Evensong through-
out the yeare.
prieste shall saye.
likewise he shall saye.
God, make spede to save me.
O Lorde,
make haste to helpe me.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne : and to the holy ghost. As
it was in the beginning, is now : and ever shall be, worlde without
ende. Amen. Prayse ye the lorde.
from Easter to Trinitie Sonday.
before is appointed at Matins.
Psalmes in ordre as they bee appointed in the Table for Psalmes, except
there be proper psalmes appointed for that daye. Then a lesson of the
olde testamente, as is appointed likewise in the kalender, except there
be proper Lessons appointed for that daye. After that, (Magnificat
anima mea dominum) in Englishe, as foloweth.
soule doth magnifie the lorde.
And my spirite hath rejoyced in God my savioure.
For he hathe regarded the lowelinesse of hys handemaiden.
For beholde, from henceforth all generacions shal cal
me blessed.
For he that is mightye hath magnified me, and holy
is his name.
And his mercie is on them that feare him throughoute
all generacions.
He hath shewed strength with his arme, he hath scatered
the proude in the imaginacion of their hartes.
He hath put down the mightie from their seate : and
hath exalted the humble and meeke.
He hathe filled the hungrye, with good thynges: and
the riche he hath sente awaye emptye.
He remembring his mercie. hath holpen his servaunt
Israel : as he promised to oure fathers, Abraham and his seede for ever.
Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the
holy gost.
As it was in the beginning, & is now, and ever
shall be worlde without ende. Amen.
Luc. i.
title is given in some printings as:
¶ The Song of Mary rejoicing and praising God.
Then a lesson of the newe testamente.
And after that (Nunc dimittis seruum tuum)
in Englishe as foloweth.
nowe lettest thou thy servaunte departe in peace : accordyng to thy
For myne iyes have sene thy salvacion.
Whiche thou haste prepared, before the face of all
thy* people;
To be a lyght for to lighten the Gentiles : and to
bee the glorye of thy people of Israel.
Glorye be to the father, &c.
As it was in the beginnyng, &c.
the suffrages before assigned at Matins, the clerkes kneelyng likewise,
with three Collectes. Fyrst of the daye: Seconde of peace: Thirde for
ayde agaynste all perilles, as here foloweth. Whiche ii. laste collectes
shall bee daylye saide at Evensong without alteracion.
seconde Collecte at Evensong.
God from whom all holy desyres, all good counsayles, and all
juste workes do procede: Geve unto thy servauntes that peace, which
the world cannot geve, that both our hartes maye be sette to obey thy
commaundementes, and also that by thee, we being defended from the feare
of oure enemies, may passe oure time in rest and quietnesse; throughe
the merites of Jesu Christe our saviour. Amen.
The thirde Collect for ayde agaynste all perils.
our darkenes we beseche thee, O lord, & by thy great mercy defende
us from all perilles and daungers of thys nyght, for the love of thy
onely sonne, our saviour Jesu Christ. Amen.
¶ In the feastes of Christmas, Thepiphanie, Easter,
Thascencion, Pentecost, and upon Trinitie Sonday, shalbe song
or sayd immediatly after Benedictus this confession of our christian
fayth. |
Nunc Dimittis.
Luc. ii.
Title given in some printings as:
The Song of Symeon the Just.
* thy omitted in several printings |
will be saved : before all thinges it is necessarye that he holde the
Catholyke fayth.
Whiche fayth except every one dooe kepe holy and
undefyled : without doubt he shal perishe everlastingly.
And the Catholike faith is this : that we wurship
one God in Trinitie, and Trinitie in unitie.
Neyther confounding the persones : nor devidyng the
For there is one persone of the father, another of
the sonne : and an other of the holy gost.
But the godhead of the father, of the sonne, and
of the holy Goste, is all one : the glorye equall, the majestie coeternall.
Such as the father is, suche is the sonne, and suche
is the holy gost.
The father uncreate, the sonne uncreate : and the
holy gost uncreate.
The father incomprehensible, the sonne incomprehensible
and the holy gost incomprehensible.
The father eternall, the sonne eternall : and the
holy gost eternall.
And yet they are not three eternalles : but one eternall.
As also there be not three incomprehensibles, nor
three uncreated : but one uncreated, and one incomprehensible.
So lykewyse, the father is almyghtie : the sonne
almightie, and the holy gost almightie.
And yet are they not three almyghtyes: but one almightie.
So the father is God, the sonne God: and the holye
gost God.
And yet are they not three Goddes: but one God.
So lykewise the father is Lord, the sonne Lord :
and the holy gost Lorde.
And yet not three Lordes: but one Lorde.
For like as we be compelled by the christian veritie
: to acknowlege every persone by hymselfe to be god & lord:
So are we forbidden by the Catholike religion : to
say there be three goddes, or three lordes.
The father is made of none : neyther created nor
The sonne is of the father alone : not made nor created,
but begotten.
The holy gost is of the father and of the sonne :
neyther made nor created, nor begotten, but proceding.
So there is one father, not three fathers; one sonne,
not three sonnes : one holy gost, not three holy gostes.
And in thys trinitie none is afore nor after other
: none greater nor lesse then other.
But the whole three persones : be coeternall together
and coequall.
So that in all thinges, as it is aforesayd : the
unitie in trinitie, and the trinitie in unitie is to be wurshipped.
He therefore that will bee saved : must thus thinke
of the trinitie.
Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvacion
: that he also beleve ryghtly in the incarnacion of oure Lorde Jesu
For the ryght fayth is that we beleve and confesse
: that our Lorde Jesus Christe the sonne of God, is God and man;
God of the substaunce of the father, begotten before
the worldes : and man of the substaunce of his mother, borne in the
Perfecte God, and perfecte man : of a resonable soule,
and humayne fleshe subsisting.
Equall to the father as touchyng his Godhead: and
inferior to the father touchyng his manhoode.
Who although he be God and man: yet he is not two,
but one Christe.
One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh
: but by takyng of the manhoode into God;
One altogether, not by confusion of substaunce: but
by unitie of person.
For as the reasonable soule and fleshe is one man:
So God and man is one Christe.
Who suffered for oure salvacion : descended into
hell, rose agayne the third daye from the dead.
He ascended into heaven, he sytteth on the right
hand of the father, God almighty: from whence he shall come to judge
the quicke and dead.
At whose commyng all men shall ryse agayne with theyr
bodyes: and shall geve accompt of theyr owne workes.
And they that have done good, shall goe into life
everlastyng : and they that have done evyll, into everlastyng fyre.
This is the Catholyke fayth : whiche excepte a man
beleve faythfully, he cannot be saved.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, &c.
As it was in the begynnyng, &c.
endeth the ordre of Matyns and Evensong, through the whole yere. |
vult, &c.