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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
AN ORDER FOR THE PUBLICK INSTITUTION OF A MINISTER TO A CURE; WHICH MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BISHOP. ¶ The Service may begin with a Hymn. ¶ The Bishop sitting in his Chair, near the holy Table, and the Minister to be instituted standing before him, habited as for Divine Service? the Archdeacon, or his deputy, shall say, REVEREND Father in God, I present unto you A.B., to be instituted to the cure of souls in this Parish of N. ¶ Then the Bishop shall cause to be read by the Registrar, or by some other person appointed by the Bishop, a certified statement that the said A.B. has been duly elected and appointed to the Incumbency. Which done, the Bishop shall say, LET the Declarations be made, subscribed, and taken, in the accustomed manner, according to the Laws of the Church of Ireland. ¶ The Registrar, or his substitute, shall thereupon administer the Declarations in the manner following, the Minister to be instituted repeating each sentence after him in an audible voice; the Congregation standing: I, A.B., do hereby solemnly declare that— 1. I approve, and agree to the Declaration prefixed to the Statutes of the Church of Ireland, passed at the General Convention in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy. 2. I assent to the Thirtynine Articles of Religion, and to the Book of Common Prayer, and of the Ordering of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. I believe the doctrine of the Church of Ireland, as therein set forth, to be agreeable to the Word of God; and in Publick Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments I will use the form in the said Book prescribed, and none other, except so far as shall be allowed by the lawful authority of the Church. 3. I have not made, by myself or by any other person on my behalf, any payment, contract, or promise of any kind whatsoever (save that I will faithfully perform my duty) touching or concerning the obtaining of the Benefice of N.; nor will I at any time hereafter perform or satisfy, in whole or in part, any such payment, contract, or promise, made by any other person, with or without my knowledge or consent. 4. I declare that I do not hold office as an Incumbent, Rector, Vicar, or Licensed Curate, elsewhere than in Ireland, and that I do not hold any other Ecclesiastical Office which I have not made known to the Archbishop (or Bishop) of X. 5. I will render all due reverence and canonical obedience to M., Archbishop (or Bishop) of X., and his successors, Archbishops (or Bishops) of X., in all lawful and honest commands. 6. I promise to submit myself to the authority of the Church of Ireland and to the Laws and Tribunals thereof. 7. I subscribe (or have subscribed) the above Declaration,
to be instituted to the Benefice of N. |
¶ The Minister to be instituted shall sign the Roll, to which the above Declarations are prefixed, if this has not been already done. ¶ The Bishop, having proceeded to the holy Table, shall then say, DEARLY beloved in the Lord; in the Name of God, and in the presence of this Congregation, we purpose now to give institution into the cure of souls in the Parish of N. to our well-beloved in Christ, A.B. Clerk in Holy Orders. And forasmuch as the charge of immortal souls, which our blessed Lord and Saviour has purchased with his own most precious blood, is so solemn and weighty a thing, we beseech you to join together with us in hearty prayer to Almighty God, that he would vouchsafe to give to this his servant grace to fulfil among the people committed to his charge the vows that were made by him, when he was ordained by the laying on of hands to the ministry of Christ's Church. Let us pray. ¶ Then shall follow these Prayers, the Bishop standing and the People kneeling, as also the Minister to be instituted, who shall kneel at the rails in front of the holy Table: Lord, have mercy upon us. OUR Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. Amen. O Lord, save thy servant; O LORD Jesu Christ, who at thy first coming didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way before thee; Grant that the ministers and stewards of thy mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready thy way, by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that at thy second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in thy sight, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen. GRANT, we pray thee, that this thy servant may so minister thy Word and Sacraments, that having faithfully fulfilled his course, he may at last receive the crown of righteousness from the Lord, the righteous Judge, who liveth and reigneth, one God, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. BLESS, O Lord, we pray
thee, thy servant, to whom the care of the souls of thy people in this
Parish is now to be committed. Pour out thy Holy Spirit upon him,
and fit him to perform, with all faithfulness and diligence,
the sacred duties with which he has been entrusted. Give to him
the spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound judgement. Make
his ministry to be the means of awakening the careless, of strengthening
the faithful, of comforting the afflicted, and of edifying thy Church.
Guard him against the snares of temptation, that he
may be kept pure in heart, and stedfast in the right way; and grant that
at the last he may receive the crown of life, which thou hast
promised to thy faithful ones; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
Gender-specific pronouns were italicized after the approval of the ordination of women in the Church of Ireland. |
¶ Then, the Minister to be instituted kneeling before him, the Bishop shall take his right hand, and shall institute him in the accustomed form as followeth: M., by Divine Providence (or Permission), Archbishop (or Bishop) of X., to our beloved in Christ, A.B., Greeting. WHEREAS a vacancy in the cure of souls
in the Parish (or Parochial District or as the case may be)
of N. having occurred by the death (or resignation,
or as the case may be) of the Reverend C. D., the late
Incumbent thereof, and you having been by the Board of Nomination, constituted
in accordance with the Statutes of the Church of Ireland, in
that behalf duly assembled, elected to the said office and by them nominated
for the same to us, we do hereby confer upon you, the said A.B.,
the aforesaid cure of souls in the Parish of N., and do institute
you Incumbent of the same, and do canonically invest you with all the
rights thereto belonging, and we do commit unto you, in the Lord, the
care and government of the souls of the parishioners of the said Parish
(or Parochial District) of N., saving to us and our
successors, Archbishops (or Bishops) of X., our and
their episcopal rights and dignities, in all things whatsoever, you having
first subscribed before us the several Declarations contained in the roll
of subscription, as required and prescribed by the Constitution of the
Church of Ireland. ¶ The Minister still kneeling, the Bishop shall bless him thus: THE God of Peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will working in you that which is pleasing in his sight; through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. ¶ Here shall the Bishop lead the Incumbent to his Stall, or accustomed Place from which prayers are read, and seat him there. ¶ Then the Bishop, having returned to the holy Table, shall say the Apostles Creed with the Congregation, as followeth: I BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth: ¶ Here may follow a Lesson from holy Scripture, and an Anthem or Hymn. ¶ There shall be a Sermon or Exhortation, by the Bishop or some preacher appointed by him, declaring the Duty and Office of those who are instituted to the cure of souls, and also how the people ought to esteem them in their Office. The Sermon ended, there shall follow a Hymn; after which the Bishop shall say, Let us pray. ALMIGHTY God, and heavenly Father, who, of thine infinite love and goodness towards us, hast given to us thy only and most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, to be our Redeemer, and the Author of everlasting life; who, after he had made perfect our redemption by his death, and was ascended into heaven, sent abroad into the world his Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Doctors and Pastors; by whose labour and ministry he gathered together a great flock in all parts of the world, to set forth the eternal praise of thy holy Name: For these so great benefits of thy eternal goodness, and for that thou hast vouchsafed to call this thy servant here present to the same Office and Ministry appointed for the salvation of mankind, we render unto thee most hearty thanks, we praise and worship thee; and we humbly beseech thee, by the same thy blessed Son, to grant unto all, which either here or elsewhere call upon thy holy Name, that we may continue to shew ourselves thankful unto thee for these and all other thy benefits; and that we may daily increase and go forwards in the knowledge and faith of thee and thy Son, by the Holy Spirit. So that as well by this thy Minister, as by them over whom he is now appointed thy Minister, thy holy Name may be for ever glorified, and thy blessed kingdom enlarged; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. O GOD; the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, the Prince of Peace; Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions. Take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder us from godly union and concord: that, as there is but one Body, and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may henceforth be all of one heart, and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ¶ Then the Bishop shalt give the Blessing: UNTO God's gracious mercy and protection we commit you. The Lord bless you, and keep you: the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace, both now and for evermore. Amen. ¶ The Service ended the Bishop shall sign the Act of Institution, a certified copy of which shall be signed by the Minister and Churchwardens or by the Minister and three or more of the Parishioners present, and deposited in the Parish Chest. ¶ A Certificate
of the reading by the Minister of the Declaration herein appointed shall,
at the same time, be signed by the Minister and Churchwardens, or by the
Minister and three or more of the Parishioners present, and shall be forthwith
sent to the Registry of the Diocese, to be there enrolled and preserved.
And such Declaration shall stand in place of all declarations or readings
hitherto required to be made in Church, in order to the validity of Institution. |
MORNING SERVICE, TO BE USED ON THE FIRST SUNDAY ON WHICH A MINISTER ¶ The Service shall be the same with the usual Service for Sundays, except where it is in this Office otherwise appointed. ¶ Immediately before Morning Prayer, the Minister coming to the Reading-desk, or being conducted thereto by the Churchwardens, shall read from the Desk a certified copy of the Act of his Institution. ¶ Then the Minister himself shall read the Morning Prayer. Proper Psalms. NOTE. If this day shall happen to be Christmas Day, Easter Day, or Whitsunday, the Proper Psalms of the Day shall alone be read. Proper Lessons. NOTE. If this day shall happen to be the first or fourth Sunday in Advent, Christmas Day, the Circumcision, the Epiphany, Easter Day, Whitsunday, Trinity Sunday, or the Sunday next before Advent, the Proper Lessons appointed in the Table shall be read. ¶ After Morning Prayer is ended, and before the Litany, if it be read, the Minister shall read the DECLARATION FOR SUBSCRIPTION, contained in chap. iv. of the Constitution of the Church of Ireland, 1926, as followeth: I, A.B., do hereby solemnly declare that— 1. I approve, and agree to, the Declaration prefixed to the Statutes of the Church of Ireland, passed at the General Convention in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy. 2. I assent to the Thirtynine Articles of Religion, and to the Book of Common Prayer, and of the Ordering of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. I believe the doctrine of the Church of Ireland, as therein set forth, to be agreeable to the Word of God; and in Publick Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments I will use the form in the said Book prescribed, and none other, except so far as shall be allowed by the lawful authority of the Church. 3. I have not made, by myself or by any other person on my behalf, any payment, contract, or promise of any kind whatsoever (save that I will faithfully perform my duty) touching or concerning the obtaining of the Benefice of N.; nor will I at any time hereafter perform or satisfy, in whole or in part, any such payment, contract, or promise, made by any other person, with or without my knowledge or consent. 4. I declare that I do not hold office as an Incumbent, Rector, Vicar, or Licensed Curate, elsewhere than in Ireland, and that I do not hold any other Ecclesiastical Office which I have not made known to the Archbishop (or Bishop) of X. 5. I will render all due reverence and canonical obedience to M., Archbishop (or Bishop) of X., and his successors, Archbishops (or Bishops) of X., in all lawful and honest commands. 6. I promise to submit myself to the authority of the
Church of Ireland and to the Laws and Tribunals thereof. |
¶ He shall then add as followeth: I, A.B., declare that on the day of in the presence of the Archbishop (or Bishop) of X. [or, in the presence of the Commissary of the Archbishop (or Bishop) of X.], I solemnly made this Declaration, in order to be instituted to the Church and Cure of N.; and now, in the presence of God, and of this Congregation amongst whom I am appointed to minister, I renew and ratify the same, and acknowledge myself bound thereby. ¶ But if the Minister have already, at his Institution, publickly read in the Church of his Cure the foregoing DECLARATION FOR SUBSCRIPTION it may be omitted in this place, and the Minister shall say instead thereof: I, A.B., declare that on the day of I duly and solemnly made the prescribed Declaration, in order to be instituted to this Church and Cure; and now, in the presence of God, and of this Congregation, I renew and ratify the same, and acknowledge myself bound thereby. The Litany. ¶ In the Litany this Suffrage shall be added, after the Suffrage for Bishops, Priests, and Deacons: THAT it may please thee to bless thy servant,
to whom the charge of this people is now committed, and to pour thy grace
upon him; that he may duly execute his office, to the
edifying of thy Church, and the glory of thy holy Name; Communion Office. ¶ In the Office for the Holy Communion (which shall always be celebrated this day) after the Collect of the Day shall be said the following Collect: ALMIGHTY God, giver of all good things,
who by thy Holy Spirit hast appointed divers Orders of Ministers in thy
Church; Mercifully behold thy servant, to whom the charge of this People
is ¶ If the Minister have not been instituted in the presence of the People, the certified copy of the Act of Institution shall be signed by the Minister and Churchwardens, or by the Minister and three or more of the Parishioners present, and deposited in the Parish Chest. A Certificate of the reading by the Minister of the Declaration herein appointed shall, at the same time be signed by the Minister and Churchwardens, or by the Minister and three or more of the Parishioners present, and shall be forthwith sent to the Registry of the Diocese, to be there enrolled and preserved. And such Declaration shall stand in place of all declarations or readings hitherto required to be made in Church, in order to the validity of Institution. |
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