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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
God the Father of heaven etc.
O God the sonne redemer of the worlde : have mercye upon us miserable synners. O
God the sonne redemer of, etc.
O God the holye Ghoste, proceding from the father and the Sonne : have mercye upon us miserable synners. O
God the holy ghoste, proceding from, etc.
O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, three persons and one god : have mercy upon us miserable synners. O
holy, blessed, and glorious trinitye thre persons, etc.
Remember not, Lorde our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers, neyther take thou vengeaunce of oure synnes spare us good Lorde, spare thy people whome thou haste redemed with thy moste precious bloude, and be not angry with us for ever. Spare
us good Lorde.
From all evil and mischief, from synne, from the craftes and assaultes of the Devil, from thy wrath, and from everlasting dampnation. Good
Lorde delyver us.
From all blyndnes of herte, from pride, vayne glorye, and hypocrisy, from envy, hatred and malice, and all uncharitablenes. Good
Lorde delyver us.
From fornicacion and all other deadly synne: and frome all the deceiptes of the worlde, the Fleshe and the Devill. Good
Lorde delyver us.
From lightninges and tempestes, from plague, pestilence and famine, from battayle and murther, and from soudeine death. Good
Lorde delyver us.
From all sedicion and privey conspiracye, from all false doctrine and heresy, from hardnes of harte, and conternpte of thy worde and commaundement. Good
Lorde delyver us.
By the misterye of thy holye Incarnacion, by thy holy Nativitie and circumcision, by thy Baptysme, fastynge and temptacion. Good
Lorde delyver us.
By thyne agonye and bloudy sweate, by thy crosse and passion, by thy precious deathe and buriall, by thy glorious resurrection, and ascencion, and by the commynge of the holy Ghoste. Good
Lorde delyver us.
In al tyme of our tribulacion, in al tyme of our welth, in the houre of death, and in the daye of judgement. Good
Lorde delyver us.
We synners do beseche the to heare us (O Lord God,) and that it may please the to rule and governe thy holy Churche universally, in the right way. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the, to kepe and strengthen in the true worshipping of the in righteousnes and holynes of lyfe, thy servaunt Elizabeth our most gracious Quene and governour.* We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde. |
* "thy servaunt JAMES our most gracious king and governour." in 1604, and changed similarly for Charles I. |
That it may please the, to rule her harte in thy faith, feare, and love, that she may evermore have affiaunce [faith] in the, and ever seke thy honoure and glory. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the, to be her defender and keper, geving her the victory over al her enemyes. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
[That it may please thee to bless and preserve our gracious Queen Anne, Prince Henry, and the rest of the King and Queen's Royal issue.
We beseech thee to hear us good Lord.]* |
* added in 1604, and changed appropriately later (see below). |
That it may please the to illuminate all Byshoppes, Pastours, and ministers of the Church, with true knowledge, and understanding of thy words, and that both by their preaching and livinge, they may sette it furth and shewe it accordingly. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it maye please thee to endue the Lordes of the Counsayle, and all the nobilitie, with grace, wisedom, and understanding. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please thee to blesse and kepe the Magistrates, geving them grace to execute justice, and to maynteyne truthe. That it may please the to blesse, and kepe al thy people. We beseche the to heare us good Lorde. That it may please thee to geve to all nacions, unitie, peace and concorde. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it maye please the to geve us an harte to love and dread [respect] the, and diligently to lyve after thy commaundementes. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it maye please the to gyve all thy people encrease of grace, to heare mekely thy worde, and to receyve it wyth pure affeccion, and to bring furthe the fruites of the spirit. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the to bring into the way of truth all suche as have erred, and are deceyved. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it maye please thee to strengthen suche as dooe stande, and to comforte, and helpe the weake-harted, and to rayse theym up that falle, and finally to beate downe Sathan under our feete. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the to succour, helpe and comforte all that be in daunger, necessitie, and tribulation. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it maye please thee to preserve all that travayle [travel], by lande or by water, al women labouringe of chylde, all sycke persons and yonge chyldren, and to shew thy pitye upon all prisoners and captives. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the to defende, and provide for the fatherles children and widowes, and all that be desolate and oppressed. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the to have mercy upon all men. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the to forgeve our enemyes, persecutours and slaunderers, and to turne theyr hertes. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the to geve and preserve to our use the kindly fruites of the earth, so as in due tyrne we maye enjoye them. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
That it may please the to geve us true repentaunce, to forgeve us all our sinnes, negligences, and ignoraunces; and to endue us with the grace of thy holy spirite, to amende our lyves according to thy holy worde. We
beseche the to heare us good Lorde.
Sonne of God we beseche thee to heare us. O
Lambe of God, that takest away the synnes of the worlde.
O Lambe of God that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde,
O Christ heare us.
Lorde have mercy upon us.
Christe have mercy upon us.
Lorde have mercy upon us.
Our father whiche art in heaven. &c. But
delyver us from evyll.
The Versycle. O Lorde deale not with us after our synnes. |
Let us praye. O GOD merciful father, that dispisest not the syghing of a contrite hart, nor the desyre of suche as be sorowfull, mercyfully assiste our praiers that we make before the, in all our troubles and adversities, whensoever they oppresse us. And graciouslye hear us, that those evilles, whiche the crafte and subtiltie of the devel, or man worketh against us, be broughte to noughte, and by the providence of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed, that we thy Servauntes, beyng hurt by no persecucions, may evermore geve thanckes to the, in thy holy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Lord aryse, helpe us, and deliver us for thy names
GOD we have hearde with our eares, and our fathers have declared unto us the noble worckes that thou diddeste in their dayes, and in the olde tyme before them. O
Lord aryse, helpe us, and delyver us, for thyne honoure.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holye Goste. From our enemues defende us, O Christ. Graciously
loke upon our afflictions.
Pitifully beholde the sorowes of our harte. Mercifully
forgeve the synnes of thy people.
Favourably with mercy heare our prayers. O
sonne of David have mercy upon us.
Bothe now and ever, vouchesafe, to heare us, O Christe. Graciously
hear us, O Christ,
Graciously heare us, O Lorde Christ.
The Versycle. O Lorde let thy mercy be shewed upon us. Let us praye. WE
humbly beseche the, O father, niercifullye to loke upon oure infirmities,
and for the glory of thy names sake, turne from us all those evilles that
we moste righteously have deserved: and graunte that in all oure troubles
we maye put our whole truste and confydence in thy mercye, and evermore
serve the in holynes and purenes of living, to thy honour and glory :
throughe our onely mediatoure and advocate Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. |
Prayer for the Queenes Majesty. O
LORD our hevenly father, high and mighty king of kynges, Lorde of lordes,
the onely ruler of princes, which doest from thy throne beholde all the
dwellers upon earth, most hartely we beseche the with thy favoure to beholde
our mooste gracious soveraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth*, and so replenyshe
her with the grace of thy holy spirit, that she may alway incline to thy
wil, and walcke in thy waye: Indue her plentifully wyth heavenly gifts:
Graunt her in health and wealthe longe to live: strength her that she
may vanquish and overcome al her enemies: And finally after this life
she may attaine everlasting joye and felicitie, thorowe Jesus Christ our
Lorde. Amen. |
* Replaced by a prayer for the King in 1604 (see below) |
A Prayer for the Queen and Prince, and other the King and Queen's children. ALMIGHTY God, which hast promised to be a Father of thine Elect, and of their seed, We humbly beseech thee to bless our gracious Queen Anne, Prince Henry, and all the King and Queen's royal progeny*: endue them with thy holy Spirit, enrich them thy heavenly grace, prosper them with all happiness, and bring them to thine everlasting Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ALMIGHTY and everlastinge God, whiche onely workest great mervailes, sende downe upon our Bishoppes and Curates, and al congregacions committed to their charge, the healthful spirit of thy grace, and that they may truely please thee, Powre upon them the continuall deawe of thy blessinge: Graunte this, O Lorde, for the honour of our advocate and mediatoure, Jesus Christ. Amen. ¶ A Prayer of Chrisostome. ALMIGHTY God, which hast geven us grace at this tyme with one accorde, to make our common supplications unto thee, and doest promyse that when two or three be gathered together in thy name thou wilt graunt their requestes: fulfyl nowe, O Lorde, the desyres and peticions of thy servauntes, as may be most expedient for them, graunting us in this world knowledge of thy truthe, and in the world to come lyfe everlasting. Amen. ¶ ii. Corin. xiii. THE grace of oure Lorde Jesus Christe, and the love of God, and the felowship of the holye ghoste, bee wyth us all evermore. Amen. ¶ For rayne, yf the tyme requyre. O GOD heavenly father, whiche by thy Sonne Jesus Christe, haste promysed to all theim that seke thy kingdome and the righteousnes therof, all thinges necessary to their bodelye sustenaunce: Sende us, we beseche the, in this oure necessitie, such moderate raine and showers, that we may receyve the fruytes of the earthe to our comforte and to thy honoure, throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. ¶ For fayre weather. O LORDE God, which for the synne of man diddest ones drowne al the world, excepte eyght persons, and afterward of thy great mercy diddest promise never to destroy it so againe: we humblye beseche the, that althoughe we for our iniquities have worthely deserved this Plague of raigne and waters; yet upon oure true repentaunce, thou wilt sende us suche wether, wherby we may receyve the fruites of the yearth in due season, and learne bothe by thy punishment to amende our lives, and for thy clemency to geve thee prayse and glorye, throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. ¶ In the tyme of dearth and famyne. O GOD heavenly Father, whose gyft it is that the rayne dothe fall, the earth is frutefull, beastes encrease, and fyshes do multiply: Behold, we beseche thee, the afflictions of thy people, and graunte that the scarcitye and dearthe (which we do now moste justly suffer for our iniquitye) maye through thy goodnes be mercifully tourned into cheapnesse and plenty, for the love of Jesu Christ our Lorde, to whome with thee and the holye Ghoste be Prayse for ever. Amen. ¶ In the tyme of Warre. O ALMIGHTY God, king of al kinges, and governoure of al thinges, whose power no creature is hable to resiste, to whome it belongeth justly to punyshe synners, and to be mercyfull unto then that truely repente, Save, and deliver us (we humbly beseche thee) from the handes of our enemyes, abate their pryde, aswage theyr malyce, and confounde theyr devyses, that we beynge armed with thy defence, rnaye be preserved evermore from all peryls to glorifye thee, whiche art the onely gever of all victory, throughe the merites of thy onely sonne Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.
¶ In the tyme of any common plague or syckenesse. O ALMIGHTYE God, whiche in thy wrathe, in the tyme of king David didst slea [slay] with the plague of pestilence, thre score and ten thousande, and yet remebringe thy mercy, diddest save the rest: have pitie upon us miserable synners, that nowe are vysited with great sicknesse, and mortalitie, that like as thou diddest then commaunde thyne angel to cease from punishing; So it may now please thee to withdrawe from us this plague, and grevous syckenesse, throughe Jesus Christe oure Lorde. Amen. O
GOD, whose nature and propertie is ever to have mercy,
This prayer added in 1604 (see below for variations). * sometimes "issue" |
The following Thanksgivings were added in 1604: A thanksgiving for Rain O GOD our heavenly Father, who by thy gracious providence dost cause the former and the latter rain to descend upon the earth, that it may bring forth fruit for the use of man; We give thee humble thanks that it hath pleased thee, in our greatest necessity, to send us at the last a joyful rain upon thine inheritance, and to refresh it when it was dry, to the great comfort of us thy unworthy servants, and to the glory of thy holy Name; through thy mercies in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A thanksgiving for fair Weather. O LORD God, who hast justly humbled us by thy late plague of immoderate rain and waters, and in thy mercy hast relieved and comforted our souls by this seasonable and blessed change of weather; We praise and glorify thy holy Name for this thy mercy, and will always declare thy loving-kindness from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A thanksgiving for Plenty. O MOST merciful Father, which of thy gracious goodness hast heard the devout prayers of thy Church, and turned our dearth and scarcity into cheapness and plenty; We give thee humble thanks for this thy especial bounty; beseeching thee to continue this thy loving-kindness unto us, that our land may yield us her fruits of increase, to thy glory and our comfort; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A thanksiving for peace and victory. O ALMIGHTY God, which art a strong tower of defence unto thy servants against the face of their enemies; We yield thee praise and thanksgiving for our deliverance from those great and apparent dangers wherewith we were compassed. We acknowledge it thy goodness that we were not delivered over as a prey unto them; beseeching thee still to continue such thy mercies towards us, that all the world may know that thou art our Saviour and mighty Deliverer; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A thanksgiving for Deliverance from the Plague O LORD God, which hast wounded us for our sins, and consumed us for our transgressions, by thy late heavy and dreadful visitation; and now, in the midst of judgment remembering mercy, hast redeemed our souls from the jaws of death; We offer unto thy fatherly goodness ourselves, our souls and bodies which thou hast delivered, to be a living sacrifice unto thee, always praising and magnifying thy mercies in the midst of the Congregation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Or this. WE
humbly acknowledge before thee, O most merciful Father, that all the punishments
which are threatened in thy law might justly have fallen upon us, by reason
of our manifold transgressions and hardness of heart: Yet seeing it hath
pleased thee of thy tender mercy, upon our weak and unworthy humiliation,
to asswage the noisome Pestilence wherewith we lately have been sore afflicted,
and to restore the voice of joy and health into our dwellings; We offer
unto thy Divine Majesty the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, lauding
and magnifying thy preservation and providence over us; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen. |
Variations in the State Prayers
Date |
for the King's / Queen's Majesty |
for the Royal Family |
1559 |
Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth | [prayer
added 1604] |
1603 |
Sovereign Lord King James | Queen Anne, Prince Henry ... |
1613 |
Queen Anne, Prince Charles, Fredericke the Prince Elector Palatine and the Lady Elizabeth his wife ... | |
1619 | Prince Charles, Frederick the Prince Elector Palatine, the Lady Elizabeth his wife ... | |
1621 |
Prince Charles, Frederick the Prince Elector Palatine, the Lady Elizabeth his wife with all their royall [or princely] issue ... | |
1625 |
Sovereign Lord King Charles (I) | Queene Mary, Fredericke the Prince Elector Palatine. the Lady Elizabeth his wife ... |
1630 |
Queen Mary, our Noble Prince Charles, Fredericke the Prince Elector Palatine, the Lady Elizabeth his wife with their princely issue... | |
1633 | Queen Mary, our Noble Prince Charles, the Lady Mary & the Lady Elizabeth ... | |
1634 |
Queen Mary, Prince Charles and the rest of the royal progeny | |
Book of Common Prayer was not published from 1643 through 1659. |
1660 | Sovereign Lord King Charles (II) | Queen Mary, Prince James Duke of York and the rest of the royal progeny |
A number of variaitons on the exact wording of the State Prayers exist. |
Return to the 1559 Book of Common Prayer
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |