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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
THE PREPARATION The congregation may kneel. All: Almighty God, unto you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily praise your Holy Name, through Christ our Lord. AMEN. Priest: Let us who are sorry for our sins, are at peace with our neighbours, and intend to lead the Christian life, make now our confession together, that we may be reconciled afresh to God and to each other. A short silence follows for recollection. All: We confess to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed, through our own fault; and we pray to God to have mercy upon us, through Christ our Lord: Lord, have mercy upon us, Priest: May the almighty and merciful Lord pardon you, and restore you now in eternal life, with the grace of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Reconciliation between God and man having been declared, it is now suitable to rise from our knees and say: Priest: The peace of the Lord be always with you. People: And with you. The salutation passes through the congregation by a handshake, with the words: Priest: Peace be with you: And with you. The Gloria follows in praise of the power and the mercy of God. All: Glory be to God on high, We praise thee, we bless thee, O Lord, the only begotten son, Jesu Christ, Thou that takest away the sin of the world, Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, THE LITURGY OF THE WORD Priest: The Lord is with you: The Collect: we remain standing. The Old Testament: Reading or Psalm: we sit. The Gospel: we stand. Before the Gospel: People: Glory to you, O Lord. After the Gospel: People: Praise to you, O Christ. The Epistle: we sit. The Homily. The Creed as follows, or as on pages 10 or 71 in the Prayer Book: we stand. All: I have faith in God the Father, I have faith in God the Son, I have faith in God the Holy Spirit, The life I live, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loves me and gave himself f or me. I try to live by faith, in hope, and with love, as a child of God in his world. AMEN. |
THE LITURGY OF THE OFFERINGS The gifts of God in creation became man's offering in worship. The bread, the wine, and the money offering, are signs and tokens of the whole life of man. All: Lord, with these symbols of our daily life we offer and present to you ourselves, our souls and bodies, as one holy and living sacrifice through Christ our Lord: AMEN. Biddings for thanksgiving and intercession follow, with these responses. Priest: ... let us bless the Lord: THANKSGIVING AND CONSECRATION We remain standing. Priest: The Lord is with you: Priest: It is our joy and our salvation that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to you, O Father, holy and eternal God, Creator and Sustainer of all things .. . An extra preface may be inserted here. ... therefore, with all creation, that which is seen and that which is unseen, we praise your name, O Father, saying: All: Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God of Hosts. The eucharistic consecration is the action of God in Christ, gathering the complex creation to himself and declaring it to be his Body. Priest: Hosanna, indeed to you, Creator and Father, for the gift of your Son, Jesus the Christ. All: Therefore, Father, remembering Christ's death and resurrection, his ascension and his sending of the Holy Spirit; we stand be f ore you rejoicing, and waiting for the consummation of all things in Christ. AMEN! (The reply of all present) We kneel. COMMUNION AND DISMISSAL All may come to the altar rail, to receive the sacrament or to be blessed. Those not receiving communion should carry a book to indicate this. The priest invites, with these or other words: Priest: The food of God for the family of God! The sacrament is given with these words and reply is made by the communicant: Priest: The Body of Christ: Priest: The cup of the New Covenant in Christ: A short period may follow for free prayer and thanksgiving. The Lord's Prayer follows, said or sung by all. Priest: Go, in the peace of Christ. Priest: The blessing of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be amongst you always. AMEN. |
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. • England • Scotland • Ireland • Wales • Canada • World |