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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
THE MINISTRATION OF BAPTISME It is most convenient that Baptisme should not be ministered but upon Sundayes and other dayes when most number of people may come together, alswell for that the congregation there present may testifie the receiving of them that be newlie baptised unto the number of Christ's church, As also because that in the baptisme of infants every man present may be put in rememberance of his owne professioun made to God in his baptisme : neverthelesse, if necesiitie so require, the minister is not to refuse baptisme at any tyme or in any place, according to the Minister. DOE you present this childe to be baptised, earnestly desiring that he may be received in the fellowship of Chryst's mysticall bodie, which is his church, and be marked with the mark of Christians, that is Baptisme. Parent's Answer. Yea, it is our desire. Then shall the minister say |
1 “Late ordinance of the Church.” Private baptism was allowed by the Perth Assembly in 1618, and the words erased had been copied from the first draft apparently, and were corrected in 1629. 2 It is “the Father and Godfather” in the Book of Common order, but in 1616 the Assembly enacted that “baptism shall no ways be denied to any infant when either the parents of the infant, or any faithful Christian in place of the parents shall require the same.”
DEARLY beloved, forasmuch as all men be conceived and borne in synne, and that our Saviour Christ sayth, none can enter into the Kingdome of God, except he be regenerat, and borne anew of watter and of the holy Ghost, let us beseech God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that of his bounteous mercy he will graunt to this chylde that thing which by nature he cannot have, that he may be baptized with water and the holy Ghost, and received into Christ's holy church and be made a lively member of the same. Then shall the Minister say, |
ALMIGHTIE and everlasting God the ayde of all that neede, the help of all that flee to thee for succour, the life of them that [believe, and the resurrection of the dead]3 wee beseech thee for thy infinit mercies sake that thou wilt mercifully looke upon this chyld, sanctifie him, and wash him with the holy Ghost, that he being delyvered from thy wraith may be received into the arke of Christ's Church, and being steadfast in faith, joyfull through hope, and rooted in charity, he may so passe the waves of this troublesome world that finally he may come to the land of everlasting life, their to reigne with thee, world without end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Minister say DEARLY beloved, wee reade in the Gospell written by Sanct Marke in the tenth chapter, that at a certaine tyme they brought young children to Christ that he should touch them, and his disciples rebooked those that brought them; But when Jesus saw it, hee was much displeased, and said unto them, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdome of God, verely I say unto you, whosoever shall not receave the kingdome of God as a little childe, he shall not enter therein; And he tooke them up in his armes, put his hands upon them and blessed them: By which words our Saviour hath declared, that it is his will, children be brought unto him, seeing he blameth those that wold have debarred them from him, and exhorteth all men to follow their innocency, embracing them in his armes and blissing them And that wee therefore are not to doubt that he will likewise favourablie receive this present infant imbraceing him with the armes of his mercy, and give unto him the blissing of eternall lyfe, and mack him partaker of his everlasting kingdome; Therefor wee being thus persuaded of the goodwill of God towards this infant declared by his sonne, and nothing doubting but that he favourably accepts this worke of ours in baptizing him, ought, with our humble thanks for the grace wherewith he hath vouchsafed us and our children, to pray him earnestly that he would be pleased to give his holy Spirit unto this infant, that he may be borne againe, and made heire of everlasting salvatioun, through the same our Lord Jesus Christ who liveth and reigneth with the father and holy Spirit for ever. Amen. Then shall the Minister speake unto the father and Godfathers as followeth. DEARLIE beloved, as you have brought this infant heere to be baptized, pray that our Lord Jesus Christ would vouchsafe to receive him, remitting him all his sinnes and giving him the kingdome of heaven; And have also heard that our Lord Jesus Christ hath in his Gospell promised to graunt all these things which we have prayed for, and for his part will moil surely keepe and perforrne all that he hath promised, so is this infant faithfully to promise by you that are his sureties that he will forsake the devill, and all his works, and conilantly believe God's holy word, and obediently keepe all his commandementes [untill he come of age to take it upon himself.]4 Then shall the Minister demand the father and Godfathers the questions following. |
3 Cut off.
4 In a different handwriting. There words were not introduced into the English Prayer Book till 1662. |
Minister. DOE you forsake the devill and all his works, the vaine pompe and glorye of the world, with all covetous desires of the same, and the carnall desires of the flesh, so that you will not follow, nor be lead by them, but promise to the contrarie to follow the Lord your God, and serve him according to his will? Answer. I forsake them all, and will serve the Lord all my dayes, as he shall enable me by his grace. Minister. DOE yee believe in God the father almightie, maker of heaven and earth? And in Jesus Christ his only begotten Sonne our Lord? And that he was conceived by the Holy Ghost; borne of the Virgine Mary; that he suffered under Pontius Pilat, was crucified, dead and buried; that he descended into hell; And also did rise againe the third day; that hee ascended up to heaven; and sitteth at the right hand of God the father almightie; And from thence shall come againe to judge the quick and the dead? And doe you beleeve in the holy Ghost? the holy Catholick Church, the Communion of Sancts, the remission of synnes, the resurrection of the body, and after death life everlasting? Answere. All this I steadfastlie beleeve. Minister. WILL you that this infant be baptized in this faith and for yor owne parts promise to bring up this chylde in the knowledge of the same, if the Lord shall prolong his life? Ansuere. It is our desire, and we doe promise our diligence in the same. Then the Minister shall say, Lett us pray. O LORD our mercifull God, who of thine infinit love hast made a covenant with us in thy deare sonne our blessed Savior Jesus Christ wherein thou hast promised both to be our God and the God and father of our children, Wee humbly entreat the good Lord to performe this thy promise towards us, Give us thy grace that wee our selves who are baptized in thy name may walk before thee as a people that have bound up a covenant with the most holy God. And as to this infant, wee pray thee for Jesus Christ's sake to receive him into the number of thy children. Wash away all his sinnes by the blood of Jesus; mortifie the power of synning sinne into him; Sanctifie him with thy holy Spirit that he may become a new creature; finally grant that the thing wee now doe on earth according to thine ordinance may be ratified in heaven as thou hast promised unto us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Minister shall require the name of the childe and pouring watter on his forehead say, N. I baptize thee in the name of the father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost. Amen. Then shall the Minister say, BELOVED brethren seeing this chylde is now grafted in the bodie of Christ's Congregation, let us give thanks unto God for his mercies towards him and with one accord make our prayers to Almightie God that he may leade the rest of his lyfe according to this beginning. |
in name of this child.5 5 “Written by the same hand which made the preceding correction.” —Irwin. Inserted in English Prayer Book in 1662.
WEE yeeld thee heartie thanks, most mercifull father, that it hath pleased thee to receive this chylde for thy owne by adoption, and to incorporate him into thine holy congregation; And now wee humbly beseech thee, that as we have in thy name baptized him with watter, so thou wilt be gratioustly pleased to [ ]6 thy holy Spirit, that so this baptisme may become to him the Laiver of regeneration and hee through thy grace forsaking the devill, the world, and the flesh may serve thee all his dayes in holinesse of lise: Blesse (sic) wee beseech thee, O Lord, with rernission of his sinnes, defend him from the malice of the devill, arme him against his temptations; guide him safelie through all the difficulties of this life, and bring him in the end to everlasting joy through Jesus Christ our Lord, To whom with thee and thy holy Spirit be all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Last of all the Minister shall read this exhortation to the father and Godfathers. FORASMUCH as this chylde hath promised by you to forsake the devill and all his workes, to beleeve in God and to serve him; you must remember that it is your part and duetie to see this infant taught so sone as he shalbe able to learne what a solemne vow, promise, and profession he hath made by you. And that he may know these things the better, you shall call upon him to hear sermons, and chiefly provide that he may learne the Creed, the lord's prayer, and the ten commandements in the English tongue and all other things which a Christian man ought to know and beleeve to his soules health; you shall also have care that this chylde may be vertuously brought to leade a godly and christian life, and follow the example of our Saviour being made lyke unto him, that as he died and raise againe for us, so should wee who are baptized dye from sinne, mortifying continually our corrupt affections, and rise againe unto righteousnesse by a daylie proceeding in all vertue and godlinesse of living. |
6 Cut off—to baptize or to sanctify him with. |
THE ORDER OF CONFIRMATION OR LAYING ON OF HANDS UPON THE CHILDREN Because it is meete that children when they are come to the years of discretion, and hath learned what their fathers and Godfathers promised for them in Baptisme, should with there owne mouth and consent oppinly before the church ratifie and confirme the same; * The minister of every parish is carefully to looke that they be taught the Articles of the faith, the Lord's prayer, and ten commandements, And that they can answere to such questions of this short catechisme as the Bishop to whom they shalbe presented, or such as he shall appoint shall by his discretion oppose them in. |
* and also promise. (Sic.)
Who made man?
Are there any moe Gods then one?
Non but one God in three persones, Father Sonne and holy Ghost.
To what end did God mak him?
To serve him.
In what estate made he him?
Perfitelie hollie in bodie and soule.
How lost man that good estate?
By breaking the commandement of God in eating of the forbiddin tree.
What punishment deserved man by breaking the commandement?
Death of bodie and soule to him and his posieritie.
What then is our estate now in Adam?
Every way miserable, as being under synne and under wraith.
How are we delyvered from this miserie?
By the free mercie of God in Jesus Christ.
What a person is Christ Jesus?
Verie God and verie man in one persone.
Why call you him verie God?
Because he is the eternall sonne of God, of one and the same nature with the father and the holy Spirit.
Why call ye him verie man?
Because he tooke upon him our nature and became like unto us in all things, synne except.
What hath he done to save us?
He died for our sinnes, and rose for our righteousness.
Are all men saved by him?
No; but onlie they who have true faith.
What is faith?
To know and be assured that Christ is my Saviour.
Rehearse the articles of faith.
I beleeve in God, &c.
How doeth God worke this faith in our hearts?
By his holy Spirit through the word and sacraments.
What call yee the word?
The holy Scripture of the old and new Testament.
What call yee a sacrament?
A visible signe and seale of invisible grace.
How many Sacraments are they?
Two; Baptisme and the Lord's Supper.
What is the benefite of Baptisme?
It sealeth up my washing from synne in the blood of Christ, and my entrie into the church.
What benefite receive yee in the Lord's Supper?
My spirituall nourishment by the bodie and blood of Christ,
How doe wee eate his bodie and drink his blood?
By beleeving assuredly that his bodye was broken and his bloode shedde for me.
What dutie owe we to God for these his mercies?
We ought to obey him according to his commands.
Rehearse the commandements?
Hearken and tak heede Israell, &c.
What is the summe of these comrnandements?
To love my God with all my heart, soule, and strength and my neighbour as my selff
Is anie man able to keepe these commandements?
Not, because synne abides in us so long as we live.
Yet ought we not to stryve to keepe them?
Doubtless, for otherwise there is neither faith nor love of God in us.
What must we doe then when we breake the commandements?
Wee must turne to God by unfayned repentance and prayer.
What call yee Repentance?
Ane unfayned sorrow for my bygane sinnes, and a constant purpose to amend my life.
To whom should wee pray?
To God only in the name of Christ his Sonne.
How should yee pray?
As Christ hath taught us.
Rehearse the Lord's prayer.
Our father which art, &c.
How are yee assured that God will heare your prayers?
Because he hath promised to graunt me what soever I shall aske according to his will.
What is your duetie when God hath heard your prayers?
To praise and give him thanks.
What looke yee shalbe your estate after this life?
When the wicked shalbe cast in hell, I shall receave Life everlasting through Jesus Christ, To whom be praise and glory for ever. Amen.
The Bishop haveing examined the children by himselfe, or such as he shall appoynt, and finding them able to answer the speciall poynts of the forsaid Catechisme, shall lay his hand upon everie child severallie, saying DEFEND, a Lord, this child with thy heavenly grace, that he may continue thine for ever, And increase daylie the gifts of thy holy Spirit upon him till he come unto thine everlasting kingdome. Amen. Then shall the Bishop say |
7 This is the Catechism which had been prepared by the Committee appointed for the purpose at the Assembly of Aberdeen in 1616. It had been ratified by the Perth Assembly, and printed, cum privilegio, by Gilbert Dick in 1619. See Notes at the end of the Liturgy. |
[Let us pray.]8 ALMIGHTIE and ever living God, who maketh us both to will and to doe these things that be good and acceptable to thy Matie, wee make our humble supplications unto thee for these children upon whome we have laid our hands, that it may please thee ever to protect them, and let thy holy Spirit ever be with them, and so leade them in the knowledge and obedience of thy word that in the end they may obtaine everlasting life through our Lord Jesus Christ, who with thee and the holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one God world without end. Amen. Then the Bishop shall blisse the children, saying thus THE blissing of God Almightie the father the Sonne and the holy Ghost be upon you and remaine with you for ever. Amen. The minister of everie parish shall he diligent in teaching the Catechisme, and none be admitted to the holy communion untill such tyme as he can say the Catechisme and be confirmed. |
8 Cut off. |
THE ORDER FOR So many as intend to be partakers of the holy communion, shall receive there tokins from the minister the night before. The same order the minister shall use with those betwix whom be perceiveth malice and hatred to reigne, The table whereat the communion is to be received being covered with a white linnen cloath shall stand in that part of the church which the minister findeth most convenient. And als soone as the minister enters into the pulpit, Inch as attend upon the ministration shall present the elements covered, And set them upon the After sermon is ended the minister shall come donne from the pulpit to the Table, and standing at the syde thereof shall use this short prayer, saying
9“The words 'not to' are erased, and over them is written, by a more modern hand, ‘yt in any wise he.’ The word ‘unto’ is erased by the same modern hand, and over it is written, ‘not to come to.’ In our Book of Common Prayer previous to the year 1625 the expression used was, ‘presume to the Lord's table.’ After that date the words ‘come to’ were inserted. The correction here made in the MS. tends to confirm the view which I have taken of the date at which it was originally written, and subsequently revised.” —Irwin, Brit, Mag. |
ALMIGHTIE God unto whom all hearts be open, all desires knowne, and from [whom] no secrets are hidde, Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy holy Spirit, that wee may perfitelie love thee, and worthilie magnifie thy holy name through Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the minister say LETT us marke deare brethren and considder how Jesus Christ did ordaine unto us his holy supper according as Sanct Paull maketh rehearsall in the ellevinth chaptor of the first epistle to the Corinths saying, I have received of the Lord that which I have delyvered unto you, to wit, That the Lord Jesus the same [night] that he was betrayed tooke bread, and when he had givin thanks, hee brake it, saying, Tak yee, eat yee, this is my body which is brokin for you; doe yee this in remembrance of mee. Likewise after supper hee took the cup saying, This cup is the new Testament or covenant in my bloode, doe yee this so oft as yee shall drink thereof in remembrance of mee; for so oft as yee shall eate this bread and drink of this cup, ye shall declare the lord's death untill his comeing: Therefore whosoever shall eate this bread and drink of the lord's cup unworthilly, hee shalbe guilty of the bodie and blood of the Lord. Then see that every man prove and try himself, and so let him eate of this bread and drink of this cup, for whosoever eateth and drinketh unworthilly he eateth and drinketh his owne damnation for not haveing due regarde and consideration of the Lord's body. |
yt by the ministry of God's holy word he may receive counsell and advice for his consoln and quieting of his conscience, Unless he endeavour for a full trust in God's mercy and quietnes of conscience.10 10 This note is by a different hand, and is only partially legible. It seems to have been a proposed rubric to direct those who were troubled in conscience to consult their pastors, |
This done the minister [proceedeth to the]11 exhortation. DEARLIE beloved in the Lord, forasmuch as we be now assembled to celebrat the holy communion of the body and blood of our Saviour Christ, Lett us considder these words of Sanct Paull, how he exhorteth all persons diligently to try and examine themselves before they presume to eate of that breade and drink of that cup; for as the benefit is great, if with a true penitent heart and lively faith wee receive that holy Sacrament (for then wee spiritually eate the flesh of Christ and drink his bloode, then we dwell in Christ and Christ in us, wee be one with Christ and Christ with us) So is the danger great, if we receive the same unworthily, for then wee be guilty of the bodie and blood of Christ our Saviour, wee eate and drink our owne damnation, not considdering the Lord's body, wee kindle God's wraith against us, and provock him to plague us with dyvers diseases and sundrie kynds of death. |
11 Cut off
Rom. [7.12 Gal. [5
Phil. [3.
To considder where to take this in.13 |
Let us considder, then, that this Sacrament is a singular rnedicyne for all poore lick creatures, a comfortable helpe to weake soules, and that our lord requireth no other worthiness in our parts, but that wee unfaynedly acknowledge our naughtiness and imperfection: Then to the end that wee may be worthy partakers of his merits, and most comfortable benefits (which is the true eating of his flesh and drinking of his bloode) let us not suffer our mynds to wander about the consideration of these earthly and corruptible things (which wee see present to our eyes and feele with our hands) to seeke Christ bodily present in them, as if hee were inclosed in the bread or wine, or as if these elements were [turned and changed into the subtlance]14 of his flesh and blood; for the only way to dispose ourselves to receive nowrishment, relief, and quickening of his substance, is to lift up our mynds by faith above all things worldly and sensible, and thereby to enter into heaven that we may find and receave Christ where he dwelleth undoubtedly verie God and verie man, in the incomprehensible glory of his father; To whom be all praise, honour, and glorie for now and for ever. Amen. Then shall the Minister say ALL yee that truely repent you of your sinnes, that beleeve in the Lord Jesus Christ, that be in love and charitie with your neighbours, and intend to live a new and godlie life hereafter following the commandements of God and walking in his holy Lawes, draw neare and tack this holy Sacrament to your comfort making your humble confession to Almightie God humbly upon your knees. |
12 Some of the marginal references have been cut off. 13 Where or Whether? probably a suggestion to omit the paragraph within brackets.
