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    The Book of Common Prayer - 1549




The woman shall come into the churche, and there shal knele downe in some conveniente place, nygh unto the quier doore: and the prieste standyng by her shall saye these woordes, or suche lyke, as the case shall require.

FORASMUCHE as it hath pleased almightie god of hys goodnes to geve you safe deliveraunce, and your childe baptisme, and hath preserved you in the greate daunger of childebirth: ye shal therefore geve hartie thankes unto god, and pray.

Then shall the prieste save this psalme.

Levavi oculos. Psalm cxxi.

I HAVE lifted up mine iyes unto the hilles, from whence cummeth my helpe?
    My help cummeth even from the lord, which hath made heaven and earth.
    He will not suffer thy foote to be moved, and he that kepeth thee wil not slepe.
    Beholde he that kepeth Israel, shal neither slumber nor slepe.
    The lorde himselfe is thy keper, the lorde is thy defence upon thy right hande.
    So that the sonne shall not burne thee by daye, neyther the moone by nyght.
    The lord shal preserve thee from al evil, yea it is even he that shal kepe thy soule.
    The lord shal preserve thy going out, and thy cumming in, from this tyme furth for evermore.

Glorye to the father, &c.
As it was in the beginning, &c.
Lord have mercie upon us.
Christ have mercie upon us.
Lord have mercie upon us.
¶ Our father whiche art in heaven, &c.
And leade us not into temptacion.

But deliver us from evil. Amen.
O lord save this woman thy servaunt.
Whiche putteth her trust in thee.
Bee thou to her a strong tower.
From the face of her enemie.
Priest. O Lorde heare our prayer.
And let our crye come to thee.
¶ Let us pray.

O ALMIGHTIE God, which hast delivered this woman thy servant from the great payne and peril of childbirth: Graunt, we beseche thee (most mercifull father), that she through thy helpe may both faithfully lyve, and walke in her vocacyon accordynge to thy will in thys lyfe presente; and also may be partaker of everlastyng glorye in the lyfe to come: through Jesus Christ our lorde. Amen.

The woman that is purifyed, must offer her Crysome and other accustomed offeringes. And if there be a communion, it is convenient that she receive the holy communion.


Note: in subsequent books, this service is entitled "The Thanksgiving of Women after Childbirth, or the Churching of Women"


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