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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
¶ By the King
¶ A Proclamation for the Authorizing and Uniformity of the Book of Common Prayer so to be used throughout the Realm. ALthough
it cannot be unknown to our Subjects by the former Declarations We have
published and proceedings have been in matters of Religion since our
coming to this Crown: yet the same being now by Us reduced to a settled
form, We have occasion to repeat some what of that which hath passed;
And how at our very first entry into the Realm being entertained and
importuned with Informations of sundry Ministers, complaining of the
errors and imperfections of the Church here, aswell in matter of Doctrine
as of Discipline, Although We had no reason to presume that things were
too far amiss, as was pretended, because We had seen the Kingdom under
that form of Religion which by Law was established in the days of the
late Queen of famous memory, blessed with a peace and prosperity, both
extraordinary and of many years continuance (a strong evidence that
God was therewith well pleased,) yet because the importunity of the
Complainers was great, their affirmations vehement, and the zeal wherewith
the same did seem to be accompanied, very specious, We were moved thereby
to make it our occasion to discharge that duty which is the chiefest
of all Kingly duties, That is, to settle the affairs of Religion, and
the Service of God before their own. Which while we were in hand to
do, as the Contagion of the sickness reigning in our City of London
and other place would permit an assembly of persons meet for that purpose;
Some of those who misliked the state of Religion here established, presuming
more of our intents then ever We gave them cause to do, and transported
with humor, began such proceedings as did rather raise a scandal in
the Church, then take offence away. For both they used Forms of public
serving of God not here allowed, held assemblies without Authority,
and did other things carrying a very apparent show of Sedition, more
than of Zeal: whom We restrained by a former proclamation in the Month
of October last, and gave intimation of the Conference We intended to
be had with as much speed as conveniently could be, for the ordering
of those things of the Church, which accordingly followed in the month
of January last at our Honour of Hampton Court, where before our Self,
and our Privy Council were assembled many of the gravest Bishops and
Prelates of the Realm, and many other learned men, as well as those
that are comfortable to the State of the Church established, as of those
that dissented: Among whom, what Our pains were, what Our patience in
hearing and replying, and what the indifference and uprightness of our
Judgement in determining, We leave to the report of those who heard
the same, contenting our Self with the sincerity of Our own heart therein.
But we cannot conceal, that the success of that Conference was such
as happened to many other things, which moving great expectation before
they be entered unto, in their issue produce final effects. For wee
found mighty and vehement Information supported with so weak and slender
proofs, as it appeared unto Us and our Council, that there was no cause
why any Change should have been at all in that which was most impugned,
the Book of Common Prayer, containing the form of the public Service
of God here established, neither in the doctrine which appeared to be
sincere, nor in the Forms and Rites which were justified out of the
practice of the Primitive Church. Notwithstanding We thought meet, with
consent of the Bishops and other learned men there present, That some
small things might rather bee explained then changed, not that the same
might not very well have been borne with by men who would have maybe
a reasonable construction of them: but for that in a matter concerning
the service of God We were nice, or rather jealous, that the public
form thereof should be free not only from blame, but from suspicion,
so as neither the common Adversary should have advantage to wrest ought
therein contained, to other sense then the Church of England intended,
nor any troublesome or ignorant person of this Church be able to take
the least occasion of cavil against it: And for that purpose gave forth
our Commission under the great Seal of England to the Archbishop of
Canterbury & others, according to form which the Laws of this Realm
in like case prescribe to be used, to make the said Explanation &
to cause the whole book of Common Prayer, with the same Explanations,
to be newly printed. Which being now done, and established anew after
so serious a deliberation; Although We doubt not, but all our Subjects,
both Ministers and others will receive the same with such reverence
as appertaineth, and conform themselves thereunto every man in that
which him concerneth: Yet have We thought it necessary, to make known
by Proclamation Our authorizing of the same, And to require and enjoin
all men, as well Ecclesiastical as Temporal, to conform themselves unto
it, and to the practise thereof, as the only Public Form of serving
of God, established and allowed to be used in this Realm. And the rather,
for that all the learned men, who were there present, as well of the
Bishops as others, promised their conformity in the practice of it,
only making suit to Us, that some few might be borne with for a time. Given at our Palace of Westminster the fifth day of March, in the first year of our Reign of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the seven and thirtieth. God save the King. Imprinted
at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings
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Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |