The Book of Common Prayer
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    The Book of Common Prayer - 1559







    So many as entend to be partakers of the holy Communion, shall signifie their names to the Curate over night; or els in the mornyng, afore the beginning of morning prayer or immediately after.

    And if any of those be an open and notorious evil liver, so that ye congregacion by him is offended, or have done any wrong to hys neighbours by word or dede ye curate havyng knowledge therof, shal cal hym, and advertyse hym, in any wise not to presume to the Lordes table, until he have openly declared him self to have truely repented, and amended his former naughty lyfe, that the Congregacion may therby be satisfyed, which afore were offended, and that he have recompensed the parties, who he hath done wrong unto, or at the least declare him selfe to be in full purpose so to doe, as sane as he conveniently may.

    Thesame order shall the Curate use with those, betwixt whome he perceyveth malice and hatred to raigne not suffering them to be partakers of the Lordes table untyll he know them to be reconciled. And if one of the parties so at variance, he content to forgeve from the bottome of hys hart, all that the other hath trespassed agaynste him, and to make amends for that he hymn self hath offended: and the other partye wyll not be perswaded to a godly unitye, but remain stil in his frowardnes and malice The Minister in that case, ought to admit the penitent person to the holy Communyon, and not hym that is obstinate

    The table, havyng at the Communion tyme a fayre whyte linnen cloth upon it, shall stand in the body of the churche or in the chauncell where mornyng prayer and evenyng prayour be appointed to be sayd. And the priest, standyng at the Northe syde of the table, shal say the Lordes prayour wyth this collecte followyng.

ALMIGHTY God, unto whom al hartes be open, al desires knowe, and from whom no secretes are hyd: clense the thoughtes of our hartes by the inspiracion of thy holy spirite, that we may perfectly love the, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through Christe our Lorde. Amen.

Then shal the Priest rehearse distinctly at the .x. Commaundementes, and the people knelyng, shal after every Commaundemente aske Goddes mercye for theyr transgressyon of the same, after thys sorte.

    Minister. God spake these wordes, and saide, I am the Lord thy God, Thou shalt have none other Goddes but me.
    People. Lorde have mercye upon us, and encline our hartes to kepe this lawe.
    Minister. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven ymage, nor the likenes of any thyng that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneth, or in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow doune to them, nor worshyppe the, for I the Lord thy God am a gelous God, and visite the synne of the fathers uppon the children, unto the thyrde and iiii. generacyon of them that hate me, and shew rnercie unto thousandes in theim that love me, and keepe my commaundementes.
    People. Lorde have mercye upon us, and encline our hartes to kepe this lawe.
    Minister. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine, for the Lorde wil not holde hym giltlesse that taketh his name in vaine.
    People. Lorde have mercie upon us, and encline our, &c.
    Minister. Remembre that thou kepe holy the Sabboth daie: .vi. dayes shalt thou laboure, and doe all that thou haste to do, but the .vii. day is the Sabboth of the lorde thy god. In it thou shalt do no maner of worke, thou and thy sonne and thy daughter, thy man servaunt, and thy mayd servaunt, thy Catel, and the straunger that is within thy gates: For in .vi. daies the Lord made heaven and earth, the Sea and all that in them is, and reasted the seventh daye. Wherefore the Lorde blessed the seventh daye and halowed it.
    People. Lorde have mercy upon us, and encline our. &c.
    Minister. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy daies may be long in the lande which the Lord thy God geveth the.
    People. Lorde have mercy upon us, and encline. &c.
    The Minister. Thou shalt not do murther.
    People. Lorde have mercy upon us, and encline. &c.
    Minister. Thou shalt not committe adultery.
    People. Lorde have mercy upon us, and encline. &c.
    Minister. Thou shalt not steale.
    People. Lorde have mercy upon us, &c.
    Minister. Thou shalte not beare false wytnesse agaynste thy neyghboure.
    People. Lorde have mercy upon us, and encline our hartes to kepe this lawe.
    Minister. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife, nor his servaunt, nor his maide, nor his oxe, nor his asse, nor any thing that is his.
    People. Lord have mercy upon us, and write al these thy lawes in our hartes we beseche the.

Then shall folowe the Collect of the day with one of these two Collectes folawyng for the Quene, the Priest standyng up and saying.


Let us praye  Priest.

ALMIGHTY God, whose kyngdom is everlasting, and power infinite, have mercy upon the whole congregacion, and so rule the heart of thy chose servant Elizabeth our Quene and governoure that she (knowing whose minister she is) may above all thinges, seke thy honoure and glorye: and that we her subjectes, (duly considering whose aucthority she hath) may faithfully serve, honour, and humblye obey her in the and for the, according to thy blessed worde, and ordinance, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with the and the holye ghost, lyveth and reygneth ever one God, worlde without ende. Amen.

ALMIGHTY and everlastinge God, we be taughte by thy holy word, that the hartes of Princes are in thy rule and governauce, and that thou doest dispose, and turne them as it semeth best to thy Godly wysedome: we humbly beseche thee, so to dispose and governe the harte of Elizabeth, thy servaunte, our Quene and governour, that in all her thoughtes, wordes, and workes she may ever seke thy honoure and glorye, and studye to preserve thy people committed to her charge, in welth, peace and godlynes. Graunt this O merciful father, for thy deare sonnes sake Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Immediately after the Collectes, the Priest shall reade the Epystle beginning thus.

    The Epystle written in the.      Chapiter of.

And the Epystie ended, he shal say the Gospel, beginninge thus.

    The Gospell wrytten in the.      Chapiter of.

And the Epistle and Gospel being ended, shalbe said the Crede.

I BELEVE in one God, the father almighty maker of heaven and earthe, and of all thynges visible and invisible: And in one Lorde Jesu Christe, the onely begotten sonne of GOD, begotten of his father before al worldes, god of God, lyghte of lyghte, verye God of verye God, gotten, not made, beynge of one substance wyth the father, by whome all thinges were made, who for us men, and for our salvacion came doune from heaven, and was incarnate by the holy Ghoste, of the Virgine Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us, under poncius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, and the thyrde day he rose againe accordinge to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hande of the father. And he shal come againe with glory, to judge both the quicke and the deade, whose Kyngdome shall have none ende. And I beleve in the holye Ghoste, The Lorde and gever of life, who procedeth from the father and the sonne, who with the father and the sonne together is worshipped and glorified who spake by the Prophetes. And I beleve one catholicke and Apostolicke Churche. I acknowledge one Baptisme, for the remission of synnes. And I loke for the resurreccion of the dead : and the lyfe of the worlde to come. Amen.

After the Crede yf there be no sermon, shall folowe one of the Homelies alredy set furth, or hereafter to he set furth by commune aucthoritie.

After suche Sermon, homely, or exhortacion, the Curate shall declare unto the people, whether there be anye holy dayes or fastynge dayes the weke folowyng, and earnestly exhorte theim to remembre the poore, saying one, or moe of these sentences following, as he thinketh most convenient by his discretion.


This prayer was changed appropriately for subsequent monarchs, King James & King Charles

