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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
ROGATION PROCESSION Note: Clergy may arrange a procession on Easter 5, or on one of the Rogation Days, to different parts of the parish or station. The following prayers may be used where they are suitable. These
prayers could be used also on other occasions at other times of the
year if desired (e.g. among the intercessions at Evening Prayer) |
IN CHURCH In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Let us pray: Lord, have mercy on us Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your
will be done, on earth as in heaven. Almighty God, the Giver of all that is good, you promise to hear the prayers of those who ask in your Son’s Name. We pray that in your mercy you will supply all our needs, so that daily we may offer our lives to your praise and glory, through the same your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Let us go out in peace (Hymns may be sung at each place) 1. IN THE VILLAGE OR TOWN God, you have brought us together in this place to learn your will and to be your family. We ask you to bless us with your Holy Spirit that we may live and work for you and for each other. Help us to live together in love and joy and peace. Make us strong to bear all trouble that may come to us, that we may know and do your will in all things. Draw us near to you in our prayers, and give us happiness in our feasts and dances and games. Give us hearts of praise and thanksgiving for all your goodness and mercy; and help us to remember people who are poor, starving, sick or homeless. Finish in us all good work which you have begun, that we may spread your rule in all the world to the honour and glory of your Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 2. AT THE HOUSES a) Father, we ask you to keep this place from all evil, that all who live together here, may believe in you, work for you, share your love and come to your home in heaven, where you live and rule with the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever, b) God, our Father, we thank you for our homes and our families. We ask you to supply all our spiritual and material needs. Let your holy angels watch over us to protect us against all evil. Fill us with your goodness; keep us in your peace; and may the joy of your presence always be with us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 3. AT THE GARDENS Almighty God, you have blessed the ground to give plenty of food for the life of man, bless, we pray you our works in the gardens, and on our farms, and give us good weather that we may gather in our crops and food, joyfully thanking you for your goodness and praising your holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 4. AMONG THE ANIMALS Father, the maker of the world, we thank you for all your creatures. We ask you to bless our cattle, our pigs and poultry, which you have given to feed your people. Teach us to care for them properly and to treat them with kindness and mercy. Help us to give thanks to you for your goodness. We ask this in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 5. AT THE WORKSHOPS Lord God, your Son Jesus Christ helped his guardian father, Joseph, in his carpenter’s shop at Nazareth, for you have given skills of body and mind to all men. Bless, we pray, the work of your people in garages, workshops and factories. Help them to develop their skills and to use them for your glory and the good of your people: through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. 6. AT THE STORES OR SHOPS Heavenly Father, the God of justice and love, you have given your people all good things. Bless those who work in the stores, shops and businesses of this nation that they may trade their goods fairly and honestly. Make us all to be good stewards of our money and property so that we do not sell, buy or spend selfishly and greedily. Help us to share with each other, and always to remember those in the world who are in need of food, shelter and clothing. Inspire us to give ourselves joyfully in your service without counting the cost, so that your kingdom of love and peace may spread in all the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 7. AT OFFICES Eternal Father, you have given to your world order and time, seasons and days, and you have sent your Son into the world to be the servant of mankind. Guide with your Holy Spirit those who work in offices. Direct their thoughts and their planning that they may do their work well for your glory and as the servants of your people, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who is the same yesterday, today and for ever. 8. AT THE CLASSROOMS Heavenly Father, we pray you to bless all who teach or learn in our schools and colleges, that they may set your will always before them and come to know your truth. May they make your church strong, and may our nation be better because of them. May they belong to you for ever and daily grow in your Holy Spirit more and more till they come to your home in heaven, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 9. AT THE HOSPITAL OR HEALTH CENTRE Almighty Father, Giver of life and health, look kindly, we pray you on those who are sick or in pain (especially ..... ) that by your blessing on them and on those who care for them, they may become well again in body and mind and give thanks to you in your holy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 10. AT THE SPORTS’ FIELD God our Father, you have made men and women in your own likeness, and you have given them skills of body and mind. Bless all who meet on the sports’ fields of our nation that they may use their skills fairly and humbly. Teach them by your Holy Spirit to control their tempers and to build up the character of our nation. Give them happiness in recreation that they may gladly continue to serve you through Jesus Christ our Lord. 11. AT CLUBS, HOTELS AND PLACES OF ENTERTAINMENT Father, you are the Creator and Redeemer of all men. You have made us to live with each other as your children. You have given us ways and means by which we may enjoy each other’s friendship. Bless the places where people meet each other. Guide the intentions, words and actions of all who come here. Help them to resist the temptations of gluttony and lust, and give them the joy of purity and love. Teach them to use their skills and arts only for your glory and the happiness of your people. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. 12. AT THE BEACH Almighty God, you have made the sea and all that lives in it; keep, we pray you, our sailors and fisherman in ships and canoes that they may do their work safely in all the dangers of the sea. Protect from harm those who come to the beach for enjoyment. Bless the waters that they may give us food, that we may praise and thank you, the lord of the sea and the dry land, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 13. AT THE AIRSTRIP God our Maker, we thank you for giving men the skill to invent and do many good things in your world. Bless all who build, maintain and fly aircraft. Help the pilots to make wise decisions. Teach the engineers and mechanics to be thorough in their work. Make calm in your Presence all who travel. Protect them from danger, and fill them with your heavenly grace that they may be with your Son Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen. 14. AT THE ROAD Father, your Son Jesus Christ travelled on the roads and pathways of Palestine, we ask you to bless all who travel or work on the roads and pathways of this country that they may remember that you are with them always. Teach the drivers of vehicles to go carefully, and help all who use the same roads to remember and respect each other, so that in safety they may come to your everlasting kingdom, through the same your Son Jesus Christ who is “the way, the truth and the life”, and who lives and rules with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. 15. AT GOVERNMENT OR COUNCIL OFFICES Almighty God, from you all goodness comes, we humbly pray you to bless our Rulers and Leaders. Teach them to seek daily their wisdom from you, that they may rule over us with justice and love, and order all things in peace to the glory of your holy Name and the good of all your people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 16. AT THE CEMETERY Almighty and everlasting God, the God of the spirits of all men, we pray you to give to those who rest in Jesus the blessings of your love, that the good work which you began in them may come to its true end in the day of Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God for ever. The Procession returns to the church. One or more of the following general prayers may be used. 17. THANKSGIVING FOR THE HARVEST Merciful Father, of your goodness you hear the prayers of your Church, and have let us gather in the fruits of the earth; we give you humble thanks for these your gifts. May we use them rightly for our own good, and for the help of those who are in need; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 18. FOR THE CHURCH IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA Almighty God, for you the nations wait, send down your blessing on the Church of this nation of Papua New Guinea, on the bishops, priests and deacons, on all who serve on the parish and diocesan councils, on the brothers and sisters of religious communities, on the evangelists, the lay preachers and readers, on those who translate the Scriptures into the languages of our people, on the doctors and nurses and all workers with the sick, on the teachers and the students in colleges and schools, on the crews of our ships, aircraft and motor vehicles, on those who work in our offices, workshops, training and community centres, and on all who proclaim the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. Guide them, Lord, in all difficult times, keep them safe in all dangers, strengthen them in all troubles, and give them such trust in you that they may serve you without fear. Lord of the harvest, send out more workers into your garden, guide by your Holy Spirit those who are fit for this work, that they may be willing to offer themselves to serve you, and by you be helped to glorify your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. PRAYER OF ST. CHRYSOSTOM Almighty God, you have given us grace at this time to ask with one mind for those things needed by us all, and promise that when two or three are gathered together in your Name you will give what they ask. Give us now Lord what your servants long for and ask, as may be best for us, that in this world we may know your truth and in the world to come have everlasting life. 2 Cor. 13 v 14 The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit be with us all for ever.
BLESSING OF HOLY WATER In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Let us pray Almighty and everlasting God, you have created salt for the use of man, we ask you to bless this salt and grant that wherever it is sprinkled and whatever is touched by it may be set free from all impurity and the attacks of Satan; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty God you chose water for the sacrament of baptism. We ask you to bless this water so that like the water of baptism it may drive out all evil and uncleanness. May those places which are sprinkled by it be set free from all evil and the enemy be put to flight, so that your people may live and work there in peace. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Now the salt is put into the water in the form of a cross. The priest says: May this mixture of salt and water be made, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Lord be with you Let us pray God you destroy the power of Satan. We ask you to take and bless this
mixture of salt and water. Make it holy, so that wherever your people
sprinkle it and call on your Name. they may be kept safe from the attacks
of Satan, and the Holy Spirit may be with them in every place: through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
NOTES ON SOME DIOCESAN CUSTOMS PREPARATION OF SERVICE Care should be taken to see that services are well prepared beforehand. Readers, servers, and people presenting the offerings of bread, wine and money, should be chosen. Lessons should be found and prepared by the readers. Music should be chosen and practised by singers and instrumentalists. The altar and credence table should be ready in good time. Preachers must prepare their sermons. Cleaners should see that the building, furniture and garden are in good order. Altar linen and vessels should be kept as clean as possible. Books should be given out and kept in good shape. The Celebrant should see that everything is ready and is prepared himself for leading the People of God in the worship of God. Services should begin at the appointed times, neither early nor late, especially in the towns and in institutions. Between services churches and chapels should be kept clean and tidy at all times. Books should be put tidily in their proper places. Candles should be trimmed with a knife. If the church has the Reserved Sacrament there should be a lamp burning at all times of the day. Dead flowers should be thrown out. Old notices should be removed. Sacristies should also be kept clean, tidy and in good order. Vestments, altar linen, and as many other things as possible, should be kept in cupboards, drawers or boxes. Old books, which have many pages missing, and old service sheets and notice papers no longer required, should be thrown out. The priest is responsible for seeing that all this is done with the assistance of the sacristans and other helpers. A tidy well-ordered sacristy is a great help for having well ordered worship in a clean tidy church. All this should be done for the GLORY OF GOD. |
Notes |
LITURGICAL SEASONS ADVENT—colour, purple. Flowers are not used. CHRISTMAS—colour, white or gold. A crib may be set up and blessed. EPIPHANY—colour, white—until the Baptism of our Lord, January 13th. Green is used from January 13 until the pre-Lent Sundays. PRE-LENT—colour, purple or green. LENT—Blessing of ashes on Ash Wednesday. They are made by burning palm crosses left over from the previous Palm Sunday. Colour, purple. Flowers are not used. PASSION SUNDAY until GOOD FRIDAY (LENT 5) — colour remains purple. Altar crosses and other crosses may be veiled in purple. Veils remain until Good Friday. White veils may be used on Maundy Thursday and black on Good Friday. No flowers except at the Maundy Thursday Eucharist. PALM SUNDAY — Red stoles and cope are used for the blessing of the palms and the procession in honour of Christ the King, colour, purple for the Eucharist. Branches and other palm decorations are removed from the church before Evensong. MAUNDY THURSDAY — colour, white for the Eucharist. After the Eucharist the altar is stripped. The priest removes his chasuble and stole which are taken to the sacristy by a server. The priest removes all the coverings from the altar handing them to a server. Candle sticks are removed and only the veiled cross remains. Psalm 22 is said by a reader or others while this is being done. The altar may be washed with a mixture of wine and water before the celebrant and servers go out. At the end all leave in silence. No hymns. GOOD FRIDAY — The altar cross is veiled in black or purple. No altar frontal. No altar cloths or candles. No flowers. The veils are removed from the crosses at the Showing of the Cross in the Good Friday Liturgy. HOLY SATURDAY — Altar completely bare. No cross or candles until the Vigil service. Before the Vigil service the church will be decorated and prepared for celebrating the Resurrection of Christ. If the Easter (Paschal) Candle is blessed before Evensong the colour is purple. But if there is a special service later the colour is white. EASTER — colour, white or gold. ROGATION — colour, white on the Sunday (Easter 5) Purple on the weekdays. There may be a Rogationtide Procession. ASCENSION — colour white or gold PENTECOST (Whitsun) — colour, red. There may be a procession before the Eucharist. The Veni Creator, or another hymn to the Holy Spirit, may be sung at the end of the procession and before the Eucharist. All kneeling. TRINITY SUNDAY — colour, white or gold. After Trinity Sunday the colour is green. SAINTS DAYS The colour is red for the Apostles and Martyrs; and white for St. Mary and other saints. CORPUS CHRISTI, PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS, TRANSFIGURATION, HOLY NAME OF JESUS, CHRIST THE KING, ALL SAINTS — The colour is white or gold. HOLY CROSS — colour, red REQUIEMS — colour, black or white MARRIAGES — colour, white ORDINATIONS—colour, white EMBER DAYS: Advent — colour, purple VOTIVE MASSES— Holy Spirit: colour, red |
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