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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
I 1. V. God is spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
R. Glory be to God on high. V. God is light. If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and truly our fellowship in the Spirit is with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ.
R. Glory be to God on high. V. God is power. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.
R. Glory be to God on high. V. God is love. Everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God ; and we know that we have passed from death unto life because we love.
R. Glory be to God on high.
V. All praise and glory and thanksgiving, more than we can utter, be unto thee, O God ; worthy art thou, O God, to receive the 'glory and the honor and power, for thou didst create all things, and because of thy will they are and were created.
R. Blessing and honor and glory for ever and ever. V. Blessed be thou, O God, who hast given us the light of the knowledge of thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ.
R. Blessing and honor and glory for ever and ever. V. Blessed be thou, 0 God, who hast made known to us that it is thy will to gather in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth.
R. Blessing and honor and glory for ever and ever. V. Blessed be thou, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in him hast blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, and in him hast chosen us that we should be holy and without blame. before thee in love.
R. Blessing and honor and glory for ever and ever. V. Blessed be thou, the Father of glory, the Father from whom all fatherhood in heaven and earth is named, who for the great love wherewith thou lovest us, hast quickened us together with Christ, that thou mayest show forth the exceeding richness of thy grace.
R. Blessing and honor and glory for ever and ever. V. Now unto him that sitteth on the throne, unto him who maketh all things new. unto him who hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, unto him who hath delivered us from the powers of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love, unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,
R. Be blessing and honor and glory for ever and ever.
V. Glory to thee, 0 Christ. our ascended and ever present Lord, through whom we have access to the Father.
R . Glory to thee who lovest us and hast loosed us from our sins.
V. Glory to thee who hast reconciled us all in one body unto God through thy cross, so that we are no more strangers and sojourners, but fellow citizens with the saints in the household of God.
R. Glory to thee who hast led captivity captive, and hast given gifts for the perfecting of thy saints.
V. Glory to thee who dost redeem unto God with thy blood men of every title and tongue and people and nation.
R. Glory to thee who art with us always, even unto the end of the world.
V. Glory to thee who art in our midst when we are gathered together in thy name.
R. Glory to thee who didst institute a perpetual remembrance of thy precious death and dost unite us therein with thy very self.
V. Glory to thee who hast gone before to prepare a place for us in thy Father's home.
R. Glory to thee, the author and finisher of our faith, that God in all things may be glorified. Amen.
4. THE WILL OF GOD V. Jesus said: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his
righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. It is the will of God: To gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven arid which are on earth. That we should show forth his praises who called us out of the darkness into his marvelous light. That we should believe in him and love him with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul, and with all our strength. That we should worship him and put our whole trust in him all the days of our life. R. Lord. have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to do thy will.
V. Jesus said: Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt hath lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? Ye are the light of the world.
It is the will of God: That our light should so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. That speaking the truth in love. we should grow up together in all things unto him, which is the head of the body, even Christ. That we should train our minds to be true in our thinking and just in all our judging. That we should be honest, truthful, and upright in thought. word, and deed. That we should be diligent and faithful in our several callings, doing our daily work in all simplicity and integrity, and laboring only for the things which are lust and good. R. Lord. have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to do thy will.
V. Jesus said: Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. Whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother and my sister.
It is the will of God: That we should rule our spirits, bear with each other's infirmities, and as much as lieth in us live peaceably with all men. That we should live chiefly to minister to others' needs and not to seek only our own pleasure and gain. That we should do what we can to take away the sin and sorrow of the world and to overcome evil with good. That we should not be anxious for the morrow, nor for our life what we shall eat or what we shall drink, nor for the body what we shall put on. R. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to do thy will.
GRANT to us, Lord, we beseech thee, the spirit to think and do always such things as are right; that we, who cannot do anything that is good without thee, may by thee be enabled to live according to thy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
5. A RECOLLECTION OF JESUS V. Let us remember Jesus :
R. May this mind be in us that was in Jesus Christ. Who, though he was rich, yet for our sakes became poor and dwelt among us. Who was content to be subject to his parents, the child of a poor man's home. Who lived for nearly thirty years the common life, earning his living with his own hands and declining no humble tasks. Whom the common people heard gladly, for he understood their ways. V. Let us remember Jesus:
R. May this mind be in us that was in Jesus Christ. Who was mighty in deed, healing the sick and the disordered, using for others the powers he would not invoke for himself. Who refused to force men's allegiance. Who was Master and Lord to his disciples, yet was among them as their companion and as one who served. Whose meat was to do the will of the Father who sent him. V. Let us remember Jesus:
R. May this mind be in us that was in Jesus Christ. Who loved men, yet retired from them to pray, rose a great while before day, watched through a night, stayed in the wilderness, went up into a mountain, sought a garden. Who, when he would help a tempted disciple, prayed for him. Who prayed for the forgiveness of those who rejected him, and for the perfecting of those who received him. Who observed good customs, but defied conventions which did not serve the purposes of God. Who hated sin because he knew the cost of pride and selfishness, of cruelty and impurity, to man, and still more to his Father in heaven. V. Let us remember Jesus :
R. May this mind be in us that was in Jesus Christ.
Who believed in men to the last and never despaired of them. Who through all disappointment never lost heart. Who disregarded his own comfort and convenience, and thought first of others' needs, and though he suffered long, was always kind. Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again, and when he suffered, threatened not. Who humbled himself and carried obedience to the point of death, even death on the cross, and endured faithful to the end. O CHRIST, our only Saviour, so come to dwell in us that we may go forth with the light of thy hope in our eyes, and with thy faith and love in our hearts. Amen. |
6. A LITANY FOR THE SPIRIT OF JESUS V. Jesus, unveiling the glory of the Eternal in the workshop of the carpenter,
R. Renew thy spirit in us. V. Jesus, who didst love the common folk, Jesus, ever feeding the multitude with the bread of life that came down from heaven, Jesus, rejoicing with them that did rejoice, and weeping with them that wept,
R. Renew thy spirit in us. V. Jesus, who for our sakes didst become poor, Jesus, rejoicing in the Father's will, Jesus, rejoicing in the lilies and the birds and the companionship of men,
R. Renew thy spirit in us. V. Jesus, loving the simple and the childlike, and using the weak things to confound the strong, Jesus, persecuted by the priests, mocked by the scholars, slain by the politicians, Jesus, who lovedst thine own unto the end,
R. Renew thy spirit in us. V. Jesus, agonizing for the lost, Jesus, calling men to forsake all, that, having thee, they might possess all things, Jesus, by thy terrible love on Calvary. Jesus, by thy victorious love at Easter,
R. Renew thy spirit in us. V. Jesus, who didst inspire love's heroism in all great saints and lovers, Jesus, who hast promised men a peace and joy that no one can take from us, Jesus, who hast revealed thy great power in those whom the world has held of no account,
R. Renew thy spirit in us. V. O Lord, hear our prayer; R. And let our cry come unto thee. Amen.
7. THE ORDERING OF OUR PERSONAL LIFE V. Be ye not shaped to the pattern of this world, but be ye transformed for the service of the world by the renewing of your minds, so that ye may prove what is the good and beautiful and perfect will of God.
R. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Let us examine our life in the light of these qualities of character which according to the teaching of Jesus make for the kingdom of God. Jesus said: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We humbly beseech thee, O Lord, that thou wouldst give us the true spirit of detachment in our lives, that we may not become enslaved by our possessions, or entangled in any interests which cannot be consecrated to thee. That it may please thee to deliver us from pride and self-complacency, and make us ever willing to confess that we cannot walk in our own strength or by ourselves live good and useful lives. That it may please thee to keep us always awake to the vast possibilities of Christian saintship and Christian endeavor, lest we should ever feel that we had already attained. Blessed are the poor in spirit, V. Jesus said: Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Give us, O Lord, sorrow for our sins, and for the sins of the world, that through our sorrow there may be joy in the presence of the angels of God.
R. For they shall be comforted. Give us, O Lord, the spirit of thy Son, that being well and glad and strong, we may never lack sympathy for those who suffer and are sad. Give us, O Lord, the power when we suffer pain to look into thy face, and learn from thee how to bear it patiently for thy sake. Blessed are they that mourn, V. Jesus said: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Teach us, good Lord, to think less of our own importance; help us to overcome our desire to push ourselves forward at the expense of others; and grant that we may never congratulate ourselves on our achievements, as though they were ours only. and not thine.
R. For they shall inherit the earth. Make us, O Lord, willing to learn to be thy servants through whom thou mayest achieve thy perfect will, and so fill us with the spirit of service that we shall not only wait to be called, but also watch for chances to help others. Give us, O Lord, such a realization of our sonship to thee, that we may look upon all this wonderful world, its beauty and its treasures, as thy gift, and so recognize always that all we have must be used in accordance with thy will. Blessed are the meek, V. Jesus said: Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.
R . For they shall be filled. Give to each one of us, O Lord, a reverence for the truth, a desire both to think and to speak truly, and save us from ever being afraid of .the truth, for it is part of the revelation of thyself, and part of thy perfect righteousness. Give to us all the appreciation of loveliness and beauty, and teach us a great reverence for it. Increase in us, O Lord, the desire to see justice established among men and to hasten that day when love shall rule in our social and industrial life, and none shall enrich himself at others' expense, or live indifferent to others' needs and claims. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, V. Jesus said: blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
R. For they shall obtain mercy. Help us, good Lord, to see the good in others and not the evil only; and always to strive to understand before we hastily condemn. Save us, good Lord, from the spirit of resentment; make us quick to forgive, as men who know how greatly we stand in need of others' forgiveness and of thine. Help us, good Lord, to remember how often men do wrong through want of thought rather than lack of love and now cunningly are woven the snares that trip men'. feet; make us worthy to pray that we may be forgiven in the measure in which we forgive. Blessed are the merciful, V. Jesus said: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
R. For they shall see God. Teach us to reverence our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, and grant that we may never be satisfied with any standard of personal purity lower than thine own. Grant, O Lord, that we may think clean, generous, humble thoughts and harbor none which stains the mind and dims our vision of thee. Help us, good Lord, so to fix our minds on thy love, thy purpose, and thy power, that we may be delivered from pride and from morbid occupation with ourselves. Blessed are the pure in heart, V. Lastly, Jesus said: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.
R. For they shall be called the sons of God. Help us; O Lord, to keep open the windows of our souls to thee in prayer, and renew us ever by thy grace, that through all the restlessness and complexity of life, we may always possess something of the peace of those whose minds are stayed on thee. Keep us, O Lord, from straining and embittering our earthly relationships, and give us to reveal a courteous and forbearing spirit, that so we may be makers of peace. Finally, O Lord, grant that we may never rest content with a divided and embittered Church; save us from factiousness and the spirit of the partisan, and grant that in opposing evil and maintaining our faith, we may never forget the law of love. Blessed are the peacemakers, V. O Lord, hear our prayer; R. And let our cry come unto thee. ¶ It is suggested that a service of preparation for the Holy Communion may be made up of one of the Acts of Adoration followed by one of the psalms and lessons listed below, and concluding with one of the Acts of Self-Examination and the Communion prayers on pages 72-73. PSALMS 15, 19, 23-27, 32, 34, 42, 43, 46, 48, 51 (omit v. 19), 65, 66, LESSONS Isa.55. Matt. 5: 1-16. Mark 10: 32-45. Luke 15, 24: 13 35. John 4: 6-15. Rom. 12. Eph. 4: 1-16. I John 4. |
III SHORT SERVICES FOR THE CHURCH YEAR ADVENT V. There were great voices in Heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever.
O God, who hast made all things by thy power, thou king and ruler of the world, glorious in beauty and truth and love, R. Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever and ever.
V. O God, who hast shown us the glory of thy kingdom in the royal love of Jesus Christ,
R. Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever and ever.
V. O God, who art ever working in the world by thy mighty and creative Spirit, to manifest thy kingdom among men,
R. Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever and ever.
V. O God more wonderful in thy perfection than all that we can ever desire or know,
R. Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever and ever.
V. Let us give thanks to God, for all the depth and wonder and glory of the divine Life, and for the progressive and increasing manifestation of his kingdom through the history of the world.
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord. For the perfection which thou art, For all the glory and wonder which is thine, For the manifestations of thy kingdom in all thy revelations of thyself, V. For the vitality and joy of thy Spirit of Life in the creation; for all young and swift and happy things,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord. V. For the creation after long years of man, whom thou
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord. hast made in thine own image that thou mightest reign within his heart, V. For the defeat of darkness by the. light; for truth destroying superstition; and for growing knowledge of thy ways, redeeming men from tyranny and fear,
R . We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord. V. For the onward march of thy kingdom of right and justice; for the increase of chivalry and freedom; for the growing reign of law and ordered life, putting cruelty and wrong to flight,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord. V. For the perfect manifestation of thy kingdom by the incarnation of thy Son; and its coming into the world in power through his life and death and resurrection,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord. V. For the knowledge given us by him, that the kingdom is at hand; and for the fellowship of the catholic Church, through which thou wilt establish it on earth,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord. V. For the presence of the kingdom in literature and art, !n truth, in courage and sincerity, in loyalty, in fellowship and kindness,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord. V. That thou hast called us, with all our dullness and limitations, to be the inheritors of the wonder and glory and joy of thy kingdom,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
R. As it was in the beginning, is now. and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
V. And I saw a new heaven, and a new earth; and I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and he that sitteth upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.
R. Even so come. Lord Jesus, to reign in the hearts of men. Amen.
9. THANKSGIVING FOR THE WORK OF GOD'S SPIRIT V. O Lord, who hast set before us the great hope that thy kingdom shall come on earth, and hast taught us to pray for its coming, make us ever ready to thank thee for the signs of its dawning, and to pray and work for that perfect day when thy will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. For the work of thy Spirit within and beyond the bounds of thy visible Church,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the work of thy Spirit in the history of the world, through peaceful advance, and through pain and tumult,
R. We thank thee. O Lord. V. For the work of thy Spirit in the history of our own country, through its heroes and leaders, in statecraft. law, and industry,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the work of thy Spirit in science and commerce, in literature and art,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the work of thy Spirit in the slow triumph of truth over error,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the work of thy Spirit in the growing desire for true brotherhood, between men of every class and nation,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the work of thy Spirit in the spread of education, and in the development of a fuller life for individuals, with healthier surroundings and better conditions,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the work of thy Spirit in the deepening sense of human worth in all nations and classes, and in the growing reverence for womanhood and childhood,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the work of thy Spirit in the Church, which will not cease until it joins all nations and kindreds and tongues and peoples into one great family, to thy praise and glory,
R. We thank thee, O Lord.
CHRISTMAS 10 A (We preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus as L0rd, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. Seeing It is God that said, Light shall shine out of darkness, who hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of his glory in the face of Jesus Christ. II Cor.
4: 5-6. .
God being rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses quickened us together with Christ— it is by grace that ye are saved — and raised us up with him and made us sit in the heavenly places in Jesus Christ, that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. Eph. .2: 4-7.) V. O God, more wonderful in thy perfection than all that we can ever desire or know,
R. We praise thee, and bless thy glorious name, O Lord. V. O God, who hast sent light into darkness showing forth to man thy very self in the life of Jesus Christ,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord. V. O God, who by thy pure and mighty Spirit dost lift up all men into the heavenly places, that we may live the life which is divine,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord. V. O God, Creator, Redeemer, Teacher, source of life and truth and love and power, in whom we live and move and have our being,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord. V. Lord, show us the Father and it sufficeth us. R. He that hath seen him hath seen the Father. V. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us; R. And we beheld his glory, the glory as in the onlybegotten of the Father.
O THOU, who hast given us thy only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him and to be born of a pure virgin; grant that we being regenerate and made thy children by adoption and grace may daily be renewed by thy Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. V. For all the perfection which thou art; for all the glory which is thine; for all that thou hast shown us of thyself in the royal love of Christ,
R. We thank thee, O Father. V. For the manifestation in our flesh of what thou wouldst have man become; and for the bringing in of a better hope,
R. We thank thee, O Father. V. For the fire cast on earth in the new revelation of thy self, to burn up violence and pride,
R. We thank thee, O Father. V. For the regeneration of human life and the birth of joy and liberty, through the mission of thy Church,
R. We thank thee, O Father. V. For all who show forth the spirit of Christ outside the circle of organized religion,
R. We thank thee, O Father. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
R. As it was in the beginning, is now. and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
10 B O JESUS CHRIST, the Lord of all good life, who hast called us to build the city of God, do thou enrich and purify our lives and deepen in us our discipleship. Help us daily to know more of thee, and through us, by the power of thy Spirit, show forth thyself to other men. Make us humble, brave, and loving; make us ready for adventure. We do not ask that thou wilt keep us safe, but that thou wilt keep us loyal; who for us didst face death unafraid, and dost live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. V. From lack of reverence for truth and beauty; from prejudice and sentimentalism; from being contented with the mean and ugly,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From the cowardice that dare not face new truth, the laziness contented with half-truths, and the arrogance that thinks it knows all truths,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From all kinds of artificiality in life and worship and ministering; from all that is hollow, unreal, and insincere,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From trivial ideals and cheap pleasures; from mistaking coarseness and vulgarity for humor,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From being dull and pompous; from being rude and offensive and ill-mannered,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From the blasphemy of cynicism about our brethren made in the image of God; from all false pride, intolerance, and contempt,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From all uncleanness and unwholesomeness; from selfishness, slackness, and self-indulgence,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From the false piety which cannot laugh; from being self-centered in our pity; from being narrowly ecclesiastical; and from loving systems more than we love thee,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From the disloyalty of being satisfied with things as they are, in the Church and in the world; and from failing to share thy indignation,
R. O Christ, deliver us. V. From everything in our lives and methods which may hide the true light of thee, who art the light of the world,
R. O Christ, deliver us.
WE BESEECH thee, O Lord, pour thy grace into our hearts; that as we have known the incarnation of thy Son Jesus Christ by the message of an angel, so by his cross and passion we may be brought unto the glory of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
10 C V. We pray, O Lord, that thou wilt so reveal thyself in us, that through us men may be drawn to the love of thee,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That thou wilt give us the gifts of Galilee, the gifts of gaiety and freedom and simplicity, to make our tired world grow young again,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That thou wilt pour thy spirit more and more into the life of men; giving us clean laughter and good sportsmanship, kindness, generosity, and gentleness, honor, courtesy, and self-control,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That thou wilt reveal thyself in fellowship; that a world, which rests on competition, may learn from thee the nature of the Father, and by the power of thy Spirit live in love according to his will,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That thou wilt inspire science, art, and letters to be the expression of God through human skill,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That thou wilt consecrate the discontent of the young and the rebellious; and strengthen the prophets that they may be forerunners of thy kingdom,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That thou wilt give such power to thy Church that she
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. may have life, and life more abundantly, with courage to go forward daringly, trusting in thy leadership, and unfettered by the past, V. That thou wilt give courage, vision, and true wisdom to our leaders, that they may guide the Church aright, to face the issues of a new world-order,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That thou wilt so change human nature by thy Spirit in the hearts of men, that old things may pass away and there may be a new creation,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That all mankind may come to the knowledge of thee, and may grow to that perfection which is thy Father's will for all his children,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. That thou wilt hasten the time which thou hast promised, when all shall be in subjection under thee, and thy kingdom be established in power, and thou be all in all,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. V. Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the completeness of the personality of Christ. Amen.
EPIPHANY V. Blessed be the Lord God for his tender mercy, whereby the day-spring from on high hath visited us,
R. To give light unto them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death; and to guide our feet into the way in peace.
V. Jesus said: They shall come from the east and west, and from the north and south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.
R. Thanks be to thee, O Christ, for thy holy gospel. V. Other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and they shall become one flock, one shepherd.
R. Thanks be to thee, O Christ, for thy holy gospel. V. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I commanded you.
R. Thanks be to thee, O Christ, for thy holy gospel. V. Ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you; and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judrea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
R. Thanks be to thee, O Christ, for thy holy gospel. V. Thanks be to thee, most glorious God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for the revelation of thyself in this our world, and for thy commission to thy Church to proclaim the gospel of Christ to every creature.
R. Thanks be to thee, O God. V. For the early disciples who were sent forth by Christ, to proclaim the coming of the kingdom,
R. We praise thee. O God. V. For the apostles of the nations, who in obedience to his word, carried the gospel through the world,
R. We praise thee, O God. V. For those missionaries, known and unknown, who first brought the gospel to these shores,
R. We praise thee. O God. V. For all the faithful, who, in ages of darkness, kept their lamps burning and watched for the coming of the Lord,
R. We praise thee, O God. V. For all who at any time have recalled the Church to her great task of evangelizing the world,
R. We praise thee, O God. V. For those who have gone to the ends of the world with the joyful news, and have sought out the dark places of the earth to bring light to them that dwell in the shadow of death,
R. We praise thee. O God. V. For thy missionary servants who have joined the noble army of martyrs; and for all converts to the faith who have sealed their testimony with ,their blood,
R. We praise thee, O God. V. For the innumerable company who now praise thy name out of every kindred and nation and tongue,
R. We praise thee, O God. Alleluia. Amen. V. We acknowledge, O Lord, that we have proved unworthy of thy mercies, and confess how little we have done to hand on, in freedom and fullness, the faith which was brought to us through many perils and purchased with such pain. And the Church's long neglect of this, her bounden duty,
R. O Lord, forgive. V. Our past unfaithfulness, R. O Lord, forgive. V. Our neglected opportunities, R. O Lord, forgive. V. Our deafness to thy calls, R. O Lord, forgive. V. Our small sacrifice for so great a cause, R. O Lord, forgive. V. Our forgetfulness of those who have gone forth relying on our prayers,
R. O Lord, forgive. V. Our unchristian example at home revealed to the world in our racial prejudices, our narrow nationalism, our wars, and our slums,
R. O Lord, forgive. V. We do beseech thee to hear us, O Lord, that thou wouldst stir up the hearts of thy faithful people to greater obedience, and unite thy Church to face the world's great need, and that thou wouldst send forth -laborers into thy harvest,
R. Hear us, we beseech thee. V. That those who have gone forth may be supported by thy presence, guided by thy counsel, and filled with thy power,
R. Hear us, we beseech thee.
¶ Here the congregation should be invited to pray for individuals, for missionary societies, for missionary work in specified areas, for the Church. clergy and laity, in different parts of the world. FINALLY, O Lord, we pray that thou wouldst give to all professing Christians, living in foreign lands, a sense of their responsibility, that they may adorn the doctrine of our Saviour, and by their good example commend the faith to others: and that thou wouldst hasten the time when the gospel shall have been preached to all nations, and the whole world shall be filled with the knowledge of thy love. Amen. O GOD of all the nations of the earth, help us to remember the multitudes who have been created in thine image, yet know not the fullness of thy truth j and, according to the love of thy Son Jesus Christ, grant that, by the prayers and labors of thy Church, they may be delivered from all superstition and unbelief and brought to worship thee; through him, whom thou hast sent to be our salvation, the resurrection and the life of all the faithful, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
LENT 12 A V. O Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who didst send thy Son to reveal thy love to us and to show us the way of life, a gracious gift to the ungrateful race of men, make us truly and sincerely, thankful for this and for all thine other benefits; and for thy long-suffering with the sins and sorrows of men from the beginning even until now,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the sufferings of Christ in the flesh, and his intercession for mankind in glory,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For the redemption of the world through the shame of the cross and the pain of the passion,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For all who have filled up the sufferings of Christ in their own bodies for love of him and of their fellowmen,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For martyrs and confessors; for all who have chosen poverty or solitude for thy sake; for all men of prayer; and for all saints in common life,
R. We thank thee, O Lord. V. For all suffering dared and endured for noble ends and for all pain bravely borne, and turned to patience of character, and purity of life,
R. We thank thee, O Lord.
12 B O LORD Jesus Christ, who for our sakes didst undergo want and shame and pain, we confess most humbly that we have refused to share the burden of thy cross' that we have denied thee rather than face mockery, and' have sought comfort and security. Forgive our sin help us to amend and give us courage to endure. Amen. V. From all misunderstanding of thy purpose in pain; from complaint of thy indifference to our sorrow,
R. Deliver us, good Lord.V. From refusing to share the sufferings of the world from forgetting the pain and sorrow of others,
R. Deliver us, good Lord.V. From seeking comfort and pleasure; from avoiding burdens and neglecting duties,
R. Deliver us, good Lord. V. From the selfishness which brings needless sorrow to others,
R. Deliver us, good Lord. V. Almighty Father, who art afflicted in the afflictions of thy people and art full of compassion and tender mercy hear us as we pray for those who suffer,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord. V. For those who bear the pains of childbirth or sickness; for the aged and the dying,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord.V. For all who are handicapped in the race of life through no fault of their own; for the defective and the delicate; and all who are permanently injured,
R. We beseech thee to hear us. O Lord. V. For those whose livelihood is insecure; the overworked, the hungry, and the destitute; for those who have been downtrodden, ruined, and driven to despair,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord. V. For little children, whose surroundings hide from them thy love and beauty; for all the fatherless and motherless,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord. V. For those who have to bear their burdens alone, and for all who have lost those whom they love,
R. We beseech thee to bear us, O Lord. V. For those who are in doubt and anguish of soul, for those who are over-sensitive and afraid,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord. V. For those whose suffering is unrelieved by the knowledge of thy love,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord. V. For those who suffer through their own wrongdoing, R. We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord. SET FREE, O Lord, the souls of thy servants from all ALMIGHTY GOD, who hast shown us in the life and teaching of thy Son the true way of blessedness, thou hast also showed us in his suffering and death that the path of love may lead to the cross, and the reward of faithfulness may be a crown of thorns. Give us grace to learn these hard lessons. May we take up our cross and follow Christ, in the strength of patience and the constancy of faith; and may we have such fellowship with him in his sorrow, that we may know the secret of his strength and peace, and see, even in our darkest hour of trial and anguish, the shining of the eternal light. Amen. WORTHY is he who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing, for ever and ever. Amen. |
EASTER 13 A V. Lift up your hearts.R. We lift them up unto the Lord. V. He laid his right hand upon me, saying, Fear not; I am the first and the last; I am he that liveth and was dead; and behold I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death.
R. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high. V. I saw in the midst of the throne a Lamb as it had been slain. R. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high. V. Lo, I am with you all the days; R . Even unto the end of the world. V. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power and riches, and wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and blessing.
R. Blessing and honor, and glory and power, be unto thee, for ever and ever.
13 B V. Christ, whom men saw on the mountain·top transfigured with the splendor of God; Christ, whom they saw at thy ascension girt about with the light of heaven, thy pierced hands stretched out in longing over the world; open our eyes to see thee as thou art; help us so to know thee, that we may love thee; so to love thee, that we may grow more like thee; so to follow thee. that through us others may know thee and find in thee their hope, their life, their joy.
R. Blessing and honor, and glory and power, be unto thee, for ever and ever.
V. Not of this world is thy kingdom, yet may thy kingdom come on earth; here, while we live and work in the passing years, in the knowledge of thee is eternal life. Thou hast prepared a place for us that through thee we may be always in God's presence; transform us then by thy spirit so that we may rise above our selfishness and grow up daily into thy likeness. So, because our hearts are in heaven, may we the better serve thee on earth, in homely love and duty day by day.
R. Blessing and honor, and glory and power, be unto thee, for ever and ever.
V. Christ, holy and strong, holy and immortal; God from God, Light from Light; born of woman, crucified, risen; in whom are fulfilled all human possibilities, and all the treasures of God revealed; receive the adoration of thy people. Above our failure and bewilderment, our sin, our ignorance, and our anxieties, we lift up our hearts to thy perfection; we love and reverence and worship thee. Thou hast won eternal redemption for us, and thou art ever present with thy people; manifest thyself to the world which waits for thee; and show us, O Lord, the way that we should walk in, for we lift up our hearts unto thee.
R. Blessing and honor, and glory and power, be unto thee, for ever and ever.
V. Love's kingdom is an everlasting kingdom; his dominion endureth throughout all ages. Come then, O lover of our race, and reign among us, in love and joy and peace; extend thy empire over human hearts; let the burning vision of thy beauty shine out clear before the eyes of the world; hasten the consummation of thy kingdom in which love shall be the only king; that the love wherewith the Father hath loved thee may be in us, and we be made one in thee.
R. Blessing and honor, and glory and power be unto thee, for ever and ever.
13 C V. O King of men, Master of our lives, entering into thy glory by the cross, to whom all authority is given, both in heaven and on earth, we acknowledge thy sovereignty over every realm of life. Come, O Lord, enter into thy kingdom; subdue the world by the might of thy love.
R. Blessing and honor, and glory and power, be unto thee. for ever and ever.
R . Raise us to Jive with thee in God. V. May the power and glory of thy love be known and adored to all ends of the earth;
R. For thine is the kingdom, the power. and the glory, for ever and ever.
13 D V. The kingdom of God is like treasure hidden in a field, which, when a man hath found, for joy thereof he selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field.
R. Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift. V. The kingdom of heaven is within you. R. Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift. V. He that is great among you shall be your servant, and he that will be first, the slave of all.
R. For the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
V. He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death.
V. I will not leave you comfortless. Therefore hath God highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Amen. R. I will come to you. V. I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice. R. And your joy no man taketh from you. V. What shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
R. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loveth us.
All. Neither life nor death, nor things present, nor things to come, can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Alleluia, Amen.
WHITSUNTIDE 14 A V. O God the Father, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named;
R. Have mercy upon us. O God the Son. given to be head over the Church; O God the Holy Spirit, the bond of peace; O Holy Trinity, eternal love, V. By thy ministry of healing and forgiveness; by thy seeking and saving the lost; by thy words of eternal life.
R. Help us, good Lord. V. By thy calling and training of the twelve apostles; by thy promise to build thy church; by thy institution of the holy sacraments,
R. Help us, good Lord. V. By the love shown in thy crucifixion; by the power of thy resurrection; by the glory of thy ascension; and by the indwelling of thy Holy Spirit,
R. Help us, good Lord. V. That it may please thee to strengthen and enlarge thy holy Church in every land, and to unite all those who profess and call themselves Christians, in faith and hope and charity,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. That thy Church may strive not for its own safety, but for the world's salvation, seeking only thy kingdom and thy righteousness,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. That thy Church may proclaim the gospel throughout the whole earth and make disciples of all nations,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. That thou wilt grant to all bishops and ministers of thy word and sacraments, the spirit of wisdom, power, and love, and call many more to the work of thy ministry,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. That thou wilt give to all thy people grace to understand and to believe thy word, and to show forth their faith in their lives,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. That we may reverently and rightly use thy sacraments and be strengthened in body and soul by thy heavenly grace,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. That thou wilt remove from us all hatred, prejudice, and narrowness of thought, that we may receive, and rejoice in, all that thou revealest,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. That thou wilt guide us in all perplexities of belief and conduct, that we may hold fast that which is true, and faithfully confess thee before men,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. That regardless of the praise or contempt of the world, thy Church may worship and adore thee in spirit and in truth,
R. We beseech thee, good Lord. V. And as we pray for the Church universal, so let us pray for God's blessing on the Church in this place: Here may the faithful find salvation, and the careless be awakened. Amen.
V. Here may the doubting find faith and the anxious be encouraged. Amen.
V. Here may the tempted find help and the sorrowful comfort. Amen.
V. Here may the weary find rest and the strong be renewed. Amen.
V. Here may the aged find consolation and the young be inspired. Amen.
V. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, According to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus unto all generations for ever and ever. Amen.
¶ Here may be added the following ascription of praise. |
14 B V. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing; and for thy Church, the pillar and ground of the truth, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail,
R. Glory be to thee. O Lord. V. For the light of the everlasting gospel, sent to every nation and kindred, and tongue and people, shining so long amongst ourselves,
R. Glory be to thee. O Lord. V. Blessed be thy glorious name that thy word hath sounded forth, not only in Jerusalem and Antioch, in Athens and in Rome, but that in every place the faith of Christ is spread abroad.
R. Glory be to thee, O Lord. V. For thy good soldiers in every age, striving lawfully, enduring unto the end,
R. Glory be to thee, O Lord. V. For the wisdom of doctors, the zeal of evangelists, the boldness of prophets,
R. We bless and praise thy glorious name. V. For the love of pastors; for the praise of children; for the ministry of women; for the purity of the young; for the fervor of the aged; for all the signs of thy presence; and for all the marks of thy cross,
R. We bless and praise thy glorious name. V. For thy gracious word of promise, that they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever,
R. Glory be to thee, O Lord. V. Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty, R. Just and true are thy ways, thou king of saints. V. Who shall not reverence thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name, for thou only art holy;
R. For all nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy judgments are made manifest.
V. After this I beheld, and lo a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and kindreds, and peoples and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes and palms in their hands;
R. And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God, who sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, Alleluia, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.
V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit:
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
¶ See also A and B of the following |
15. A LITANY OF FELLOWSHIP 15 A V. Father be with us. Christ be with us. Holy Spirit be with us. R. Be with us, Holy Trinity, One God. V. In that we have forgotten the new commandment which was given us, that we should love one another, R. Forgive and convert us. V. In that we have shared in the failures of our Church, have been weak in her weakness, and have added to her stains, R. Forgive and convert us. V. In that we have failed to be true to the teaching of Christ, have distorted the proportion of the faith, have disabled the work of our Master, divided his body, and delayed his coming, R. Forgive and convert us. V. In that we have been of little faith, paralyzed by our want of hope, and futile for our great lack of charity,
R. Forgive and convert us.
15 B V. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray unto God, V. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray unto God,
R. Lord be with us. V. For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy Churches of God, and for the union of them all, let us pray unto God,
R. Lord be with us. V. For our own Church as for the Church universal, that she may be shaped to the standard of that perfect fellowship, eternal in the heavens,
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee.V. That our Church may become alive again with the fire of her first charity, fearless of danger and reckless unto death, in the splendor of that Life which is the light of the world,
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That she may be worthy of her new-found liberty, persistent in reform, active in benevolence, trusting the people, and ever faithful to the Jerusalem which is above and is free and the mother of us all,
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That our American people, so adventurous and so strong, may rise up to claim their heritage and make the Church their own,
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That our young men and women may have sight of her, pure and fair as a bride adorned, coming down from God out of heaven,
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That our eyes may kindle to her beauty, when she looks forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and mighty as an army with banners,
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That her old men may dream dreams, and her young men see visions; that her sons and her daughters may prophesy, bearing eager witness of her beauty to the world,
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That all her members, putting self aside, disinterested and pure in heart, may seek the truth, and see God, and rejoice in his truth;
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That her ministers may be good and wise, strong and very courageous, competent in their work, and faithful in their witness;
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That her bishops, full of insight and imagination, may venture in great things, not exercising dominion, but as true leaders of the people;
R . Dear Lord, we pray thee.V. That her councils and conventions may be keen to go forward, filled with the wisdom of the Spirit, to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem;
R . Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That all the people of the city of God may take up their citizenship, and be fellow-workers in the democracy of Christ;
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That her scholars may have disciples, her prophets hearers, her saints imitators, and all her pioneers many multitudes to follow in their steps;
R . Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. That we may forsake that love of party which keeps us from loving one another; and so, coming in friendship together, we and all our brothers in Christ may find the overpowering love of God, which shall knit us together in one united Church;
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. And, finally, that the Church, with love recovered in her midst, may teach all men to love one another, and all nations to dwell together in helpfulness and friendship, reconciled and redeemed,
R. Dear Lord, we pray thee. V. Father be with us all. Christ be with us all. Holy Spirit be with us all.
All. Be with us, Holy God, now and for evermore.
15 C
V. Let us pray for the Church in the new age: By this may all men know that we are his disciples,
R. That we have love one to another.
GOD, our Shepherd, give to the Church a new vision and a new charity, new wisdom and fresh understanding, the revival of her brightness and the renewal of her unity; that the eternal message of thy Son, undefiled by the traditions of men, may be hailed as the good news of the new age; through him who maketh all things new, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
V. Let us pray for the nation in the new age: Thou shalt wipe away all tears from their eyes,
R. For the former things are passed away.
GOD, our Ruler, give to every nation the dawning spirit of human brotherhood, a new respect for man and for woman, new loyalty in service, compunction and charity, new happiness in work and justice in reward; that our homes may be restored in thee, our cities rebuilt, and all the world may reflect the radiance of that new Jerusalem whose river is the water of life, and whose light is the Lamb that was slain and now liveth for evermore. Amen.
V. Let us pray for the world in the new age: Unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
R. Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.
GOD, our Father, give to the nations of the world a new heart of comradeship; the old man of ignorance and cruelty being done away, and the new man put on renewed in knowledge, to strengthen and to serve' the brethren; that every people may bring its tribute of excellence to the common treasury, without fear, and without the lust of domination ; and that all the world may go forward in the new and living way which he hath consecrated for us; who now liveth and reigneth, with thee and the Spirit of truth, one God, world with out end. Amen.
15 D V. Holy God, holy, mighty, holy, immortal, V. Let us join in the tumult of praise which at all times ascends unto God.
R. We praise thee, O God. V. For the wonder of thy beauty manifest in the world, thy
R. We give thanks to thee. wisdom inspiring the works of men, thy saving love for us, V. For the power to love thee and the right to pray, and for thine answers to our prayer,
R. We give thanks to thee. V. For the tenderness of men, the courage of women, and the wisdom of little children; for the charity and steadfastness and the patience of our friends; and for the kindness and cheerful service of mankind,
R. We give thanks to thee. V. For the renewal of life in thy Church, and the hope of better things, and for the quickening of our hope to-day.
R. We give thanks to thee. V. For the noble examples of thy servants now with thee in the light, for the happiness that is theirs, and for our communion with them,
R. We give thanks to thee.
MAY all the peoples, from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, cry aloud in praise to thee with joyful voice, and say, Glory to thee, O God, the Saviour of all, for ever. Amen. MAY he who like a lamb was led to the slaughter, and like a lion doth overthrow the powers of evil, Christ our Shepherd who guideth his flock in the way of righteousness further us now through the prayers of his Church, and have mercy upon us, because he is gracious and loveth mankind. Amen. GOD the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, |
V. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
R. We worship thee and give thee thanks for ever. O God the God of the spirits of all flesh, who art not the God of the dead, but of the living, for all live unto thee, V. O Jesus Christ, the conqueror of death, author and perfecter of our faith, who didst endure the cross despising the shame, and hast taken thy seat at the right hand of God,
R. We worship thee and give thee thanks for ever. V. O Holy Spirit of loyalty and courage, through whom the saints were strong to endure unto the end,
R. We worship thee and give thee thanks for ever. V. We believe in the communion of saints; we believe in the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection unto eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.
¶ Here may be read Rev. 7: 9-17.
V. Let us give thanks unto God for all his saints. Blessed are the poor in spirit,
R . For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. V. For all who in simplicity and poverty, being of no account as men count greatness, have loved and served their fellows for thy sake, and by their beggary have
made others rich,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord.
(Silence) V. Blessed are they that mourn, V. For all who being called to taste of suffering have glorified thee by their faith and courage,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord.
(Silence) V. Blessed are the meek, V. For all who, unrewarded and unknown, have been obedient unto the heavenly vision, and thinking nothing of themselves, have lived for thee and for their fellow men,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord.
V. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness,
R. For they shall be filled. V. For all those who have longed for thy salvation and lived in ordinary daily life as seeking first thy kingdom, and thy righteousness,
R . We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord.
(Silence) V. Blessed are the merciful, V. For all people who have been lovers of their brethren and sought to help them and show them kindness, being merciful to others, as thou, O Father in heaven, art merciful,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name. O Lord.
(Silence) V. Blessed are the pure of heart, V. For all to whom thou hast vouchsafed a vision of thy purity and truth, so that they brought thee into the lives of others,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord.
(Silence) V. Blessed are the peacemakers, V. For all who through our Lord have sought to exercise the ministry of reconciliation, and lived in loyalty to the Prince of Peace,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord.
V. Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,
R. For great is their reward in heaven. V. For all who have suffered for the kingdom's sake and,
R. We praise and bless thy glorious name, O Lord.
as disciples of the Son of Man, have loved him unto the death, (Silence)
V. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake,
R. Rejoice and be exceeding glad. V. O ye holy and humble men of heart, bless ye the Lord. R. Praise him and magnify him for ever. V. O ye spirits and souls of the righteous, bless ye the Lord. R. Praise him and magnify him for ever. ¶ Here may be read Rev. 19: 11-14.
V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit;
R. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
V. Almighty and everlasting God, before whom stand the spirits of the living and the dead, light of lights, fountain of Wisdom and goodness, who livest in all pure and humble and gracious souls; for all who have witnessed a good confession for thy glory and the welfare of the world; patriarchs, prophets, and apostles; the wise of every land and nation, and all teachers of mankind,
R. We praise thee, O God, and bless thy name. V. For the martyrs of our holy faith; the faithful witnesses to Christ of whom the world was not worthy and for all who have resisted falsehood and wrong unto suffering or death,
R. We praise thee, O God, and bless thy name. V. For all who have labored and suffered for freedom, good government, just laws, and the sanctity of the home, and for all who have given their lives for their country,
R. We praise thee, O God, and bless thy name. V. For all who have sought to bless men by their service and life, and to lighten the dark places of the earth,
R. We praise thee, O God. and bless thy name. V. For those who have been tender and true and brave in all times and places; and for all who have been one with thee in the communion of Christ's Spirit and in the strength of his love,
R. We praise thee, O God, and bless thy name. V. For the dear friends and kindred ministering in the spiritual world; whose faces we see no more, but whose love is with us for ever,
R. We praise thee, O God, and bless thy name. V. For the teachers and companions of our childhood and youth; and the members of our household of faith who worship thee now in heaven,
R. We praise thee, O God, and bless thy name. V. For the grace which was given to all these; and for the trust and hopes in which they lived and died,
R. We praise thee, O God, and bless thy name. V. And that we may hold them in continual remembrance, that the sanctity of their wisdom and goodness may rest upon our earthly days, and that we may prepare ourselves to follow them in their upward way,
'R. We beseech thee to hear us, O God. V. That we may ever think of them as with thee, and be sure that where they are, there we may be also,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, O God. V. That we may have a hope beyond this world for all thy children, even for wanderers who must be sought and brought home; that we may be comforted and sustained by the promise of a time when none shall be a stranger and an exile from thy kingdom and household,
R. We beseech thee to hear us, O God. V. In the communion of the Holy Spirit, with the faithful and the saintly in heaven, with the redeemed in all ages, with our beloved who dwell in thy presence and peace, we, who still fight and suffer on earth, unite in ascribing,
R . Thanksgiving, glory, honor, and power unto thee, O Lord our God.
All. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |