¶ Easter Daye.
¶ In the mornyng, afore Mattyns,
the people beyng assembled in the Churche, these Anthems shalbe fyrste
solemnely song or sayed.
rubric appears only in the 1549 book.
¶ At Morning Prayer, instead of the Psalm, O come let us, &c.
These Anthems shalbe song or sayed.
rubric appears only in the 1552 & 1559 books. |
rising again from the dead, nowe dieth not. Death from henceforth hath
no power upon hym. For in that he dyed, he dyed but once to put away
sinne: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. And so lykewyse, counte
yourselfes dead unto synne: but lyvyng unto God in Christe Jesus our
Lorde. Alleluya, Alleluya.
The alleluias in both anthems appear only in the 1549 book. |
is risen againe: the firste fruytes of them that slepe: for seyng that
by man came death: by man also commeth the resurreccion of the dead. For
as by Adam all men do dye, so by Christe all menne shalbe restored to
lyfe. Alleluya. |
Cor. 15:20-22] |
showing the above text from the 1552 version (with part of the Gospel
for Easter Even). |
The priest. Shewe forth to all nacions the glory of God.
The Answere. ¶ And among all people his wonderfull
us praye.
GOD, who for our redempcion dyddest geve thyne only begotten sonne to
the death of the Crosse: and by his glorious resurreccion haste delyvered
us from the power of our enemye: Graunte us so to dye daylye from synne,
that we maye evermore lyve with hym in the joy of hys resurreccion;
through the same Christe our Lorde. Amen.
Proper Psalmes and lessons.
first lesson, Exod. xii. to thende.
ii. lvii. cxi.
seconde lesson, Roma vi. to thende. |
here, through & including Psalm 16, appears only in the 1549 book: |
page from the 1549 Book, showing the original appearance of the text
above. |
At the fyrst Communion.
Conserva me, Domine. Psalm xvi.
God : for in thee have I put my trust.
O my soule, thou haste sayed unto the Lorde : Thou
art my God, my goodes are nothyng unto thee.
All my delight is upon the Sainctes that are in the
yearth and upon suche as excell in vertue.
But they that runne after another god : shall have
great trouble.
Their dryncke offerynges of bloud wyll not I offer
: neither make mencion of their names within my lippes.
The Lord himselfe is the porcion of mine inheritance,
and of my cuppe : thou shalt mayntayne my lotte.
The lotte is fallen unto me in a fayre grounde :
yea, I have a goodly heritage.
I will thanke the Lorde for geving me warnyng : my
reynes also chasten me in the nyght-season.
I have sette God alwayes before me : for he is on
my ryght hand, therfore I shall not fall.
Wherfore my harte was glad, and my glory reioysed
: my fleshe also shall rest in hope.
For why? thou shalt not leave my soule in helle :
neyther shalt thou suffre thy holy one to see corrupcion.
Thou shalt shewe me the pathe of life; in thy presence
is the fulnes of joye : and at thy right hand there is pleasure for
ever more.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to
the &c.
As it was in the begynnyng, is nowe and ever &c.
The Collect.
whiche through thy onely begotten sonne Jesus Christ hast overcome death,
and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life; we humbly beseche thee,
that, as by thy speciall grace, preventing [=predisposing]
us, thou doest put in our mindes good desires, so by thy continuall
help we may bring the same to good effect; through Jesus Christ our
Lorde who lyveth and reigneth, &c.
The Epistle. Coloss. iii.
IF ye be rysen
agayne with Christe, seke those thynges whych are above, where Christ
sytteth on the right hand of God. Set your affeccion on heavenly thynges,
and not on yearthy thynges. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with
Christ in God. Whensoever Christe (which is oure lyfe) shall shewe hymselfe,
then shall ye also appeare with hym in glory. Mortifie therfore your
earthy membres, fornicacion, unclennes, unnaturall lust, evyll concupiscence,
and covetousnes, whiche is worshyppyng of ydolles: for whiche thynges
sake, the wrath of God useth to come on the disobedient chyldren, among
whom ye walked sometime when ye lyved in them.
[Colossians 3:1-7]
The Gospell. John xx.
THE firste daye
of the Sabbothes [=week] came
Mary Magdalene earlye (when it was yet darcke) unto the Sepulchre, and
sawe the stone taken awaye from the grave. Then she ranne and came to
Symon Peter, and to the other discyple whom Jesus loved, and sayeth
unto them; they have taken awaye the Lorde out of the grave, and we
cannot tell where they have layed hym. Peter therfore wente foorth and
that other disciple and came unto the Sepulchre. They ranne both together,
and that other disciple dyd outrunne Peter, and came first to the sepulchre.
And when he had stowped doune, he sawe the lynnen clothes liyng, yet
went he not in. Then came Symon Peter folowyng hym, and went into the
sepulchre, and sawe the lynnen clothes lye, and the napkyn that was
aboute his head, not liyng with the lynnen clothes, but wrapped together
in a place by itselfe. Then went in also that other disciple whyche
came first to the sepulchre, and he sawe and beleved. For as yet they
knewe not the scripture, that he shoulde ryse agayne from death. Then
the disciples went awaye agayne unto their owne home. |
[John 20:1-10]
At the second Communion.
Domine, quid multiplicati? Ps. iii.
LORDE, howe are
they encreased that trouble me? many are they that ryse agaynst me.
Many one there be that saye of my soule : There is
no helpe for him in his God.
But thou, O Lorde, art my defender : thou art my
worshyp, and the lifter up of my head.
I dyd call upon the Lord with my vioce : and he heard
me out of his holy hyll.
I layde me doune and slept : and rose up agayne,
for the lorde sustayned me.
I wil not be afrayd for ten thousandes of the people
: that have set themselves agaynst me round aboute.
Up Lord and helpe me, O my God : for thou smyteste
all myne enemies upon the cheke bone, thou hast broken the teeth of
the ungodly.
Salvacion belongeth unto the lorde: and thy blessyng
is upon the people.
Glory be to the father and to the sonne : and to
the holy ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is nowe and ever shalbe
: worlde without ende. Amen.
The Collect.
ALMIGHTY father,
whiche hast geven thy only sonne to dye for our sinnes, and to rise
againe for oure justificacion; Graunte us so to putte awaye the leaven
of malyce and wickednesse, that we maye alwaye serve thee in purenesse
of living and trueth; through Jesus Christe oure Lorde.
for the second communion and for evensong appear only in the 1549 book.
The Epistle. 1 Cor. v.
KNOWE ye not that
a lytle leaven sowreth the whole lompe of dowe? [dough]
Pourge therfore the olde leaven, that ye maye be newe dowe, as ye are
swete bread. For Christe our passeover is offred up for us. Therfore
let us kepe holye daye, not with olde leaven, neither with the leaven
of maliciousnes and wickednes; but with the swete bread of purenes and
[1 Cor. 5:6b-8]
The Gospell. Mark xvi.
WHEN the Sabboth
was paste, Mary Magdalene, and Mary Jacoby
[=the mother of James] and Salome, bought swete odoures
[=spices], that they myghte come and annoynt him. And early in
the morning, the first daye of the Saboth, they came unto the Sepulchre
when the sonne was risen. And they saied omong themselves: who shall
rolle awaye the stone from the dore of the Sepulchre? And when they
looked, they sawe howe that the stone was rolled awaye, for it was a
very great one. And they wente into the Sepulchre, and sawe a younge
manne syttyng on the ryght syde, clothed in a long white garmente, and
they were afrayed. And he sayed unto them; Be not afrayed, ye seke Jesus
of Nazareth whiche was crucifyed. He is risen, he is not here: Beholde
the place where they had put hym. But goe your waye, and tell his disciples,
and Peter, that he goeth before you into Galile, there shall ye see
him, as he sayed unto you. And they went out quyckly and fledde from
the Sepulchre, for they trembled, and were amased, neyther sayed they
any thyng to any man, for they were afrayde.
At Evensong.
¶ Proper Psalms and Lessons.
Psalms cxiii. cxiv. cxviii.
The Second Lesson, Acts ii. unto the end. |
[Mark 16:1-8] |
¶ Monedaye in Easter weke.
[At Mattyns.
¶ The ii. Lesson, Matt. xxviii. unto thende.]*
At the Communion.
Deo subiecta? Psalm lxii.
soule truly wayteth styll upon God : for of him commeth my salvacion.
He verely is my strength and my salvacion : he is
my defence, so that I shall not greatly fall.
Howe long will ye imagine mischiefe againste every
man? ye shalbe slaine all the sorte of you, yea, as a totteryng wall
shall ye be, and lyke a broken hedge.
Their device is only howe to put him out whom God
will exalte their delyght is in lyes; they geve good woordes with their
mouth, but cursse with their harte.
Neverthelesse, my soule, waite thou still upon God
: for my hope is in hym.
He truly is my strength and my salvacion : he is
my defence, so that I shall not fall.
In God is my health and my glory : the rocke of my
myght, and in God is my trust.
O put your trust in hym alwaye, ye people : powre
out your hartes before hym, for God is our hope.
As for the chyldren of men, they are but vayne, the
children of men are deceiptfull : upon the weyghtes, they are altother
[altogether] lighter than vanitie
O trust not in wrong and robbery, geve not yourselves
unto vanitie : yf ryches encrease, sette not your harte upon them.
God spake once and twise : I have also heard the
same, that power belongeth unto God.
And that thou Lord art mercifull : for thou rewardest
every man accordyng to his worke.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to
the holy goste.
As it was in the begynning, is nowe and ever shalbe
: worlde without ende. Amen.
The Collect.
God, whiche through thy onelye begotten sonne Jesus Christe hast overcome
deathe, and opened unto us the gate of everlastyng lyfe; we humbly beseche
thee, that as by thy speciall grace, preventyng [=predisposing]
us, thou doest putte in our myndes good desyres, so by thy continuall
helpe we may bryng the same to good effecte, through Jesus Christ our
lorde, who lyveth and reigneth, etc.
* 1549
only. |
The Epistle. Acts x.
PETER opened his
mouth and sayed; of a trueth I perceyve that there is no respecte of
persons with God; but in all people, he that feareth him, and worketh
righteousnes, is accepted with him. Ye knowe the preaching that God
sente unto the children of Israell, preachyng peace by Jesus Christe,
whiche is lorde over all thinges; whiche preachyng was published throughout
all Jewry
[=Judea], (and began in Galilee after the baptisme whiche John
preached) howe God annoynted Jesus of Nazareth with the holy ghoste,
and with power. Whiche Jesus went about doyng good, and healyng all
that were oppressed of the devell; for God was with him. And we are
witnesses of al thinges which he did in the lande of the Jewes, and
at Jerusalem; whom they slewe and hanged on tree. Hym God reysed up
the third daie, and shewed hym openly, not to all the people, but unto
us witnesses (chosen before of God for the same intent,) whiche dyd
eate and drinke with him after he arose from death. And he commaunded
us to preache unto the people, and to testify, that it is he whiche
was ordeyned of God to be the judge of the quycke and deade. To hym
geve all the prophetes witnes, that through his name, whosoever beleveth
in hym, shall receyve remission of sinnes.
[Acts 10:34-43]
The Gospell. Luke xxiv.
BEHOLDE two of
the disciples wente that same daye to a towne called Emaus, whyche was
from Jerusalem about lx furlonges: and they talked together of all the
thynges that had happened. And it chauncede while they commoned [conversed]
together and reasoned; Jesus himselfe drue nere and went with them.
But their eyes were holden [held]
that they shoulde not knowe hym. And he sayd unto them; what maner of
communicacions are these that ye have one to another as ye walke and
are sad? And the one of them (whose name was Cleophas) aunswered, and
saied unto hym; art thou onely a straunger in Jerusalem, and haste not
knowen the thynges which have chaunced there in these dayes? he saide
unto them; what thynges? And they sayd unto hym, of Jesus of Nazareth,
whyche was a Prophete, mightie in dede and worde before God and all
the people: and how the hie priestes and oure rulers delivered him to
be condemned to death, and have crucified him. But we trusted that it
had been he whiche shoulde have redemed Israel. And as touching all
these thinges, to-daye is even the third daye that they were doen. Yea,
and certeyne women also of oure companye made us astonyed [astonished],
whiche came earely unto the Sepulchre, and founde not his body, and
came, saying, that they had sene a vision of Angels, whiche sayde that
he was alive. And certeyne of them whiche were with us, wente to the
Sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had sayed; but hym they
sawe not.
And he sayed unto them; O fooles and slowe of harte
to beleve al that the prophetes have spoken. Oughte not Christ to have
suffred these thynges, and to entre into his glory? And he began at
Moses and all the prophetes, and interpreted unto them in all Scriptures
which wer written of hym.
[And they drew nigh unto the town, which they went
unto. And he made as though he would have gone further. And they constrained
him, saying, Abide with us, for it draweth toward night, and the day
is far past. And he went in to tarry with them.]* And it came to passe
as he sate at meate with them, he tooke bread and blessed it, and brake
and gave to them. And their eyes were opened, and they knewe hym, and
he vanished out of their sight. And they sayed betwene themselves; did
not oure heartes burne within us, whyle he talked with us by the waye,
and opened to us the Scriptures? And they rose up the same houre and
returned to Jerusalem, and founde the eleven gathered together, and
them that were with them, saying; the Lorde is rysen indede, and hath
appered to Simon. And they tolde what thynges were dooen in the waye,
and howe they knewe him in breakyng of bread. |
[Luke 24:13-35]
Omitted in the 1549 book (vs. 28 & 29).
[At Evensong.
¶ The Second Lesson, Acts iii. unto the ende.]*
* 1549
only |
¶ Tuisdaye in Easter weke.
At Matins.
The ii Lesson, Luke xxiv. unto, "And behold ii of them."
At the Communion.
pueri. Psalm cxiii.
the Lord (ye servauntes) O prayse the name of the Lorde.
Blessed is the name of the Lord : from this tyme
furth for evermore.
The Lordes name is praysed : from the rysing up of
the sonne unto the goyng doune of the same.
The lorde is hie above all heathen : and his glorie
above the heavens.
Who is lyke unto the Lorde our God, that hathe his
dwelling so hye : and yet humbleth himselfe, to beholde the thynges
that are in heaven and earth?
He taketh up the symple oute of the duste : and lyfteth
the poore out of the mier;
That he may set hym with the princes : even wyth
the princes of hys people.
He maketh the baren woman to kepe house : and to
be a joyful mother of children.
Glory be to the father and to the sonne : and to
the holy ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shalbe
: worlde without ende. Amen.
The Collect.
father, whiche haste geven thy only sonne to dye for our synnes, and
to ryse agayne for oure justificacion; Graunt us so to put awaye the
leven of malyce and wyckednes, that we maye alwaye serve thee in purenes
of lyvynge and truth; through Jesus Christe oure Lorde.
[Luke 24:1-12]; 1549 only
The Epistle. Acts xiii.
YE men and brethren,
Children of the generacion of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth
God; to you is this word of salvacion sent. For the inhabiters of Jerusalem,
and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voyces of the
prophetes which are read every Sabboth day, thei have fulfilled them
in condemning him. And when they found no cause of death in him, yet
desired they Pilate to kyll him. And when they hadde fulfilled all that
were written of hym, they tooke hyni downe from the tree, and put hym
in a Sepulchre. But God raysed hym agayne from death the thirde daye,
and he was seen manye dayes of them whiche wente with hym from Galile
to Jerusalem; which are his witnesses unto the people. And we declare
unto you, howe that the promes [promise],
(whiche was made unto the fathers,) GOD hath fulfilled unto their children,
(even unto us,) in that he raised up Jesus agayne : Even as it is written
in the seconde Psalme : Thou arte my sonne, this daye have I begotten
thee. As concemyng that he raised him up from death, now no more to
return to corrupcion, he saied on this wyse; The holy promises made
to David will I geve faithfully to you. Wherefore he saieth also in
another place, Thou shalte not suffre thyne holy to see corrupcion.
For David (after that he had in hys tyme fulfilled the will of GOD)
fell on slepe, and was layed unto hys fathers, and sawe corrupcion.
But he whome God raised agayne, sawe no corrupcion. Bee it knowen unto
you therefore, (ye men and brethren,) that throughe thys man is preached
unto you the forgevenes of synnes, and that by hym all that beleve are
justified frome all thynges, frome whiche ye coulde not be justified
by the lawe of Moses. Beware therfore, lest that fall on you, which
is spoken of in the Prophetes; beholde, ye despisers, and wonder, and
perishe ye, for I doe a worke in your daies, whiche ye shall not beleve,
thoughe a man declare it you.
[Acts 13:20-41]
The Gospell. Luke xxiv.
JESUS stode in
the middes [midst] of his disciples,
and saied unto them; peace be unto you: It is I; feare not. But thei
were abashed and afraied, and supposed that they had seen a spirite
And he saied unto them, why are ye troubled, and why doo thoughtes arise
in your heartes? Beholde my handes and my fete, that it is even I myselfe.
Handle me, and see, for a spirite hath not flesh and bones, as ye see
me have. And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his handes and
his fete. And whyle they yet beleved not for joye, and wondered, he
saied unto them; Have ye here any meate? And they offered hym a pece
of a broyled fishe, and of an Honyecombe. And he tooke it, and did eate
before them. And he saied unto them; these are the wordes whiche I spake
unto you, while I was yet with you; That all muste nedes be fulfilled,
whiche were written of me in the Lawe of Moses, and in the Prophetes,
and in the Psalmes. Then opened he their wittes [=minds],
that thei mighte understande the scriptures, and saied unto them; Thus
it is written, and thus it behoved Christe to suffer, and to arise agayne
from death the thirde daye, and that repentaunce and remission of synnes
shoulde bee preached in his name emong all nacions, and muste begin
at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these thynges.
[At Evensong.
The seconde Lesson, 1 Cor. xv. unto the ende.]* |
[Luke 24:36-43]
* 1549
only |