The Prieste entring into the sicke persones house, shall saye.
be in this house, and to all that dwell in it.
he commeth into the sicke mannes presence, he shall saye this psalme.
exaudi. Psalm cxliii.
my prayer, (o lorde,) and Consider my desire : herken unto me for thy
trueth and righteousnes sake.
And entre not into judgemente with thy servaunt :
for in thy sight shal no man living be justified.
For the enemie bath persecuted my soule : he hath
smitten my life downe to the grounde : he hath laied me in the darkenesse,
as the men that have bene long dead.
Therefore is my spirite vexed within me : and my
harte within me is desolate.
Yet doe I remembre the time paste, I muse upon all
thy woorkes : yea, I exercise myselfe in the workes of thy handes.
I stretche forth mine handes unto the : my soule
gaspeth unto the as a thyrstie lande.
Heare me, (o lorde) and that soone : for my spirite
weaxeth faint hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that
goe downe into the pitte.
O leate me heare thy lovyng-kyndenesse betimes in
the morning, for in thee is my trust : shewe thou me the waie that I
should walke in for I lift up soule unto thee.
Deliver me, (o lorde,) from myne enemies : for I
flye unto thee to hide me.
Teache me to dooe the thynge, that pleaseth thee,
for thou art my god, leate thy loving spirite leade me foorth unto the
lande of righteousnesse.
Quicken me, (o lorde) for thy names sake, and for
thy righteousnesse sake bring my soule out of trouble.
And of thy goodnesse slaie my enemies and destroye
all them that vexe my soule, for I am thy servaunt.
Glory to the father and to the sonne, &c.
As it was in the beginning, &c.
With this antheme.
not Lord our iniquities, nor the iniquities of our forefathers. Spare
us good Lord, spare thy people, whom thou hast redemed with thy most
precious bloud, and be not angry with us for ever.
Lorde have mercye upon us.
Christe have mercie upon us.
Lorde have mercie upon us.
Our father, whiche art in heaven, &c.
And leade us not into temptacion.
Answere. But deliver
us from evill. Amen.
The Minister. O lorde
save thy servaunte.
Answere. Whiche putteth
his trust in the.
Minister. Sende hym
helpe from thy holy place.
Answere. And evermore
mightily defende hym.
Minister. Leat the
enemie have none advauntage of hym.
Answere. Nor the wicked
approche to hurte hym.
Minister. Bee unto
hym, o lorde, a strong tower.
Answere. From the face
of his enemie.
Minister. Lord heare
my prayer.
Answer. And let my
crye come unto thee.
Minister. Let us praye.
LORD looke downe from heaven, beholde, visite, and releve this thy servaunte:
Looke upon hym with the iyes of thy mercy, geve hym coumforte, and sure
confidence in thee: Defende him from the daunger of the enemie, and
kepe hym in perpetual peace, and safetie: through Jesus Christe our
Lorde. Amen.
us, almightie and moste merciful God, and Saviour: Extende thy accustomed
goodnesse to this thy servaunt, which is greved with sickenesse: Visite
hym, o Lorde, as thou diddest visite Peters wifes mother, and the Capitaines
servaunt. And as thou preservedst Thobie [Tobit]
and Sara by thy Aungel from daunger: So restore unto this sicke person
his former helth, (if it be thy will), or els geve hym grace so to take
thy correccion, that after this painfull lyfe ended, he maye dwell with
thee in lyfe everlastyng. Amen.
shall the Minister exhorte the sicke person after this fourme,
or other lyke.
beloved, know this that almighty God is the Lorde over lyfe, and death,
and over all thynges to them perteyning, as yougth, strength, helth,
age, weakenesse, and sickenesse. Wherfore, whatsoever your sickenes
is, knowe you certaynly, that it is Gods visitacion. And for what cause
soever this sickenesse is sent unto you; whether it bee to trye your
pacience for the example of other, and that your fayth may be founde,
in the day of the Lorde, laudable, glorious, and honourable, to the
encrease of glory, and endelesse felicitie: Orels it be sent unto you
to correcte and amende in you, whatsoever doeth offende the iyes of
our heavenly father: knowe you certainly, that if you truely repent
you of your synnes, and beare your sickenes paciently, trusting in Gods
mercy, for his dere sonne Jesus Christes sake, and rendre unto him humble
thankes for his fatherly visitacion, submytting yourselfe wholy to his
wil; it shal turne to your profite, and helpe you forewarde in the ryght
waye that leadeth unto everlastyng lyfe.* Take therfore in good worthe,
the chastement of the lorde: For whom the lorde loveth he chastiseth.
Yea, (as saincte Paul sayth,) he scourgeth every sonne, which he receiveth:
yf you indure chastisement, he offereth himselfe unto you as unto his
owne children. What sonne is he that the father chastiseth not? Yf ye
be not under correccion (wherof all the true children are partakers),
then are ye bastardes, and not children. Therfore seyng that whan our
carnal [=earthly]
fathers doe correct us, we reverently obey them, shall we not now much
rather be obedient to our spirituall father, and so live? And they for
a fewe daies doe chastise us after theyr owne pleasure: but he doeth
chastise us for our profite, to thentente [the intent]
he maye make us partakers of his holines. These wordes, good brother,
are Gods wordes, and wryten in holy scripture for our coumfort and instruccion,
that we should paciently and with thankesgevyng, beare our heavenly
fathers correccion: whansoever by any maner of adversitie it shall please
his gracious goodnesse to visite us. And there should be no greater
coumfort to christian persons, then to be made lyke unto Christ, by
sufferyng paciently adversities, troubles, and sickenesses. For he himselfe
wente not up to joy, but firste he suffered payne: he entred not into
his glory, before he was crucified. So truely our waye to eternall joy
is to suffre here with Christe, and our doore to entre into eternal
life: is gladly to dye with Christe, that we may ryse againe from death,
and dwell with him in everlasting life. Now therfore taking your sickenesse,
which is thus profitable for you, paciently: I exhorte you in the name
of God, to remembre the profession, which you made unto God in your
Baptisme. And forasmuch as after this lyfe, there is accompte to be
geven unto the ryghteous judge, of whom all must be judged without respecte
of persons: I require you to examine yourselfe, and your state, both
towarde God and man, so that accusyng and condemnyng yourselfe for your
owne faultes, you may fynde mercy at our heavenly fathers hande, for
Christes sake, and not be accused and condemned in that fearfull judgement.
Therfore I shall shortely rehearse the articles of our fayth, that ye
maye knowe whether you doe beleve as a christian manne should beleve,
or no.
the minister shall rehearse the articles of the fayth saying thus.
thou beleve in God the father almyghtie?
so forth as it is in Baptisme.
* If the person visited bee very sicke, then the curate
may end his exhortacion at this place. |
shall the minister examine whether he be in charitie with all the woride.
Exhortyng hym to forgeve from the botome of his herte al persons, that
have offended hym, and yf he have offended other, to aske them forgevenesse:
and where he hathe done injurye or wrong to any manne, that he make
amendes to hys uttermoste power. And if he have not afore disposed his
goodes, let him then make his will. (But men must be oft admonished
that they set an ordre for their temporall goodees and landes whan they
be in helth.) And also to declare his debtes, what he oweth, and what
is owing to him: for discharging of his conscience, and quietnesse
of his executours.* The minister may not forget nor omitte to move the
sicke person (and that moste earnestly) to lyberalitie towarde the poore.
* This
may be done before the minister begyn his prayers, as he shal see cause.
Here shall the sicke person make a speciall confession, yf he fele
his conscience troubled with any weightie matter. After which confession,
the priest shall absolve hym after this forme: and the same forme of
absolucion shalbe used its all pryvate confessions.
Lord Jesus Christ, who hath lefte power to his Churche to absolve all
sinners, which truely repent and beleve in hym: of his great mercy forgeve
thee thyne offences: and by his autoritie committed to me, I absolve
thee from all thy synnes, in the name of the father, and of the sonne,
and of the holy gost. Amen.
then the priest shall saye the collette folowyng.
us praye.
MOST mercifull God, which according to the multitude of thy mercies,
doest so putte away the synnes of those which truely repent, that thou
remembrest them no more: open thy iye of mercy upon this thy servaunt,
who moste earnestly desireth pardon and forgevenesse: Renue in hym,
moste lovyng father, whatsoever hath been decayed by the fraude and
malice of the devil, or by his owne carnall wyll, and frailnesse: preserve
and continue this sicke membre in the unitie of thy Churche, consyder
his contricion, accepte his teares, aswage his payne, as shalbe seen
to thee moste expedient for him. And forasmuch as he putteth his full
trust only in thy mercy: Impute not unto him his former sinnes, but
take him unto thy favour: through the merites of thy moste derely beloved
sonne Jesus Christe. Amen.
the minister shall saye this psalme.
In te Domine speravi. Psal. lxxi.
IN thee, O Lorde
have I put my trust, let me never be put to confusion, but ridde me,
and deliver me into thy righteousnes : enclyne thyne eare unto me, and
save me.
Be thou my strong holde (wherunto I may alwaye resorte)
thou haste promysed to helpe me : for thou art my house of defence,
and my castell.
Deliver me (O my God) out of the hande of the ungodly,
out of the hande of the unrighteous and cruell man.
For thou (O Lord God) art the thyng that I long for,
thou art my hope, even fro my youth.
Through the have I been holden up ever since I was
borne, thou art he that tooke me out of my mothers wombe; my prayse
shalbe alwaye of thee.
I am become as it were a monster unto many : but
my sure trust is in thee.
Oh let my mouth be filled with thy prayse (that I
may syng of thy glory) and honour all the daye long.
Cast me not awaye in the tyme of age, forsake me
not when my strength fayleth me.
For mine enemies speake against me : and they that
lay waite for my soule take their cousayle together, saying : God hath
forsaken hym, persecute hym, and take hym, for there is none to delyver
Goe not ferre fro me, O God : my God, haste thee
to helpe me. Let them be confounded and perishe, that are againste my
soule : let them be covered with shame and dishonour, that seke to doe
me evill.
As for me, I will paciently abyde alwaye, and wyll
prayse thee more and more.
My mouth shall dayly speakeof thy righteousnes and
salvacion, for I knowe no ende therof.
I will goe forth in the strength of the Lorde God
: and will make mencion of thy righteousnesse onely.
Thou (O God) haste taught me from my youth up until
now, therfore wil I tel of thy wonderous workes.
Forsake me not (O God) in myne olde age, when I am
gray headed, untill I have shewed thy strength unto this generacion,
and thy power to all them that are yet for to come.
Thy righteousnesse (O God) is very high, and great
thinges are they that thou haste doen : O God who is lyke unto thee?
O what great troubles and adversities hast thou shewed
me? and yet diddest thou turne and refreshe me : yea, and broughtest
me from the depe of the earth agayne.
Thou haste brought me to great honour, and coumforted
me on every side.
Therfore will I prayse thee and thy faithfulnes (O
God) playing upon an instrument of musicke, unto thee will I syng upon
the harpe, O thou holy one of Israel.
My lippes will be fayne, when I syng unto thee: and
so will my soule whom thou haste delyvered.
My tounge also shall talke of thy righteousnesse
all the daye long, for they are confounded and brought unto shame that
seke to doe me evyll.
Glory to the father, &c.
As it was in the beginnyng, &c.
Addyng this Anthem.
O SAVEOUR of the world save us,
which by thy crosse and precious bloud hast redemed us, helpe us we
beseche the, O God.
Then shall the minister saye.
almighty Lord, whiche is moste strong tower to all them that put
their trust in hym, to whom all thynges in heaven, in earth, and
under earth, doe bowe and obey: be now and ever more thy defence,
and make thee knowe and fele, that there is no other name under heaven
geven to man, in whom and through whom thou mayest receyue helth
and salvacion, but only the name of our Lorde Jesus Christe. Amen.
¶ If the sicke person desyre to be annoynted, then shal the priest
annoynte him upon the forehead or breast only, makyng the signe of the
crosse, saying thus,
with this visible oyle thy body outwardly is annoynted: so our heavenly
father almyghtye God, graunt of his infinite goodnesse, that thy soule
inwardly may be annoynted with the holy gost, who is the spirite of
al strength, coumforte, reliefe, and gladnesse. And vouchesafe for his
great mercy (yf it be his blessed will) to restore unto thee thy bodely
helth, and strength, to serve him, and sende thee release of al thy
paines, troubles, and diseases, both in body and minde. And howsoever
his goodnesse (by his divyne and unserchable providence) shall dispose
of thee: we, his unworthy ministers and servaunts, humbly beseche the
eternall maiestie, to doe with thee according to the multitude of his
innumerable mercies, and to pardon thee all thy sinnes and offences,
committed by all thy bodily senses, passions, and carnall affeccions:
who also vouchsafe mercifully to graunt unto thee gostely strength,
by his holy spirite, to withstand and overcome al temptacions and assaultes
of thine adversarye, that in no wise he prevaile against thee, but that
thou mayest have perfit victory and triumph against the devil, sinne,
and death, through Christ our Lord: Who by his death hath overcomed
the Prince of death, and with the father, and the holy gost evermore
liveth and reigneth God, worlde without ende. Amen.
quo, Domine. Psalm xiii.
long wilt thou forget me, (O Lord,) for ever? how long wilt thou hyde
thy face from me? How long shall I seke counsell in my soule? and be
so vexed in myne herte? how long shall myne enemye triumph over me?
Consydre, and heare me, (O lord my God): lighten myne iyes, that I slepe
not in death. Leste myne enemy saye: I have prevayled against hym: for
yf I be cast downe, they that trouble me will reioyce at it. But my
trust is in thy mercy: and my herte is joyfull in thy salvacion. I will
sing of the lord, because he hath delte so lovingly with me. Yea, I
wyll prayse the name of the Lord the most highest. Glory be to the,
&c. As it was in the, &c.

Unction, from a 15th C. Pontifical
Forasmuche as all mortal men be subject to many
sodaine perils, diseases, and sickenesses, and ever uncertaine what
time they shall departe out of this lyfe: Therfore to thentent [the
intent] they may be alwayes in a readinesse
to dye, whensoever it shall please almighty God to call them: The curates
shall diligently from tyme to tyme, but specially in the plague tyme,
exhorte theyr paryshoners to the ofte receyvyng (in the churche) of
the holy communion of the body and bloud of oure Savioure Christe:
whiche (yf they doe) they shall have no cause in theyr sodaine visitacion,
to be unquyeted for lacke of the same. But if the sicke person be not
hable to come to the churche, and yet is desirous to receyve the communion
in his house, then he must geve knowlage over night, or els early in
the morning to the curate, signifying also howe many he appoynted to
communicate with hym. And yf the same daye there be a celebracion of
the holy communion in the churche, then shall the priest reserve (at
the open communion) so muche of the sacrament of the body and bloud,
as shall serve the siche person, and so many as shall communicate with
hym (yf there be any.) And so soone as he convenientely may, after
the open communion ended in the church, shall goe and minister the
same, firste to those that are appoynted to communicate with the sicke
(yf there be any), and last of all to the sicke person himselfe. But
before the curate distribute the holy communion: the appoynted generall
confession must be made in the name of the communicantes, the curate
addyng the absolucion with the coumfortable sentences of scripture
folowyng in the open communion, and after the communion ended, the
everlyvyng God, we moste hertely thanke thee, &c.
But yf the daye be not appoynted for the open communion us the churche,
then (upon convenient warning geven) the curate shal come and visite
the sick person afore noone. And having a convenient place in the sicke
mans house (where he may reverently celebrate) with all thinges necessary
for the same, and not beyng otherwyse letted [=hindered]
with the publike service. or any other just impediment; he shal there
celebrate ye holy communion after suche forme and sorte as hereafter
is appoynted.
the holy communion for the sicke.
PRAYSE the Lorde, all ye nacions, laude hym, all ye people: for his
mercifull kyndenesse is confyrmed towarde us, and the trueth of the
Lorde endureth for ever.Glory be to the father, &c.
have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
The Priest.
The Lorde be with you.
And with thy spirite. |
Without any
more repeticion. |
us pray.
everlyving God, maker of mankynde, which doest correcte those whom thou
doest love, and chatisest every one whome thou doest receyve: we beseche
the to have mercy upon this thy servaunte visited with thy hande, and
to graunt that he may take his sickenesse paciently, and recover his
bodily helth (if it be thy gracious will), and whansoever his soule
shall departe from the body, it may without spotte be presented unto
thee: through Jesus Christe our Lord. Amen.
sonne, despise not the correccion of the Lorde, neyther fainte when
thou art rebuked of hym: for whom the Lorde loveth, hym he correcteth,
yea and he scourgeth every sonne whom he receyveth.
xii. |
verely I saye unto you, he that heareth my woorde, and beleveth on hym
that sente me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come unto damnacion,
but he passeth from death unto life.
v. |
Lorde be with you.
Aunswere. And with thy spirite.
¶ Lifte up your hertes, &c. |


Two pages from the Communion of the Sick,
1549 BCP |
the ende of the Canon.
At the tyme of the distribucion of the holy sacrament, the prieste
shalt firste receyve the communion hymselfe, and after minister to them
that be appoynted to communicate with the sicke (yf there be any), and
then to the sicke person. And the sicke person shall all wayes desyre
some, eyther of his owne house, or els of his neyghbours, to receyve
the holy communion with hym; for that shall be to hym a singuler great
coumforte, and of theyr parte a great token of charitie.
And yf there be moe sicke persons to be visited the same day that
the curate doth celebrate in any sicke mans house; then shall the curate
(there) reserve so muche of the sacramente of the body and bloud: as
shall serve the other sicke persons, and suche as be appoynted to communicate
with them (yf there be any). And shall immediatly cary it, and minister
it unto them.
¶ But yf any man eyther by reason of extremitie of sickenesse,
or for lacke of warnyng geven in due tyme, to the curate, or by any
other just impedimente, doe not receyne the sacramente of Christes bodye
and bloud then the curate shall instruct hym, that yf he doe truely
repent hym of his sinnes and stedfastly beleve that Jesus Christ hath
suffered death upon the cosse for hym, and shed his bloud for his redempcion,
earnestly remembring the benefites he hath therby, and geving hym hertie
thankes therfore; he doeth eate and drynke spiritually the bodye and
bloud of our savioure Christe, profitably to his soules helth, although
he doe not receyve the sacrament with his mouth.
¶ When the sicke persone is visited and receiveth the holy communion,
all at one tyme: then the priest for more expedicion shall use this
ordre at the visitacion.
Remembre not Lorde, &c.
Lorde have mercy upon us.
Christe have mercy upon us.
Lorde have mercy upon us.
¶ Our father whiche art in heaven, &c.
And leade us not into temptacion.
Aunswere. But deliver us from evyll. Amen.
us praye.
Lorde,* looke downe from heaven, &c.
the firste parte of the exhortacion and all other thynges unto the Psalme:
thee O Lorde have I put my trust, &c.
yf the sicke desyre to be annoyncted, then shall the priest use thappoynted
prayer without any Psalme. |
* Lorde omitted in some printings