LET your light so shyne before men, that they maye see your good workes, and glorifye youre father whyche is in heaven. 
Math. v.
    Laye not up youreselves treasure upon the earthe, where the ruste and mothe doeth corrupte, and where theeves breake through and steale: But lay up for youreselves treasures in heaven, where neyther rust, nor motthe doeth corrupt, and where theeves do not breake thorowe and steale.
Math. vi.
    Whatsoever you woulde that menne shoulde do unto you, even so due unto them, for this is the lawe and the Prophetes. 
Math. vii.
    Not every one that sayeth unto me Lord, Lord, shall entre into the Kingdome of heaven; but he that doeth ye wyl of my father whiche is in heaven. 
Math. vii.
    Zache [Zaccheus] stode forth, and sayde unto the Lord, beholde Lord, the halfe of my goodes I gyve to the poore, and yf I have done any wronge to any man, I restore foure folde. 
Luk. xix.
    Who goeth a warefare at any tyme of his owne coste? Who planteth a vyneyarde, and eateth not of the fruicte thereof? Or who feedeth a flocke, and eateth not of the mylke of the flocke? 
i Cor. ix.
    If we have sowen unto you spiritual thinges, is it a great matter, yf we shal reape your worldly thinges? 
i. Cor. ix.
    Do ye not knowe, that they whiche minister aboute holy thinges, lyve of the sacrifyce? whyche wayte of the aultare, are partakers with the aultare. Even so hath the Lorde also ordeyned : that they whiche preache the Gospell, shoulde lyve of the gospel.
i. Cor. ix.
    He which soweth lytle shal reape lytle; and he that soweth plenteously, shal reape plenteously. Let every man doe accordynge as he is dysposed in his harte, not grudgynglye or of necessitie: for God loveth a cherefull gyver.
ii. Cor. ix.
    Let hym that is taughte in the woorde, minister unto him that teacheth, in all good thinges. be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reape.
Gala. [6]
    Whyle we have tyme, let us do good unto al men, and specially unto them, whiche are of the householde of faythe.
Gala vi.
    Godlynes is great ryches, yf a man be contente with that he hath: for we brought nothynge into the worlde, neyther may we cary any thing out.
i. Tim. vi.
    Charge them whyche are ryche in thys worlde, that they be ready to give, and glade to distribute, laying up in store for them selves a good foundacion, against the time to come, that they may attayne eternal lyfe.
i Tim. vi.
    God is not unrighteous, that he wil forget your workes and laboure that procedeth of love, whiche love ye have shewed for his names sake, whiche have ministered unto sainctes, and yet do minister.
Hebr. vi.
    To do good, and to distribute, forget not, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Heb. xiii
    Whoso hath thys worldes good, and seeth his brother have nede and shutteth up his compassyon from hym, how dwelleth the love of God in hym?
i. John iii.
    Geve almose [alms] of thy goodes, and turne never thy face from any poore man, and then the face of the Lorde shall not be turned away from the.
Tob. iiii
    Be mercifull after thy power. If thou hast muche gyve plenteously, if thou hast litle, doe thy diligence gladly to geve of that litle, for so gatherest thou thy selfe a good rewarde in the day of necessitye.
Tob. iiii
    He that hath pitye upon the poore, lendeth unto the Lorde: and looke what he layeth out: it shalbe paied him agayne.
Pro xix.

    Blessed be the man that provydeth for the sycke, and nedy, the Lorde shall deliver him, in the time of trouble.

Then shal the Churchewardens, or some other by them appoyncted, gather the devocion of the people, and put the same into the poore mens boxe, and upon the offeryng daies appoincted, every man and woman shal pay to the Curate the due and accustomed offerings, after whiche done, the Priest shal saie.

    Let us pray for the whole estate of Christes Churche militant here in earth.
Psal. lxi.

ALMIGHTYE and everliving God, whych by thy holye Apostle hast taughte us to make prayers and supplicacyons, and to geve thanckes for all men: We humbly beseche thee moste mercifully (to accepte our almose) and to receyve these our prayers whyche of we offer unto thy divine majestie, beseechyng the to inspire continually, the universal Churche wyth the spiryte of truthe, unitye, and concorde: And graunt that all they that do confesse thy holy name, may agree in the truthe of thy holy woorde, and lyve in unytye and godlye love. We beseche thee also to save and defend alle Christyane Kynges, Prynces, and Governours, and specially thy servaunt, Elyzabeth our Quene that under her we may be godly and quietly governed: and graunt unto her whole Counsaill, and to all that be put in aucthoritye under her, that they may truely and indifferently [impartially] minister justice, to the punishement of wyckednes and vice, and to the maintenaunce of goddes true religion and vertue. Give grace (O heavenly Father) to al Bishopes, Pastours and Curates, that they may bothe by theyr life and doctrine set furth thy true and lively worde and rightely and duely administer thy holy Sacramentes: and to all thy people gyve thy heavenlye grace, and especially to thys congregacion heare present, that with meke harte and due reverence, they may heare and receive thy holy worde, truely servyng the in holines and ryghtuousnes all the dayes of theyr lyfe. And we moost humbly beseche the of thy goodnes (O Lord) to comfort and succoure all theym whyche in thys transitory lyfe bee in trouble, Sorowe, nede, sicknes, or any other adversity. Graunt this, O father, for Jesus Christes sake our onely Mediatour and advocate. Amen.


If ther be none almes geven unto the poore, then shall the words of accepting our almes bee lefte out unsayd.

Then shal folowe this exhortacion, at certayne tymes when the Curate shal see the people negligent to come to the holy Communyon.

WE be come together at thys tyme, derely beloved brethren to fede at the Lordes supper, unto the whyche in Goddes behalf I bydde you all that be heare present, and beseche you for the lorde Jesus Christes sake, that ye wyll not refuse to come thereto, beyng so lovingly called, and bidden of God him selfe. Ye know howe grevous and unkynde a thing it is, when a manne hath prepared a riche feaste: decked his table with al kynde of provisyon, so that there lacketh nothinge but the gestes to sitte downe: and yet they whych be called wythout anye cause, mooste unthankfully refuse to come. Whyche of you in suche a case woulde not be moved? Who woulde not thyncke a greate injurie and wrong done unto hym? Wherefore moste derely beloved in Christe take ye good heade, lest ye, wythdrawyng your selves from this holy supper, and provoke Goddes indignation against you, it is an easy matter for a man to say, I will not communicate, because I am otherwise letted [hindered] with worldly busynes, but suche excuses be not so easily accepted and allowed before god. If any man say, I am a grevous sinner, and therefore am afrayed to come. Wherefore then do ye not repent and amende? When god calleth you, be you not ashamed to say ye wil not come? when you should returne to god, wil you excuse your self and say that you be not redy? Considre ernestly with your selves howe litle such feined excuses shall availe before God. They that refused the feaste in the Gospell, because they had bought a farme, or would trie their yokes of oxen, or because they were maried, were not so excused, but conpted [counted] unworthy of the hevenly feast. I for my part am here present and according to myne office, I bid you in the name of god, I cal you in Christes behalf, I exhort you, as you love your owne Salvation, that ye wil be partakers of this holy Communion. And as the sonne of God, did vouchesafe to yelde up his soule by death upon the crosse for your healthe, even so it is youre duety to receyve the Communion together in the remembraunce of his death as he hymselfe cornmaunded. Nowe, yf ye wyll in no wise thus do, consider with your selves, how great injury ye doe unto God, and howe sore punishment hangeth over your heades for thesame. And whereas ye offende God so sore in refusing this holy banquet, I admonishe, exhorte, and beseche you, that unto this unkyndenes ye wyll not adde any more. Whiche thing ye shall doe yf ye stand by as gasers and lokers of them that do Communicate, and be no partakers of the same your selves. For what thing can this be accompted els, then a further contempt and unkindenes unto God? Truly it is a greate unthankefulnes to saye naye when ye be called, but the faulte ismuche greater, when men stande by, and yet wyll neyther eate, nor drincke this holye Communion with other. I praie you what can this be ells but even to have the misteries of Christ in derision: it is sayde unto al: Take ye and eate, take and drincke ye al of this, do this in remebraunce of me. With what face then, or with what countenaunce shal ye here these wordes? what wyl this be els, but a neglecting, a despisyng, and mockynge of the Testament of Christ? wherfore rather the you shold so do, departe you hence, and geve place to them that be Godly dysposed. But when you departe, I beseche you pondre with yourselves, from whome ye departe: ye departe from the Lordes Table: ye depart from your brethren, and from the banket [banquet] of most heavenly foode. These thynges (yf ye earnestly consydre) ye shall by Goddes grace, returne to a better mynde, for the obteining wherof, we shall make our humble peticions while we shal receive the holy Communion.

And some tyme shalbe said this also, at the discretion of the Curat.

DERELY beloved, for asmuche as our dutye is to rendre to almighty God our heavenly father most harty thanckes for that he hathe geven his sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ not onely to die for us, but also to be oure Spirituall fode, and sustenaunce, as it is declared unto us, aswel by Goddes worde, as by the holy sacramentes of his blessed body and bloud, the which being so comfortable a thing to them whiche receive it worthelye and so daungerous to them, that wil presume to receyve it, unworthely. My duty is to exhorte you to considre the dignitie of the holy mistery, and the great peril of the unworthy receiving therof, and so to searche and examine youre owne conscieces, as you shold come holy and cleane to a moste godly and hevenly feast, so that in no wise you come but in the mariage garment, required of God in holy scripture, and so come and be receyved as worthye partakers of suche a heavenly Table, the waye and meanes therto is.
    First to examine your lives and conversation by the rule of Goddes commaundementes and wherinsoeuer ye shall perceyve your selves to have offended eyther by wil, worde, or deede, there bewayle your owne synfull lives, confesse your selves to almighty God, with ful purpose of amendement of life. And yf ye shal perceive your offences to be such, as be not only against God, but also against your neighbours. Then ye shal reconcyle youre selves unto them, ready to make restitucion and satisfaction according to the uttermost of your powers for all injuries and wronges done by you to any other, and likewise being ready to forgeve other that have offended you as you would have forgevenes of your offences at Goddes hande. For otherwyse the receiving of the holy Communion doth nothing els, but encrease your dampnation.
    And because it is requisite that no manne shoulde come to the holye Communion, but with a ful trust in goddes mercy, and with a quiet conscience: therfore yf there be any of you, which by the meanes aforesaid cannot quiet his owne conscience, but requireth further comforte or counsail, then let him come to me, or some other discrete and learned minister of gods word, and open his griefe, that he may receive suche ghostly counseil, advise, and comfort, as his conscience may be releved, and that by the ministery of Gods word, he may receyve comfort, and the benefyte of absolution, to the quieting of his conscience, and advoiding of all scruple and doubtfulnes.

Then shall the Priest say this exhortation.

DERELY beloved in the Lorde: Ye that mynde to come to the holye Communion of the bodye and bloude of oure savioure Christe, must consyder what saincte Paule writeth unto the Corinthiens, howe he exhorteth all persones diligentlye to trye and examyne them selves, before they presume to eate of that breade, and drincke of that cuppe. For as the benefyte is greate, yf wyth a trulye penitente herte and lyvely faith we receive that holy sacrament (for then we spiritually eate the fleshe of Christ, and drincke his blonde, then we dwell in Christe and Christe in us, we be one wyth Christ, and Christe with us) so is the daunger great, if we receyve the same unworthely. For then we be gilty of the body and bloud of Christ our saviour. We eate and drincke our owne dampnation, not considering the lordes bodye. we kindle Gods wrath against us, we provoke him to plague us with divers diseases, and sundrye kyndes of death. Therfore if any of you be a blasphemer of god, an hinderer or slaunderer of his worde, an adulterer, or be in malyce or envye, or in anye other grevous crime, bewaile your Sinnes, and come not to this holy table, lest after the taking of that holy sacrament, the devil enter into you, as he entred into Judas, and fil you full of al iniquities, and bring you to destruction both of bodye and soule. Judge therefore your selves (brethren) that ye be not judged of the Lord. Repent you truly for your sinnes past, have a lively and stedfast faithe in Christ our saviour. Amende your lives, and be in perfect charitie wyth all men, so shal ye be mete partakers of those holy misteries. And above al thinges ye must geve most humble and herty thankes to God the father, the sone, and the holye ghost, for the redemption of the world by the deathe and passion of our saviour Christ, bothe God and man, who did humble him selfe, even to the deathe, upon the crosse, for us miserable sinners which lay in darckenes, and shadowe of death, that he mighte make us the children of God, and exalte us to everlasting life. And to thende that we should alwaie remembre the exceadinge greate love of our master and onelie saviour Jesu Christ, thus diyng for us, and the innumerable benefites (which by his precious bloudsheading) he hath obteined to us, he hath instituted and ordeined holy misteries, as pledges of his love, and continuall remembraunce of his death, to our great and endles comfort. To him therfore with the father and the holye Ghost, let us geve (as we are moste bounden) continuall thankes, submitting our selves wholy to his holie will and pleasure, and studiyng to serve him in true holines and righteousnes, al the daies of our life. Amen.


Then shall the Priest saye to them that come to receyve the holy Communion.

    You that do truly and ernestly repente you of youre sinnes, and be in love, and charite with your neighbors and entende to lede a newe lyfe, folowing the commaundementes of God, and walkynge from hence furthe in his holy waies: Draw nere and take this holy Sacrament to your comforte make your humble confession to almighty God, before this congregation here gathered together in his holye name, mekely knelynge upon your knees.

Then shall this generall confession be made, in the name of all those, that are mynded to receyve this holy Communion, either by one of them, or els by one of the ministers, or by the priest him selfe, all kneling humbly upon their knees.

ALMIGHTY God, father of oure Lorde Jesus Christe, maker of all thynges, Judge of all menne, we acknowledge and bewayle oure manifolde synnes and wyckednesse, whiche we from tyme to tyme moste grevously have committed, by thoughte woorde and deede, against thy divine Majestie, provokynge mooste justlye thy wrathe and indignation againste us: we do earnestly repente, and bee hartely sorye for these oure misdoinges, the remembraunce of them is grevous unto us: the burthen of theim is intollerable: have mercy upon us, have mercye upon us, mooste mercyfull father, for thy sonne oure Lorde Jesus Christes sake, forgeve us all that is paste, and graunte that we may ever hereafter serve and please the, in newenes of lyfe, to the honour and glorye of thy name throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Then shall the priest or the Bishop (beyng present) stande up, and turning himself to the people shall say thus.

ALMIGHTYE God, oure heavenly father, who of his great mercy hathe promised forgevenes of sinnes, to al them, whiche with hartye repentaunce and true faithe turne to hym: have mercye upon you, pardon and deliver you from all your sinnes, confirme and strengthen you in all goodnes, and bring you to everlastyng lyfe; through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Then shall the Priest also saye.

    Here what comfortable wordes our saviour Christ saithe to all them that truly turne to him.

COME unto me all that travaile and be heavy laden, and I shal refreshe you. So God loved the world that he gave his onely begotten sonne, to thende that al that beleve in him, should not perishe but have life everlastyng.
    Heare also what S. Paule saithe.
    ¶ This is a true saieng, and worthy of all men to be receyved, that Jesus Christ came into the worlde to save synners.
    Heare also what S. John saieth.
    ¶ If any manne sinne, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propiciation for our sinnes.

After the whiche the priest shall procede saying.

    Lift up your hartes.
    Aunswere. We lyfte them up unto the Lorde.
    Priest. Let us geve thanckes unto our Lorde God.
    Aunswere. It is mete and right so to do.
    ¶ Priest. It is very mete, right, and our bounden duety that we should at al times, and in all places, geve thanckes to the, O Lord holy father, almighty everlasting God.

Here shall folow the proper prefaces, according to the tyme, yf there be any specially appointed, or els immediatly shal folow:

    Therfore with aungelles &c.




Upon Christmas day and seven dayes after.

BECAUSE thou dyddest geve Jesus Christ, thyne onely Sonne, to be borne as this daye for us, who by the operation of the holy ghoste was made very man of the substaunce of the virgin Mary his mother, and that without spot of synne, to make us clene from al sinne. Therefore with aungels &c.

Upon Easter daye, and vii dayes after.

BUT chiefly are we bounde to praise the for the glorious resurrection of thy sonne Jesus Christ our lord, for he is the very paschal lambe, whiche was offred for us, and hath taken awaye the sinne of the world, who by his death hath destroyed death, and by his rising to life againe, hath restored to us everlasting life. Therefore with aungels

Upon the Ascencion day, and vii dayes after.

THROUGH thy most deare beloved sonne, Jesus Christ our Lorde, who after his moste glorious resurrection, manifestly appered to al his Apostles, and in their sight ascended up into heaven, to prepare a place for us, that where he is, thether might we also ascende, and reigne with him in glory. Therfore with aungels &c.

Upon Wytsonday, and vi daies after.

THROUGH Jesu Christ our Lord, according to whose mooste true promyse, the holye ghoste came downe this daye from heaven, with a soddine greate sounde, as it had bene a mighty wynde, in the lykenes of fiery tonges lyghtinge upon the Apostles, to teache them, and to leade them to all truth, geving them bothe the gyfte of divers languages, and also boldnes with fervent zeale, constantly to preache the gospel unto all nacions, whereby we are broughte out of darcknes and errour into the cleare light and true knowledge of the, and of thy sonne Jesus Christ. Therefore with Aungels &c.

Upon the feaste of Trinitie onely.

IT is very mete right, and our bounden dutie, that we should at all times, and in all places, geve thankes to the, O Lorde, almightie and everlasting God, which art one god, one lord, not one only person, but thre persons in one substaunce, for that whiche we beleve of the glorye of the father, the same we beleve of the sonne, and of the holy ghost, without any difference or inequalitie. Therefore &c.

After which preface, shall folow immediatly.

THERFORE with Aungelles and Archangelles, and wyth all the company of heaven, we laude and magnify thy glorious name, evermore praising thee, and saying: Holy, holy, holy, lord god of hostes, heven and earth are ful of thy glory, glory be to the, O Lord most hyghe.

Then shall the priest knelynge downe at Gods borde, say in the name of all them that shall receyve the communion, this prayer folowing.

WE do not presume to come to this thy table (O merciful Lorde) trustinge in oure owne rightuousnesse, but in thy manifolde and greate mercies, we be not worthy so muche as to gather up the crommes under thy Table, but thou arte the same Lord, whose property is alwaies to have mercy. Graunt us therefore gracious Lorde, so to eate the fieshe of thy deare sonne Jesus Christ, and to drinke his bloude, that oure synful bodies may be made cleane by his body, and our soules washed through his most precious bloud, and that we may evermore dwell in him, and he in us.

Then the priest standing up, shal say as foloweth:

ALMIGHTY God our heavenly father whiche of thy tender rnercye, diddest give thine onely Sonne Jesus Christ, to suffer death upon the Crosse for our redeption, who made ther (by his one oblation of himself once offered) a ful, perfect and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the synnes of the whole worlde, and didde institute, and in his holy gospel commaunde us to continue a perpetual memory of that his precious deathe, untyll his comminge againe: Heare us O merciful father, we besech the, and graunt that we receivyng these thy creatures of breade and wine, accordinge to thy sonne our saviour Jesu Christes holy institution, in remembrauce of his death and passion, may be partakers of his moste blessed body and bloude, who in the same night that he was betraied, toke bread, and when he had geven thankes, he brake it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, eate, this is my bodie, which is geven for you. Doe this in remembraunce of me. Likewise after supper he toke the cuppe, and when he had geven thankes, he gave it to them, saying: Drinke ye all of this, for this is my bloude of the new Testament, whiche is shedde for you and for many, for remission of sinnes: doe this as oft as ye shall drinke it in remembraunce of me.

Then shall the minister fyrste receyve the Communion in bothe kyndes him selfe, and next deliver it to other Ministers (yf any be there present, that they may helpe the chief minister) and after to the people in their handes kneling. And when he delivereth the breade, he shall saye.

THE bodie of our lord Jesu Christ, which was geven for the, preserve thy body and soule into everlastinge life: and take and eate this in remembraunce that Christ died for thee, feede on him in thine heart by faith, with thankesgevynge.

And the minister that delivereth the cuppe shall saye.

THE bloude of our lorde Jesu Christ, which was shedd for the, preserve thy body and soule into everlasting life: and drinke this in remembraunce that Christes bloude was shedde for thee, and be thankeful.

    Then shall the priest say the Lordes prayer, the people repetynge after him every peticion.

Page showing the words of administration, from an edition printed in 1559. Clicking on the image will bring up a larger, readable image.

After shalbe sayde as foloweth.

O LORDE and heavenly father, we thy humble servaunts, entierly desire thy fatherly goodnes mercifully to accept this our Sacrifice of praise and thankesgeving moste humblye besechynge thee to graunte, that by the merites and death of thy sonne Jesus Christ, and throughe faith in his bloude, we (and all thy whole church,) may obteine remission of our sinnes, and al other benefites of his passion. And here we offer and presente unto the, O Lord, our selves, our soules, and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto the, humblye beseching the, that al we which be partakers of this holye communion, may be fulfilled with thy grace, and heavenly benediction. And although we be unworthye throughe our manifolde sinnes, to offer unto the any sacrifice, yet we beseche the to accept this our bounden duty and service, not weighing our merites, but pardoning our offences, throughe Jesus Christ our Lord, by whom and with whom, in the unitie of the holy ghoste, all honour and glorye be unto the, O father almighty, world without ende. Amen.

Or this,

ALMIGHTY and everlastinge God, we moste hartely thancke the, for that thou doest vouchsafe to fede us, whiche have duly received these holy misteries, with the spiritual fode of the moste precious body and bloude of thy sonne, our saviour Jesus Christ, and doest assure us therby of thy favour and goodnes towarde us, and that we be very membres incorporate in thy mistical body, whiche is the blessed company of al faithful people, and be also heyres through hope of thy everlasting kingdom, by the merites of the most precious death and passion of thy deare sone. We now most humbly beseche the, O hevenly father, so to assist us with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy felowship, and do all suche good workes as thou hast prepared for us to walke in, throughe Jesus Christe our Lord; to whom with the and the holy ghost be all honour and glory, world without ende. Amen.

Then shalbe sayde or songe.

GLORYE be to God on hyghe. And in earthe peace, good wyll towardes men. We prayse thee, we blesse thee, we worshyppe thee, we glorifye thee, wee geve thanckes to thee, for thy greate glorye. O Lorde God, heavenlye Kynge, God the father Almightie. O Lorde the onely begotten Sonne Jesu Christ. O Lord God, Lambe of God, Sonne of the father, that takest awaye the sinnes of the worlde, have mercye upon us: Thou that takest awaye the Sinnes of the worlde, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the synnes of the worlde, receive our praier. Thou that syttest at the right hande of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou onely art holy: Thou only art the Lorde, thou only O Christe with the holy Ghost, art most highe in the Glory of God the father. Amen.

Then the Priest or the Byshop, if he be present, shal let them depart with this blessing.

THE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, kepe youre hartes, and mindes in the knowlege and love of God, and of his Sonne Jesu Christe, oure Lorde. And the blessing of God almyghty, the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, be among you, and remayne with you alwaies. Amen.


Collectes to be sayd after thofertory when there is no Communion; every suche daye one. And thesame maye be sayde also as often as occasion shall serve, after the Collectes, either of Morning and Evening Praier, Communion, or Letany, by the discretion of the minister.

ASSIST us mercifully, O Lorde, in these our Supplications and Praiers, and dispose the way of thy servauntes towarde the attainement of everlasting salvation, that emong al the chaunges, and chaunces of this mortal lyfe, thei may ever be defeded by thy moste gratious, and redy helpe. Through Christ our Lorde. Amen.

O ALMIGHTY Lorde and everlivyng God, vouchesafe we beseche the, to direct, sanctifie, and governe bothe oure heartes, and bodies, in the wayes of thy lawes, and in the worckes of thy commaundementes, that through thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, we maye bee preserved in bodye and Soule: throughe oure lorde and Savioure Jesus Christe. Amen.

GRAUNT we beseche the almighty God, that the wordes which we have herd this daye with our outward eares, may through thi grace be so graffed [grafted] inwardly in our hartes, that they may bring furth in us the fruite of good living, to the honour and praise of thy name: throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

PREVENTE [Direct] us O Lorde in all our doynges, with thy most gratious favoure, and further us with thy continuall helpe, that in al our workes begonne, continued, and ended in the: we may glorify thy holy name, and finally by thy mercy, obteine everlasting lyfe, Through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

ALMIGHTY God, the founteine of all wisedom, which knowest oure necessities before we aske, and our ignoraunce in asking, we beseche the to have compassion upon our infirmities, and those thinges which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for oure blindenes we cannot aske, vouchesafe to geve us for the worthines of thy sonne Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen.

ALMIGHTY God, whiche haste promysed to here the peticions of them that aske in thy sonnes name, we beseche the mercifully to encline thine Eares to us that have made nowe nowe our praiers and supplications unto the, and graunt that those thinges which we have faithfully asked, according to thy wil, may effectually be obteined to the relief of our necessitie, and to the setting furth of thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

    ¶ Upon thle holy dales (jf there be no Communion,) shalbe said at that is appointed at the Communion, untyll the ende of the homely, concluding with the generall praier, far the whole estate of Christes Churche militant here in earth, and one, or moe of these Collectes before rehersed, as occasian shall serve.
And there shalbe no celebration of the lordes supper except there be a good number to Communicate wyth the Priest, accardinge to his dyscretion.
And yf there be not above xx persons in the Parish of discretion to receyve the Communion, yet there shalbe no communion except foure or thre at the least communicate with the priest And in Cathedral and collegiate churches, where be many Priestes and Deacons, they shall all receyve the communion with the minister every Sonday at the leaste, except they have a reasonable cause to the contrary.
And to take awaye the superstition, whiche any person hath, or myghte have in the breade and wyne, it shall suffice that the breade be suche as is usual to be eaten at the table, with other meates, but the beste and purest wheate breade, that conveniently may be gotten. And yf anye of the breade or wyne remaine, the Curate shall have it to hys owne use.
The bread and wyne for the Communion shalbe provided by the Curate, and the church wardeines, at the charges of the Paryshe, and the paryshe shalbe discharged of suche summes of money, or other duties, which hitherto they have payed far the same by order of their houses every Sondaye.
And note that every Parishioner shall communicate, at the leaste thre tymes in the yere, of whiche Easter to be one: and shall also receyve the sacramentes, and other rytes, accordinge to the order in this boke appoincted. And yerely at Easter, every Parishioner shall recon with his Person [Parson], Vicar or Curate, or his, or their deputie or deputies, and paye to them or hym, all ecclesiastical duties, accustomably due then and at that tyme to be payed.



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