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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
The woman shall
come into the churche, and there shall knele downe in some conveniente
place, nighe unto the place where the table standeth: and the prieste
standyng by her, shall say these wordes, or suche like, as the case
shal require. Then shall the priest say thys Psalme. I HAVE lyfted
up myne eyes unto the hilles from whence cometh my helpe. Lorde, have mercy
upon us. Priest. ¶ Let us praye. O ALMIGHTIE god, whiche hast delyvered this woman thy servant from the great paine and peryl of childe birth: Graunte, we beseche thee, (most mercifull father,) that she through thy helpe, maye both faythfully lyve, and walke in her vocacion, accordyng to thy wyl in thys lyfe present; and also maye bee partaker of everlastinge glorye in the life to come: through Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. The woman that cometh to geve her thankes, muste offre accustomed offerynges: and if there be a Communion, it is conveniente that she receyve the holy Communyon. |
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Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |