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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
XXXII. VARIOUS PRAYERS O Eternal God and merciful Father, we humbly pray for Thy holy Church throughout the world, that it being purged from false philosophy and vain deceit, we may live and act as befits the members of the mystical Body of Thy Son, and in the end be found acceptable unto Thee; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. An Intercession for the Church. We beseech Thee, O Lord, let the strong crying of Thy Church ever be acceptable unto Thee; that receiving forgiveness of sins, it may become devout by the working of Thy grace, and tranquil under the protection of Thy power; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Reunion of Christendom. O Lord Jesus Christ, who saidst unto Thine Apostles, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; Regard not our sins, but the faith of Thy Church, and grant her that peace and unity which is agreeable to Thy will; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost one God, world without end. Amen. For Bishops. O God, who rulest over Thy people with fatherly love, give the spirit of wisdom to all who have received from Thee the authority of government, that the welfare of Thy flock may turn to the everlasting joy of their pastors; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Bishop of the Diocese. O God, the Pastor and Ruler of Thy faithful servants, look down in mercy on Thy servant, . . . . our bishop. Do Thou evermore guide, defend, comfort, sanctify and save him, and grant him by Thy grace so to advance in word and good example, that he. may, with the flock committed to him, attain to everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. In the Vacancy of a See (or Parish). Almighty and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth; Grant, we beseech thee, of Thy loving-kindness, to this Thy flock a Bishop (or Pastor) who shall by holiness of life, wisdom in ruling and faithfulness in teaching, be well-pleasing unto Thee, and by watchfulness and zeal promote Thy glory and the salvation of souls; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Diocese. We implore Thy blessing on all the parishes and missions of this diocese. Grant to them all things needful for their spiritual welfare. Strengthen and confirm the faithful; visit and relieve the sick; turn and soften the wicked; rouse the careless; recover the fallen; restore the penitent; remove all hindrances to the advancement of Thy truth; bring all to be of one heart and mind within the fold of Thy holy Church, to the honor and glory of Thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end. Amen. For the Clergy. O Christ, whose Priesthood never passeth away, let Thy power come to the aid of Thy servants, the Clergy of this Diocese (Parish), that they may carefully and excellently discharge their ministry according to Thy pleasure; and as they have received their talents to be profitably employed, as the Spirit giveth ability, they may at last lay them on Thy altar with abundant gain, that they may become worthy to hear that voice full of hope, “Enter into the joy that has no end.” May they go on, O Lord, from strength to strength; lift them up while they worship Thee; perfect Thy gifts in them, and crown their heads with a diadem, and in their hearts, as in an ark, may Thy grace be stored up; grant them Thine abundant help, and fill their labors with power, that all may be to Thy glory who with the Father and the Holy Ghost art God for ever and ever. Amen. O God, whose ways are all mercy and truth, carry on Thy gracious work, and bestow, by Thy benefits, what human frailty cannot attain; that they who attend upon the heavenly Mysteries may be grounded in perfect faith, and shine forth conspicuous by the purity of. their souls; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Their Success in the Edification of the Faithful. Grant, O Lord, that they who minister in Thy Name in this Diocese (or Parish) may be enabled so to dispense the mysteries of Thy grace and truth, that many by their ministrations may be built up in our most holy faith, and perfected in the energies of a loving obedience; through ‘Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Their Success Against the Powers of Evil. O Lord God of Hosts, fill, we beseech Thee, all those
whom Thou hast set as pastors over Thy sheep, with righteousness and true
holiness, that by their faith and piety they may overcome the wicked one,
and save the Lord’s flock from the danger of his assaults; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
For Those Who Have Ministered To Us in Spiritual Things. Almighty God, who art the Giver of all good things; We praise Thee for Thy blessing vouchsafed to us by the hands of Thy servants( . . . ) Perfect Thy work in their hearts according to the fulness of Thy love, and grant that we, keeping the grace which we have received through their instrumentality, may give them cause to rejoice with us in its growth; and that, by the manifold fruit of their ministrations, the thanksgivings of many may abound for them in the day of reward; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. For the Increase of Clergy. O Almighty God, look mercifully upon the world, redeemed by the blood of Thy dear Son, and send forth many more to do the work of the ministry, that perishing souls may be rescued, and Thy glorious triumph may be hastened by the perfecting of Thine elect; through the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For a Parish. Almighty and Everlasting God, who dost govern all things
in heaven and earth; Mercifully hear the supplications of us Thy servants,
and grant unto this Parish all things that are needful for its spiritual
welfare: schools wherein to bring up the young in Thy faith and fear;
ministers to labor in this portion of Thy vineyard; a church perfected
according to the beauty of holiness; strengthen and increase the faithful,
visit and relieve the sick, turn and soften the wicked, arouse the careless,
recover the fallen, restore For a Church School. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to prosper with Thy blessing the work of this school, and all other works undertaken in Thy fear and for Thy glory. Grant that all who serve Thee here, whether as teachers or learners, may set Thy will ever before them, and do such things as are pleasing in Thy sight, that so both the Church and the State of this land may be bettered by their studies, and ‘they themselves may attain to everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. For a College or University. Almighty God, who hast created man in Thine own image and made him a living soul that he may seek after Thee and have dominion over Thy creatures; Send Thy blessing on this University. Grant to the President and all in authority, love, grace and wisdom to rule justly. Give to those who teach knowledge and skill; and to those who learn a willing and childlike spirit. Give to all, both teachers and learners, the guidance of Thy Holy Spirit that whether they study the works of Thy hands, or learn to subdue the earth for the use of man, or train the reason for Thy service, they may seek Thy glory in all things, and following Thy will in a humble and teachable spirit, may be delivered in all temptations that meet them in their life and through their work, and at last attain to their perfection in Thy likeness, through Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For a Church Hall, or Dormitory We commend this Hall and all those who shall live therein to God’s most holy keeping, praying that it may be a place wherein He may ever dwell in the hearts of His children; that they may be preserved in all temptations and dangers, live in love one with another, work faithfully according to His will, and set forth His glory in all things; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Woman’s Auxiliary. O Lord, without whom our labor is but lost, and with whom Thy little ones go forth as the mighty; We humbly beseech Thee to prosper all works in Thy Church undertaken according to Thy holy will, especially the work of the Woman’s Auxiliary, and grant to Thy laborers, a pure intention, patient faith, sufficient success upon earth, and the blessedness of serving Thee in heaven; through Jesus ‘Christ our Lord. Amen. The Girls’ Friendly Society. O Lord, our Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee to bless
us, and all who belong to the Girls’ Friendly Society. May its members
be sheltered and protected evermore by Thy fatherly love; and to its Associates
vouchsafe the help and guidance of Thy Holy Spirit. Help us all to bear
one another’s burdens, to live not for ourselves, but for others
as members of one family in Christ, wash us from our sins in His precious
blood, make us holy by the indwelling of Thy Holy Spirit, and bring us
all at last to the joy of Thy Heavenly Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen. |
The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew. O Almighty and Eternal God, we humbly pray Thee to vouchsafe Thy blessing to the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, that all its members, being inspired with lively faith and love, may earnestly strive to promote the honor due to Thy dear Son, the gathering of wanderers Pinto the fold. Give us grace to fulfil in our lives what we profess with our lips. Deliver us, O God, from false doctrine and slackness of living, and grant that, persevering ‘unto the end, we may obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Church Temperance Society. Almighty God, who didst make man in Thine own Image,
and afterwards didst sanctify our human nature by the Incarnation of
Thy Son; Give us grace to resist all those sinful lusts whereby that
which Thou hast made and sanctified may be defiled. An Altar Guild. O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst accept the ministry of faithful women during Thy earthly life; We pray Thee to accept and bless the work which this Altar Guild undertakes in the care of Thy sanctuary. Grant us a spirit of reverence for Thy House and worship, Thy Word and Sacraments, and preserve in purity and holiness our own souls and bodies as living Temples of Thy presence; to whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit be all praise and honor, now and forever. Amen. For a Blessing on Social Intercourse. O God, who makest manifest to us in Thy servants the signs of Thine own Presence; Send forth upon us the Spirit of love; that by the coming together of our brethren and fellow-servants, Thy bountiful grace may be increased in ourselves; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For the World Around. O Good Shepherd of the sheep, look mercifully upon those who have none to watch over them in Thy Name. Prepare them to receive Thy truth and send ,them pastors after Thine own heart. Replenish with Thine abundant grace those whom Thou dost send, and waken the pity of Thy people for all these strangers to Thy covenant, so that, by their cheerful contribution and the cooperation of Thy Holy Spirit, multitudes may be added to the Church and become partakers of the salvation which Thou hast promised, O Lord and lover of souls. Amen. For Members of the Church Who Are Removed From the Ordinances of Grace. O Lord, make Thy sanctifying Presence continually manifest to those who are without any to minister in Thy Name (especially ——). Teach them so meekly to use their afflictions, whether of mind or body, as a means of grace uniting them to the Passion of Thy dear Son, that their faith and patience being perfected by inward communion with Him, they may in the end obtain Thy promises along with Thy redeemed; through the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. For the Missions of the Church. O God, our heavenly Father, who didst manifest Thy love by sending Thine only begotten Son into the world that all may live through Him: Pour Thy Spirit upon Thy Church that it may fulfil His command to preach the Gospel to every creature; send forth, we beseech Thee, laborers into Thy harvest; defend them in all dangers and temptations and hasten the time when the fulness of the Gentiles shall be gathered in, and all Israel shall be saved; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Prosperity of Missions. O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst charge Thine Apostles that they should preach the Gospel to every nation; Make us to show our gratitude for Thy benefits by earnestness in fulfilling Thy command. Prosper all missions, both at home and abroad, with an increase of sanctity, that they may win many to the acknowledgement of Thy truth (especially those in ——), and give them all things needful for their work, making them to be centres of spiritual life, to the quickening of many souls, and the glory of Thy Holy Name, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen.
For Their Increase in Number. O Lord Jesus Christ, cause the witness of Thy truth
to be set forth by the establishment of mission works in other places
also (especially ——), that our fellow-countrymen who have
gone astray may be brought back to the faith, and that those who know
Thee not may be partakers of Thy grace, who livest and reignest with
the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. |
For Those in Foreign Lands.
O God of all nations of the earth, remember the multitude of Thy people who though created in Thine image, ‘are perishing in their ignorance, and according to the propitiation of Thy Son Jesus Christ, grant that by the prayers and labors of Thy holy Church, they may be delivered from all superstition and unbelief, and brought to worship Thee, through Him whom Thou hast sent to be our salvation, the Resurrection and the Life of all the faithful, the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Jews. O Everlasting Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; We beseech Thee to look upon Thine appointed people Israel, scattered abroad throughout the world, and to visit them with Thy salvation. Take away from them all ignorance and prejudice; bring them to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Messiah and the Saviour of us all; and so fetch them home, Blessed Lord, to Thy flock that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O Jesus Christ, Son of David, King of Israel, who hast in all ages an elect remnant amongst Thine ancient people, and who art ever hastening the time when all Israel shall be saved; We beseech Thee by Thy good Spirit to make us share Thy tender compassion for them, to show us what Thou wouldest have us attempt for their salvation, and to enable us earnestly to accomplish the same, to Thy glory, and the establishment of Thy kingdom for ever and ever. Amen. For the Unbaptized. Have mercy, Thou God and Father of all, upon those who have not been admitted within Thy covenant of grace. Draw them by Thy love, that they may seek the Water of Life. Give them boldness, that they may not be kept from Thee by any fear of man, or prejudice of the natural heart, but, yielding themselves up to Thy command, may escape the corruption which is in the world through sin, and be admitted to the participation of Thy Divine Nature, through Jesus Christ our Mediator and Advocate. Amen. For Those Who Are Inquiring After the Truth. O Lord Jesus Christ, who dost give power to such as will receive Thee, that they may become the sons of God; Draw unto Thyself all those who are desirous to come to Thy light; make the way plain for them, that they may no longer be entangled by any worldly cares, so as to be kept out of the way of salvation. Enable them to realize the privileges of Thy Holy Church, and the blessedness of our adoption into the fellowship of Thy Holy Spirit. Deliver them from all false and unworthy conceptions of Thy service; and grant that they may give themselves to bring others with them to serve Thee’ in spirit and in truth, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, now and ever. Amen. For Missionaries. O Most merciful Saviour and Redeemer, who wouldest not that any should perish, but that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth; Fulfil Thy gracious promise to be present with those who are gone forth in Thy Name to preach the Gospel of salvation (in distant lands). Be with them in all perils by land or by water, in sickness and distress, in weariness and painfulness, in disappointment and persecution. Bless them, we beseech Thee, with Thy continual favor, and send Thy Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. O Lord, let Thy ministers be clothed with righteousness, and grant that Thy Word, spoken by their mouths, may never be spoken in vain. Endue them with power from on high, and so prosper Thy work in their hands that the fulness of the Gentiles may be gathered in, and all Israel be saved. Hear us, O Lord, for Thy mercy’s sake, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. For Missionaries Journeying. O God, who didst bring Abraham Thy servant out of Ur
of the Chaldees, and didst preserve him unhurt through all his pilgrimage;
We beseech Thee, that Thou wouldest vouchsafe to keep these Thy servants:
be unto them, O Lord, a Support in setting out, a Solace by the way, a
Shadow in the heat, a Covering in the cold, a Shelter from the storm,
Rest in weariness, their Guardian in adversity, their Staff in slippery
places, and a Haven in shipwreck, that Thou being their Ruler and Guide,
they may in safety reach their journey’s end. |
A Mid-Day Prayer. Blessed Saviour, who at this hour didst hang upon the Cross, stretching forth Thy loving arms; Grant that all mankind may look unto Thee and be saved, through Thy mercies and merits who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. For all who are in Sin or Error. Almighty Lord our God, direct our steps into the way of peace, and strengthen our hearts to obey Thy commands; may the Day-spring visit us from on high, and give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; that they may adore Thee for Thy mercy, follow Thee for Thy truth, desire Thee for Thy sweetness, who art the blessed Lord God of Israel. Grant this, O Father, for Thy Son Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. Almighty God, we beseech Thee to hear our prayers for all such as sin against Thee or neglect to serve Thee [especially ——], that Thou wouldest vouchsafe to bestow upon them true repentance and earnest longing for Thy service; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. We intreat Thee, O Lord, holy Father, everlasting God, grant that the way of Thy truth and of the knowledge of Thee may be shown to Thy servants who wander in doubt and uncertainty amid the darkness of this world; that their eyes may be opened, and that they may acknowledge Thee the One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and enjoy the fruit of this confession, both here and in the world to come; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Perseverance of the Faithful. Vouchsafe we beseech Thee, O Lord, to strengthen and confirm all Thy faithful people [especially ——], and to lift them up more and more to high and heavenly desires, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For any between whom there is Jealousy. O Lord Jesus Christ, grant that those who are tempted to estrangement one from another, by consideration and private interest or party feeling [especially ——], may so devoutly cherish the unity of the Spirit wherewith they are called, that, losing the consciousness of self in the adoration of Thy glorious Majesty, they fail not of their portion in the Communion of Saints when Thy Kingdom shall be revealed. Amen. For Charity amongst Christians. O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast commanded us to love one another; Put an end to the unhappy divisions of those who are called by Thy name. Come quickly and bind us together in the full revelation of Thy love, and let the desire for Thine appearing unite us even now while we wait for Thee. Teach us to realize that the ordinances of Thy grace bind us to each other as well as unto Thee; and let us not so misuse the means of our salvation as to foster a spirit of division by what should be the channels of Thy love. Enable us to love one another in thee and for Thee, until all our imperfections are done away, and we shall shine forth in Thy light, and rejoice in the manifestations of Thy love. In Thy Love let us triumph over all difference of condition, all the estrangements of race, all the prejudices of education, all the pride of self-will. In Thy love let us be humb1e; in Thy love let us be one; that in Thy love we may be exalted, and in Thy love we may be Thine for ever. Amen. For a Parochial Mission. O Lord Jesus Christ, the Great Shepherd of the sheep, who seekest those that are gone astray, bindest up those that are broken, and healest those that are sick; Bless, we beseech Thee, the effort now being made to convert souls unto Thee. Open the deaf ears of the wanderers, that they may hear the words which belong unto their salvation; and grant that those whom Thou dost raise to newness of life, may through Thy grace persevere unto the end: of Thy mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and livest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God world without end. Amen. For a Retreat or Quiet Day. O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst say unto Thy Disciples,
Come ye apart into a desert place and rest a while; Grant we beseech Thee
to Thy servants now gathered together, so to seek Thee whom our souls
desire to love, that we may both find Thee and be found of Thee. Grant
such love and such wisdom to accompany the words which shall be spoken
in Thy name, that they may not fall to the ground, but may be helpful
in leading us onward through the toils of our pilgrimage to that rest
which remaineth, where, nevertheless, they rest not day nor night from
Thy perfect service; who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen. |
For the Fourth of July or any Day of National or State Observance. O Almighty God, who givest breath to every living thing, and of whose power it is that peoples, nations, and kindreds of men stretch forth the curtains of their habitations; We give Thee hearty thanks for that spirit of brave adventure to which this nation owes its birth. We rejoice in the insuperable courage of those who, loving liberty and knowledge, have pushed away the veil of mountains and of seas, and have sought light and freedom for themselves and their children; and we pray that Thou wilt give to us the same spirit, and make us a people worthy of these heroic ideals and traditions. Grant us grace ever to witness for Thee among the nations. And hasten the time, we pray Thee, when all the peoples of the earth shall dwell together in righteousness and peace, and war shall be no more. All which we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen. O Lord our Saviour, who hast warned us that Thou wilt require much of those to whom much is given; Grant that we whose lot Thou hast cast in so goodly an heritage may strive together the more abundantly by prayer, by fasting, by almsgiving, and by every other appointed means, to extend to others what we so richly enjoy; and as we have entered. into the labours of other men, so to labour that in their turn other men may enter into ours, to the fulfilling of Thy Holy will and our own everlasting salvation; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. For National and State Elections. Almighty God, who dost hold us to account for the use of all our powers and privileges; Guide, we pray Thee, the people of these United States in the election of their governors and representatives, that by wise legislation and faithful administration the rights of all may be protected, and our nation be enabled to fulfil Thy purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For all in Civil Authority. O Heavenly Father, we bend the knee before Thee on behalf of all kings, princes, and governors of this world, especially those who hold authority in our own land, beseeching Thee to grant unto them by Thy inspiration to rule in righteousness, to rejoice in peace, to shine in piety, and to labor for the well-being of the people committed unto them, so that by the rectitude of their government all faithful people may live without disturbance in the knowledge of Thee, and labor without hindrance for Thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the State Legislature. O God, the fountain of wisdom, whose will is the law of happiness for peoples as for persons; We beg Thy guidance and blessing for the Legislative Assembly of our State; grant that truth and justice may rule in the deliberations of our senators and representatives, and that their decisions may promote Thy glory and our true welfare; through Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord. Amen. [Also pages 13 and 37 in the Prayer Book.] At the Raising of a Flag. Almighty God, who in days of old didst lead forth Thy
people arrayed under the standards of their tribes to march into a land
of liberty which Thou appointedst for them, and to overcome all their
enemies; Look upon us who are also Thy people; behold and bless that which
we do this day. Grant that this flag which we are about to raise in Thy
Name may be to us a constant reminder of the loyalty to which we are called,
in the service of our country and in the fulfilment of our duty to Thee. [See also prayers on pages 168 and 169.] For the Army and Navy. O most powerful and glorious Lord God, the Lord of hosts,
that rulest and commandest all things; Vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to
bless the officers and men of our army and navy. Grant that in the midst
of the dangers and temptations which beset them, they may fight manfully
against the world, the flesh, and the devil; and resisting all evil by
the mighty power of Thy Spirit, may acquire true courage in the hour of
danger and in the day of battle. Prosper them in the maintenance of our
country’s honor; keep them safe from enemies spiritual and temporal;
that they may glorify Thee upon the earth, until they are called to rest
in the triumph of Thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
During a War.
Almighty, God, who art everywhere present, we commend to Thy fatherly care our soldiers and sailors absent from their homes on the service of their country. Protect them from all evil; give them courage and obedience in danger, and mercy in victory. Prosper their arms to the establishment of justice, peace, and truth among all nations; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O Lord, we pray Thee to have mercy upon all who are this day wounded and suffering. Let Thy grace be their comfort, though kindred and friends be far away. Raise them to health again, if it be Thy good pleasure; but chiefly give them such patience and faith in Thee, that they, being delivered from the assaults of their spiritual enemies, may rest in peace and rise to partake of Thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Mechanics and Artisans. O God, we pray Thee to have mercy upon all artisans, and grant that the intelligence which they employ on earthly objects for the benefit of society may be enlightened by Thy Holy Spirit to a clear perception of the things of heaven, guiding them, amidst all their industry, to work out their own salvation with reverence and godly fear; through Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Agricultural Laborers. Have mercy, O Lord, upon all those who labor in the cultivation of the earth, and grant that by the power of Thy grace their own souls may be made fruitful unto all good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Miners. Almighty God, to whom, darkness and light are both alike; Look upon all Thy sons who labor under the earth; keep them mindful of Thy Presence and protect them in their labor; let no evil come near them; save them from all accident and suffering; and grant that they may serve Thee so faithfully in this life, and in the darkness of their labor, that they may at last attain to the brightness of Thy glory, through Him who gave Himself to labor and suffer for them, Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For those who are obliged to work on the Lord’s Day. O Lord, have mercy upon all those who are required to continue in their work upon Thy holy day. Draw their thoughts to Thyself, and make them partakers of the benefits of the prayers and intercessions of Thy holy Church. And grant to their employers grace to consider the needs of those whom Thou hast made in Thine image; that they who toil may fail not finally to attain to that rest which remaineth for the people of God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Travelers. O God, of infinite mercy and boundless majesty, whom no distance of place nor length of time can part from those for whom Thou carest; Be present to Thy servants who everywhere confide in Thee; and through all the way in which they are to go, be pleased to be their Guide and their Companion. May no accident or adversity harm them, no difficulty oppose them; may all things turn out happily and prosperously for them; that by the aid of Thy right hand, whatsoever they have asked for with a reasonable desire, they may speedily find brought to good effect; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O God, who didst cause the children of Israel to go on dry land through the midst of the sea, and Who, by the leading of a star, didst open to the Wise Men a way unto Thyself; Grant to Thy servants, we beseech Thee, a prosperous journey and a quiet time; that, with the Angel of Thy Presence as their guide, they may happily reach the place whither they would go, and finally attain to the haven of eternal salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For those who are absent from their homes. O God, have mercy upon all those removed from their natural home [especially ——]. Cause them always to remember Thy fatherly love protecting them, and Thine all-seeing eye taking account of them, that they, in every place realizing that Thou art near, may be watchful to do that which is well-pleasing in Thy sight; and if it be Thy good pleasure to grant them a happy return to those they love on earth, make them to find therein such a foretaste of the reunion which shall be hereafter, that when the time of this our exile shall come to an end they may be partakers of Thine everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Widows and Orphans. O Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee to defend and protect
the fatherless children and widows, and grant that the loss of their natural
guardians may lead them to rely the more entirely on Thy supernatural
care, who wilt not leave comfortless such as faithfully seek Thee; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
For those who have none to pray for
O Lord Jesus Christ, who ever livest to make intercession for us, let Thy mercy be extended to all those who have none upon earth to pray for them in Thy Name, and bring them, for Thine own sake, to a participation of Thy grace on earth, that they may praise Thee with all Thy saints in Thine everlasting glory. Amen. For Convicted Criminals. Vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, O Lord, unto all such as are under sentence of, punishment a true sense of their crimes, true repentance for them, and Thy gracious pardon, that their souls may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus; for His sake, who underwent for them the death of the Cross, who now liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. For Comfort and Defence. O Lord, we beseech Thee to refresh the soul of Thy servant [—— ], visited with sickness, that by the due acceptance of this chastisement, it may know the health of Thy grace and the joy of Thy salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Patience under Suffering. Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first He suffered pain, and entered not into glory before He was crucified; Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the Cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Persons about to undergo an Operation. Grant, O Lord, we beseech Thee, that this Thy servant may be strengthened for the approaching operation, with entire reliance upon Thy grace and Thy love, so that the suffering of the body, being sanctified by union with the pain which Thy dear Son bore for us upon the cross, may be instrumental for the obtaining of Thy manifold gifts, for the perfection of his soul; through the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Those in Prolonged Illness. O God, who dost mercifully accept the offering of our weakness; Give Thy servant grace to abide in communion with Thee, that the lengthened season of sickness which hinders his work in the world may train him for the contemplation of Thy glory in the life of the blessed; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. For the Desponding. Comfort, we beseech Thee, most gracious God, all that are cast down and faint of heart amidst the sorrows and difficulties of the world [especially ——], and grant that, by the energy of Thy Holy Spirit, they may be enabled to go upon their way rejoicing, and give Thee continual thanks for Thy sustaining providence, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. For Persons recovering from Sickness. O God, the Giver of life and health, we praise Thee for Thy mercy which Thou hast shown in restoring this Thy servant to some measure of health. Enable him to use for Thy glory all the powers which Thou hast given him, and incline him, by the remembrance of his great danger, to live as one separated from the world, so that he may set about all his actions with a more steadfast endeavor to be found in the end acceptable unto Thee; through Jesus Christ. Amen. For the Blind. O God, who hast sent Thy Son to be the true light of
the world; Grant that they who cannot see the things of the world may
be the more fully enlightened and comforted by His inward guidance. Cheer
them in their blindness with Thy heavenly manifestations. Show Thyself
to such as know Thee not, and grant that they may thankfully accept the
loss of earthly sight, as the means ordained of Thee for bringing their
hearts to the contemplation of their own misery and of Thy holiness. Quicken
those who know Thee by faith to a deeper intuition of Thy purity, that,
beholding Thee with increasing love, they may become the more conformed
to Thine image, until they behold Thee as Thou art, and awake to the full
revelation of Thy glory; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
For the Deaf. O Lord, speak, we beseech Thee, with the voice of Thy, Holy Spirit in the hearts of those who cannot hear the instruction of Thy ministers [especially ——], and grant whatsoever truths of Thy revelation they have learnt may be brought to their remembrance by His quickening power, so that the eyes of their understanding being opened to contemplate those mysteries which by the hearing of the ear they are no longer able to receive, they may advance in Thy knowledge; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Insane and Imbeciles. O Heavenly Father, may Thy supernatural power sustain and comfort Thy servants who have lost the natural faculties of reason and self-control. Suffer not the Evil One to vex them. Impute not to them any unseemly word or action into which they may fall. Look upon them graciously, as redeemed by the Blood of Thy dear Son; and grant that they may be delivered from the darkness of the world, and attain to the glory of Thine immediate Presence; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Sanctification of Suffering. O Lord Jesus, have mercy upon all sufferers. Grant them, continually meditating upon Thy holy life of suffering, to realize in meekness the strength of Thine incarnation; in pain, the triumph of Thy passion; in poverty, the riches of Thy Godhead; in reproach, the satisfaction of Thy sympathy; in loneliness, the comfort of Thy continual Presence; in difficulty, the efficacy of Thine intercession; in perplexity, the guidance of Thy wisdom; and bring them of Thy mercy, when this suffering life is past, to the glorious Kingdom which, by Thy suffering, Thou didst purchase for all who would take refuge in Thy mediation. Amen. For the Aged. O Lord, make the evening of life bright unto Thy servant. Cast him not away in the time of age; forsake him not when his strength faileth. Abide with him when it is towards evening and the day is far spent. Make his latter days pure, peaceful, sinless, and if it please Thee, painless. Guard his lying down and his rising up, from henceforth even forever. Let him wake up and be present with Thee. We ask all in the Name of our only Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. An Evening Prayer. O Lord, support us all the day long of this troublous life, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in Thy mercy grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A General Intercession. O God, at whose word man goeth forth unto his work and to his labor until the evening; Be merciful to all whose duties are difficult or burdensome, and comfort them concerning their toil. Shield from bodily accident and harm the workmen at their work. Protect the efforts of sober and honest industry, and suffer not the hire of the laborers to be kept back by fraud. Incline the hearts of employers and of those whom they employ to mutual forbearance, fairness, and good-will. Give the spirit of governance and of a sound mind to all in places of authority. Bless all schools of good learning, and grant to’ every work of mercy an even course. Care for all aged persons, and all little children, the sick and afflicted, those who travel by land or by sea, all strangers, and emigrants, and outcasts. Remember all who by reason of weakness are overtasked, or by reason of poverty are forgotten. Let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners come before Thee, and have mercy upon those that are appointed to die. Give ear unto our prayer, O merciful and gracious Father, for the love of Thy dear Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. For the Spirit of Prayer. O Almighty God, who hast bidden us seek that we may
find, and who pourest out on all who desire it, the spirit of grace and
of supplication; Deliver us, when we draw nigh to Thee, from coldness
of heart and wandering of mind, that with steadfast thoughts and kindled
affections we may worship thee in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen. |
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |