The Book of Common Prayer
United States England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World


Preliminary Report of Liturgical Committee, 1889



O GOD the Father Almighty, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Father Almighty, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Holy Ghost, Sanctifier of the faithful, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Holy Ghost, Sanctifier of the faithful, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three Persons and one God, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three Persons and one God, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    Remember not, Lord, our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers; neither take thou vengeance of our sins: spare us, good Lord, spare thy people, whom thou Last redeemed with thy most precious blood, and be not angry with us for ever.
    Spare us, good Lord.
    From the guile and malice of the devil,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From the vanity of worldly pleasure, and the anxieties of worldly business,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From the carnal mind, from selfishness and self-will, from hardness and coldness of heart, and from want of zeal in thy service,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From slothfulness, from dulness in faith, and from distrust of thy power,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    By the mystery of thy holy Incarnation; by thy Cross and Passion and precious Death,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    By thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension; by thy Intercession at the right hand of God; and by the gift of the Holy Ghost,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to perfect thy Church in faith and godly discipline, and to grant that she may be throughly furnished unto all good works;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to give to all Bishops, Priests, and Deacons the spirit of faithfulness, devotion, and love; and to make them examples to thy flock in all holy conversation and godliness;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to endue them with the spirit of wisdom, and to give them an ardent love and a tender care for souls;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to stir up the zeal of all thy faithful people for the promotion of every good work;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to send forth labourers into thine harvest;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to bless all in every place who are engaged in the extension of thy kingdom;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to prosper and multiply the missions of thy holy Church;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to call many to the work of missions, and to bless all who are obedient to thy call;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to have mercy upon the heathen, and upon all that have not known thy Name;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to send them the light of thy truth, and to give them grace to receive thy Word;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to bring to nought the powers of ignorance and error by which souls are held in bondage;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to bring all who profess and call themselves Christians to serve thee in the unity of thy Church, that the world may believe in thee;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to cast out of thy Church all error and worldliness, and to strengthen her with faith and purity;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to make all nations to be at peace one with another;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to give thy people the will to honour thee with their substance, and with the first-fruits of all their increase.
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to pardon our sins, whereby we have hindered the progress of thy kingdom;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to perfect us in thy fear and love, that we may attain to the fruition of thy glory;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us.
    Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us.
    O Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world;
    Grant us thy peace.
    O Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world;
    Have mercy upon us.

O Christ, hear us.
O Christ, hear us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.

OUR Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. Amen.

Let us pray.

O LORD our Saviour, who hast taught us that thou wilt require much of those to whom much is given; Grant that we and all those to whom thou hast entrusted earthly treasure, may use it to thy glory; and that, being mindful of our stewardship to thee, we may dispense our gifts to help and not to hurt; that so, making friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, we may be enabled to set forward the coming of thy kingdom, and at last, with all thine elect people, be received into thy heavenly habitations, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

GRANT, O Lord, that we, whose lot thou hast east in a goodly heritage, may strive together the more abundantly, by prayer, by giving, and by work, to extend to others what we enjoy; and as we have entered into the labours of other men, so to labour that other men may in turn enter into ours, to the edifying of thy kingdom and the glory of thy holy Name, who art with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.





O GOD the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Son, Redeemer of mankind, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Son, Redeemer of mankind, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Holy Ghost, Sanctifier of the faithful, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O God the Holy Ghost, Sanctifier of the faithful, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
    O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon us miserable sinners.

