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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
UPON SEVERAL OCCASIONS, ¶ To be used before the two final Prayers of the Litany, or of Morning and Evening Prayer.
¶ For Rain. O GOD, heavenly Father, who by thy Son Jesus Christ hast promised to all those who seek thy kingdom, and the righteousness thereof, all things necessary to their bodily sustenance; Send us, we beseech thee, in this our necessity, such moderate rain and showers, that we may receive the fruits of the earth to our comfort, and to thy honour; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O ALMIGHTY Lord God, who for the sin of man didst once drown all the world, except eight persons, and afterward of thy great mercy didst promise never to destroy it so again; We humbly beseech thee, that although we for our iniquities have worthily deserved a plague of rain and waters, yet upon our true repentance thou wilt send us such weather, as that we may receive the fruits of the earth in due season; and learn both by thy punishment to amend our lives, and for thy clemency to give thee praise and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O GOD, heavenly Father, whose gift it is that the rain doth fall, the earth is fruitful, beasts do increase, and fishes do multiply; Behold, we beseech thee, the afflictions of thy people; and grant that the scarcity and dearth, which we do now most justly suffer for our iniquity, may, through thy goodness be mercifully turned into cheapness and plenty; for the love of Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen. ¶ Or this. O GOD, merciful Father, who, in the time of Elisha the prophet, didst suddenly in Samaria turn great scarcity and dearth into plenty and cheapness; Have mercy upon us, that we, who are now for our sins punished with like adversity, may likewise find a seasonable relief : Increase the fruits of the earth by thy heavenly benediction; and grant that we, receiving thy bountiful liberality, may use the same to thy glory, the relief of those that are needy, and our own comfort; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O ALMIGHTY God, King of all kings, and Governor of all things, whose power no creature is able to resist, to whom it belongeth justly to punish sinners, and to be merciful to those who truly repent; Save and deliver us, we humbly beseech thee, from the hands of our enemies; abate their pride, assuage their malice, and disappoint their devices; that we, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore from all perils, to glorify thee, who art the only giver of all victory; through the merits of thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O ALMIGHTY God, who in thy wrath did send a plague upon thine own people in the wilderness, for their obstinate rebellion against Moses and Aaron; and also, in the time of king David, didst slay with the plague of Pestilence threescore and ten thousand, and yet remembering thy mercy didst save the rest; Have pity upon us miserable sinners, who now are visited with great sickness and mortality; that like as thou didst then accept of an atonement, and didst command the destroying Angel to cease from punishing, so it may now please thee to withdraw from us, who humbly acknowledge our sins and truly repent us of them, this plague and grievous sickness; that being delivered we may glorify thy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O GOD, who hast ordained holy mysteries for a commemoration of our Saviour’s wonderful love in laying down his life for us, and for the communication of the benefits of his death and passion to us; We beseech thee to dispose all those, who intend to receive the holy Sacrament, to come to thy table with such sincere repentance of all their sins, and unfeigned resolutions of better obedience, with such an humble faith and ardent love unto thee and unto all men, that they may comfortably hope for thy gracious pardon, and for the power of thy Holy Spirit, to carry them, by patient continuance in well doing, unto eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ALMIGHTY
God and most merciful Father, we miserable sinners do here humbly acknowledge
before thee, that we are unworthy of the least of all thy mercies: We
confess, O Lord, in the bitterness of our souls, that we have grievously
sinned against thee; that all orders of men amongst us have transgressed
thy righteous laws; that we have hitherto rendered both thy mercies and
thy judgments ineffectual to our amendment. It is of thy mere mercy, O
Lord, that we are not consumed; for which our souls do magnify and bless
thy Name, O God, who hast hitherto spared us, to the end that thy goodness
might lead us to repentance. Let it be thy good pleasure to give unto
us all that godly sorrow, which worketh repentance to salvation not to
be repented of; that thou mayest turn from thy heavy displeasure against
us, and mayest rejoice over us to do us good, through the merits and mediation
of Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour. Amen. |
¶ Whereas the Apostles did use Prayer and Fasting before they ordained; and that it has been the practice of the Church to enjoin Fasts in the four weeks qf the year commonly called Ember weeks, before the Lord’s-days appointed for ordination, to implore the blessing of God upon them that are to ordain, and upon those that are to be ordained; it is therefore earnestly recommended to all persons to spend some part of these days in prayer to God for his blessing on the Church, and on all that are to be sent out to officiate in it; and it is most solemnly charged on all that arc concerned in Ordinations, chiefly on the persons that are to be ordained, to spend those days in fervent Prayer and Fasting, for the due preparing of themselves to be initiated into holy Orders. ¶ In the Ember Weeks, to be said every day, for those that are to be admitted into Holy Orders. ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who hast purchased to thyself an universal Church by the precious blood of thy dear Son; Mercifully look upon the same, and at this time so guide and govern the minds of thy servants the Bishops and Pastors of thy flock, that they may lay hands suddenly on no man, but faithfully and wisely make choice of fit persons, to serve in the sacred Ministry of thy Church. And to those which shall be ordained to any holy function, give thy grace and heavenly benediction; that both by their life and doctrine they may show forth thy glory, and set forward the salvation of all men; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ¶ Or this. ALMIGHTY God, the giver of all good gifts, who of thy divine providence hast appointed divers Orders in thy Church; Give thy grace, we humbly beseech thee, to all those who are to be called to any office and administration in the same; and so replenish them with the truth of thy doctrine, and endue them with innocency of life, that they may faithfully serve before thee, to the glory of thy great Name, and the benefit of thy holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. MOST gracious God, we humbly beseech thee, as for this kingdom in general, so especially for the High Court of Parliament, under our Sovereign Lords King William and Queen Mary at this time assembled : That thou wouldest ho pleased to direct and prosper all their consultations to the advancement of thy glory, the good of thy Church, the safety, honour, and welfare of our Sovereign, and her Doininions; that all things may be so ordered and settled by their endeavours, upon the best and surest foundations, that peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all generations. These and all other necessaries, for them, for us, and thy whole Church, we humbly beg, in the Name and Mediation of Jesus Christ our most blessed’ Lord and Saviour. Amen. O
GOD, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we humbly beseech thee
for all sorts and conditions of men: that thou wouldest be pleased to
make thy ways known unto them, thy saving health unto all nations. More
especially, we pray for the good estate of the Catholick Church; that
it may be so guided and governed by thy good Spirit, that all who profess
and call themselves Christians may be led into the way of truth, and hold
the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness
of life. Finally, we commend to thy fatherly goodness all those, who are
any ways afflicted,
This Rubric is to be read immediately after the Apostles’ Creed on the Lord’s day next before any of the Ember Weeks. |
¶ A General Thanksgiving ALMIGHTY
God, Father of all mercies, we thine unworthy servants do give thee most
humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and
O GOD our heavenly Father, who by thy gracious providence dost cause the former and the latter rain to descend upon the earth, that it may bring forth fruit for the use of man; We give thee humble thanks that it hath pleased thee, in our great necessity, to send us at the last a joyful rain upon thine inheritance, and to refresh it when it was dry, to the great comfort of us thy unworthy servants, and to the glory of thy holy Name; through thy mercies in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O LORD God, who hast justly humbled us by thy late plague of immoderate rain and waters, and in thy mercy hast relieved and comforted our souls by this seasonable and blessed change of weather; We praise and glorify thy holy Name for this thy mercy, and will always declare thy loving-kindness from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O MOST merciful Father, who of thy gracious goodness hast heard the devout prayers of thy Church, and turned our dearth and scarcity into cheapness and plenty; We give thee humble thanks for this thy special bounty; beseeching thee to continue thy loving-kindness unto us, that our land may yield us her fruits of increase, and that we may use them to thy glory and our comfort; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O ALMIGHTY God, who art a strong tower of defence unto thy servants against the face of their enemies; We yield thee praise and thanksgiving for our deliverance from those great and apparent dangers wherewith we were compassed. We acknowledge it thy goodness that we were not delivered over as a prey unto them; beseeching thee still to continue such thy mercies towards us, that all the world may know that thou art our Saviour and mighty Deliverer; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O ETERNAL God, our heavenly Father, Who alone makest men to be of one mind in a house, and stillest the outrage of a violent and unruly people; We bless thy holy Name, that it hath pleased thee to appease the seditious tumults which have been lately raised up amongst us; most humbly beseeching thee to grant to all of us grace, that we may henceforth obediently walk in thy holy commandments; and, leading a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, may continually offer unto thee our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for these thy mercies towards us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O LORD God, who has wounded us for our sins, and consumed us for our transgressions, by thy late heavy and dreadful visitation; and now, in the midst of judgment remembering mercy, hast redeemed our souls from the jaws of death; We offer unto thy fatherly goodness ourselves, our souls and bodies which thou hast delivered, to be a living sacrifice unto thee, always praising and magnifying thy mercies in the midst of thy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ¶ Or this. WE humbly acknowledge before thee, O most merciful Father, that all the punishments which are threatened in thy law might justly have fallen upon us, by reason of our manifold transgressions and hardness of heart: Yet seeing it hath pleased thee of thy tender mercy, upon our weak and unworthy humiliation, to assuage the contagious sickness wherewith we lately have been sore afflicted, and to restore the voice of joy and health into our dwellings; We offer unto thy Divine Majesty the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, lauding and magnifying thy preservation and providence over us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
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Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |