The Book of Common Prayer | |||||||
CHAPTER XVI SCANDINAVIAN TRANSLATIONS “In the year 1808 the Society [S.P.C.K] defrayed
the charge of an edition of 2250 Danish Prayer and Psalm Books, for the
use of the
Danish prisoners [1] and other indigent persons of that nation
in Great Britain, and grants were about that time frequently made for
procuring Swedish and Finnish Bibles and Prayer Books for the use of
seamen in the British service, and others. These books were consigned
to the care of the pastor and elders of the Swedish Church in London.”
— ALLEN and MCCLURE, p. 206. |
not listed by Griffiths; may not have actually been printed [1] A good description of the war between England and Denmark, instigated by Napoleon I, may be found in Canton, A History of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Vol. I, pp. 166-168. |
The Swedish and Finnish Prayer Books referred to here were not translations of the Liturgy of the Church of England, as might easily be conjectured from this rather vague statement. Correspondence with the Right Rev. Gershom Mott Williams, D.D., Bishop of Marquette, Michigan, the Rev. John Gottfried Hammarsköld, of Yonkers, N.Y., and other Swedish clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, has proved that there exists no translation into Swedish of any part of the English Prayer Book[2]. Undoubtedly the same privilege has been granted to Swedish clergymen in the Church of England which heretofore has been given to those in the American Church, viz., the use of the Prayer Book of the Church of Sweden, so akin in its liturgical character to the English Prayer Book[3]. Danish translations of the English Liturgy were used in the Episcopal
services on the Danish islands of St. Croix and St. Thomas, where the Church
of England was very strong. Also among the Danish settlements at New Denmark,
New Brunswick, Canada, where many immigrants — Lutherans — under
the leadership of the Rev. Niels Mark Hansen, were admitted in 1876, at
their own request, into the Church of England. |
[2] Letters of Mr. Hammarsköld, March 13. 1912, and April 4, 1913 ; of Bishop Williams, March 29. 1912; also letter from the Rev. Professor Olof A. Toffteen, Ph.D., of Chicago, Ill. [3] See, especially, John Wordsworth, Bishop of Salisbury (1843-1912), The National Church of Sweden. The Hale Lectures, 1910. delivered in St. James’ Church, Chicago, 24-29 October, 1910. London, 1911.
In 1849 the S.P.C.K. published at Kjøbenhavn:
Liturgie eller den Almindelig Bønnebog og Sacramenternes Administration,
og andte Kirkens Skikke og Ceremonier overeens stemmende med den Forenede
Engelske og Irlandske Kirkes Brug, etc ... 433 pages, 8vo. The translation
was made by Thorleifur Gudmundsson Repp (1794-1857) of Copennhagen. He
lived in Scotland from 1821-37, mostly in Edinburgh, as one of the librarians
of the Advocate’s Library. He then returned to Copenhagen, and there
engaged in literary work during the remainder of his life. In 1860 another
edition was published, revised by the Rev. C. Bulow. |
Later editions were published in 1875 and 1896. An issue of the latter year reads * Liturgien | eller | Den Almindelige Bønnebog | samt | Sacramenternes Administration | og andre | Kirkens Skikke og Ceremonier, | overeenstemmende med | Den Engelske Kirkes, Brug, | tilligemed | Davids Psalmers Psalter, | trykt med de Skilletegn, hoorefter det skal synges eller siges | Kirkerne. | Og | Formular og Maade til at indseette, ordinere og indvie | Biskopper, Præster og Diakoner. | . . . London . . . 1896. (52), 635, (1) pages. Page, 2½ x 4¾; paper, 3¼ x 5½ inches. Gothic letter[4].
These are later printings of Griffiths 25:2 |
[4] For some information
concerning Danish translations I am indebted to the Rev. R. Andersen, pastor
of Our Saviour’s Danish Evang. Luth. Church, 193, Ninth Street, Brooklyn,
N.Y. |
In 1847 the House of Bishops of the American
Church proposed a translation of their Liturgy into Danish. The proposal
was not concurred in by the Lower House and it has never been renewed[5]. |
[5] Journal of the Proceedings of General Convention, 1862, pp. 102, 103. |
Swedish or Norwegian translations of the Prayer Book or of portions thereof were made only in the American Church. In 1868 the translation of the Prayer Book into Swedish was proposed in General Convention, and a Committee was appointed. Nothing was accomplished at that time. A translation of the Order for Daily Morning Prayer, the Litany, and the Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion, according to the American Prayer Book, was authorized by the Right Rev. William Stevens Perry of Iowa (1832-98). It is entitled, “Handbok vid Gudstjenstens’ Förrättande för Iowa Stift, Forenta Staterna | Amerika.” Davenport, Iowa. 1879. (1), 33 pages. I6mo. Another selection from the Prayer Book appeared in 1891, “Swenska
| Missions-Bok | för | den Episcopalske Kirkan | öfversat från
den Engelska | af John Johnson (Seabury Hall). | Litchfield, Minn., 1891.” (1),
64 pages, 16mo. It contains Morning and Evening Prayer, the Litany, the
Holy Communion and a selection of Psalms. |
Neither of these listed by Griffiths |
In 1894 the New York Bible and Common Prayer
Book Society printed the first edition of Ordning för Aftonsången.
New York: James Pott & Co., 15 pages. Paper, 5¼ x 7⅝ inches. Title
on the cover. Printed in long lines. This translation of the Order for
Daily Evening Prayer was made by the Rev. J. G. Hammarsköld, one of
the most literary Swedish clergymen of the American Church. Of this tract
several editions were printed, the latest in 1907[6]. In 1895
the same Society published Hammarsköld’s translation of the
Catechism (Katekesen) and the Order of Confirmation (Formulär för
Konfirmation). |
not listed by Griffiths [6] See also Lowndes, Vol. II, pp. 846, 848.
A Swedish version of the whole American Prayer
Book is now ready, and will be issued as soon as the Commission appointed
by the General Convention has accepted it[7], The translation
is also the work of the Rev. Hammarsköld .. The title-page of this
complete translation reads: Den Allmänna Bönboken och Förvaltandet
af Sakramenten samt andra Kyrkans Ritualer och Ceremonier: i öfverensstämmelse
med Bruket inom den Protestantiskt Biskopliga Kyrkan | Amerikas Förenta
Stater. Jämte Psaltaren eller Davids Psalmer. Boston ... 1913. This
new translation contains also the Articles of Religion[8]. |
Griffiths 168:1 (1913, reprinted 1914) [7] See Journal.of the Proceedings of General Convention, 1901, pp. 230, 258; 1904,pp. 27, 60, 244; 1907, p. 27; 1910, p. 42. [8] Statement of the translator, Mr. Hammarsköld in letter March 13, 1912. |
Of Norwegian translations only one has ever been published containing portions of the Liturgy. It is entitled, Missions-Bog | for | Den protestantiske-episkopale Kirke. | Oversat fra det Engelske af | Rev. Erik Leopold Petersen, | Episkopal Præst. | Med Hs. Hv. Biskop Henry B. Whipples Tilladelse. | Chicago. | “Skandinavens” Bog-og Accidents Trykkeri, | 1875. 123, (2) pages. Paper, 4 x 5⅞ inches. Gothic letter, printed in long lines. The translator had been ordered deacon in 1874, and was missionary at Fairbault, Minnesota, until his death on November 3, 1887. Back of the title (p. 2) is printed the authorization by Henry Benjamin Whipple, Bishop of Minnesota, dated Faribault, August 21, 1874. The book contains, Ritual for Morgenbönnen; Det Almindelige Litani; Den hellige Kommunion ; Ritual for Aftenbönnen; Et Udvalg of Davids Psalmer; Bönnerved forskjellige Leiligheder. Pp. 63-123 contain Hymner[9]. A Norwegian translation of the whole Prayer Book was submitted in manuscript
to the New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society by the late Bishop
Whipple in 1880, but it does not appear to have ever been printed[10]. |
[9] A copy of this, now
rare, Norwegian service book was sent to me-by the Rev. Charles Carter
Rollit, Department Secretary of the sixth missionary department, Minneapolis,
Minn. |
CHAPTER XVII BAGSTER’S POLYGLOT EDITION THE only polyglot edition of the Liturgy was published by Samuel Bagster in 1821, entitled:
Griffiths 136:1 (1821; reprinted 1825, 1829,
(12), and 280 leaves, + 144-168 pages. Page, 7⅛ x 8½; paper, 8¾ x 10⅝ inches. Two columns to the page, except for pages 144-168, which contain each four columns. The twelve initial leaves contain the preliminary matter. The title-page, reverse blank, is preceded by a bastard title in Latin, reverse blank. Two pages follow, containing the dedicatory letter to Charles [Manners Sutton], by Divine Providence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, in which Bagster states that “From the publication of such a work as the present it also has been hoped that Foreigners might be led to form a more just estimate of the purity of our doctrines; — and that our Youth may be enabled to study some of the Ancient and most important Modern Languages of Europe in a book, which has confessedly obtained the first rank among uninspired compositions.” Then follow two pages of general preface, three pages of “præfatio,” followed by three pages of the English “Preface.” The next ten pages contain the usual introductory sections, in English. Next follows the text of the Liturgy in the eight languages mentioned. The publisher gives the following account of the versions used in this book: (1) The German translation, by the Reverend Dr. J. H. Wilhelm Kueper (chaplain of His Majesty’s German Chapel, St. James’s), is entirely new, except the Psalms, which are taken from Luther’s translation of the Bible. (z) The Spanish translation, by the Reverend Blanco White is, for the most part, new. The Psalms are printed from Phelipe Scio’s great Spanish Bible, published at Madrid in 1807. (3) The French version, which is modern, has already been published and received general approbation. The Psalms are printed from the Basle edition of Osterwald’s Bible, 1820. (4) The Italian is taken from the edition of A. Montucci and L. Valetti. ... The Psalms are copied from the Bible of Diodati. (5) The Latin is nearly a reprint of the edition which was first published
by W. Bowyer in 1720, with some alterations and additions by the present
editor [John Carey], sometimes taken from the translation of Mr. Thomas
Parsell, the fourth edition of which was published in 1727. The Psalms
are from the Vulgate[1]. |
![]() Griffiths 136:2 (1825 printing) |
(6) The Greek is the translation of Duport. The Psalms are from the Septuagint. (7) The Modern Greek is an entirely new translation· by Mr. Andrea Calbo (Μεταφραστεν υπο. . . ’Α. Καλβου | ’Ιωαννιδου), a native Greek, from the island of Zante[2]. The Latin text of the Catechism in this edition, however, appears to be much nearer Durel’s version than that of Parsell. The utility of the present work is considerably increased by its being capable of being purchased either in single or combined portions, containing anyone or more languages, as purchasers may require.
[1] Carey largely followed Durel and Harwood, though in some cases affected by Parsell’s renderings. Other editions of Bagster’s appeared in 1834 and 1866, and one revised by Canon. Warren is now promised.” — ST. CLAIR TISDALL. [2] Calbo (Calvos) was one of the leaders in the Republic of the Ionian Islands under British protection. He was the author of patriotic songs and other poetry. A biography, by Spiridion de Biasi, may be found in ’H λυρα ’Ανδρεου Καλβου και ανεκδοτος υμυος ’Αντονιου Μαρτελαου. ’Εν Ζακυνθω . . . 1881. 144 pp. 8vo. The titles of Calbo’s. works are given in Emile Legrand, Bibliographie Ionienne . . . 2 vols. Paris, 1910. |
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND AUTHORITIES CONSULTED CHAPTERS VI-X BALLINGER, JOHN. The Bible in Wales. A study in the history of the Welsh people, with an introductory address and a bibliography. Lo. ’06. Plates. Facsimiles. 8vo. BEATON, P. Creoles and Coolies; or, Five Years in Mauritius. Lo. ’59. Sm. 8vo. BURN, J. S. The History of the French, Walloon, Dutch and other foreign Protestant refugees settled in England from the reign of Henry VIII to the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Lo. ’46. 8vo. Cardiff, Wales. Public library. Catalogue of printed literature in the Welsh department. By J. BALLINGER and J. I. JONES. Cardiff, ’98. 8vo. DE HIRSCH-DAVIES, J. E. A popular history of the Church in Wales. Lo. ’12. 8vo. DIXON, R. and J. P. EDMOND. Annals of Scottish Printing, from the introduction of the art in 1507 to the beginning of the seventeenth century. Cambridge, ’90. Illus. Plates, 4to. DIX, E. R. M’C. compiler. Catalogue of Early Dublin Printed Books, 1601-1700. With an historical introduction and bibliographical notes by C. W. DUGAN. Dublin, ’98-05. 4 parts in | vol. 4to. And supplement, ’12. —— The Earliest Dublin Printing. With list of books, proclamations, etc., printed in Dublin prior to 1601. Dublin, ’01. 12mo. DOWDEN, JOHN. The Annotated Scottish Communion Office. An historical account of the Scottish Communion Office, and of the Communion Office of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, with liturgical notes. . . . Edinburgh, ’84. 12mo. EBRARD, F. C. Die Französisch-reformierte Gemeinde in Frankfurt a. M. 1554-1904. Frankfurt. Illus. Portraits. Plates. 8vo. FLEMYNG, F. P. Mauritius: or, the Isle of France .... Lo. S.P.C.K. [’62]. Illus. Plates. Map. Sm. 8vo. Frankfurter Chroniken und Annalistische Aufzeichnungen der Reformationszeit. Nebst einer Darstellung der Frankfurter Belagerung von 1552. Bearbeitet von DR. R. JUNG. Frankkfurt a. M., ’88. [Quellen zur Frankfurter Geschichte. Vol. 2.] 8vo. GARSTIN, J. R. The Book of Common Prayer in Ireland, its origin and history. With an attempt to prove that the Disestablishment of the Church has not rendered any alteration in it necessary. Dublin, ’71. 8vo. HARRISON, WM. Bibliotheca Monensis: a bibliographical account of works relating to the Isle of Man. New edition . . . . enlarged. Douglas, ’76. [The Manx Society. Publications. Vol. 24.] 8vo. HUTTON, W. H. The English Church from the Accession of Charles I to the Death of Anne (1625-1714). Lo. ’03. [History of the English Church. 6.] 12mo. And here, pages 349-360, on the Prayer Book in Welsh. JUNG, RUDOLF. Die Englische Flüchtlings-Gemeinde in Frankfurt am Main, 1554-1559. Frankfurt a. M., ’10. Plate. [Frankfurter historische Forschungen. Heft. 3.] 8vo. MANT, RICHARD. History of the Church of Ireland. Lo. ’40. 2 vols. 8vo. MOENS, W. J. C. The Walloons and their church at Norwich: their history and register, 1565-1832. Lymington, ’87, ’88. 2 vols. [Publications of the Huguenot Society of London. 2.] 4to. Especially volume 2, pages 231-235, on Pierre de Laune. ROWLANDS, W. Cambrian Bibliography. From the year 1546 to the end of the eighteenth century; with biographical notices. Edited .... by D. S. EVANS. Llanidloes, ’69. 8vo. SCHICKLER, F. D. G., FREIHERR VON. Les Églises du refuge en Angleterre. Paris, ’92. Vol. 2, on Jean Durel. STRYPE, JOHN. Memorials of T. Cranmer .... New edition, with additions. Oxford,’40. 2 vols. 8vo. THOMAS, D. R. The Life and Work of Bishop Richard Davies and William Salesbury. Oswestry, ’02. Plates. 4to. TIMPERLEY, C. H. A Dictionary of Printers and Printing, with the Progress of Literature, Ancient and Modern, Bibliographical Illustrations, etc. etc. Lo. ’39. Portraits. Plates. 8vo. WATT, ROBERT. Bibliotheca Britannica. 4 vols. Edinburgh, ’24. 4to. WILLIAMS, J. D. Essays in Welsh Literature. 2nd edition. Ithaca, N.Y. ’95. 8vo. WITTMEYER, A. V., editor. Registers of the Births, Marriages and Deaths of the” Église françoise a. la Nouvelle York,” from 1688 to 1804 . . . ; and historical documents relating to the French Protestants in New York during the same period. N.Y. ’86. Plates. Facsimiles. [Huguenot Society of America. Collections. Vol. 1.) 8vo.
CHAPTERS XI-XVII BOEHMER, EDUARD. Bibliotheca Wiffeniana. Spanish reformers of two centuries from 1520. Their lives and writings, according to the late Benjamin B. Wiffen’s plan and with the use of his materials. Strassburg, ’74-’04. 3 vols. 8vo. BOURGEOIS, E. Neuchâtel et la Politique Prussienne en Franche-Comté (1702-1713), d’apres des documents inedits des Archives de Paris, Berlin & Neuchâtel. Paris, ’87. Map. [Bibliotheque de la faculté des lettres de Lyon. I.) 8vo. BOUSFIELD, H. B. Six years in the Transvaal. Notes on the founding of the Church there. Lo. ’86. 16mo. BURCKHARDT, J. G. Kirchen-Geschichte der deutschen Gemeinden zu London. Tübingen. 1798. 12mo. BURNEY, C. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Abate Metaastasio. . . . Lo. 1796. 3 vols. Portrait. 8vo. BURROWS, MONTAGU. CoIlectanea. 2nd series. Oxford, ’90. 8vo. COBB, S. H. The History of the Palatines. An episode in colonial history. N.Y. ’97. Map. 12mo. DALGADO, S. R. Dialecto Indo-Portugues de Ceylao. Lisboa, ’00. [Sociedade de geographia de Lisboa. . . . ) 8vo. DES BRISAY, M. B. History of the County of Lunenburg [Nova Scotia]. 2nd edition. Toronto, ’95. Plates. Map. 8vo. DIFFENDERFFER, F. R. The German exodus to England in 1709. Lancaster, Pa. ’97. IIlus. Portraits. Plates. Plan. Facsimiles. Map. 8vo. DORGEEL, H. The Germans in England. Lo, ’85. 12mo. Dutch Reformed Church in England. Acten van de Colloquia der Nederlandsche gemeenten in Engeland, 1575-1624 uitgegeven door J. J. van TOORENENBERGEN. Utrecht, ’72. 2 vols. [Marnix-Vereeniging, Utrecht. Werken. Serie 2, deel 1.} 8vo. Appendix. Uittreksels uit de acten .... 1627-1706. HACKET, JOHN. Scrinia reserata .. A memorial offered to the great deservings of John Williams, D.D. . . . Ld Keeper of the Great Seal of England, Ld Bishop of Lincoln, and Ld Archbishop of York. [Lo.] 2 vols in 1. Portrait. L. 8vo. HAWKS, F. L. History of North Carolina. Fayetteville, N.C. ’58, 59. 2V. Illustrated. Portraits. Maps. 8vo. HOW, F. D. William Conyngham Plunket, fourth Baron Plunket and sixty-first Archbishop of Dublin. A memoir. N.Y. ’01. Portraits. 8vo. JACOBS, H. E. A history of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. N.Y. ’93. [American Church History Series. 4.] 8vo. —— The German emigration to America, 1709-1740. Lancaster, Pa. ’98. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Map. 8vo. KAYSERLING, M., Geschichte der Juden in Portugal. Berlin, ’67. 8vo. MACRAY, W. D. Annals of the Bodleian Library. 2nd edition. Oxford, ’90. 8vo. NOYES, H. E. Church Reform in Spain and Portugal. A short history of the Reformed Episcopal Churches ... from 1868 to the present time. With an introduction by Lord Plunket. . . . Lo. ’97. Portraits. Plates. Sm. 8vo. OSTERWALD, J. F. The grounds & principles of the Christian Religion explain’d in a catechetical discourse for the instruction of young people. Rendred into English by Mr. Hum. Wanley, and revis’d by Geo. Stanhope. 4th edition. Lo. 1726. 24mo. PLUNKET, W. C. Important testimony from two American Bishops to the progress of Church Reform in Spain and Portugal. Dublin, ’94. 8vo. POPE, W. C. Affiliation of Swedish and American Churchmen. Milwaukee, ’94. 12mo. SCHUCHARDT, H. E. M. Kreolische Studien. In Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Sitzungsberichte. Band 101, 102, 103, 105, 116, 122. Wien, ’82-90. SHARP, THOMAS. The Life of John Sharp, D.D., Archbishop of York . . . 2 vols. Lo. ’25. 8vo. Spanish Evangelization Society, Edinburgh. The Gospel in Spain. Edinburgh, ’55. 24mo. STOUGHTON, J. The Spanish Reformers: Their memories and dwelling places. Lo. [’83.] Illus. Portraits. 8vo. Especially pages 300 foll. STROBEL, P. A. The Salzburgers and Their Descendants: being the history of a colony of German (Lutheran) Protestants, who emigrated to Georgia in 1734, and settled at Ebenezer. Baltimore, ’55. Portrait. 12mo. TEXEDA, F. DE. Carrascon. Segunda véz impreso. . . . [Lo. ’47]. 12mo. TICKNOR, GEORGE. History of Spanish Literature. Boston, ’72. 8vo. Especially vol. 1, pages 501, 502, rem. 13. WHITE, JOSEPH BLANCO. The Life of J. B. White, written by himself; with portions of his correspondence. Edited by J. H. THOM. Lo.’ 45· 3 vols. Portrait. Sm. 8vo. WORDSWORTH, JOHN. The National Church of Sweden. . . . Lo. ’11. [Western Theological Seminary, Chicago, Ill. The Hale Lectures, 1910.] 8vo. |
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