The Book of Common Prayer
United States England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World

    Collects, Epistles, and Gospels
from the 1549, 1552 and 1559 Books of Common Prayer


Trinitie Sonday.

At Mattins.

The First Lesson, Gen. xviii. unto the ende.

The Seconde Lesson, Math. iii. unto the ende.

At the Communion.]*

Deus misereatur. Psalm lxvii.

GOD bee mercyfull unto us, and blesse us : and shewe us the lyghte of his countenaunce, and be mercifull unto us.
    That thy way may be knowen upon earth : thy saving health among all nacions.
    Let the people prayse thee, O God : yea let all the people prayse thee.
    O let the nacions rejoice and be glad : for thou shalte judge the folke ryghteouslye, and governe the nacyons upon earth.
    Let the people prayse thee, O God : let all the people prayse thee.
    Then shall the yearthe bryng foorthe her increase : and God, even oure owne God, shall geve us hys blessing.
    God shall blesse us : and all the endes of the worlde shall feare hym.
    Glorie bee to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy gost.
    As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and ever shalbe :  worlde without ende. Amen.

The Collect.

ALMIGHTYE and everlastyng God, whiche haste geven unto us thy servauntes grace by the confession of a true fayth to acknowlege the glorye of the eternall trinitie, and in the power of the divyne majestie to wurshippe the unitie: we beseche thee, that through the stedfastnes of thys fayth, me may evermore be defended from all adversitie, whiche liveste and reignest, one God, worlde without end.





* 1549 only

The Epistle. Apoc. iv.

AFTER this I loked, and behold, a doore was open in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it wer of a trompet, talking with me, whiche sayd; come up hither, and I will shew thee thinges whiche must be fulfilled hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirite: And behold, a seate was set in heaven, and one sate on the seate. And he that sate was to loke upon, lyke unto a Jasper stone, and a Sardine stone [=carnelian]. And there was a raynebowe about the seate, in sight lyke unto an Emerauld. And about the seate were xxiiii seates. And upon the seates xxiiii Elders sittyng, clothed in white raiment, and had on their heades crownes of golde.
    And out of the seate proceded lightninges, and thunderynges, and voyces, and there were vii lampes of fire, burning before the seate, whiche are the vii spirites of God. And beefore the seate there was a sea of glasse lyke unto Christall: and in the myddes [midst] of the seate, and rounde aboute the seate, were iiii beastes full of eyes, beefore and behynde. And the fyrste beaste was like a Lion; and the second beast like a calfe; and the thirde beaste hadde a face as a manne: and the fourthe beaste was lyke a flying Egle. And the iiii beastes had eche one of them syxe wynges aboute hym; and they were full of iyes within. And they had no rest day neyther night, saying; Holy, holy, holy, Lorde God almightie, whiche was, and is, and is to come. And when those beastes gave glory and honour, and thankes to hym that sate on the seate (whiche lyveth for ever and ever,) the xxiiii elders fell doune before hym that sate on the throne, and worshipped hym that lyveth for ever, and cast their crounes before the throne, saying; thou art worthy, O Lorde, (our God,) to receyve glory, and honor, and power, for thou hast created all thinges, and for thy wylles sake they are, and were created.



[Rev. 4:1-11]

The Gospel. John iii.

THERE was a manne of the Phariseis, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jewes. The same came to Jesus by night, and sayd unto hym, Rabby [Rabbi], we knowe that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man could do suche miracles as thou doest, except God were with him. Jesus answered, and sayd unto him; Verely, verely, I saye unto thee; except a man be borne from above, he cannot see the kyngdom of god. Nicodemus sayd unto him; how can a man be borne when he is olde? can he entre into his mothers wombe, and be borne agayne? Jesus answered; verely, verely, I saye unto thee; excepte a man be borne of water, and of the spirite, he cannot entre into the kyngdome of God. That whiche is borne of the fleshe, is fleshe; and that whiche is borne of the spirit, is spirit. Marvayl not thou that I sayd thee, ye must bee borne from above. The wynde bloweth where it lusteth [=chooses], and thou hearest the sound therof, but canst not tel whence it commeth, and whither it goeth; So is every one that is borne of the spirite Nicodemus answered, and sayd unto him; how can these thinges be? Jesus answered, and sayd unto him; arte thou a maister in Israell, and knowest not these thinges? Verely, verely I say unto thee; we speake that we do know, and testifie that we have seen; and ye receyve not our wytnes. If I have tolde you yearthly thynges, and ye beleve not; howe shall ye beleve yf I tell you of heavenly thynges? And no man ascendeth up to heaven, but he that came doune from heaven, even the sonne of man whiche is in heaven. And as Moses lift up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Sonne of man be lift up, that whosoever beleveth in hym, perishe not, but have everlastyng lyfe.



[John 3:1-15]


The first Sonday after Trinitie Sonday.

Beati immaculati. Psalm cxix.

BLESSED are those that bee undefiled in the way : and walke in the lawe of the Lorde.
    Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies : and seke him with theyr whole heart.
    For they whiche do no wickednesse : walke in his wayes.
    Thou hast charged, that we shall diligently kepe thy commaundementes : O that my wayes were made so direct, that I might kepe thy statutes.
    So shall I not bee confounded : while I have respect unto all thy commaundementes.
    I will thanke thee with an unfayned heart : when I shall have learned the judgementes of thy righteousnes.
    I will kepe thy cerimonies : O forsake me not utterly.
    Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, &c.
    As it was in the beginnyng, &c.

The Collect.

GOD, the strength of all theym that trust in thee, mercifully accept our prayers; and because the weakenes of oure mortall nature can do no good thyng without thee, graunt us the helpe of thy grace, that in kepyng of thy commaundementes we may please thee, both in will and dede; through Jesus Christ our lorde.




[Psalm 119:1-8]

The Epistle. 1 John iv.

DEARELY beloved, let us love one another: for love commeth of God. And every one that loveth, is borne of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love. In this appeared the love of God to us-ward, because that God sent his onely-begotten sonne into the worlde, that we might lyve through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his sonne to be the agrement for our synnes.
    Dearely beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen God at any tyme. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfect in us. Here by knowe we that we dwel in hym, and he in us, because he hath geven us of his spirite. And we have seen, and do testify, that the father sent the sonne to be the saviour of the worlde: whosoever confesseth that Jesus is the sonne of God, in hym dwelleth God, and he in God. And we have knowen and beleved the love that God hath to us.
    God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is the love perfect in us, that we should have trust in the day of judgement. For as he is, even so are we in this worlde. There is no feare in love, but perfecte love casteth out feare, for feare hath paynefulnes. He that feareth is not perfect in love. We love him, for he loved us first. If a man say; I love God, and yet hate his brother, he is a lyar. For. how can he that loveth not his brother, whom he hath seen, love God whom he hath not seen? And this commaundement have we of hym: that he whiche loveth God, should love his brother also.



[1 John 4:7-21]

The Gospell. Luke xvi.

THERE was a certaine riche man, whiche was clothed in purpl and fyne white, and fared deliciously every day: And there wa a certaine begger named Lazarus whiche lay at his gate full of sores, desyring to be refreshed with the crummes whiche fell from the riche mans borde, and no man gave unto him. The dogges came also and licked his sores. And it fortuned, that the begger dyed, and was caned by the Angels into Abrahams bosome. The riche man also dyed, and was buried. And beyng in hell in tormentes, he lifte up his eyes and sawe Abraham afar of, and Lazarus in his bosome, and he cryed and sayd; father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dippe the tippe of his finger in water, and coole my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham sayd; Sonne, remembre that thou in thy lyfetyme, receivedst thy pleasure; and contrarywise Lazarus received payne: But nowe he is comforted, and thou art punished. Beyonde all this, betwene us and you there is a great space set, so that they whiche would go from hence to you cannot: neyther may come from thence to us. Then he sayd; I pray the therefore father, sende hym to my fathers house, (for I have v [5] brethren,) for to warne them, leste they also come into this place of torment. Abraham sayd unto hym; they have Moses and the Prophetes, let them heare them. And he sayd, nay father Abraham; but if one come unto them from the deed, they will repent. He sayd unto him; If they heare not Moses and the Prophetes, neyther wyll they beleve, though one rose from death againe.



[Luke 16:19-31]


The second Sondaye[ after Trinity]*.

In quo corriget? Psalm cxix.

WHERWITH all shall a yong man clense his waye : even by rulyng hymself after thy worde.
    With my whole heart have I sought thee : O let me not go wrong out of thy commaundementes.
    Thy wordes have I hyd within my heart : that I should not synne against thee.
    Blessed art thou, O Lord : O teache me thy statutes.
    With my lyppes have I been tellyng : of all the judgementes of thy mouth : I have had as great delite in the way of thy testimonies as in all maner of riches.
    I will talke of thy commaundementes : and have respect unto thy wayes.
    My delite shalbe in thy statutes : and I wil not forget thy worde.
    Glory be to the father and to sonne, &c.
    As it was in the begynning, &c.

The Collect.

LORD, make us to have a perpetuall feare and love of thy holy name: for thou never faillest to helpe and governe them whom thou doest bryng up in thy stedfast love. Graunt this, &c.


* added in the late 1500's


[Psalm 119:8-16]

The Epistle. 1 John iii.

MARVEIL not my brethren though the worlde hate you. We know that we are translated from death unto life, because we, love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother, abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother is a manslear [manslayer, or murderer]. And ye knowe that no manslear hath eternall lyfe abyding in him. Hereby perceyve we love, because he gave his lyfe for us: and we ought to geve our lyves for the brethren. But whoso hath this worldes good, and seeth his brother have nede, and shutteth up his compassion from him; howe dwelleth the love of God in hym? My babes let us not love in word, neyther in tongue; but in dede, and in veritie. Hereby we knowe that we are of the veritie, and can quiet our heartes before hym. For yf our heart condemne us, God is greater then our heart, and knoweth all thinges. Derely beloved, if oure heart condemne us not, then have we trust to god-warde: And whatsoever we aske we receyve of hym, because we kepe his commaundementes, and do those thinges whiche are pleasaunt in his sight. And this is his commaundement, That we beleve on the name of his sonne Jesus Christ, and love one another as he gave commaundement. And he that kepeth his commaundementes dwelleth in him, and he in hym: and hereby we knowe that he abydeth in us, even by the spirite whiche he hath geven us.



[1 John 3:13-24]

The Gospel. Luke xiv.

A CERTAINE man ordayned a great supper, and had many; and sent his servaunt at supper-tyme to say to them that were bydden, come; for all thinges are nowe ready. And they all at once began to make excuse. The first sayd unto him, I have bought a farme, and I must nedes go and see it; I pray thee have me excused. And another sayd, I have bought v. [5] yoke of Oxen, and I go to prove them; I pray thee have me excused, And another sayd, I have maried a wife, and therfore I cannot come. And the servaunt returned, and brought his maister worde againe therof. Then was the good man of the house displeased, and said to his servaunt; go out quickely into the stretes and quarters of the citie, and bring in hither the poore and the feble, and the halt and the blinde. And the servaunt sayd; Lord, it is done as thou hast commaunded, and yet there is roume. And the Lorde sayd to the servaunt; go out unto the hyewayes and hedges, and compell them to come in, that my house maye bee fylled. For I say unto you, that none of those men which were bydden, shall tast of my supper.



[Luke 14:16b-24]


The third sonday[ after Trinity]*.

Retribue servo tuo.
Psalm cxix.

O DO well unto thy servaunt : that I may lyve, and kepe thy worde.
    Open thou myne eyes : that I may see the wonderous thinges of thy lawe.
    I am a straunger upon yearth : O hyde not thy commaundementes from me.
    My soule breaketh out for the very feruent desyre : that it hath alway unto thy judgementes.
    Thou hast rebuked the proude : and cursed are they that do erre from thy commaundementes.
    O turne from me shame and rebuke : for I have kept thy testimonies.
    Princes also dyd sit and speake against me : but thy servaunt is occupied in thy statutes.
    For thy testimonies are my delite : and my counsailours.
    Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, &c.
    As it was in the beginnyng, is now, &c.

The Collect.

LORDE, we beseche thee mercifully to heare us, and unto whom thou hast geven an heartie desyre to pray; graunt that by thy mightie ayde we may be defended; through Jesus Christ our Lorde.


* added in the late 1500's


[Psalm 119:17-24]

The Epistle. 1 Peter v.

SUBMIT yourselves every man one to another; knyt yourselves together in lowlynes of minde. For God resisteth the proud, and geveth grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therfore under the mightie hand of God, that he may exalt you when the tyme is come. Cast all your care upon him, for he careth for you. Be sober, and watche: for your adversary the devil as a roaryng Lyon, walketh about, sekyng whom he may devour: whom resist stedfast in the fayth, knowyng that the same affliccions are appointed unto your brethren that are in the worlde. But the God of all grace whiche hath called us unto his eternall glorye by Christ Jesu, shall his owne selfe (after that ye have suffered a lytle affliccion) make you perfect, settle, strength, and stablishe you. To hym be glory and dominion for ever and ever.



[1 Peter 5:5-11]

The Gospel. Luke xv.

THEN resorted unto hym all the Publicans and synners for to heare hym. And the Phariseis and Scribes murmured, saying, He receyveth synners, and eateth with them. But he put furth this parable unto them, saying; what man among you havyng an hundreth shepe (if he lose one of them,) doth not leave nynty and nyne in the wyldernes, and goeth after that whiche is lost, untill he fynde it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders with joy. And as sone as he commeth home, he calleth together his lovers and neyghbours, saying unto theim; Rejoyce with me, for I have found my shepe whiche was lost. I say unto you, that lykewyse joy shalbe in heaven over one synner that repenteth, more than over nynty and nyne just persones whiche nede no repentaunce.
    Either what woman having ten grotes [=coins, 1 grote=4p], (if she lose one,) doth not light a candle, and swepe the house, and seke diligently till she fynd it? And when she hath found it, she calleth her lovers and her neighbours together, saying; rejoyce with me, for I have founde the grote whiche I had lost. Lykewise I saye unto you, shall there be joy in the presence of the Angels of god, over one synner that repenteth.



[Luke 15:1-10]


The fourth Sondaye[ after Trinity]*.

At the Communion.

Adhaessit pavimento anima. Ps. cxix.

MY soule cleaveth to the dust : O quicken thou me, accordyng to thy worde.
    I have knowleged my wayes, and thou heardest me : O teache me thy statutes.
    Make me to understande the waye of thy commaundmentes : and so shall I talke of thy wonderous workes.
    My soule melteth away for very heavynes, comforte thou me accordyng unto thy worde.
    Take from me the way of lying : and cause thou me to make muche of thy lawe.
    I have chosen the way of truth : and thy judgementes have I layde before me.
    I have sticken unto thy testimonies : O Lorde confound me not.
    I wil runne the way of thy commaundementes : when thou hast set my heart at libertie.
    Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, &c.
    As it was in the beginning, is now, &c.

The Collect.

GOD the protector of all that trust in thee, without whom nothyng is strong, nothing is holy; increase and multiply upon us thy mercye; that thou being our ruler and guyde, we may so passe through thinges temporall, that we fynally lose not the thinges eternall: Graunt this heavenly father, for Jesu Christes sake our Lorde.


* added in the late 1500's



[Psalm 119:25-32]

The Epistle. Rom. viii.

I SUPPOSE that the affliccions of this lyfe, are not worthy of the glory which shalbe shewed upon us. For the fervent desyre of the creature abydeth, lokyng when the sonnes of God shall appeare, because the creature is subdued to vanitie, against the will thereof, but for his will which bath subdued the same in hope. For the same creature shalbe delivered from the bondage of corrupcion, into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of GOD. For we knowe that every creature groneth with us also, and travaileth in payne, even unto this tyme: not onely it, but we also whiche have the first-fruites of the spirite, mourne in ourselves also, and wayte for the adopcion, (of the children of God,) even the deliveraunce of our bodyes.



[Romans 8:18-23]

The Gospel. Luke vi.

BE ye mercifull, as your father also is mercyful. Judge not and ye shall not be judged: condemne not, and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve, and ye shalbe forgeven. Geve, and it shalbe geven unto you, good measure, and pressed doune and shaken together, and runnyng over, shall menne geve into your bosomes. For with the same measure that ye mete [=measure] withall, shall other men mete to you againe.
    And he put furth a similitude [=parable] unto them. Can the blynd lead the blynd? do they not both fall into the diche? The disciple is not above his maister; Every man shalbe perfect, even as his Maister is. Why seest thou a mote [=speck] in thy brothers eye, but considerest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye? Eyther how canst thou saye to thy brother? Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thyne eye, when thou seest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye. Thou ypocrite, cast out the beame out of thyne owne eye first, and then shalt thou see perfectly to pul out the mote that is in thy brothers eye.



[Luke 6:36-42]


The v Sunday[ after Trinity]*.

Legem pone. Psalm cxix.

TEACHE me, O Lorde, the way of thy statutes : and I shall kepe it unto the ende.
    Geve me understandyng, and I shall kepe thy lawe : yea, I shall kepe it with my whole heart.
    Make me to goe in the path of thy commaundementes : for therm is my desyre.
    Encline my heart unto thy testimonies : and not to covetousnes.
    O turne away myne eyes, leste they beholde vanitie : and quicken thou me in thy way.
    O stablishe thy woorde in thy servaunt : that I may feare thee. Take away the rebuke that I am afrayde of : for thy judgementes are good.
    Beholde my delite is in thy commaundementes : O quicken me in thy righteousnes.
    Glory be to the father, and to sonne, &c.
    As it was in the begynning, &c.

The Collect.

GRAUNTE Lorde, wee beseche thee, that the course of thys worlde maye bee so peaceably ordred by thy governaunce, that thy congregacion may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietnes; thoroughe Jesus Christe oure Lorde.


* added in the late 1500's


[Psalm 119:33-40]

The Epistle. 1 Peter iii.

BE you all of one mynde and of one heart, love as brethren, be pitifull, be courteous, (meke,) not rending evil for evil, or rebuke for rebuke; but contrarywise blesse, knowyng that ye are therunto called, even that ye shoulde bee heyres of the blessyng. For he that doeth long after life, and loveth to see good dayes, let him refrayne his tongue from evil, and his lippes that they speake no guile. Let hym eschewe evil and do good: let him seke peace, and ensue [=pursue] it. For the eyes of the Lorde are over the righteous, and his eares are open unto their prayers. Againe, the face of the Lorde is over them that do evil.
    Moreover, who is it that will harme you if ye folowe that whiche is good? yea, happye are ye, if any trouble happen unto you for righteousnes sake. Be not ye afrayed for any terror of them, neither be ye troubled, but sanctifie the Lorde God in your heartes.



[1 Peter 3:8-15]

The Gospel. Luke v.

IT came to passe that (when the people preased upon hym, to heare the worde of God) he stoode by the lake of Genezareth, and sawe two shippes stande by the lakes side; but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washyng their nettes. And he entred into one of the shippes, (whiche pertained to Symon,) and praied him, that he would thrust out a litle from the land. And he sat doune and taught the people out of the shyp. When he had lefte speakyng, he sayd unto Symon: lanche out into the deepe, and let slippe your nettes to make a draughte. And Symon answered, and sayde unto hym; Master, we have labored all nighte, and have taken nothyng. Nenertheles, at thy commaundement, I will loce furth the nette. And when they had this done, they inclosed a greate multitude of fishes. But their net brake, and they beckened to their felowes (whiche were in the other ship) that they shoulde come and helpe them. And they came, and fylled bothe the shippes, that they soncke againe.
    When Symon Peter sawe this, he fell doune at Jesus' knees, saiyng; Lorde, goe from me, for I am a synnefull man. For he was astonyed [astonished], and all that were with hym, at the draughte of fyshes which they had taken; and so was also James and John the sonnes of Zebede, whyche were parteners wyth Symon. And Jesus said unto Symon; feare not, from hencefurth thou shalt catche men. And they brought the shippes to land, and forsoke all, and folowed him.



[Luke 5:1-11]


The vi Sondaie[ after Trinity]*.

Et venial super me.
Psalm cxix.

