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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
A SUGGESTED PRAYER BOOKBeing the text of the English
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PREFATORY NOTE. THIS book contains the text of the Book of Common Prayer altered and enlarged in accordance with the proposals of the Prayer Book Revision Committee of the English Church Union, first published in October 1922. These proposals were expressed in the form of amendments to the 'Schedule of Alterations' contained in the Second Report of the Prayer Book Revision Committee of the National Assembly (N.A. 60). It has been felt, however, that the technical character of this form, while necessary in the first instance, and easily comprehensible to those who have time to study the English Church Union Report in conjunction with N.A. 60 and the present Prayer Book, may to a certain extent stand in the way of an accurate understanding of the import of the Union's suggestions by Churchmen in general; and the President and Council have therefore decided to print a model Prayer Book in extenso, in order to exhibit, in a popular and easily intelligible form, the exact effect which their proposals, if sanctioned by authority, would have. It need hardly be said that this book, though it is identical with what the Union would like to see in the hands of English church-goers, is not meant for liturgical use, but is published, for the moment, merely as an essay in liturgy-making, designed to facilitate and clarify discussion and to educate opinion. OFFICE OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH UNION,
The English Church Union, now the Church Union, is an Anglo-Catholic group of the Church of England, originally formed in 1859 to defend Anglo-Catholic clergy from charges brought in civil courts regarding their liturgical practices. The text presented here, commonly called The Green Book from the color of its cover, is a response from the E. C. U. to the 1923 Draft Proposed Book of Common Prayer, adopted by the Church of England's National Assembly. It is the entire Book of Common Prayer as they would ideally like to see it. As the E. C. U. represented only a portion of the Church of England, there was little chance that this book would be adopted as is, but presumably they hoped that it would influence further drafts of the new Prayer Book. The rationales behind the proposed changes are explained more fully in the Preface at left, and in their 1922 document. Changes in the Communion Service are given in greater detail in the Alcuin Club's "Orange Book". We present this book in two forms. First, those services new to this book, or with significant differences from the 1923 Draft are given in HTML, and are linked in the Table of Contents below. Secondly, the entire book can be downloaded as Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files. There are bookmarks and extractable text, but note that this text has not been proofread and contains errors. The book is listed as 1923/3 in David Griffiths' Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer. Download the entire book as PDF (size = 53MB). |
[Suggested Title-page] A BOOK OF
1. Circumcision of our Lord.6. Epiphany of our Lord. 13. Hillary, Bishop of Poitiers, Confessor & Doctor, 368. 17. Antony of Egypt, Abbot &; Confessor, 366. 19. Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, Confessor, 1095. 20. Fabian. Bishop of Rome, Martyr, 200. 21. Agnes. Roman Virgin &. Martyr, 303. 22. Vincent, Spanish Deacon & Martyr, 304. 25. Conversion of St. Paul. 26. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna & Martyr. 155. 27. John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople & Doctor, 407. 30. Charles, King & Martyr, 1649.
2. Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 3. Anskar of Sweden, Bishop, 864. 5. Agatha, Virgin &; Martyr, c. 250. 9. Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria & Doctor, 444. 10. Scholastica, Virgin, c. 543. 24. St. Matthias, Apostle & Martyr.
1. David, Archbishop of Menevia & Confessor, 6th cent. 2. Chad, Bishop of Lichfield & Confessor, 672. 7. Perpetua and her Companions, Carthaginian Martyrs, 203. 8. Thomas of Aquinum, Doctor, 1274. 12. Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, Confessor &; Doctor, 604. 17. Patrick of Ireland, Bishop &; Confessor, 461. 19. St. Joseph, Foster-Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 20. Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Confessor, 687. 21. Benedict, Abbot of Monte Cassino & Doctor, c. 540. 25. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
3. Richard, Bishop of Chichester, Confessor, 1253. 4. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan & Doctor, 397 11. Leo the Great., Bishop of Rome & Doctor, 461. 14. Justin, Martyr & Doctor, c. 165. 19. Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury & Martyr, 1012. 21. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury & Doctor, 1109. 23. George, Martyr, 303. 25. St. Mark, Evangelist & Martyr 30. Catherine of Siena, Virgin, 1380.
1. St. Phillip and St. James, Apostles & Martyrs.2. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, Confessor & Doctor, 373. 3. Invention of the Cross. 4. Monnica, Matron, 387. 6. St. John Evangelist, ante Portam Latinam. 9. Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop & Doctor, 390. 19. Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor, 988. 25. Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne. Confessor, 709. 26. Augustine, First Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor, 605. 27. Venerable Bede of Jarrow, Presbyter & Doctor, 735. 30. Joan of Arc, Virgin, 1431.
5. Boniface, Bishop of Mainz & Martyr, c. 755. 9. Columba, Abbot of Iona., 697. 10. Margaret of Scotland, 1093. 11. St. Barnabas, Apostle & Martyr. 14. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia & Doctor, 379. 22. Alban, Martyr, c. 304. 24. Nativity of St. John Baptist. 28. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons & Doctor, 302. 29. St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles & Martyrs 30. Commemoration of St. Paul.
2. Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 7. Translation of Thomas of Canterbury. 15. Translation of Swithun, Bishop of Winchester, Confessor, c. 862. 16. Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury, 1099. 20. Margaret, Virgin & Martyr at Antioch in Pisidia. 22. St. Mary Magdalene. 25. St. James, Apostle & Martyr. 26. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
1. Lammas Day. 4. Dominic, Confessor, 1221. 5. Oswald, K. of Northumbria & Martyr, 642 6. Transfiguration of our Lord. 7. The Most Holy Name of Jesus 10. Laurence, Archdeacon at Rome & Martyr, 258. 15. Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 20. Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot & Doctor, 1153. 24. St. Bartholomew, Apostle & Martyr. 28. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo in Africa, Confessor & Doctor, 480. 29. Beheading of St. John Baptist. 31. Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne & Confessor, 661
1. Giles of Provence, Abbot & Confessor c. 7208. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 13. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage & Martyr, 258. 14. Holy Cross Day. 16. Ninian, Bishop in Galloway, c. 430. 19. Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor & Doctor, 690. 21. St. Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist & Martyr 29. St. Michael & All Angels 30. Jerome, Presbyter, Confessor & Doctor, 420.
1. Remigius, Bishop of Rheims & Confessor, c. 530. 2. Francis of Assisi, Confessor, 1226. 6. Faith of Aquitaine, Virgin & Martyr, c. 304. 9. Denya of Paris, Bishop & Martyr, 3rd cent. 12. Wilfrid, Bishop of York, 709. 13. Translation of King Edward the Confessor. 15. Teresa, Virgin, 1582. 17. Etheldreda., Queen, Abbess of Ely, 679. 18. St. Luke, Evangelist 25. Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs at Soissons, 303. 28. St. Simon & St. Jude, Apostles & Martyrs
1. All Saints' Day. 2. Commemoration of All Souls. 6. Leonard, Confessor, c. 559. 8. Saints, Martyrs, and Doctors of the Church of England. 11. Martin, Bishop of Tours & Confessor, c. 397 16. Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1240. 17. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200. 18. Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680. 19. Elizabeth of Hungary, 1281. 20. Edmund, King of East Anglia & Martyr, 870. 22. Caecilia, Virgin & Martyr at Rome, 280. 23. Clement, Bishop of Rome & Martyr, 100. 25. Catherine, Virgin &, Martyr at Alexandria. 30. St. Andrew, Apostle & Martyr
4. Clement of Alexandria, Doctor, c. 210 6. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Lycia, 4th cent. 8. Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 13. Lucy, Virgin & Martyr, 303. 16. O Sapientia (the first Christmas Anthem). 17. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch & Martyr in Rome c. 110 21. St. Thomas, Apostle & Martyr. 25. Christmas Day. 26. St. Stephen, the first Martyr. 27. St. John, Apostle & Evangelist. 28. Innocents' Day. 29. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury & Martyr, 1170. |
Items in grey also appear in the 1923 Draft; items in italics are major feasts. So items in black are proposed additions; the only subtraction is Alfred (26 Oct.) |
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |