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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
Office of Preparation for the Holy EucharistAll kneeling, the Minister shall say: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen. Judica Me Deus (Psalm 43) Give sentence, O God ..... , and my God. M. I will go unto the altar of God. M. Hear the commandments that God gave to his people, as they are written in the twentieth chapter of the Book of Exodus: M. Hear also what our Lord Jesus Christ saith. (St. Matthew 22, 37-40.) |
The Lusitanian Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church (Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica) in Portugal is a member church of the Anglican Communion. It was formed in 1880, and its first Prayer Book in Portuguese was published in 1884. The church’s current liturgy was published in 1991. This document is an English translation of the original Portuguese (which unfortunately we do not have). One will note that it has been put into traditional language. This is likely because the translator believed that traditional language was the appropriate way liturgy should be rendered in English, but it also could be an attempt to maintain Portuguese pronoun and verb forms in English. |
Thanks are due to Riuchard Mammana, who transcribed the text. | |
Then shall be said by all, the following confession: Almighty God, we have sinned against thee and against our neighbour; Have mercy upon us; forgive us our sins; deliver us from them, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. If a Presbyter be present, he may add: May the merciful Lord grant unto you absolution and remission of your sins and amendment of life by the grace of the Holy Spirit. M. Quicken us again, O Lord. M. Let us pray. O God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no secret are hid: cleanse ... Amen. or this Take away from us, O Lord, our iniquities and the spirit of pride which thou hatest; fill us with the spirit of thy fear, and give us a contrite and humble heart which thou dost not despise, that we may enter into the Holy of Holies with pure souls: through Jesus Christ, our Lord. or this O God, who by the blood of thy beloved Son hast provided a new and living way, which bringeth us unto thy presence: grant us a complete faith in thy mercy and sanctify us with thy heavenly grace, that we, coming unto thee with a pure heart and sinless conscience, may adore thee in spirit and in truth, for the glory of thy name: through Jesus Christ, our Lord. After one of these collects, may be said the prayer proper to the time. |
DURING ADVENT O GOD, who through companies of angels hast deigned to announce the Advent of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and hast caused the angels to proclaim glory to God on high and in earth peace towards men of good will: grant us that we may spend our days in this world in such a way that in the second advent of the Son, we may rejoice before him: through thy mercy, O God, who art blessed and livest and rulest all, world without end. Amen. UPON CHRISTMAS DAY AND UNTIL THE EPIPHANY Almighty God, light of the faithful, governor of all souls, who hast caused thine only begotten Son to be born of the Blessed Virgin Mary: grant also that the day of judgment may be for us, who joyfully celebrate his birthday, a day of mercy; and that, as we know him to be benign as a redeemer, we may know him also merciful as judge: through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. UPON THE EPIPHANY AND UNTIL SEPTUAGESIMA O most merciful God, who hast given us thy Son to illuminate men: fill the world with thy glory; show forth yet more of thy glory to the nations which know thee; grant that there may come on thy Church a blessing which preserving and sanctifying her, may guide them that serve thee and open the door of Heaven unto all them that wait to enter there: through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. UPON SEPTUAGESIMA AND UNTIL ASH WEDNESDAY O Christ, our God, who lovest what is true, and bringest to the light what is hidden, and hast deigned to be born of thy Virgin Mother to save the world: grant that thy truth may sanctify us; cleanse us from our iniquities and give us a hearty desire to call upon thee; for thy mercy, O God, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest and rulest all, ever one God, world without end. Amen. UPON ASH WEDNESDAY AND UNTIL PASSION SUNDAY O Lord God, have mercy upon us and grant that thy people, abhorring day by day that which displeaseth thee, may be filled more and more with the love of thy commandments, so that they, helped by thy comfort in this mortal life, may reach the complete joy of everlasting blessing; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. UPON PASSION SUNDAY AND UNTIL EASTER SUNDAY Jesus, our God, who offered thine other cheek unto them that smote thee, and for our sake suffered shame and death: teach us by the example of thy passion to bear thy soft yoke and to be, as thou art, meek and humble of heart, so that we may obtain rest for our souls: through thy mercy, Our Saviour, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost art blessed and livest and rulest all, world without end. Amen. UPON EASTER SUNDAY AND UNTIL ASCENSION DAY O Christ: we know that thou hast died, not for thine own sins but for ours and that thou livest now for God: grant us then, that we, dying unto sin and living unto righteousness, may, in the Resurrection, be crowned with everlasting joy, and this we ask for thy mercy, O gracious Saviour, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost art blessed and livest and rulest all, ever one God, world without end. Amen. UPON ASCENSION DAY AND UNTIL WHITSUNDAY Hear us, O merciful God, and grant by thy loving-kindness that our hearts may be lifted up whither our Redeemer ascended, so that in his new Advent we may receive the salvation that we seek: through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. UPON WHITSUNDAY AND UNTIL HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY O God, we beseech thee that the power of thy Holy Spirit may be with us to sanctify our hearts, to enlighten our minds to guide us in all truth, to help us in our weaknesses, and to teach us how to pray as we ought: through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. UPON HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY AND UNTIL ADVENT O God, who art the fountain of life, and in whose light we see the light, stretch out the right hand of thine omnipotence and pour thy blessing upon us. Sanctify our bodies and souls, lead our feet into the ways of righteousness, that we may always walk according to thy will and may, after a blessed death, sing endless praises unto thee, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, three Persons and One God, who art blessed and livest and rulest all, world without end. Amen. or this: O God, wipe out by thy mercy, our iniquities: give us a contrite and humble heart and fill us with thy grace, that we, strengthened by the Father, redeemed by the Son and sanctified by the Spirit, may finally be partakers of the heritage of thy saints, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. This Office shall be used as a preparation by Ministers and People for the celebration of Holy Communion. When one of the Daily Offices (or the Litany) has been said immediately before the Holy Eucharist, it shall suffice to use one of the Collects of this Office. This Office may be said in the aisle of the church, or at the prayer desk, or before the chancel, by the celebrant or by any other clergyman or by a lay reader.
MINISTRY OF THE WORD The people sitting, there shall be read by the celebrant, or by another clergyman or by a lay reader, the lesson of the Old Testament (unless the Daily Office has been said immediately before the Eucharist) and then the Epistle. The lessons shall be announced, respectively: “The lesson of the Old Testament is written in the Book of …, chapter, … verse … and following;” “The lesson of the Epistle is from the Blessed Apostle Saint ... , to the …, chapter … , verse … and following.” And, the reading ended, he that reads shall say, respectively: “Here endeth the lesson of the Old Testament;” “Here endeth the lesson of the Epistle.” Both after the lesson of the Old Testament and after the lesson of the Epistle, there may be sung a hymn or an anthem or a proper psalm, which may also be said by the celebrant. Then shall be read the Gospel by the celebrant, or by another presbyter or by a deacon, all standing. He that reads shall say before: “The Holy Gospel is according to Saint …, chapter …, verse …” The people shall answer the announcement, saying or singing: Glory be to thee, O Lord. And, the reading ended: Praise be to thee, O Lord. A hymn may be sung, and the sermon follows here. The celebrant, by the Holy Table, shall say: Brethren, let us proclaim the faith once delivered to the saints. All stand and then shall be said or sung the NICENE CREED: We believe in one God … Amen. |
MINISTRY OF INTERCESSION The celebrant, so that all may kneel, shall say: Brethren, let us pray. The celebrant may mention here requests he may have for prayers and then shall say: M. Let us remember in our prayers the Holy Universal Church and let us remember all our brethren that the Lord, in his mercy, may succour them in their needs. M. We beseech thee to give grace to all Bishops, Priests and Deacons, especially to thy servant N., our Bishop, that they may both by their life and doctrine set forth thy true Word and duly administer thy Holy Sacraments. M. We beseech thee to bless those thy servants who, in their several conditions and vocations, are labouring for the edification of thy Church and the extension of thy kingdom. M. We beseech thee to lead all nations into the way of righteousness and peace, and especially our country, and so to direct the rulers that all thy children may enjoy freedom and comfort, according to thy will. M. We beseech thee, of thy infinite goodness, to comfort and succour all them who in this transitory life are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, danger of life, or any other adversity (especially those for whom our prayers are desired). M. We remember before thee all thy servants who preceded us in the faith and now rest in the Lord. M. And we bless thy holy name for all thy servants (particularly …) who have been chosen vessels of thy grace and lights of the world in their generation; and we pray that, rejoicing in their fellowship and following their good examples, we may be partakers with them of thy heavenly kingdom. |
MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION The celebrant shall then say: Ye that do earnestly and humbly repent you of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbours, and intend to lead a new life, according to the commandments of God, and walking from henceforth in his holy ways, draw near with faith, and take this holy sacrament to your comfort, making beforehand a full confession to Almighty God. The celebrant and all those that are minded to receive the Holy Communion shall make the following general confession, meekly kneeling: Almighty God, Father …. Amen. Then shall the celebrant, or the Bishop of the Diocese if he be present in the chancel, stand up and pronounce the absolution: Almighty God … Amen. Then shall he say: Lord Jesus Christ, thou art the true peace and concord, vouchsafe to give us peace in this holy hour. Amen. or this: O God, who art the everlasting peace and as a loving gift givest it to us, and hast taught that the peaceful are thy children: pour such a sweet gift into our souls, that everything that bringeth discord may be dissipated for ever, and everything that promoteth peace may be loved by us ever more; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The celebrant shall make the following salutation: The grace of God the Father Almighty, the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with you evermore. All standing up, there may be said or sung the following anthem: Jesus said: My Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. |
OFFERTORY M. The Lord be with you. M. Let us present our offerings unto the Lord with reverence and holy fear. Then shall the Offertory begin, one or more of the following sentences being said while the churchwardens, or other persons appointed by the celebrant, shall receive the alms of the people: 1. Exodus, 25, 2. 2. Deut. 16, 16-17. 3. Psalm 96,8. 4. Prov. 3, 9-10. 5. St. Matt. 5, 16. 6. St. Matt. 6, 19-20. 7. St. Matt. 7, 12. 8. St. Matt. 7, 21. 9. St. Mark, 12, 41-44. 10. 1 Cor. 9, 7. 11. 1 Cor. 9, 11. 12. 1 Cor. 9, 13-14. 16. 1 Tim. 6, 6-7. 17. 1 Tim. 6, 17-19. 18. Heb. 6, 10. 19. Heb. 13, 16. 20. 1 St. John, 3, 17. 21. Prov. 19, 17. 22. Psalm 41,1. During the Offertory, after the sentence, there may be sung a hymn or anthem. The deacon shall uncover the paten and the cup and shall place them upon the Holy Table, if it has not been necessary to place them there before the beginning of the celebration. The alms of the people having been received, they shall be taken, together with the bread and wine unto the celebrant, who shall present and place reverently upon the Lord’s Table both the alms and the bread and wine whilst the following anythem is said or sung by all: Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and the power, the glory and the majesty, for thine is all that is in the heaven and in the earth. All things come from thee, O Lord, and what we have given, from thine hand have we received it. The deacon shall place in the paten and in the cup, respectively, so much bread and wine as he shall think sufficient. The celebrant then shall say, all standing: Almighty God, we humbly beseech thee to accept the alms of thy people, which, for the honour of thy name, with free will and joyful heart, we offer unto thee. And here, O Lord our God, we offer and present our bodies and souls, to be a reasonable, holy and living sacrifice unto thee. Receive us, Lord; and may we be received by thee in Christ as an acceptable offering, through the same Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. The deacon may carry to the credence table, the alms and also the bread and the wine which it is not considered necessary to consecrate. |
CONSECRATION The celebrant shall say and the people shall answer: M. The Lord be with you. Here shall follow the proper preface, according to the time. DURING ADVENT. Because Jesus Christ, thy Son, taking upon himself our nature, did come into the world to redeem it, and shall return in the consummation of the centuries to judge both the quick and the dead; and to reward all them that trust in him. Therefore … UPON CHRISTMAS DAY AND UNTIL THE EPIPHANY AND UPON THE FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION. Because thou hast shown thy charity unto us by sending thine only-begotten Son into the world, who by the operation of the Holy Ghost was made very man and, without spot of sin, made us clean from all iniquity. Therefore … UPON THE EPIPHANY AND UNTIL SEPTUAGESIMA AND UPON THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION. Through Jesus Christ our Lord; who in the likeness of our mortal flesh, manifested forth his glory, that he might bring us out of darkness into his own marvelous light. Therefore … UPON SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY AND UNTIL LENT. Because Jesus Christ thy Son came as the last Adam, to give life, by his obedience, to them to whom the transgression of the first had given death. Therefore… UPON ASH WEDNESDAY AND UNTIL PASSION SUNDAY. Because in Jesus Christ thy Son thou callest us to repentance and renunciation, that we may live no more for ourselves but for him that died and rose again for us. Therefore… UPON PASSION SUNDAY AND UNTIL HOLY WEEK. Because Christ suffered for us leaving us his example, that we should follow in his steps. He did not sin, neither was guile found in his mouth; and when he was reviled, reviled not again, and when he suffered, threatened not, but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously. Therefore … DURING HOLY WEEK (EXCEPT THURSDAY). Because thy Son Jesus Christ, the righteous, died upon the cross for the unrighteous, that by his death, he might overcome death and open the Kingdom of Heaven unto all the faithful. Therefore… UPON HOLY THURSDAY. Through Jesus Christ thy Son, who, by his great love, did institute the Communion of his Body and Blood, that we might set forth his death until his coming again. Therefore… UPON EASTER SUNDAY AND THIRTEEN DAYS AFTERWARDS. But chiefly in commemorating as we do now, the Resurrection of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord; for He is the very Paschal Lamb, which was sacrificed for us, and hath taken away the sins of the world; who by his death hath destroyed death, and by his Resurrection hath restored to us everlasting life. Therefore... UPON ASCENSION DAY AND UNTIL WHIT SUNDAY. Because Jesus Christ, thy Son, after his Resurrection, ascended up to thy right hand to intercede for us and to prepare a place for us, that where he is, we may be also, in the everlasting glory. Therefore… UPON THE SUNDAY OF HOLY TRINITY AND UNTIL THE ADVENT. Who, with thine only-begotten Son and the Holy Ghost, art one God and one Lord; not one Person only but three Persons in one Substance; for all that which we believe of the glory of the Father, the same we believe of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, without any difference or inequality. Therefore… UPON THE FEASTS OF SAINTS EXCEPT IN THE OCTAVES OF CHRISTMAS AND ASCENSION. Who, in the multitude of thy Saints, has compassed us about with so great a cloud of witnesses, that we, comforted by their communion, may run with patience the race that is set before us and that together with them, we may all receive the incorruptible crown of glory. Therefore… UPON THE FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. Because thy blessed Son Jesus Christ, born of woman, born under the Law, was this day presented in the Temple and revealed to thy servants to be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of thy people Israel. Therefore… UPON EMBER DAYS OR FOR AN ORDINATION OR FOR THE CONSECRATION OF A BISHOP. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, the High Shepherd of the sheep; who, that his flock might be fed and guided, hath appointed divers Orders of Ministers in His Church. Therefore… UPON THE FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. Who, though the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee, and thy glory is in all the world, dost deign to hallow earthly houses offered to thy name and in them dost pour blessings of thy grace upon thy faithful people. Therefore… UPON A CELEBRATION IN MEMORIAM: Through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whom thou hast granted us the hope of a happy resurrection; since for thy faithful people life changeth, but endeth not, for when this our earthly tabernacle is destroyed, we shall receive from God an everlasting house in heaven. Therefore… Then shall the celebrant continue: Therefore, with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name, ever more praising thee and saying: Then shall be said or sung by all: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts; heaven and earth are full of thy glory; glory be to thee, O Lord most high. Amen. All kneeling, the celebrant, standing, shall say: Glory and thanksgiving be rendered unto thee, O Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth, who by thy great love didst send thy Son, that he, taking upon himself our human nature, might effect our redemption. |
(1) He takes the paten. (2) He lays his hand upon all the bread. (3) He takes the cup. (4) He lays his hand upon all vessels in which there is any wine to be consecrated. |
Wherefore, O heavenly Father, we thy humble servants, according to the commandment of thy beloved Son, do wish to proclaim his death until his coming again, remembering his blessed passion, precious death, mighty resurrection and glorious ascension, and render unto thee most hearty thanks for the innumerable benefits which he hath procured unto us. And all the people shall say or sing: AMEN. The celebrant shall say: Let us pray. As our Divine Saviour hath taught and commanded us, we presume to say: And the celebrant together with the people shall say or sing: Our Father … for ever and ever. Amen. |
FRACTION After some moments of silence, the celebrant shall break the bread saying: Christ, our Paschal Lamb, hath been sacrificed once only for us upon the cross; wherefore let us keep this holy and joyous feast, not with the old leaven of corruption and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of truth and purity. The following anthem may be said or sung, alternately, by the celebrant and the people: Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world. Have mercy upon us. |
COMMUNION The celebrant, kneeling, shall say, alone or together with the people, the Prayer of Humble Access: O merciful Father: we are not even worthy to be called thy children and to come into thy presence, but we presume to approach thy Table, trusting in thy mercy: sick, unto the doctor of life; blind, unto the everlasting light; poor, unto the Lord of heaven and earth; sheep, unto the Shepherd; forsaken, unto the loving Comforter; unrighteous, unto the Justificator; and we beseech thee that by thy infinite goodness, thou mayest vouchsafe to heal our weakness, lighten our blindness, enrich our poverty, lead us back into the sheepfold, comfort our sorrows, forgive the sinners and give relief to the heavy-laden, that we may always glorify thee in body and spirit, who art the Lord of all; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. or this: We do not presume to come to this thy Table … Amen. Then shall the celebrant first receive the Communion in both kinds himself, and then proceed to deliver the same to the bishops, priests and deacons, in like manner (if any be present) and after that to the people, also in order, putting the elements into the hands of those who wish to communicate, all devotedly kneeling. In giving the bread to each one, he shall say: The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ … Amen. And the minister that delivereth the cup to any one shall say: The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ … Amen. Before the Communion of the people, the following anthem may be sung by all or said by the celebrant alternately with the people: O taste and see how gracious the Lord is. A hymn may be sung, before, while or after the Elements are distributed. If the consecrated Bread and Wine be spent before all have communicated, the celebrant is to consecrate more, according to the form prescribed above, beginning at “Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the same night ….” ending with the words “Jesus Christ our Saviour.” When all have communicated, the celebrant shall place reverently upon the Lord’s Table what remaineth of the consecrated Elements, covering the same with a cloth. |
AFTER COMMUNION Then shall the celebrant say: M. The Lord be with you. Having now partaken of this holy Communion, let us give thanks unto the Lord, saying: The people kneeling shall say with the celebrant the following thanksgiving: Almighty and everliving God: we thank thee for that thou hast vouchsafed to feed with the spiritual food of the Body and Blood of thy Son, those who have duly been partakers of these holy mysteries; and didst assure us thereby of thy goodness towards us, and that we are very members of the mystical Body of thy Son. We most humbly beseech thee, that, assisted by thy grace, we may remain in thee, and do all such good works as thou hast prepared for us to walk in: through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and thy Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. The celebrant may also say the second collect of the day and any other prayers from this book. The deacon, or the celebrant if there be no deacon, shall say: Let us depart in peace. The celebrant or the Bishop of the Diocese being present in the chancel shall let the people depart with this blessing: The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: And the Blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen. or this: In unity with the Holy Ghost, may the Father and the Son bless you. Amen. |
GENERAL RUBRICS 1. The Lord’s Table shall stand in the Chancel, separated from the wall, or against it when the circumstances impose this. 2. At the time of Communion, the cloth which covereth the alter shall be of white linen, spotlessly clean. 3. Concerning the frequency of the celebration of the Eucharist, nothing is prescribed, that being left to the prudence and zeal of the ministers, who are however reminded that in the Primitive Church it was celebrated every Sunday. 4. The celebration of the Eucharist should be announced during the Services on the previous Sunday. 5. It is not convenient to celebrate the Lord’s Supper if there are not at least two of the faithful to communicate with the celebrant. 6. If the minister knows that a person who leads an open and notoriously evil life, or one who has done any wrong to his neighbours, intends to come to the Holy Communion, he shall tell him, privately, that on no account shall be presume to communicate until he has given clear proofs that he has truly repented and amended his former life. 7. The bread and wine for the Communion shall be provided by the Churchwardens of the parish. 8. To take away all occasion of dissension and superstition, which any person might have concerning the bread and wine, it shall suffice that the bread be such as is usual to be eaten; but of the best and purest wheaten bread that conveniently may be gotten. 9. Any communicant who wishes it, may receive the Sacrament in both kinds simultaneously, by intinction, according to the use to be administered by the Ordinary. And when the Sacrament is to be administered in this manner, it shall suffice that the minister say “The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which were given for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life. Amen.” 10. When the celebrant thinks it convenient, the first part only of the form of words used to distribute the Elements may be said. 11. In case that any of the bread and wine which were consecrated remain, the celebrant and other of the communicants he may then call unto him, shall, immediately after the blessing, reverently eat and drink the same. If the celebrant thinks it convenient, he may consume what remaineth of the consecrated elements, immediately after the communion of the faithful. 12. The Divine Service ended, the money given at the Offertory shall be disposed of to such pious and charitable uses as the minister and the churchwardens shall think fit; wherein if they disagree, it shall be disposed of as the Ordinary shall appoint. The Introits as prescribed for Sundays and for Christmas and Ascension Days, may be said, respectively, during the week and in the seven days after, if in this book nothing is said to the contrary. |
EXHORTATION TO PREPARATION FOR THE HOLY EUCHARIST The minister shall exhort the faithful frequently, that they participate regularly in the Holy Eucharist, stressing the need for careful preparation. At the least on the Sunday before Advent, Quinquagesima, the Sunday after Ascension Day, and the last Sunday of September, when notice is given of the next Eucharistic celebration, there shall be read the following: DEARLY beloved in the Lord, ye that mind to come to the holy Communion of the Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ, must consider how Saint Paul exhorteth all persons diligently to try and examine themselves, before they presume to eat of that Bread, and drink of that Cup. For as the benefit is great, if with a true penitent heart and lively faith we receive that holy Sacrament; (for then we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ, and drink his blood; then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us; we are one with Christ, and Christ with us;) so is the danger great, if we receive the same unworthily. For then we are guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ our Saviour; we eat and drink our own damnation, not considering the Lord's Body; we kindle God's wrath against us; we provoke him to plague us with divers diseases, and sundry kinds of death. Judge therefore yourselves, brethren, that ye be not judged of the Lord; repent you truly for your sins past; have a lively and stedfast faith in Christ our Saviour; amend your lives, and be in perfect charity with all men; so shall ye be meet partakers of those holy Mysteries. The Minister shall endeavour, by all means in his power, to guide the faithful in the way of making their examination of conscience, advising them in the use of the Penitential Office or any other appropriate method. If any one, with his conscience troubled, comes to his parish priest or any other presbyter, to talk openly with him, he shall prudently advise him and shall try to show him, by the Word of God, that He forgiveth all them that repent from their sins and confess them unto God and decide to abandon them. In the case of wrong done to a neighbour, he shall insist on the need for reparation when this is possible. If the presbyter thinks it fitting, he may let him depart as follows: O God, who by thy great mercy so forgivest the sins of them that truly repent, that never more dost thou remember them: open the treasures of thy grace unto this thy servant; charge him not with his old sins and strengthen him with thy Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. He may also add: Our Lord Jesus Christ, who left unto his Church the power to forgive all sinners who truly repent and believe in Him, pardon by his great mercy thy transgressions. And I by the authority committed to me, proclaim unto thee, forgiveness of thy sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Every minister is obliged under the risk of grievous sanction, to keep as the most absolute secret with regard to everything confided in him in the exercise of his pastoral “munus,” a secret which in no case and for no reason may be broken. |
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