    From all evil and wickedness,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From all want of thy holy fear, from neglect of thy commandments, and from forgetfulness of thy continual presence,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From the worship of any creature by superstition, covetousness, or undue affection,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From foolish thoughts of thee, and vain imaginations,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From timidity in confessing thee before men; from irreverence in thought, word, or deed; from profaning thy holy Name; and from levity in sacred things,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From forgetfulness of our dedication to thee in baptism,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From the neglect of times set apart for thine especial worship; and from seeking our own gratification on thy holy day to the hurt of the soul,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From forgetfulness of thy presence in the assembly of thy people; from irregular attendance and wandering thoughts; and from want of reverence towards thy holy Word,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From neglect of the Sacraments and ordinances which are administered in thy Name,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From neglect of honouring thee with our substance, and with the first-fruits of all our increase,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From the love of self; from boasting, pride, and blasphemy; and from forgetfulness of our entire dependence upon thee,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From want of reverence to parents and others who have lawful authority over us,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From pride of station; from discontent with appointed superiors; from all discourtesy in word or action; and from despising thy goodness in any of thy people,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From malice and hatred; from party-spirit and vindictiveness; from fierceness of temper, irritability, and sullenness,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From any habit that is inconsistent with our domestic duty and natural affection; and from all words and actions which may injure others,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From all impurity, whether in thought, word, or deed,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From luxurious living; from the undue indulgence of appetite; from all enervating gratifications of the flesh; and from vanity of dress and bodily display,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From untruth, injustice, and unfaithfulness in promises and contracts; and from false pretences, fraud, and theft,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From sneering and disparagement; from exaggeration and slander; from deceit, hypocrisy, and all untruthfulness,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    From idleness and discontent; from envy and covetousness; and from the desire of anything that is contrary to thy will,
    Good Lord, deliver us.
    Be merciful and help us, O God our Saviour: Vouchsafe, O Lord, that we may lead godly and peaceable lives in this present world,
    Vouchsafe, O Lord.
    The graces of humility, poverty of spirit, meekness, longsuffering, and obedience to those set over us,
    Vouchsafe, O Lord.
    A quiet and thankful mind, contented with our lot, and true peace and joy in the Holy Ghost,
    Vouchsafe, O Lord.
    Temperance and modesty; sobriety and chastity; a humble opinion of ourselves and of the things of this world; and honesty and compassion towards others,
    Vouchsafe, O Lord.
    Diligence and watchfulness; hunger and thirst after righteousness; zeal and fervour of spirit in thy cause; and Christian fortitude and patience unto the end,
    Vouchsafe, O Lord.
    We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord our Father; and that we may have grace to love thee with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our strength;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That we may sincerely love our neighbours as ourselves;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That being reconciled to thee by the death of thy Son, we may be presented holy, unspotted, and unblameable before thee;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That whatsoever we do in word or deed, we may do all to thy glory, and not receive thy grace in vain;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That looking up to Jesus, who suffered for us, we be not weary nor faint in our minds;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That considering his example, and the conversation of his saints, we may imitate their faith and patience;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That as the baptized soldiers and servants of Christ, we entangle not ourselves unduly in the affairs of this life, but having food and raiment be therewith content;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That forbearing one another in love, we may keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That bearing one another’s burdens, we may fulfil the law of Christ;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That being strengthened in all virtue through the power of thy grace, we may give thee thanks for all things;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we may be found in him pure and without spot, and may receive the end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.


Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us.
Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us.
O Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world;
Increase our faith.
O Lamb of God, that art in the midst of the throne;
Confirm our hope.
O Lamb of God, Bridegroom of the Church;
Kindle our charity.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world;
Have mercy upon us.

O Christ, hear us.
O Christ, hear us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.

OUR Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. Amen.

Let us pray.

O LORD, raise up, we pray thee, thy power, and come among us, and with great might succour us; that whereas, through our sins and wickedness, we are sore let and hindered in running the race that is set before us, thy bountiful grace and mercy may speedily help and deliver us; through the satisfaction of thy Son our Lord, to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be honour and glory, world without end. Amen.

THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.




O GOD the Father, have mercy upon thy servant, keep and deliver him.
    O God the Father, have mercy upon thy servant, keep and deliver him. [If the sick person be able to join in this Litany, let him substitute the word me for him.]
    O God the Son, have mercy upon him, save and deliver him.
    O God the Son, have mercy upon him, save and deliver him.
    O God the Holy Ghost, have mercy upon him, strengthen and comfort him.
    O God the Holy Ghost, have mercy upon him, strengthen and comfort him.
    O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon him.
    O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon him.
    Remember not, Lord, his offences, nor the offences of his forefathers; spare him, good Lord, spare thy servant, whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood, and be not angry with him for ever.
    Spare him, good Lord.
    From thy wrath and heavy indignation; from the guilt and burden of his sins; and from the fear of death,
    Good Lord, deliver him.
By thy manifold and great mercies; by thy manifold and great merits; by thine Agony and Bloody Sweat; by thy strong Crying and Tears; by thy bitter Cross and Passion; by thy precious Death and Burial,
    Good Lord, deliver him.
    By thy mighty Resurrection; by thy glorious Ascension; by thine effectual and most acceptable Intercession and Mediation; and by the graces and comforts of the Holy Ghost,
    Good Lord, deliver him.
    For the glory of thy Name; for thy loving mercy and for thy truth’s sake;
    Good Lord, deliver him.
    In the time of his extremity; in his last and greatest need; in the hour of death, and in the day of judgment,
    Good Lord, deliver him.
    We sinners do beseech thee to hear us, O Lord God; and that it may please thee to be his defender and keeper, and to remember him with the favour thou bearest unto thy people, and to visit him with thy salvation;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to save and deliver his soul from the power of the enemy;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to be merciful, and to forgive all his sins and misdeeds, which by the malice of the devil, or by his own frailty, he at any time hath committed against thee;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to make him partaker of all thy mercies and promises in Christ Jesus;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to raise him from this sickness, if it be thy gracious will;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to grant unto him rest and peace, and a part in the blessed resurrection unto life and glory;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    That it may please thee to vouchsafe unto him at the last, the estate of joy and immortality, with all thy blessed saints in thy heavenly kingdom;
    We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
    Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us.
    Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us.
    O Lord God, Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world,
    Have mercy upon thy servant.
    Thou that takest away the sins of the world,
    Grant him thy peace.
    Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father,
    Have mercy upon him.

Lord, have mercy upon him.
Christ, have mercy upon him.
Lord, have mercy upon him.

OUR Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. Amen.

    ¶ Then may be added such Collects and Prayers as the Minister shall think fit.




    ¶ These prayers may be used after Morning and Evening Prayer, after Sermons and Lectures, and with any Office in this Book, as occasion may require, at the discretion of the Minister.

A Morning Prayer.

O GOD, the King eternal, who dividest the day from the darkness, and turnest the shadow of death into the morning; Drive far from us all wrong desires, incline our hearts to keep thy law, and guide our feet into the way of peace; that having done thy will with cheerfulness while it is day, we may, when the night cometh, rejoice to give thee thanks; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Morning Prayer.

ALMIGHTY God, who alone gayest us the breath of life, and alone canst keep alive in us the holy desires thou dost impart; We humbly beseech thee to sanctify all our thoughts and endeavours, that we may neither begin an action without a pure intention, nor continue it without thy blessing. And grant that, having the eyes of the mind opened to behold things invisible and unseen, we may in heart be inspired by thy wisdom, and in work be upheld by thy strength, and in the end be accepted of thee as thy faithful servants; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

An Evening Prayer.

O LORD our God, who alone makest us to dwell in safety; Refresh with quiet sleep, this night, those who are wearied with the labours of the day; and mercifully protect from harm all who put their trust in thee; that lying down in peace to take our rest, we may fear no evil, but confidently give ourselves into thy holy keeping; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An Evening Prayer.

O GOD, who art the life of mortal men, the light of the faithful, the strength of those who labour, and the repose of the dead; We thank thee for the timely blessings of the day, and humbly supplicate thy merciful protection all this night. Bring us, we beseech thee, in safety to the morning hours; through him who died for us and rose again, thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

A General Intercession.

O GOD, at whose word man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening; Be merciful to all whose duties are difficult or burdensome, and comfort them concerning their toil. Shield from bodily accident and harm the workmen at their work. Protect the efforts of sober and honest industry, and suffer not the hire of the labourers to be kept back by fraud. Incline the hearts of employers and of those whom they employ to mutual forbearance, fairness, and good-will. Give the spirit of governance and of a sound mind to all in places of authority. Bless all schools of good learning, and grant to every work of mercy an even course. Care for all aged persons, and all little children, the sick and the afflicted, those who travel by land or by sea, all strangers, and emigrants, and outcasts. Remember all who by reason of weakness are overtasked, or by reason of poverty are forgotten. Let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners come before thee, and according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die. Give ear unto our prayer, O merciful and gracious Father, for the love of thy dear Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

For the Reunion of Christendom.

O LORD Jesus Christ, who saidst unto thine Apostles, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; Regard not our sins, but the faith of thy Church, and grant her that peace and unity which is agreeable to thy will: who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

For the Increase of the Ministry.

O LORD Jesus Christ, who didst command thy disciples to pray the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labourers into his harvest; We beseech thee graciously to increase the number of faithful ministers of thy Word and Sacraments, and to send them forth among all nations of men, that perishing souls may be saved, and the bounds of thy blessed kingdom be enlarged; to the glory of thy Name, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

For the Increase of the Ministry.

ALMIGHTY God, who hast purchased to thyself an universal Church by the precious blood of thy dear Son, and therein hast appointed the ministry of reconciliation; We beseech thee that thou wilt put it into the hearts of many faithful men to seek this office and ministry appointed for the salvation of mankind; that so thy Church may rejoice in a due supply of true and faithful pastors, and the bounds of thy blessed Kingdom may be enlarged; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Missions.

O GOD, who hast made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and didst send thy blessed Son to preach peace to them that are afar off and to them that are nigh; Grant that the heathen peoples everywhere may seek after thee and find thee; and hasten, O Lord, the fulfilment of thy promise to pour out thy Spirit upon all flesh; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


For Missions.

ALMIGHTY God, who by thy Son Jesus Christ didst give commandment to the holy Apostles, that they should go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature; Grant to us, whom thou hast called into thy Church, a ready will to obey thy word, and fill us with a hearty desire to make thy way known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. Look with compassion upon the heathen that have not known thee, and on the multitudes that are scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd. O heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest, have respect, we beseech thee, to our prayers, and send forth labourers into thine harvest. Fit and prepare them by thy grace for the work of their ministry; give them the spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind; strengthen them to endure hardness; and grant that both by their life and. doctrine they may show forth thy glory and set forward the salvation of all men; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Missions.

O MOST merciful Saviour and Redeemer, who wouldest not that any should perish, but that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth; Fulfil thy gracious promise to be present with those who are gone forth in thy Name to preach the Gospel of salvation [in distant lands]. Be with them in all perils by land or by water, in sickness and distress, in weariness and painfulness, in disappointment and persecution. Bless them, we beseech thee, with thy continual favour, and send thy Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. O Lord, let thy ministers be clothed with righteousness, and grant that thy Word, spoken by their mouths, may never be spoken in vain. Endue them with power from on high; and so prosper thy work in their hands that the fulness of the Gentiles may be gathered in, and all Israel be saved. Hear us, O Lord, for thy mercy’s sake; and grant that all who are called by thy Name may be one in thee, and may abound more and more in prayers and in freewill offerings for the extension of thy kingdom throughout the world, to thy honour and glory, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

For a Blessing on Pastor and People.

O LORD Jesus Christ, thou good Shepherd of the flock, mercifully hear our supplications, and grant unto this parish all things that are needful for its spiritual welfare. Unite the hearts of pastor and people in love of thee, and in zeal for thy work. Endue the clergy with holiness and wisdom; strengthen and increase the faithful; visit and relieve the sick convert the wicked; rouse the careless; recover the fallen restore the penitent; remove all hindrances to the advancement of thy truth; and bring all to be of one heart and mind within the fold of thy holy Church; to the honour and glory of thy Name, who art with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

For the Clergy.

O LORD Jesus, thou great Shepherd of the flock of God, we pray thee for all whom thou hast set apart to the awful duty of caring for thy people in thy Name. Pour out a blessing, we beseech thee, and make our pastors men of faith and purity and power. Give them deep wisdom in thy Word through much reading and pondering thereof. Draw them near to thee in habits of devout prayer. Inspire them with an exceeding love of souls; make them to have a tender and careful conscience. Delight them with thy love; sober them with thy holy fear. In all their sorrows make them to enter into the patience of thy passion, and let thy joy never fail them. And as thou hast given them a high and wonderful calling to be messengers of thy grace on earth, help them to live in holy obedience, in untiring faithfulness, in care for all them that are to be heirs of thy salvation; that they may please thee and fulfil thy ministry, O blessed Saviour, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Comforter, one God, world without end. Amen.

In the Vacancy of a Cure of Souls.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth; Grant, we beseech thee, of thy loving-kindness, to this thy flock a Bishop [or Pastor] who shall, by faithfulness in teaching and holiness of life, be well-pleasing unto thee, and by watchfulness and zeal promote thy glory and the salvation of souls; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

During the Building of a Church.

O ALMIGHTY God, who hast given unto us thy servants grace to erect a house for the honour of thy Name, and for the comfort and salvation of the souls for which thy only Son did shed his precious blood. Accept the offering, which in all humility we bring to thee of that which is thine own; and bless thy servants and their service. Prosper thou the work of our hands upon us, prosper thou our handy-work. Direct their counsels to whom the work is especially entrusted, that it may be ordered to thy greatest glory and the greatest good of thy believing people. Have in thy holy keeping the building and whatsoever appertains to it; that our sacred purpose may be brought the soonest to the best result. Direct and bless the skill and industry of the architect, the master-builders, and the workmen. Keep them safe from every accident, and secure from every danger. And may all who are in any way connected with this temple made with hands, be built up, through the operation of thy Holy Spirit, as living stones acceptable to thee; through him, who is the tried and precious corner-stone, thy Son our only Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

For Persons Preparing for Holy Baptism.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, mercifully regard thy servants whom thou hast vouchsafed to call with thy heavenly calling, moving them to seek thy holy Baptism. Pour into their hearts the light of thy truth, make them worthy partakers of thy heavenly gift, receive them into thy Holy Church, and give them grace so to live that they may come unto thine everlasting kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


For Persons preparing for Confirmation.

O MERCIFUL Lord, we beseech thee abundantly to strengthen, with the seven-fold gift of thy Holy Spirit, thy servants who are preparing for Confirmation in this parish; that they, being admitted by thine ordinance to the fulness of Christian grace, may grow, in the exercise of the power which thou givest them, unto the perfection of Christian life; through thy Son Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.

When any are about to be Admitted to the Holy Communion.

ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, we beseech thee mercifully to look upon thy servants, who now for the first time are to draw nigh to thy Holy Table; that they, seeking thy forgiveness, refreshment, and peace, may be strengthened with the spiritual food of the Body and Blood of Christ, and be made partakers of everlasting life in the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Children.

ALMIGHTY Father, who hast promised in thy holy Word that they who early seek thy heavenly wisdom shall surely find it, and find it more precious than all the treasures of the world; Send down upon these thy children the grace and blessing of thy Holy Spirit, that they, being brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, may choose and love thy way, and depart from it no more for ever; and when thou makest up thy jewels in thy glorious kingdom, grant that these children may be there and may be thine; for the sake of thy dear Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

For Children.

THOU that makest the young children to be thy gift, and wouldest not that one of thy little ones be lost; We implore thee for thy children entrusted to our care. Make them wise to know thee and their duty, strong to resist temptation and to do good, rich in gifts of love and peace. Bear them in the hands of time angels, that they take no harm; show them the purity of Christ Jesus, that they be not defiled. Bring them up in the glory of thy light, and grant thy loving correction to make them great. Give to each one of them some special work to do for thee, and draw them to follow every holy call. Grant us grace to teach and train them dutifully, and to put no stumbling-block in their way; and at last bring us all to the likeness of the perfect Man; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Young Men.

O LORD Jesus Christ, grant that the young men of our country may live before thee in purity, and may use their strength and energy for thy glory, who art the source of their life and the Captain of their salvation. Reveal thyself in their hearts, that being filled with thy wisdom, they may know thee the pattern of meekness and purity, of diligence and obedience, of endurance and hope; so that they may follow without hesitation wheresoever thou shalt call them; and at length, being perfected in thee, may come to the measure of the stature of thy fulness; who art with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

For Schools and Colleges.

O FATHER of lights, in whose light alone we see light; Shed the bright beams of thy favour upon [*this school (or seminary, or college), and upon] all seats of godly and good learning and science. Bless all in authority, and all under authority in the same, with all founders, friends, patrons, and benefactors; that the work begun in faith, being furthered more and more by thy Holy Spirit, may bear fruit abundantly, to the increase of knowledge among thy people, to the confirmation of the truth, to the edifying of the Church, and to the promotion of thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

* This to be added when the prayer is said in a school, seminary, or college.

For a Blessing upon Special Services.

