, and that he may evermore have affiance in thee, and ever seek thy honor and glory.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to be his defender and keeper, giving him the victory over all his enemies.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to blesse and preserve our gracious Queen Mary, Prince Charles, and the rest of the Royall issue.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.

      That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops, Presbyters, and Ministers of the Church, with true knowledge and understanding of thy Word, and that both by their preaching and living, they may set it forth and shew it accordingly.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to endue the Lords of the Counsell, and all the Nobility, with grace, wisedome, and understanding.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to blesse and keep the Magistrates, giving them grace to execute Justice, and to maintaine truth.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to blesse and keep all thy people.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to give to all nations, unitie, peace, and concord.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to give us an heart to love and dread thee, and diligently to live after thy Commandements.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to give all thy people increase of grace, to hear meekly thy Word, and to receive it with pure affection, and to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to bring into the way of truth, all such as have erred and are deceived.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to strengthen such as do stand, and to comfort and help the weak hearted, and to raise them up that fall, and finally to beat down Satan under our feet.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to succour, help, and comfort all that be in danger, necessity, and tribulation.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to preserve all that travell by land or by water, all women labouring of childe, all sick persons and young children, and to shew thy pitie upon all prisoners and captives.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to defend and provide for the fatherlesse children and widows, and all that be desolate and oppressed.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to have mercy upon all men.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to forgive our enemies, persecutours, and slanderers, and to turn their hearts.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth, so as in due time we may enjoy them.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    That it may please thee to give us true repentance, to forgive us all our sinnes, negligences, and ignorances, and to endue us with the grace of thy holy Spirit, to amend our lives according to thy holy Word.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.
    Sonne of God : we beseech thee to hear us.
Sonne of God : we beseech thee to hear us.
    O Lambe of God, that takest away the sins of the world:
Grant us thy peace.
    O Lambe of God, that takest away the sinnes of the world:
Have mercy upon us.
    O Christ hear us.
O Christ hear us.
    Lord have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.
    Christ have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
    Lord have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.

OUr Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdome come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespasse against us. And leade us not into temptation : but deliver us from evil. Amen.
O Lord deal not with us after our sinnes.
Neither reward us after our iniquities.


¶ Let us pray.

O GOD mercifull Father, that despisest not the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the desire of such as be sorrowful: Mercifully assist our prayers that we make before thee, in all our troubles and adversities, whensoever they oppresse us : and graciously hear us, that those evils, which the craft and subtilty of the devil or man worketh against us be brought to nought, and by the providence of thy goodness they may be dispersed, that we thy servants being hurt by no persecutions, may evermore give thanks unto thee in thy holy Church; through Jesu Christ our Lord.
    O Lord arise, help us, and deliver us, for thy Names sake.

O God, we have heard with our eares, and our fathers have declared unto us, the noble works that thou didst in their dayes, and in the old time before them.
    O Lord arise, help us, and deliver us, for thine honour.

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Sonne : and to the holy Ghost.
    As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

From our enemies defend us, O Christ.
    Graciously looke upon our afflictions.
Pitifully behold the sorrows of our heart.
    Mercifully forgive the sinnes of thy people.
Favorably with mercy heare our prayers.
    O Sonne of David have mercy upon us.
Both now and ever vouchsafe to heare us, O Christ.
    Graciously heare us, O Christ, graciously heare us,
        O Lord Christ.

O Lord let thy mercy be showed upon us.
As we do put our trust in thee.

¶ Let us pray.

WEe humbly beseech thee, O Father, mercifully to look upon our infirmities; and for the glory of thy name's sake, turn from us all those evils that we most justly have deserved : and grant that in all our troubles wee may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercy, and evermore serve thee in holinesse and purenesse of living, to thy honour and glory; through our onely Mediatour and Advocate, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


A Prayer for the King's Majesty

O LORD our heavenly father, high and mighty King of kings, Lord of lords, the only ruler of Princes, which doest from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth, most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold our most gracious Soveraigne Lord King Charles, and so replenish him with the grace of thy holy Spirit, that he may allway incline to thy will, and walk in thy way : indue him plenteously with heavenly gifts; grant him in health and wealth long to live; strength him that he may vanquish and overcome all his enemies; and finally after this life, he may attaine everlasting joy and felicity, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


A prayer for the Queene, Prince Charles, and the rest of the Royall progeny

ALmighty God, the fountain of all goodnesse, we humbly beseech thee to blesse our gracious Queene Mary, Prince Charles, with the rest of the Royall progeny : endue them with thy holy Spirit, enrich them thy heavenly grace, prosper them with all happinesse, and bring them to thine everlasting kingdome, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  A Prayer for the holy Clergie

ALmighty and everlasting GOD, who onely workest great and marvellous things, send down upon our Bishops, Presbyters and Curates, and all Congregations committed to their charge, the healthfull Spirit of thy grace; and that they may truly please thee, poure upon them the continuall dew of thy blessing : Grant this, O Lord, for the honour of our Advocate and Mediatour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

A Prayer to be said in the Ember weeks for those which are then to be admitted into holy Orders : and is to be read every day of the week, beginning on the Sunday before the day of Ordination.

ALmighty God, the giver of all good gifts, who of thy divine providence hast appointed divers Orders in thy Church, give thy grace, we humbly beseech thee, to all those which are called to any office and administration in the same : and so replenish them with the truth of thy doctrine and innocency of life, that they may faithfully serve before thee, to the glory of thy great Name, and the benefit of thy holy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer of Chrysostome.

ALmighty God, which hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplications unto thee, and doest promise that when two or three be gathered together in thy Name, thou wilt grant their requests : fulfill now, O Lord, the desires and petitions of us thy servants as may be most expedient for us, granting us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. Amen.

   2 Corinth. 13. 13

THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the holy Ghost, be with us all ever more. Amen.

For raine, if the time require.

O God, heavenly Father, whose gift is that the raine doth fall, and the earth is fruitfull, beasts increase, and fishes do multiply: Send us we beseech thee in this our necessitie, such moderate raine and showres, that we may receive the fruits of the earth to our comfort, and to thy honour; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  ¶ For faire Weather.

O LORD GOD which for the sinne of man didst once drown all the world, except eight persons, and afterward of thy great mercy didst promise never to destroy it so again : We humbly beseech thee, that although we for our iniquities have worthily deserved this plague of raine and waters, yet upon our true repentance, thou wilt send us such weather whereby we may receive the fruits of the earth in due season, and learn both by thy punishment to amend our lives, and for thy clemency to give thee praise and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  ¶ In the Time of Dearth and Famine

O GOD heavenly Father, which by thy Sonne Jesus Christ hast promised to all them that seek thy kingdome, and thy righteousnesse, all things necessary to their bodily substenance : Behold we beseech thee, the afflictions of thy people, and grant that the scarcitie and dearth (which we do now most justly suffer for our iniquitie) may through thy goodnesse be mercifully turned into cheapnesse and plentie; for the love of Jesu Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen.


In the time of Warre.

O ALmighty GOD, King of all kings, and governor of all things, whose power no creature is able to resist, to whom it belongeth justly to punish sinners, and to be mercifull unto them that truly repent : save and deliver us, we humbly beseech thee, from the hands of our enemies, abate their pride, asswage their malice, and defeat their devices, that we, being armed with thy defence, may bee preserved evermore from all perils, to glorifie thee, which art the onely giver of all victorie; through the merits of thy onely Sonne Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  ¶ In the time of any common plague or sickness

O ALmighty GOD, which in thy wrath in the time of King David didst slay with the plague of pestilence threescore and ten thousand, and yet remembering thy mercy didst save the rest: Have pitie upon us miserable sinners, that now are visited with great sicknesse and mortalitie, that like as thou didst then command thine Angel to cease from punishing : so it may now please thee to withdraw from us this plague and grievous sicknesse,; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

O GOD, whose nature and propertie is ever to have mercy, and to forgive, receive our humble petitions: and though we be tied and bound with the chaine of our sinnes: yet let the pitifulnesse of thy great mercie loose us, for Jesus Christ his sake our Mediator and Advocate. Amen.


A thankesgiving for raine.

O GOD our heavenly Father, who by thy gracious providence dost cause the former and the latter raine to descend upon the earth, that it may bring forth fruit for the use of man : we give thee humble thanks, that it hath pleased thee, in our greatest necessitie, to send us at the last a joyfull raine upon thine inheritance, and to refresh it when it was dry, to the great comfort of us thy unworthy servants, and to the glory of thy holy Name; through thy mercies in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A thankesgiving for faire Weather.

O LORD GOD, who hast justly humbled us by thy punishment of immoderate raine and waters, and in thy mercy hast relieved and comforted our soules by this seasonable and blessed change of weather : We praise and glorify thy holy Name for this thy mercie, and will always declare thy loving kindnesse from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A thankesgiving for plentie.

O Most merciful Father, which of thy gracious goodnesse hast heard the devout prayers of thy Church, and turned our dearth and scarcitie into cheapnesse and plentie : We give thee humble thanks for this thy speciall bounty; beseeching thee to continue this thy loving kindnesse unto us, that our land may yeeld us her fruits of increase, to thy glory and our comfort; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A thankesgiving for peace and victory.

O Almighty GOD, which art a strong Tower of defence unto thy servants against the face of their enemies : We yield thee praise and thankesgiving for our deliverance from those great and apparent dangers wherewith we were compassed : Wee acknowledge it thy goodnesse that wee were not delivered over as a prey unto them; beseeching thee still to continue such thy mercies towards us, that all the world may know that thou art our Saviour and mighty deliverer; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A thanksgiving for deliverance from the plague.

O LORD GOD, which hast wounded us for our sinnes, and consumed us for our transgressions, by thy late heavy and dreadful visitation, and now in the midst of judgement remembering mercie, hast redeemed our souls from the jawes of death : Wee offer unto thy Fatherly goodness our selves, our souls and bodies, which thou hast delivered, to be a living sacrifice unto thee, allwayes praising and magnifying thy mercies in the midst of thy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Or this.

WE humbly acknowledge before thee, (O most mercifull Father) that all the punishments which are threatened in thy law might justly have fallen upon us, by reason of our manifold transgressions and hardnesse of heart : yet seeing it hath pleased thee of thy tender mercie, upon our weak and unworthy humiliation, to asswage the noisome pestilence wherewith we lately have been sore afflicted, and to restore the voice of joy and health into our dwellings : We offer unto thy divine Majesty the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, lauding and magnifying thy glorious Name for such thy preservation and providence over us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



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