Healing Prayer

An On-Line Resource
for Christian Healing


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  • This is not a comprehensive list.
  • No, I have not read all these books.
    I am in the process of gathering publication information for these books, and writing comments on the books that I have read. Completed annotations are indicated by a title in boldface followed by comments. In the meantime, books I have read and recommend are marked with asterisks ***.
  • Many thanks to Sam Spencer, International Librarian for the Order of St. Luke the Physician, who provided the raw material for this page.

    Blue, Ken. Authority to Heal. Intervarsity Press, 1987.

    Bosworth, Fred Francis. Christ the Healer. Fleming H. Revell Co., 1983.

    Bennett, Rita. You Can Be Emotionally Free. Fleming H. Revell Co., 1982.***
    --. How to Pray for Inner Healing for Yourself and Others. Fleming H. Revell Co., 1983.

    Brooke, Avery. Healing in the Landscape of Prayer. Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications, 1996. Brooke is a lay woman in an Episcopal parish. Her book is a compact, general introduction to healing prayer, and she includes a terrific annotated bibliography for people who wish to do more in-depth research into specific areas.

    Dossey, Larry M.D. Be Careful What You Pray For... You Just Might Get It. San Francisco: Harper, 1997. Subtitled What We Can Do About the Unintentional Effects of Our Thoughts, Prayers and Wishes, Dossey's book explores the ways in which prayer can cause harm, either deliberately or unintentionally; also, how negative prayer can play a part in healing and wholeness. Dossey is former co-chair of the Panel on Mind/Body Interventions, Office of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
    --. Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine. San Francisco: Harper, 1993.
    --. Prayer is Good Medicine: How to Reap the Healing Benefits of Prayer. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1997.***

    Eiesland, Nancy L. The Disabled God: Toward a Liberatory Theology of Disability. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994. The perspectives of persons with disabilities come through clearly in Eiesland's book. She explores questions of how the church can be more welcoming and accessible, and also concepts of "normal" bodies, "appropriate" relations, the devaluation of and discrimination against persons with disabilities, sin and suffering, almsgiving and charity, power, and symbolism. A scholarly and academic book, but lively and engaging.

    Freeman, Eileen Elias. Angelic Healing: Working With Your Angels to Heal Your Life. New York: Warner Books, 1994.

    Glennon, Canon Jim. How Can I Find Healing? Your Healing is Within You. South Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Publications, 1980.

    Heron, Benedict M., OSB. Channels of Healing Prayer. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1989.

    Kelsey, Morton T. Healing and Christianity. Revised. Minneapolis: Augsburg/Fortress, 1994.***

    Linn, Dennis and Matthew, SJ, and Sheila. Healing Life's Hurts: Healing Memories Through Five Stages of Forgiveness. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.***
    --. Healing Of Memories: Prayer and Confession, Steps to Inner Healing. New York: Paulist Press, 1974.***
    --. Healing The Greatest Hurt. New York: Paulist Press, 1985.***
    --, Mary Jane Linn, CSJ. Healing The Dying: Releasing People to Die.

    May, Gerald. Addiction and Grace. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1991.

    MacNutt, Francis. Healing. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1974.
    --. Deliverance from Evil Spirits: A Practical Manual. Grand Rapids, MI: Chose Books, 1995.***
    --. The Power to Heal. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1977***
    --. The Prayer That Heals: Praying for Healing in the Family. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1981. ISBN 0877932190***

    McKenna, Briege, Henry Libersat. Miracles Do Happen. Charis Books, 1996.

    May, Melanie A. A Body Knows: A Theopoetics of Death and Resurrection. New York: Continuum, 1995. A ruptured disk, back surgery, brain cancer, breast cancer, lost love -- resurrection must be preceded by death, and death, even when we acknowledge it as transitory, involves loss. May writes of her own experiences of the death and loss of health, peace, love, and life. She explores the concept of the Church as the body of Christ, called to participate in the work of healing, restoration, and reconciliation. May writes from the perspective of an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren (a tradition informed by the Anabaptists and Radical Pietists), and a lesbian.

    Meehan, Bridget. Healing Power of Prayer. Revised. Ligouri Publications, 1996

    Miller, Duane. Out of the Silence: A Personal Testimony of God's Healing Power. Thomas Nelson Publishers. Miller was a Baptist pastor in Texas who came down with the flu. It penetrated his vocal chords, making him unable to speak for more than two years, forcing him to give up his pastorate. The book tells of his descent into the "pit," emotionally, because of this experience, but it also tells of the incredible faithfulness of the Sunday School class he had taught at First Baptist in Houston. He returned there from Brenham, Texas, where he had been pastoring, and they found a special mike system which, when held right to his lips, would project his voice so it could usually be heard. He was teaching on Psalm 103, using this system, when he was literally healed in mid-sentence on the word "pit." What is so awesome is that, because the class was always taped, his healing was taped -- and the tape comes with the book. One minute, you hear this raspy whisper, then the voice change on the word "pit," then his becoming overcome at the healing, and the joyous response of his class. You can almost feel the power of God come through on the tape. It is a powerful testimony to God's faithfulness, love, and healing power. (Audrey Arnst)

    Miller, Keith. A Hunger For Healing: The Twelve Steps as a Classic Model for Christian Spiritual Growth. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1991.

    Pearson, Mark. Christian Healing. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, 1995.***

    Richards, John. But Deliver Us From Evil. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1974 (Out of print). Richards has composed an outstanding examination of evil and the Church's duty -- and ability -- to combat it. He points out very early in his book that "deliver us from evil" comes toward the end of the Lord's Prayer; other concerns should occupy our attention first and formost. Richards shares Karl Barth's "mistrust of looking for too long or too systematically at demons" (1). Richards maintains a healthy perspective and focuses on deliverance and exorcism as a minor but necessary component of the church's total ministry. He analyzes the attractiveness of psychic powers, the stages of involvement with the occult, and gives reasoned, balanced explanations of their inherent risks. He writes from an Anglican perspective.

    Sanford, Agnes. Healing Gifts Of The Spirit.
    -- The Healing Light.***
    --. Sealed Orders.
    Shlemon, Barbara Shlemon (also writes as Ryan, Barbara Shlemon). Healing Prayer. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1976.***
    --. Healing The Hidden Self. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1966
    --, with Dennis and Matthew Linn, SJ. To Heal As Jesus Healed. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1978.

    Siegel, Bernie M.D. Peace, Love and Healing. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1990.
    --. Love, Medicine and Miracles. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1990.***

    Thomas, Leo and Jan Alkire. Healing As A Parish Ministry. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1992.
    --. Healing Ministry: A Practical Guide. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1994. Thomas and Alkire deal with the day-to-day details in addition to the philosophy of how Jesus heals today. The book includes case studies of prayer teams and their successes and failures in addressing specific problems. A truly practical guide.

    Urquhart, Colin. Handbook on Healing. Thomas Nelson, 1994.

    Wimber, John, and Kevin Springer. Power Healing. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1991.

    Womble, Dr. Rufus. Wilt Thou Be Made Whole.

    Yancey, Philip. Where Is God When It Hurts? Yancey explores the problem that won't go away: pain and suffering. He uses his time spent with Dr. Paul Brand as vivid evidence that pain is a gift. Brand works with Hansen's disease patients, people who have lost all ability to feel physical pain and who lose fingers, feet, sight, and suffer horrendous deformities as a result. Like all people, Yancy asks why pain sometimes runs amok, why it seems so unfair, and interviews Joni Eareckson Tada and others who face extreme pain daily. He observes changes in circumstances and attitudes that can affect how we perceive and cope with pain. Yancy is thorough and compassionate.


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    This page last updated March 2, 1999