14 Cut off
Matt.] 26. |
ALMIGHTIE God father of our Lord Jesus Christ maker of all things, judge of all men, wee acknowledge and bewaill our manifold sinnes and wickednesse which from time to time we have comitted against thy divine matie in thought word and deed provocking thy wraith and indignation against us; wee doe eamestly repent and are heartily sorie for these our misdoeings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us; the burthen of them is intollerable; have mercie upon us, have mercie upon us most mercifull father for thy Sonne our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is past, and grant that we may ever heereafter serve and please the in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy holy name Through Jesus Christ our Lord. And [ ]15 selves, to this thy holy table not trusting in our owne worthinesse, but in thy great and manifold mercies, confessing with the centurion16 that wee are not worthy that thou shouldst come under our roofe; And acknowledging with that woman of Canaan that we deserve not to eate of the crums which fall from thy table, much lesse that thou shouldst admit us as thy sonnes and daughters to begin with thee this banquet on earth which thou hast promised shal be perfited and continued for ever in heaven; But thou o Lord art rich in mercie, and infinit in goodnesse who hast provided our redemption to stand in thy well beloved Sonne that was in all things made lyke unto us sinne excepted, And was offered to thee upon the crosse in a sacrifice for satisfaction of thy justice, him also thou hast vouchsafed to give us this day to be the foode of our soules in this sacrament; Mercifull father wee beseech thee that wee receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to thy sonne our Saviour his holy institution, may be made partakers of his most blissed body and blood. Send doune o Lord thy blissing upon this Sacrament, that it may be unto us the effectual exhibitive instrument of the Lord Jesus.17 Wee are come heere to seeke at thy hands O Lord Jesus physitian of soules health and physick to our diseased spirits, to celebrat the remembrance of thy death with thanksgiving as thou hast commanded; And wee acknowledge thee the only author of our libertie and life, that by the alone we have entrance given us unto the throne of grace, and shalbe made heyres, as certainlie we hope of glory hereafter: We cannot as wee are bound o Lord give praise and thanks sufficient to thy name, yet for these and all others thy inestimable mercies wee thy congregation here gathered, and moved with thy Blissed Spirit renders unto thee o father [O Lord Jesus Christ]18 redeemar of the world, o holy Spirit, our gratious comforter, all praise, honour and glorie, for now and for evir: Therewithall wee moil humblie present unto thy matie, the service of our soules and bodies praying the gratiously to accept the same, and give us strength to performe and grace to fulfill that which we have purposed in serving thee: Graunt us these things for the onely merits of our Saviour, in whom wee are bold still to intreat thee, As by him wee are taught to say: Our father which art, &c. |
15 Cut off.
17 The sacramental bread “appointed by God to be a sign and a seal, and an exhibiting instrument of Christ's body.” —Cowp. p. 263.
18 Cut off. |
The prayer ended the Minister shall repeate the words of the institution for consecrating the elements, and say THE Lord Jesus the same night he was betrayed took bread [whilst he is uttering these words he shall take the bread in his hand] and after he had givin thanks he brak it and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take yee, eate yee, this is my bodie which is brokin for you; doe yee this in remembrance of me: Likewise after supper he tooke the cup [and at these words he shall tak the cup in his hand] saying, this cup is the new testament or covenant in my blood, doe yee this so oft as yee shall drink thereof in remembrance of mee; for so oft as yee shall eate this bread and drink of this cup, yee shall declare the death of the Lord to his comeing. Then let him say LET us lift up our hearts unto the Lord, and by faith lay hold upon Jesus, whom God the father by his spirit offereth to us in this holy Sacrament, that wee may draw vertue from the Lord to quicken and conserve our soules and bodies unto eternall lyfe. Then shall the Minister first receive the communion in both kyndes himself, and next delyver it unto other ministers (if anie be there present) that they may help the chiefe minister, and after to the people in there hands they kneeling: And when he delyvers the bread he shall say, THE bodie of our Lord Jesus Christ which was givin for thee preserve thy bodie and soule unto everlasting life; Tack and eate this in remembrance that the bodie of Christ was broken for thee, and feede on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving. And the minister that delyvers the cup shall say, THE blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which was givin for thee preserve thy bodie and soule unto everlasting life; drink this in remembrance that the bloode of Christ was shedde for thee and be thankfull. In the tyme of service whilst the people are communicating, let the Reader read distinctly the historie of Christ's passion, Begynnand at the 13 of Sanct Johne and so forward. And whilst they ar giving place to others let a pairt of the 103 or 34 psalme be sung; So by this intercourse of reading and singing the people shalbe kept in a holy exercise till all have communicated. When all are served Let the Minister reade this thanksgiving. |
Then shall the Minister pray after this manner, and reading [sic] the words of the Institution.19 19 By a different hand. |
WHAT shall wee rander unto thee O Lord for all thy benefits towards us? Wee confesse to thy glorie that wee cannot requite thy loving kindnesse when we have given to serve thy matie all that wee have, yit shall wee remain thy bound debtors in as much more as thy Christ our Lord is more than wee are; But O Lord, O gratious Lord who accepteth the weedows mite because it came from a willing mynde, Accept also the sacrifice which wee now present unto thee, not weighing our merits, but pardoning our offences wee desire nothing more then that by thy owne grace wee may become thine to serve thee; And that in the strength of this bread of life, wherewith thou hast fedde us this day, wee may walk all our dayes, in a holy and godly conversation before thee: Make us wise good Lord to decerne the deceit of synne in all tyme to come; fill us with thy grace and heavenly benediction; And give us strength to resist the tyrranie of Satan our enemie; Thou knowis and wee feele it, that he envyeth our fellowship with thee, and that thou should show mercie upon us which never will be showne upon him;20 Good Lord, arme us with thy grace to resist him when he tempteth us, and when wee fall, let us not perish, but put under thy mercifull hand raysing us up againe when of weaknesse we forget thee; Lord remember us ever in mercie, and continue thy good Spirit with us, Keepe us under his regiment,21 and let no iniquitie have dominion over us, Leave us never to ourselves, but so assist us with thy grace that wee may always continue in that holy fellowship which this day wee have bene admitted unto, doing alwayes those [good works which thou hast]22 prepared for us to walk in; And perfite wee beseech thee that great worke of our salvation which thou hast begun in us, Through Jesus Christ our Lord to whm with thee o father and the holy spirit one God and three persons, we render all praise honour and glorie for ever. Amen. |
20 “Satan envies most the glory of God's mercy, whereof he knows he shall never be a partaker.” —Cowper's Works, 176. 21 “Christians under the regiment of the spirit.” —ibid. p. 84. 22 Cut off.
This thanksgiving made the two first verses of the 106 psalme shalbe sung and the whole action concluded with a blessing. THE FORME OF First the bands must be published three severall Sundayes in tyme of divine service, the people being present after their accustomed maner. And if the persons that should be maryed dwell in divers parioches the bands must be proclamed in both parioches, And the minister of the one parish shall not solemnize mariage betuix them without a certificat of the bands being thrice proclamed from the minister of the other parish. At the day appoynted for the solemnization of mariage the persons to be maryed shall come into the Church with there freinds and nighbours and there the minister shall speake thus. DEARLY beloved brethren wee are heere gathered together in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to joyne these parties together in the holy band of matrimonie which is ane honorable estate instituted of God in paradise, man being then in the estate of innocencie: for what tyme God made heaven and earth and all that is in them, And had created and fashioned man after his owne similitude and likenesse, unto whome he gave rule and lordship over all the beasts of the earth, fishes of the sea, and foules of the ayre, hee said It is not good that man live alone, let us make him ane helpar like unto himself; And God brought a fast sleepe upon him, and tooke one of his ribs and shaped Evah thereof, giveing us thereby to understand that man and wife are one body one flesh and one blood: Signifying also unto us the mysticall union that is betueen Christ and his Church: This holy estate also Christ honoured and beautified with his owne presence, And it is commended by Sanct Paul as honorable amongst all men: Therefore it ought not to be enterprysed nor takin in hand unadvisedly lightly or wantonly to satisfie men's carnall lulls and appetites, lyke brute beasts that have no understanding, but reverently discreetly and soberly in the feare of God, after a due consideration of the causes for which marriage was ordained, whereof one was the procreation of children to be brought up in the feare and nurtur of the Lord; another was for a remeady against sinne and to avoyd fornication so that every man and woman that hath not the gift of continency may marie, that they keepe their bodyes pure and undefyld; the thrid cause was for the mutuall society helpe and comfort that the one ought to have of the other both in prosperitie and adversitie. |
And this last should bring to your mynds the dueties wch yee [ ]23 in the epistles of Sanct Paull and Sanct petir the Apostles of Christ; for Sanct, paul in his epistle to the Ephesians the 5 chapter doeth give this commandement to all maried men; yee husbands love your wives even as Christ loved the Church and hath given himself for it, to sanctifie it, purging it in the fontaine of watter through the word, that he might make it to himself a glorious congregation24 not haveing spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and blamelesse: So men are bound to love their owne wives as their owne bodies: he that loveth his owne wife loveth himself; for never did any man hate his owne flesh but nowrisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord doeth the congregatioun; for wee are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones; for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shalbe joyned unto his wife, and they tuo shall be one flesh : This mysterie is great, but I speake of Christ and of the congregation; neverthelesse let everie one of you so love his owne wife evin as himselfe. |
23 Cut off.
bath of church
church 24 The marginal corrections are written by a different hand. They are in conformity with King James's translation; one of his directions to the translators being, that the word church should not be rendered congregation. The Genevan version is followed in the MS., and it is worthy of note, that that version was always used by Cowper, as appears from his works. 25 Cut off
26 Cut off
Then the minister shall say unto the persons that are to be maried I REQUIRE and charge you as yee will ansuere at the dread full day of Judgement when the secrets of all hearts shalbe disclosed that if either of you doeth know any impediment why yee may not be lawfully joyned in mariage that ye confesse it: for be ye well assured that so many as be coupled together otherwise then Gods word doeth allow, are not joyned together by God, neither is their mariage lawfull. If no impediment be declared by them then the minister sayeth to the whole congregation I TAK you to witnesse that be heere present, beseeching you all to have good remembrance heerof, and if there be any of you which knowes that either of these parties be contracted to any other, or knowes any other lauchfull impediment, Let them now mack declaration of it. If any man doeth alledge and declare any impediment why they may not be coupled together by God's Law or the Lawes of this realme, and will be bound and sufficient sureties with him to the parties, or else put in a caution to the full value of such charges as the persons to be maried doeth sustaine, to prove his allegation, then the solemnization must be deferred untill such tyme as the [truth be tried].27 But if no impediment be alledged then shall the minister proceede and say to the man,28 |
27 Cut off. |
FORASMUCH as no man speaketh against this thing, you N. shall protest heere before God and his holie congregation that you have [taken] and are [ now] contented to have M. heere present for your wife prornising to keepe her to love and entreat her in all things according to the duetie of a faithfull husband, forsaking all other during her life, and brieflie to live with her in ane holy conversation keeping faith and trueth in all poynts, according as the word of God and his holy Gospell doeth command. |
Col. 3. |
The ansuere. Even so I tak her before God and in the presence of this his congregation. The minister to the spouse woman29 also sayeth |
29 Woman in a different hand. |
YOU M. shall protest heere before God and in the presence of this his holy congregation that yee have taken and are now contented to have N. here present for your lawfull husband promising to him subjection and obedience forsaking all others during his lyfe, and finally to live with him in a |
1 Cor. 11. |
[The ansuere.]30 Even so I tak him before God, and in the presence of this his congregation. The Minister then sayeth GIVE diligent eare then to the Gospell, that you may understand how our Lord would have this holy contract keept and observed, and how sure and fail a knot it is which may in no wise be loosed, according as we be taught in the 19 chap. of Sanct mathews gospell. THE Pharises came unto Christ to tempt him and to grope his minde saying, Is it lawfull for a man to put away his wife for everie light cause? He ansuered saying, That hee who created man at the beginning made them male and female; saying for this thing shall a man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and they twaine shalbe one flesh, so that they are no more tuo but one flesh; Let no man therefore put asunder that which God hath coupled together. Then shall the minister say Lett us pray. O GOD who by thy mightie power didst mak all things of nought and after other things set in order didst appoynt that out of man whom thou created to thine owne image woman should take her beginning, knitting them together in the holy estate of matrimony; looke mercifully wee beseech thee upon these thy servands who now are entring into that condition of life, and so vouchsafe to blesse them that they obeying thy will may abide in thy love and live in perfite love and peace together unto the end of their lives, which finished graunt them o God to inherite ever lasting life And that through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then let the 128 psalme be sung, and that done the minister shall commend them to God in this sort. THE Lord sanctify and blisse you, the Lord poure the riches of his grace upon you, that yee may please him, and live together in holy love unto your lives end. Amen. |
30 Cut off |
THE ORDER FOR The visitation of the sick being a thing very necessary, the minister may not in any case neglect it, and would admonish the people now and then as occasion is givin him, to advertise when they fall sick, that hee may minister unto them such comfort as their necessitie requireth, when [ ]31 exhort him in this or the like forme. |
31 Cut off |
BELOVED you must remember that Almightie God is the Lord of life and death, and over of (sic) all things to them pertaining, as youth, ilrength, health, age, weaknesse, and sicknesse : wherefore whatsoever your licknesse is, know yee certainly that it is God's visitation, and for what cause soever this (sic) weaknesse is sent unto you whether it be to try your patience for the example of others, and that your faith may be found in the day of the Lord laudable, glorious, and honourable to the increase of glory and endless felicity, or else it be sent unto you to correct and amend in you whatsoever doeth offend the eyes of your heavenly father;j know yee certainly that if yee truely repent you of your sinnes, and beare your sicknesse patiently, trusting in God's mercy for his deare sonne Jesus Christ's sake and rander unto him humble thanks for his fatherly visitation, submitting yourself wholly unto his will, it shall turne to your profite and helpe you forward in the right way that leadeth unto everlasting life; Tak therefore in good |
32 The erasures and corrections have been made by a different hand, to bring the MS. into conformity with King James's translation, |
If the person be verie sick hee may according to his discretion be the more briefe in his exhortation, and advising him to mack his will (if he hath not before disposed [his goods and also declare]33 his debts what he oweth and is owand to him, for the discharge of his conscience, and quietnesse of his executors; hee shall adrnonish him to forgive all persons that have offended him, and if he hath offended others to aske of them forgivenesse, and make amends to the uttermost of his power. Hee shall also move the sick person in the best maner he can, to show his liberalitie towards the poore. And if hee feele his conscience troubled with any weightie matter to mack a speciall confession of it. Then shall he say the prayer following. O MOST mercifull God who according to the multitude of thy mercies dost so put away the sinnes of those which truely repent, that thou remembers them no more, opin thine eye of mercy upon this thy servant, who most earnestly desireth pardon and forgivenesse, Renew in him most loving father what soever hath bene decayed by the fraude and malice of the devill or by his owne carnall will and frailnesse; preserve and continue this sick member in the unity of the Church, considder his contrition, accept his teares, assuadge his paines, as shall seeme to the (sic) most expedient for him; And for as much as he puts his full trust only in thy mercy, impute not unto him his former sinnes, but tak him into thy favour through the merits of thy most dearly beloved Sonne Jesus Christ. Amen. Or, |
33 Cut off |
O OUR good God, Lord and father the Creator and conserver of all things, who givest health
and sendest sicknesse and other chastisments at thy good pleasure, wee humbly beseech thee in the behalfe of this thy creature, whom thou hast visited with grievous paine and sicknesse, that thou wilt be pleased to tak pitie and compassion upon him, and not extend thy rigorous judgement against him; mitigate his paines, and dispose his heart patiently and with a willing obedience to submitt himself to this thy fatherly correction: Assist him O God with the sweete consolations of thy Spirit, in all his anguishes and troubles: Receive him in thy favour, and forgive all his sinnes both secret and those which are manifest accepting the sacrifice of thy Sonne our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ as a full recompense for all his iniquities; Setle O Lord in his heart the sweet promises which thou has made in thy sonne to all beleevers, and give him a stedfast faith and full assurance of the remission of all his sinnes, that hee may remaine constant against all the assaults which the enemie of our salvation may raise to trouble and molest his conscience; make him to feele the frute and strength of thy grace, and by the power thereof give him to overcome all the tentations which either his owne sinnes, or the sorrow or dreadfull feare of death may bring to his weake conscience: Establish his soule with the comfortable hope of salvation, and if the tyme be come wherein thou wilt take him out of this world, grant unto him that blissed life which of thy mercy thou hast promised and prepared for all that have their recourse and refudge, to [ ]34 and with a contented mynde resigne his life into thy hands who art the faithfull creator, and will reunite both soule and body in a better estate then now wee have them, at the resurrection of the dead: for this and all other things thy wisdom knowes to be needfull both to him and us we mak bold to pray in the forme that our Saviour hath taught us saying, our father which art, &c. |
34 A line cut off.
The prayer ended the sick person haveing witnessed his faith in Christ, and made confession of his sinnes, the minister shall absolve him in this sort. O LORD Jesus Christ who hes left power to his Church to absolve all sinners which truely repent and beleeve in him, of his great mercie forgive thee thine offences, And by his authoritie comitted to mee I absolve thee thus repenting and beleeving35 from all thy sinnes, in the name of the father and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost, Amen. At his depairting from the sick person he shall say ALMIGHTIE God who is a most strong tower to all them that put their trust in him, be now and evermore thy defence, and make thee know, and feele that there is none other name under heaven given to man in whome and through whome thou mayst receave health and salvation but only the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Amen. |
35 “Thus repenting and beleeving,” is written in the margin in a different hand, to be introduced after “thee.” The correction is in accordance with Puritan suggestions at the revisions of the English Prayer Rook.
[ ]36 able to resoirt to the Church for receiving the holy communion, and desire earnestly to receive the fame declaring upon his conscience that he thinks his sicknesse to be deadlie, The minister shall not deny him ye comfort, lawfull warning being given him, upon the night before, And some of good religion and conversation being present to communicat with him.37 THE MANER OF BURIALL. BURIALL hath in all ages bene held in regarde to declare that the bodie which is committed to earth doeth not utterly perish, but shall rise againe in the last day: Therefore ought the corps be reverently brought to the grave accompanied with a sufficient number of the congregation without any farther ceremonies, And that all be done in a decent and seemly maner, that they who are present may take warning to feare God, and hate smne which is the cause of death. |
36 A line cut off.
37 Private communion was allowed by the Assembly of St. Andrews in 1617, but the King disliked the condition attached, and had a new Act passed on the subject at Perth in 1618. |
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |