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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
TO BE USED IN THE CHURCHE. It appeareth by auncient writers, that the Sacrament of Baptisme in the old old tyme, was not commonly Ministred, but at two times in the yeare, at Easter and Whytsontide, at which tymes it was openly ministred in the presence of al the congregacion: which custome (now being growen out of use,) although it can not for many consideracions bee well restored agayne, yet it is thought good to folow the same as nere as conveniently may be. Wherfore the people are to be admonished, that it is most convenient that Baptisme should not be ministred but upon Sondayes, and other holy dayes, when the most nombre of people may come together, aswel for that the congregacion there present maye testifie the receyving of them that be newly Baptized into the nomber of Christes Church, as also because in the Baptisme of Infants everye man present may be put in remembraunce of his awne profession made to God in hys Baptisme. For which cause also, it is expedient that Baptisme be ministred in the English tongue. Nevertheles (if necessitie so require) children may at al tymes be Baptized at home. ¶ When there are children to he baptized upon the Sonday, or holy day, the parentes shal geve knowledge over nighte, or in the morning, afore the beginning of Mornyng prayour, to the curate. A nd then the Godfathers, Godmothers, and people with the children, must be ready at the Fonte, eyther immediatly after the last Lesson at Morning Prayour, or els immediatly after the last Lesson at Evening Praiour, as the Curat by his discretion shall appoincte. And then standinge there, the Priest shall ask whether the children be Baptized or no. If they aunswer, No. Then the priest say thus. DERELY beloved, forasmuche as al men be conceived and borne in synne, and that our saviour Christ saith, none can entre into the kingdom of God (except he be regenerate, and borne a new of water and the holy gost) I beseche you to cal upon God the father, throughe our lord Jesus Christ, that of his bounteous mercy, he wil graunt to these children, that thing which by nature thei can not have, that they may be baptized with water and the holy Ghost, and received into Christes holy church; and be made lively membres of the same. Then the Priest shall say. Let us praye. ALMIGHTIE
and everlasting God, whiche of thy great mercy diddest save Noe and
his familie in the Arcke, from perishing by water, and also diddest saufly
lead the children of Israel, thy people, through the redde Sea, figuring
therby thy holy Baptisme: and by the Baptisme of thy welbeloved sonne
Jesus Christe, diddest sanctifye the floude Jordane, and al other waters,
to the mistical washinge away of synne: We beseche the (for thine infinite
mercies) that thou wilte mercifully loke upon these children, sanctify
them and washe them with thy* holy gost, that they beyng delivered from
thy wrath, may be received into the Arcke of Christes churche, and beyng
stedfast in faithe, joyfull throughe hope, and roted in charitie, may
so passe the waves of this troublesome world, that finally they may come
to the lande of everlasting life, there to reigne with the, worlde without
ende, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. |
* "the" in 1604.
and immortal God, the aide of al that nede, the helper of al that fly
to the for succour, the life of them that beleve, and the resurrection
of the deade, we cal upon the for these infantes, that they, comming to
thy holy Baptisme, may receyve remission of their sinnes by spiritual
regeneracion, receive them (O Lorde) as thou haste promised by thy welbeloved
sonne, saynge: Aske and you shall have; seke, and you shall fynde: knocke
and it shalbe opened unto you: So geve now unto us that aske. Let us that
seeke, fynde open thy gate unto us that knocke, that these infantes enjoy
the everlasting benediction of thy heavenly wasshing, and may come to
the eternal kingdome whiche thou haste promised by Christ our Lorde. Amen.
¶ Then shall the Priest saye
Heare the words of the Gospel, written by Sainct Marke in the tenth Chapiter. |
AT a certayne tyme they brought children to Christ that he should touche theim, and his Disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus sawe it, he was displeased, and sayde unto them. Suifre lytle children to come unto me, and forbydde them not; For to suche belongeth the Kyngdome of God. Verely, I saye unto you; whosoever doeth not receive the kingdome of God, as a lytle chylde: he shall not entre therin. And when he had taken the up in his armes: he put his handes upon them, and blessed them. ¶ After the Gospel is redde, the minister shal make this briefe exhortacion upon the wordes of the Gospell. FRENDES, ye heare in this Gospell the woordes of our saviour Christe, that he commaunded the chyldren to bee broughte unto him: howe he blamed those that woulde have kepte theym from hym, how he exhorted all men to folowe their innocencye. Ye perceive how by his outward gesture and dede he declared his good wil towarde them. For he embraced them in his armes, he laied his hands upon them, and blessed them, doubt not you therfore, but ernestly beleve that he wil likewise favourably receive these present infants, that he wil embrace the with the armes of his mercy, that he wil geve unto them the blessing of eternal life: and make them partakers of his everlasting kingdome. Wherfore we being thus perswaded of the good wyl of our heavenly father, towardes these enfants declared by his son Jesus Christ, and nothing doubting, but that he favourably alloweth this charitable woorke of ours, in bringing these children to his holye Baptisme: let us faithfully and devoutly geve thakes unto him, and saye ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, heavenly Father, we geve thee humble thankes, that thou haste vouchedsaufe to call us to the knowledge of thy grace and fayth in the, encrease this knowledge, and confirme this faith in us evermore: Geve thy holy spirit to these enfantes, that they may be borne againe, and be made heyres of everlasting salvacion, throughe our Lorde Jesus Christ. who liveth and reigneth with the, and the holy spirite, nowe and for ever. Amen. Then the Priest shal speake unto the Godfathers and Godmothers, on this wyse: WELBELOVED frendes, ye have broughte these children here to be baptised, ye have praied that our lord Jesus christ, would vouchesaufe to receive them, to lay his handes upon them, to blesse them, to release them of their sinnes, to geve theim the kingdom of heaven, and everlasting lyfe. Ye have heard also that our Lord Jesus Christ hath promised in his Gospel, to graunt all these thinges that ye have praied for: which promise he for his part wil most surely kepe and performe. Wherfore after this promise made by Christ, these infants muste also faythfully for their part promise by you that be their sureties, that they wil forsake the divil and al his woorkes, and constantly beleve Gods holy word, and obediently kepe his commaundements. Then shal the Priest demaunde of the Godfathers and Godmothers thes questions. DOEST
thou forsake the devil and all his workes, the vaine pompe and glorye
of the world, with al covetous desires of the same, and the carnal desires
of the flesh, so that thou wilt not folow, nor be led by them? |
Marke x. | |
¶ Then shal the Priest say. O
MERCIFUL God, graunte that the olde Adam in these children maye
be so buried, that the newe man may be raysed up in them. Amen. ALMIGHTY everliving God, whose most derely beloved son Jesus Christe, for the forgevenes of our sinnes, did shed out his moste precious syde bothe water and bloude, and gave commaundement to his disciples that they should go teache al nacions, and baptise them in the name of the father, the sonne, and of the holy Ghost : Regard, we beseche the, the supplicacions of thy congregacion, and graunt that al thy servantes whiche shalbe baptised in this water, may receve the fulnes of thy grace, and ever remaine in the nombre of thy faithful and elect chyldren, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Priest shal take the Childe in his handes, and aske the name; and naming the Childe, shal dippe it in the water, so it be discretely and warely done, saying, N. I Baptise the in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. ¶ And yf the Ghilde be weake, it shall suffice to powre water upon it, saying the foresaid wordes. N. I Baptize the in the name of the Father, and of the sonne, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. Then the Priest shall make a Crosse upon the Childes forehead, saying: WE receive this Childe into the congregacion of Christes flocke, and do sygne him with the signe of the crosse, in token that hereafter he shal not be ashamed to confesse the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight under his banner against sinne, the worlde, and the devyll, and to continue Christes faithful souldiour and servaunt unto his lives ende. Amen. Then shal the Priest say, SEYING now, derely beloved brethren that these children be regenerate and graffed [grafted] into the bodye of Christes congregacion, let us geve thankes unto God for these benefites, and with one accorde make our praiours unto almighty God, that thei may lead the reste of their lyfe according to this beginning. Then shal be sayd. Our Father which art &c. Then shal the Priest say, We yelde the harty thankes most merciful father, that it hathe pleased thee to regenerate this enfant with thy holy spirite, to receyve him for thine owne childe by adoption, and to incorporate him into thy holy congregacion. And humbly we beseche thee to graunt that he being dead unto sinne and lyving unto righteousnes, and being buried with Christ in his death, maye crucify the old man, and utterly abolyshe the whole bodye of synne, that as he is made partaker of the deathe of thy sonne, so he maye be partaker of hys resurreccion, so that finally with the residue of thy holy congregacion, he may be inheritour of thine everlasting kingdome. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. ¶ At the laste ende, the Priest calling the Godfathers and Godmothers together, shal say this shorte exhortation folowing. FORASMUCHE as these children have promysed by you to forsake the Devil and his woorkes, to beleve in God, and to serve hym, you must remember that it is your parts and duties to see that these enfants be taughte, so sone as they shalbe able to learne, what a solempne vowe, promyse, and profession they have made by you. And that they may know these thinges the better; ye shal cal upon theim to heare Sermons, And chiefly you shal provide that they may learne the Crede, the Lordes praier, and the Ten Commaundementes in the English tongue; and al other thinges which a Christian man ought to know and beleve to his soules health. And that these children may be vertuously brought up, to leade a Godly and a christian life, remembring alwaies that Baptisme doeth represent unto us our profession, which is to folow the example of our saviour Christ, and to be made like unto hym, that as he died and rose again for us: so should we (whiche are Baptised) dye from sinne, and ryse again unto rightuousnes, continually mortifiyng al our evyll and corrupt affections, and dailye procedynge in all vertue and godlynes of living. ¶ The Minister shal commaunde that the chyldren be brought to the Byshop to be confyrmed of him, so sone as they can saye in theyr vulgare tongue the articles of the faythe, the Lordes praier, and the x. Commaundementes, and be further instructed in the Catechisme set furth for that purpose, accordyngly as it is there expressed.
* Added in 1604.
¶ The
Pastours and Curates shal oft admonish the people, that they deferre not
the Baptisme of enfantes any longer then the Sonday, or other holy day,
next after the childe be borne unlesse upon a great and reasonable cause
declared to the Curate, and by him approved. |
1559: And
also they shal warne theim that without great cause, and necessity, they
baptize not children at home in their houses. And when great nede shall
compelle theim so to doe, that then they minister on this fassion. |
1604: And
also they shall warne them, that without great cause and necessity, they
procure not their children to be baptized at home in their houses. And
when great need shall compel them so to do, that then Baptisme shall be
administered in this fashion. |
And let them not doubte, but that the childe so Baptised, is lawfully and sufficiently Baptised, and ought not to be Baptised agayne in the Church. But yet neverthles, if the child whyche is after this sorte Baptised, do afterwarde live, it is expediente that he be broughte into the Churche, to the entent the Priest may examyne and trie, whether the child be lawfully Baptised or no. And yf those that bryng any childe to the Churche do answere that he is already Baptised: then shal the Priest examine them further.
And let them not doubte, but that the childe so Baptised, is lawfully
and sufficiently Baptised, and ought not to be Baptised agayne in the
Church. But yet neverthles, if the child whyche is after this sorte Baptised,
do afterwarde live, it is expediente that he be broughte into the Churche,
to the entent that if the Priest or Minister of the same Parish did himself
baptize that childe, the Congregation may be certified of the true forme
of Baptisme, by him privately before used: Or if the child were baptized
by any other lawfull Minister, that then the Minister of the Parish where
the childe was borne or Christened, shall examine and trie whether this
childe be lawfully baptized, or no. In which case, if those that bring
any childe to the Church, do answer that the same child is already baptized,
then shall the Minister examine them further, saying, |
By whome the childe was Baptised? |
By whom the childe was baptized? |
¶ And yf the Minister shall prove* by the aunswers of suche, as brought* the childe, that all thinges were done as they oughte to be: Then shal not he Christen the childe againe, but shall receyve him, as one of the flocke of the true Christian people, saiynge thus. I
CERTIFY you, that in this case ye have done wel*, and according unto due
ordre concerning the Baptising of this childe, whiche beyng borne in Originall
sinne and in the wrathe of God, is nowe by the laver [=water]
of regeneracion in Baptisme, received into the nomber of the children
of God, and heires of everlasting life, for our Lorde Jesus Christ doeth
not deny his grace and mercy unto such infantes, but most lovingly doth
cal the unto him: as the holy gospel doth witnes to our comfort on this
wise. |
* "finde" and "bring" in 1604.
* "all is well done" in 1604. |
AT a certaine time they brought children unto Christ that he should touche them, and his dysciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was displeased, and said unto them: Suffre litle children to come unto me, and forbid theim not, for to such belongeth the kingdome of God. Verely I say unto you, whosoever doth not receive the kingdom of God as a litle child, he shal not entre therin. And when he had taken them up in his armes, he put his handes upon them, and blessed them. ¶ After the Gospel is redde, the minister shal make this exhortacion upon the wordes of the Gospel. FRENDES, ye heare in this Gospell the wordes of oure saviour Christe, that he commaunded the chyldren to bee brought unto hym: howe he blamed those that woulde have kepte theym from him, howe he exhorted all men to folowe their innocencye: Ye perceive how by his outward gesture in dede he declared his good wil toward them. For he embraced them in his armes, he laied his hands upon them, and blessed them, doubt not you therefore, but earnestly beleve, that he hath likewise fauourably received this present infant, that he hathe embraced hym wyth the armes of hys mercy, that he hath geven unto him the blessing of eternal life, and made him partaker of his everlasting kingdom. Wherfore we beyng thus perswaded of the good wil of our heevenly father declared by his sonne Jesus Christ towards this infant, Let us faithfully and devoutly geve thankes unto him, and say the praier, which the lord him self taught, and in declaracion of our faith, let us recite the articles conteined in our Crede. ¶ Here the Minister with the Godfathers, and Godmothers shall say. OUR Father which &c. ¶ Then the Priest shal demand the name of the child, which beyng by the Godfathers, and Godmothers pronounced, the Minister shall say, ¶
thou in the name of this child forsfake the devil, and al his workes,
the vaine pompe, and glory of the world, with al the covetous desires
of the same, the carnal desires of the fleshe, and not to folowe and be
ledde by them? Let us pray. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, heavenly father, we geve thee humble thanckes, for that thou hast vouchedsafed to call us to the knowledge of thy grace and faythe in thee: increase this knowledge, and confyrme this faythe in us evermore: Geve thy holye spirite to this infante,that he beynge borne agayne and beynge made heyre of everlastynge salvacion, through our Lord Jesus Christ, may continue thy servant, and atteine thy promise, through the same our Lorde Jesus Christ thy sonne, who liveth and reigneth with the in the unitie of the same holy spirit everlasting. Amen. Then shal the Minister make this exhortacion, to the Godfathers and Godmothers. FORASMUCHE as this childe hath promised by you to forsake the devil and al his workes, to beleve in God, and to serve him: you must remembre that it is your part and dutie, to see that this enfante be taught (so sone as he shalbe able to learne) what a solempne vowe promise, and profession he hath made by you. And that he may know these thinges the better, ye shal call upon him to hear sermons. And chiefly ye shal provide that he may learne the Crede, the Lordes praier and the x Commaundementes in the English tongue, and al other thinges which a Christian man ought to know, and beleve to his soules health, and that this chyld may be vertuously brought up, to leade a godly, and a christian lyfe. Remembring alway that Baptisme doeth represent unto us our profession, which is to folow the example of our Saviour Christ, and be made like unto him, that as he died and rose againe for us, so shoulde we which are Baptized, dye from sinne, and rise againe unto righteousnes, continually mortifying all our evil and corrupt affections, and daily proceding in al vertue, and godlines of living, etc: ¶ As in Publique Baptisme. ¶ But if they which bring the enfantes to the Church, do make an uncerteine aunswere* to the Priestes questions, and say that they cannot tel what they thought, didde, or said, in yt great feare, and trouble of minde: (as ofte times it chaunseth) then let the Priest Baptise him in forme above written, concerning publique Baptisme, saving that at the dipping of the chylde in the Fonte, he shal use this forme af wordes. If thou be not Baptized al ready, N. I baptise the in the name of the father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghoste. Amen. |
Marke x. | |
* "such uncertaine answers" in 1604.
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