O LORD Jest’s Christ, the good Shepherd, who seekest those that are gone astray, who bindest up those that are broken, and healest those that are sick; Bless, we beseech thee, all efforts made to convert souls unto thee. Open the deaf ears of the wanderers, that they may hear the words which belong unto their salvation; and grant that those whom thou dost call to newness of life may through thy grace persevere unto the end; through thy mercy, O blessed Lord, who art with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

For those who serve God under Difficulties.

HEAVENLY Father, have mercy upon all who are specially encompassed with difficulty in the way of thy service, by reason of the worldliness of their homes, or the depravity of those around them. As thou art ever present with them, so do thou reveal the sanctifying power of thy presence by drawing them away from the snares of evil, and finally bring them to the light of thy heavenly city; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those who are without the Means of Grace.

O THOU good Shepherd of the sheep, look mercifully upon those who have none to watch over them in thy Name. Prepare them to receive thy truth, and send them pastors after thine own heart. Replenish with thine abundant grace those whom thou dost send; and awaken the pity of thy people for all who are as sheep having no shepherd, that by their cheerful offerings, and the co-operation of thy Holy Spirit, multitudes may daily be added to thy Church, and become partakers of the salvation which thou hast promised, O Lord and Lover of souls, who art with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.


For those who are obliged to work on the Lord’s Day.

O LORD, have mercy upon all those whose necessities keep them in the work of the world upon thy holy day. Draw their thoughts to thyself, and make them partakers of the benefits of the prayers and intercessions of thy holy Church. And grant to their employers grace to consider the needs of those whom thou hast made in thine image; that they who serve may fail not finally to attain to that rest which remaineth for the people of God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those who err from the Faith.

O FATHER of lights, who art ever pitiful to the manifold wanderings of the children of men, and who hast given us thy holy Word to be a lantern to our feet amid the darkness of this world; Have compassion upon all who, by denying the Gospel of thy dear Son, have been led far off from peace; open their hearts to the truth, help them to cast down every proud thought, and make them to become as little children that they may be wise, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

For those who are Separated from the Church through Ignorance.

HAVE mercy, O Lord, upon all those who, though living in ignorance of thy covenanted gifts of grace, are yet studious to serve thee with sincerity of purpose. Regard not their separation, but accept their good will, and grant that they, laying aside all prejudice, may listen to the voice of thy Holy Spirit, and be led by his grace to the unity of the body of thy dear Son; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those who live in Sin.

HAVE mercy, heavenly Father, on all who are hardened through the deceitfulness of sin; vouchsafe them grace to come to themselves, the will and the power to return to thee, and the loving welcome of thy forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Insane and Imbecile Persons.

MERCIFUL Saviour of the world, by thy hour of darkness and desolation on the Cross, we plead with thee, and entreat thee for all thy servants whom disease or infirmity of mind is separating from their brethren. Deal tenderly with them, we beseech thee, deal tenderly with them. Cherish them with guardianship of thy good angels, with compassion and gentleness of men, with kindness and wisdom in the care of them. Bring them, we pray thee, to a perfect soundness in this life, or else send in thy good time and draw forth the prisoners of hope into the light and largeness of thy Paradise. And give them all a place and a name hereafter in thy joyous city new Jerusalem, where thou shalt be glorified with the Father and the Holy Ghost for ever. Amen.

For the Intemperate.

O GOD, we beseech thee, deliver our land from the grievous sin of drunkenness, whereby it is sorely defiled; and grant that they who indulge in whatsoever excess beclouds the mind and degrades the body, may have grace to check themselves ere they have lost the power of self-control, and finding the unsatisfying nature of all earthly excitement, may come to hunger and thirst after righteousness, and be filled with the spirit of thy love; through Jesus Christ our Mediator and Advocate. Amen.

Against Sensuality and Self-indulgence.

BE merciful and gracious, O Lord, unto thy servants, and pardon the infirmities of our earthly nature. Grant that all who are especially hindered in their spiritual course by the appetites of the flesh, may be quickened by the power of thy Holy Spirit, and strengthened in all holy endeavours, so that they may bring their bodies into subjection, and live in watchful observance of thy holy law, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Against Covetousness.

O ALMIGHTY God, who givest to all men liberally and upbraidest not; Quicken with thy free spirit those who are kept under the bondage of earthly care and avarice; that they, feeling their dependence upon thee for all they need, and their accountableness to thee for all they possess, may lay up for themselves treasures in heaven, and may be ready to give and glad to distribute, giving thee thanks for all things; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Rich.

O ALMIGHTY God, we beseech thee to send thy grace upon those whom thou hast entrusted with great possessions, that they may praise thee in their lives, honour thee with their wealth, and lead others by their example to seek for that inheritance which thy beloved Son will give to all those who have followed him. Have mercy upon such as neglect to minister to the wants of thy poor; and grant that, remembering the account of their stewardship which they must one day give, they may be faithful almoners of thy bounty, and so at last attain to thy heavenly kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Thoughtless.

O GOD and Father of all, who delightest in the happiness of thy creatures; Send down thy Holy Spirit upon all those who are drawn away to forgetfulness of thee, whether by the pleasures of youth, the opportunities of wealth, or the excitement of sin. Enlighten them, defend them, calm them, control them; make them to see the insufficiency of earthly pleasures and the joy of thy holy service; and so govern their natural energies by the power of thy love, that they, now learning to rejoice in the hope of thy glory, may hereafter attain to the fruition of thy Godhead; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



For Chastity.

O HOLY and immaculate Jesus, who wast born of a virgin mother, and delightest to dwell in chaste and pure hearts; With mercy behold thy servants often beset with the temptations of those fleshly lusts which war against the soul; and because we cannot stand in the day of battle and danger unless thy grace prevent and strengthen us, O let thy blessed Spirit descend upon us, the Spirit of purity and holiness, and preserve us clean and undefiled, that our bodies may be thy holy temple, and our souls thy sanctuary fit for thee to dwell in. Pardon all our past sins and self-indulgences, whether in thought, word, or deed; teach us to hate and shun all images and fellowships that corrupt the imagination and defile the body; and, O thou blessed Jesus, do thou kindle in us the fire of a divine love to burn away our dross, and make us pure in thee; that so we may not any more grieve thy Holy Spirit by any works of darkness, but being washed and cleansed in thy blood, and walking in the light as children of the light, may glorify thee in our bodies and our spirits which are thine, and at last be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

For Reverence in Speech.

O LORD God, whose holy Name is the joy of thy creatures; Make thy Name to be so hallowed in the lives of those who have been baptized therein, and upon the lips of those who speak thereof, that its holiness may not turn to our ruin, exposing our unworthiness, but may be found to our preservation, drawing us upward in thy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Spirit of Prayer.

O ALMIGHTY God, who hast bidden us seek that we may find, and who pourest out on all who desire it, the spirit of grace and of supplication; Deliver us, when we draw nigh to thee, from coldness of heart and wanderings of mind, that with stedfast thoughts and kindled affections we may worship thee in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Defence and Discipline.

BE thou, O God, our support and our refuge; deliver us from temptation; give us the defence of thy salvation; hold us up with thy right hand; teach us by thy discipline; and make our way and our life undefiled; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Peace.

O GOD, by whose gracious providence all things in heaven and earth are ruled; Hear our prayers, we beseech thee, and give peace in our time, that we and all Christian people may praise thy holy Name in godly union and concord; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Army and Navy.

O MOST powerful and glorious Lord God, the Lord of hosts, that rulest and commandest all things; Vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to bless the officers and men of our army and navy. Grant that in the midst of the dangers and temptations which beset them, they may fight manfully against the world, the flesh, and the devil; and resisting all evil by the spirit of thy ghostly strength, may acquire true courage in the hour of danger and in the day of battle. Prosper them in the maintenance of our country’s honour; keep them safe from enemies spiritual and temporal; that they may glorify thee upon the earth, until they are called to rest in the triumph of thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

After a Battle.

O LORD, we pray thee to have mercy upon all who are this day wounded and suffering. Let thy grace be their comfort, though kindred and friends be far away. Raise them to health again, if it be thy good pleasure; but chiefly give them such patience and faith in thee, that they, being delivered from the assaults of their spiritual enemies, may rest in peace and rise to partake of thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    ¶ At Anniversary or other Public Occasional Services of any Guild or Society of Christian people associated for good and lawful purposes, the Minister may use the special form of prayer of such Guild or Society; Provided, the same have been set forth or approved by the Bishop, and not otherwise.



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