LET thy lovyng mercie come also unto me, O Lorde : Even thy salvacion, accordyng unto thy woorde.
    So shall I make aunswere unto my blasphemers : For my truste is in thy woorde.
    O take not the worde of truthe utterly out of my mouthe : For my hope is in thy judgementes.
    So shall I alwaye kepe thy lawe : yea, for ever and ever.
    And I will walke at libertie : For I seke thy commaundementes.
    I will speake of thy testimonies also, even before kynges : and will not be ashamed.
    And my delight shalbe in thy commaundementes : whiche I have loved.
    My handes also will I lift up unto thy commaundementes whiche I have loved : and my study shalbee in thy statutes.
    Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, &c.
    As it was in the beginning, is nowe, &c.

The Collect.

GOD, whiche haste prepared to them that love thee suche good thynges as passe all mannes understanding; Powre into our hartes such love toward thee, that we lovyng thee in al thinges, may obteine thy promises, whiche excede all that we canne desyre; Through Jesus Christe our Lorde.


* added in the late 1500's


[Psalm 119:41-48]

The Epistle. Romans vi.

KNOWE ye not, that all we whiche are baptised in Jesu Christe, are baptised to dye with hym? We are buryed then with hym by baptisme for to dye; that likewise as Christ was raised from death, by the glorye of the father, even so we also should walke in a newe life. For if we be graft in death like unto him; even so shall we be partakers of the resurreccion: Knowing this, that our olde man is crucified with hym also, that the body of synne myght utterly be destroyed, that hencefurth we should not be servauntes unto synne. For he that is dead is justified from synne.
    Wherfore, if we be dead with Christe, we beleve that we shall also lyve with hym, knowyng that Christe beyng raysed from death, dyeth no more. Death hath no more power over hym. For as touchyng that he dyed, he dyed concernyng synne once. And as touching that he lyveth, he lyveth unto God: Likewise consider ye also, that ye are dead as touchyng synne, but are alyve unto God, through Jesus Christe our Lorde.



[Romans 6:3-11]

The Gospell. Matt. v.

JESUS sayed unto his disciples; excepte youre ryghteousnesse excede the ryghteousnesse of the Scribes and Phariseis, ye cannot entre into the Kyngdome of heaven. Ye have heard that it was sayed unto them of the olde tyme. Thou shalt not kill: whosoever killeth, shalbe in daunger of judgement. But I saye unto you; that whosoever is angry with his brother (unadvisedly) shalbe in daunger of judgement. And whosoever saye unto hys brother, Racha [=worthless], shal be in daunger of a counsaill. But whosoever sayth, thou foole, shalbe in daunger of hell fire. Therfore, if thou offerest thy gift at the alter and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst thee, leave there thyne offeryng before the alter, and goe thy waye firste, and be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gyfte.
    Agree with thyne adversarye quickly, whyles thou art in the waye with hym, leste at any tyme the adversarye delyver thee to the judge, and the judge delyver thee to the minister, and then thou be cast into prison. Verelye I saye unto thee, thou shalt not come out thence, till thou have payed the uttermoste farthyng.



[Matthew 5:20-36]


The vii Sonday[ after Trinity]*.

Memor esto. Psalm cxix.

O THINKE upon thy servaunte, as concerning thy worde wherin thou hast caused me to put my trust.
    The same is my comfort in my trouble : For thy worde hath quickened me.
    The proude have had me excedyngly in derision : yet have I not shrynked from thy lawe.
    For I remembred thyne everlastyng judgementes, O Lorde and receyved comfort.
    I am horribly afrayed : For the ungodly, that forsake thy lawe.
    Thy statutes have been my songes : In the house of my pilgrimage.
    I have thought upon thy name, O Lord, in the night-season and have kept thy lawe.
    This I had : because I kepte thy commaundementes.
    Glory be to the father, and to the sonne : and to the holy gost.
    As it was in the begynnyng, is nowe, and ever shalbe: worlde without ende. Amen.

The Collect.

LORDE of all power and might, whiche art the author and gever of all good thynges; graffe [graft] in our hartes the love of thy name, increase in us true religion, norishe us with all goodnes, and of thy great mercy kepe us in the same; Through Jesus Christe our Lorde.


* added in the late 1500's



[Psalm 119:49-56]

The Epistle. Rom. vi.

I SPEAKE grosly, because of the infirmitie of your fleshe. As ye have geven your membres servauntes to unclennes and to iniquitie (from one iniquitie to another); even so now geve over your membres servauntes unto righteousnes. that ye may be sanctified. For when ye were the servauntes of synne, ye were voyde of righteousnes. What fruite had you then in those. thinges, wherof ye are nowe ashamed? for the ende of those thinges is death. But nowe are ye delyvered from synne, and made the servauntes of God, and have your fruite to be sanctified, and the ende everlasting lyfe. For the rewarde of synne is death: but eternall lyfe is the gifte of God; Through Jesus Christe our Lorde.



[Romans 6:19-23]

The Gospel. Mark viii.

IN those dayes, when there was a verye great companie, and had nothyng to eate; Jesus called hys disciples unto hym, and, sayed unto them: I have compassion on the people, because they have nowe been with me three dayes, and have nothing to eate: And if I sende them awaye fasting to their owne houses, they shall faint by the waye; for diverse of them came from farre. And his disciples answered him; where shoulde a manne have bread here in the wildernesse, to satisfie these? And he asked them; howe manye loaves have ye? They sayd, seven. And he commaunded the people to sitte downe on the grounde. And he tooke the seven loaues; And when he had geven thankes, he brake and gave to his disciples, to set before them. And they did set them before the people. And they had a fewe small fishes. And when he had blessed, he commaunded them also to be sette before them. And they did eate and were suffised. And they tooke up of the broken meate that was left, seven baskettes ful. And they that did eate, were about foure thousande. And he sente them awaye.



[Mark 8:1-9]


The eight Sonday[ after Trinity]*.

At the Communion.

Portlo mea, Domine. Psalm cxix.

THOU art my porcion, O Lord : I have promised to kepe thy lawe.
    I made myne humble peticion in thy presence with my whole heart : O be merciful unto me, according unto thy worde.
    I call myne owne wayes to remembraunce : and turne my feete into thy testimonies.
    I made hast [haste] : and prolonged not the tyme to kepe thy commaundementes.
    The congregacions of the ungodly have robbed me : but I have not forgotten thy lawe.
    At midnight will I rise, to geve thankes unto thee : because of thy righteous judgementes.
    I am a companion of all them that feare thee : and kepe thy commaundementes.
    The earth, O Lorde, is full of thy mercye : O teache me thy statutes.
    Glory be to the father, and to the sonne : and to the holy gost.
    As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and ever shalbe : worlde without ende. Amen.

The Collect.

GOD, whose providence is never deceived, we humbly beseche thee that thou wilt put away from us al hurtfull thinges, and geve [us]* those thinges whiche be profitable for us; through Jesus Christe our Lorde.


* added in the late 1500's




[Psalm 119:57-64]

* added 1559


The Epistle. Rom. viii.

BRETHREN, we are debters, not to the fleshe, to live after the fleshe. For yf ye live after the fleshe, ye shall dye. But yf ye (through the spirite) doe mortifie the deedes of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the spirite of God, they are the sonnes of God. For ye have not receyved the spirite of bondage to feare any more, but ye have receyved the spirite of adopcion, wherby we crye, Abba father. The same spirite certifieth our spirite, that we are the sonnes of God. If we be sonnes, then are we also heires, the heires I meane of God, and heires annexed with Christ: yf so be that we suffre with hym, that we may be also gloryfied together with hym.



[Romans 8:12-17]

The Gospell. Matt. vii.

BEWARE of false Prophetes, which come to you in shepes clothing, but inwardly they are ravenyng wolves. Ye shall knowe them by their fruites. Do men gather Grapes of Thornes? Or Figges of Thistles? Even so every good tree bryngeth furth good fruites: But a corrupte tree bryngeth furth evyll fruites. A good tree cannot bryng furth bad fruites, neyther can a bad tree bryng furth good fruites. Every tree that bryngeth not furth good fruite, is hewen doune, and caste into the fire. Wherfore by their fruites ye shall knowe them. Not every one that sayeth unto me, Lorde, Lorde, shall entre into the kyngdome of heaven; but he that doth the will of my father whiche is in heaven, he shall entre into the kyngdome of heaven.



[Matthew 7:15-21]

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