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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
1559 Title |
The Order
of Confirmation, or laying
1604 Title |
TO thende that confirmacion may be ministred to the more edifying of suche, as shal receive it (according unto S. Paules doctrine, who teacheth that al things should he doen in ye Church, to the edification of the same) it is thought good that none hereafter shalbe confyrmed but suche as can saie in their mother tongue the articles of the faith, the Lordes praier, and the x Commaundementes: And can also answere to suche questions of this short Catechisme, as the Bishop (or suche as he shal appoinct) shal by hys discretion appose [=examine] theim in. And this order is most convenient to be observed for divers consideracions. First, because that when children come to the yeres of discrecion, and have learned what their godfathers and godmothers promised for them in Baptisme, they may then themselves wyth their owne mouthe, and wyth their awne consent, openly before the Churche, ratifie and confyrme the same, and also promise that by the grace of God, they shall evermore endevour themselfes faithfully to observe and kepe suche thynges, as they by theyr owne mouth and confession have assented unto. Secondly, forasmuche as Confirmacion is ministred to theym that be Baptised, that by imposition of handes and prayer, they may receive strengthe and defence agaynst all temptacions to synne, and the assaultes of the worlde and the Devill: it is most mete to be ministred when children come to that age, that partely by the frailtye of their awne fleshe, partely by the assaultes of the worlde and the Devil, thei begyn to be in daunger to fal into sondry kyndes of synne. Thirdly, for that it is agreable wyth the usage of the Churche, in times paste, wherby it was ordeined that Confirmacion shoulde he ministred to them that were of perfecte [=proper, appropriate] age, that they, beyng instructed in Christes religion, should openly professe their awne faithe, and promise to be obedient unto the wyl of God. And that no man shal thyncke that any detryment shall come to children by diferring [deferring] of their Confirmacion; he shal knowe for truth, that it is certeine by Goddes worde, that children beyng baptised, have all thynges necessarie for their salvacion, and be undoubtedly saved.
is your name? |
* "workes, the pompes and" in 1604.
Question. Doest thou not thynke that thou art
bounde to beleve and to do, as they have promised for the?
Answer. Yes verely, and by Goddes helpe so I wil. And I hartely thanke our heavenly Father, that he hath called me to this state of salvation, through Jesus Christe our saviour. And I pray God to geve me his grace, that I may continue in the same unto my lyves ende. Question. Reherse the Articles of thy belefe. Aunswere. I beleve in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and of earth. And in Jesus Christe his onely Sonne our Lorde. Whiche was conceived of the holy Ghost. Borne of the Virgine Mary. Suffered under Ponce Pylate, was crucifyed, deade and buried, he descended into hell. The thyrd day he rose agayne from the dead. He ascended into heven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From thence he shal come to judge the quicke and the dead. I beleve in the Holy ghost. The holy catholike Churche. The Communion of saynctes. The forgivenes of synnes. The resurrection of the body. And the lyfe everlastinge. Amen. Question. What doest thou chiefly learne in these artycles of thy beliefe? Aunswere. Firste, I learne to beleve in God the father, who hath made me and al the worlde. Secondlye, in God the sonne, who hath redemed me and all mankinde. Thirdly, in God the holy Ghost, who sanctifieth me and all the elect people of God. Question. You said, that your godfathers and godmothers, dyd promise for you, that you shoulde kepe Gods commaundementes. Tell me how many there be? Aunswere. Tenne. Question. Whiche be they? Aunswere. The same which God spake in the .xx. cha of Exodus, saying: I am the Lord thy God whyche have brought the out of the land of Egypt, oute of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have none other goddes but me. II. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any graven Image nor the lykenes of any thyng that is in heaven above, or in the earthe beneth, nor in the water under the earthe: thou shalt not bow doune to them nor worship them. For I the Lorde thy God, am a gelous God, and visyte the sinnes of the fathers upon the chyldren, unto the iii and fourth generacion of them that hate me, and shewe mercye unto thousandes of them that love me, and kepe my commaundementes. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine, for the Lorde will not holde hym guiltles that taketh his name in vaine. IIII. Remember thou kepe holy the Sabboth day. Syxe daies shalt thou laboure, and do all that thou hast to do: but the vii day is the Sabboth of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt do no maner of worcke, thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, thy man servaunt, and thy maydservaunt, thy cattel, and the straunger that is wythin thy gates: for in sixe daies the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and al that in them is, and rested the vii day, wherfore the Lorde blessed the vii day, and halowed it. V. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy daies may be long in the lande, whiche the Lorde thy God geveth the. VI. Thou shalt do no murther. VII. Thou shalt not committe adultery. VIII. Thou shalt not steale. IX. Thou shalt not beare false wytnes agaynste thy neighbour. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neyghbours house, thou shalt not covet thy neyghboures wyfe, nor hys servaunt, nor hys mayde, nor hys oxe nor hys asse, nor any thyng that is hys. Question. What doest thou chiefly learne by these commandementes? Aunswere. I learne two thynges. My duty towardes God, and my dutye towardes my neighbour. Question. What is my duety towardes God? Aunswere. My dutye towardes God is, to beleve in him, to feare him [=to hold him in awe], and to love hym with all my harte, with al my mynde, with al my soule, and with all my strengthe. To worship hym. To geve hym thanckes. To putte my whole truste in hyrn. To call upon hym. To honour hys holy name and hys woorde, and to serve hym truely all the dayes of my lyfe. Question. What is thy dutye toward thy neighbour? Aunswere. My dutye towardes my neyghbour is to love hym as my selfe: And to do to all men as I would they should do unto me. To love, honour, and succour my father and mother. To honour and obey the Kyng, and his minysters. To submitte my selfe to al my governours, teachers, spiritual Pastours and Maisters. To order my selfe lowly and reverently to all my betters. To hurte no body by worde, nor dede. To be true and juste in all my dealyng. To beare no malice nor hatred in my harte. To kepe my handes from pickyng and stealyng, and my tongue from evil speakyng, liyng and slaunderyng. To kepe my body in temperaunce, sobernes, and chastitie. Not to covet nor desire other mennes goodes. But learne and labour truely to get myne awne livyng, and to do my dutye in that state of life, unto whiche it shal please God to cal me. Question. My good child know this, that thou art not able to do these thinges of thy self, nor to walke in the commaundementes of God, and to serve hym, wythout hys specyall grace, whyche thou must learne at al tymes to cal for by diligent prayer. Let me heare therfore, if thou canst saye the Lordes praier. Aunswere. Our Father whiche art in heaven; Hallowed be thy name. Thy kyngdom come. Thy wil be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Geve us this day our daily bread. And forgeve us our trespasses, as we forgeve them that trespasse against us. And leade us not into temptacion. But deliver us from evil. Amen. Question. What desirest thou of God in this praier? Aunswere. I desire my Lord God our heavenly Father, who is the gever of al goodness, to send his grace unto me, and to all people, that we may worship hym, serve hym, and obeye hym as we ought to doe. And I pray unto God, that he will sende us all thynges that be nedefull, bothe for our soules and bodies. And that he will be merciful unto us, and forgeve us our sinnes: and that it wil please him to save and defende us in al daungers ghostly [=spiritually] and bodily : and that he will kepe us from all synne and wikednes, and from our ghostly enemy, and from everlastyng death. And this I trust he wil do of his mercye and goodnes, throughe our lord Jesu Christ. And therefore I say. Amen. So be it.
Page from the 1604 Book of Common Prayer showing the Catechism with additional questions.
many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church? |
The following questions & answers were added in 1604 |
¶ So sone as the children can saye in theyr mother tongue, the articles of the faith, the Lordes prayer, the .x. commaundementes, and also can aunswere to such questyone of thys shorte Catechisme, as the Bishoppe (or suche as he shall appoinct) shal by hys discretyon appose [=examine] them in, then shal they be brought to the Byshop by one that shalbe his godfather or godmother, that every childe may have a witnes of his Confirmacyon.
¶ And the Bishoppe shal confirme them on this wise.
1559 Title |
1604 Title |
helpe is in the name of the Lorde. ¶ Let us pray. ALMIGHTYE and everlivyng God, whyche hast vouchedsaufe to regenerate these thy servauntes by water and the holy Ghost; and hast geven unto them forgevenes of al theyr synnes: strengthen them we beseche the (O Lorde) with the holy Ghoste the comforter, and daiely encrease in them thy manifolde giftes of grace, the spirite of wisedome and understanding: the spirite of counsail and ghostly strength, the spirite of knowledge and true godlinesse, and fulfyll them (O Lord) with the spirite of thy holy feare. Amen. ¶ Then the Bishop shal laye hys hande upon every childe severally, saying, DEFENDE, O Lorde, this childe with thy heavenly grace that he may continue thine for ever, and daiely encrease in thy holy spirite more and more, untill he come unto thy everlastyng kingdome. Amen. ¶ Then shal the Bishop saye, Let us praie. ALMIGHTIE everlyvyng God, whiche makest us bothe to will, and to do those thynges that be good, and acceptable unto thy Majestie, we make our humble supplications unto the for these children, upon whome (after the example of thy holy Apostles) we have laied our handes, to certifie theim (by thys signe) of thy favour, and gracious goodnes toward them, let thy fatherly hande we beseche the ever be over them, let thy holy spirite ever be with them, and so leade them in the knowledge and obedience of thy worde that in the ende they may obtaine the everlasting lyfe: through our Lorde Jesus Christe, who with the and the holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one God, worlde without ende. Amen. ¶ Then the Bishop shal blesse the children, thus saying. THE blessing of God almightye, the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy ghoste, be upon you, and remayne with you for ever. Amen. ¶ The Curate of every paryshe, or some other at his appoinctment, shal diligently upon Sondayes and holy dayes, haulfe an houre before Evenyng prayer, openly in the Churche instruct and examyne so many children of his parish sent unto him, as the time wil serve and as he shal thinke convenient, in some part of this Catechisme. ¶ And al fathers, and mothers, maisters, and dames, shal cause theyr children, servaunts, and prentises (whyche have not learned theyr Catechisme) to come to the Churche at the tyme appoyncted, and obediently to heare, and he ordred by the Curate, untyll suche time as they have learned all that is here appoincted for theim to learne. And whensoever the Byshop shall geve knowledge for chyldren to be brought afore him to any convenyent place, for their confirmation: then sheal the Curate of every Paryshe eyther bryng or sende in wrytyng the names of all those children of hys Paryshe, whiche can say the Articles of their fayth, the Lordes prayer, and the x Commaundementes, and also how many of them can answere to thother questions conteined in this Catechisme. ¶ And there shall none be admitted to the holy communion; until suche tyme as he can saye the Catechisme and be confirmed. |
* 'bothe' removed in 1604. 'prayers' in 1604 |
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