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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
SO many as intende to bee partakers of the holy Communion, shall sygnifie their names to the Curate, over night: or els in the morning, afore the beginning of Matins, or immediatly after. ¶ And if any of those be an open and notorious evill liver, so that the congregacion by hym is offended, or have doen any wrong to his neighbours by worde or dede: The Curate shall call hym, and advertise hym, in any wise not to presume to the lordes table, untill he have openly declared hymselfe to have truly repented, and amended his former naughtie life: that the congregacion maie thereby be satisfied, whiche afore were offended: and that he have recompensed the parties, whom he hath dooen wrong unto, or at the least bee in full Purpose so to doo, as sone as he conveniently maie. ¶ The same ordre shall the Curate use, with those betwixt whom he perceiveth malice, and hatred to reigne, not suffering them to bee partakers of the Lordes table, untill he knowe them to bee reconciled. And yf one of the parties so at variaunce, be content to forgeve from the botome of his harte all that the other hath trespaced against hym, and to make amendes for that he hymself hath offended: and the other partie will not bee perswaded to a godly unitie, but remaigne still in his frowardues and malice: The Minister in that case, ought to admit the penitent persone to the holy Communion, and not hym that is obstinate. ¶ Upon the date and at the tyme appoincted for the ministracion of the holy Communion, the Priest that shal execute the holy ministery, shall put upon hym the vesture appoincted for that ministracion, that is to saye: a white Albe plain, with a vestement or Cope. And where there be many Priestes, or Decons, there so many shalbe ready to helpe the Priest, in the ministracion, as shalbee requisite: And shall have upon them lykewise the vestures appointed for their ministery, that is to saye, Albes with tunacles. Then shall the Clerkes syng in Englishe for the office, or Introite, (as they call it,) a Psalme appointed for that daie. |
Above is the first page of the original 1549 service of Holy Communion. Clicking on the image will bring up a larger (87K), readable image of this page. | |
The Priest standing humbly afore the middes of the Altar, shall saie the Lordes praier, with this Collect. ALMIGHTIE God, unto whom all hartes bee open, and all desyres knowen, and from whom no secretes are hid: clense the thoughtes of our hartes, by the inspiracion of thy holy spirite: that we may perfectly love thee, and worthely magnifie thy holy name: through Christ our Lorde. Amen. Then shall he saie a Psalme appointed for the introite: whiche Psalme ended the Priest shall saye, or els the Clerkes shal syng, iii.
Lorde have mercie upon us. Then the Prieste standyng at Goddes borde shall begin,
Glory be to God on high. Then the priest shall turne him to the people and saye,
Then shall folowe the Collect of the daie, with one of these two Collectes folowynge, for the kyng. ALMIGHTIE God, whose kingdom is everlasting, and power infinite, have mercie upon the whole congregacion, and so rule the heart of thy chosen servaunt Edward the sixt, our kyng and governour: that he (knowyng whose minister he is) maie above al thinges, seke thy honour and glory, and that we his subjectes (duely consydering whose auctoritie he hath) maye faithfully serve, honour, and humbly obeye him, in thee, and for thee, according to thy blessed word and ordinaunce: Through Jesus Christe oure Lorde, who with thee, and the holy ghoste, liveth and reigneth, ever one God, worlde without ende. Amen. ALMIGHTIE and everlasting GOD, wee bee taught by thy holy worde, that the heartes of Kynges are in thy rule and governaunce, and that thou doest dispose, and turne them as it semeth best to thy godly wisedom: We humbly beseche thee, so to dispose and governe, the heart of Edward the sixt, thy servaunt, our Kyng and governour, that in all his thoughtes, wordes, and workes, he maye ever seke thy honour and glory, and study to preserve thy people, committed to his charge, in wealth, peace, and Godlynes: Graunt this, O mercifull father, for thy dere sonnes sake, Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. The Collectes ended, the priest, or he that is appointed, shall reade the Epistle, in a place assigned for the purpose, saying, The Epistle of sainct Paule, written in the
Chapiter The Minister then shall reade thepistle. Immediatly after the Epistle ended, the priest, or one appointed to reade the Gospel, shall saie, The holy Gospell, written in the Chapiter of The Clearkes and people shall aunswere, Glory be to thee, O Lorde. The priest or deacon then shall reade the Gospel: After the Gospell ended, the Priest shall begin, I BELEVE in one God. The clerkes shall syng the rest.
The father almightie, maker of heaven and yearth, and of all thinges
visible, and invisible: And in one Lorde Jesu Christ, the onely begotten
sonne of GOD, begotten of his father before all worldes, God of GOD,
light of light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, beeyng of
one substaunce with the father, by whom all thinges were made, who for
us men, and for our salvacion, came doune from heaven, and was incarnate
by the holy Ghoste, of the Virgin Mary, and was made manne, and was
Crucified also for us under Poncius Pilate, he suffered and was buried,
and the thirde daye he arose again according to the scriptures, and
ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hande of the father:
and he shall come again with glory, to judge both the quicke and the
¶ After the Crede ended, shall folowe the Sermon or Homely, or some
portion of one of the Homelyes, as thei shalbe herafter devided: wherein
if the people bee not exhorted to the worthy receivyng of the holy Sacrament
of the bodye and bloude of our savior Christ: then shal the Curate geve
this exhortacion, to those that be minded to receive ye same.
beloved in the Lord, ye that mynde to come to the holy Communion of
the bodye and bloude of our savior Christe, must considre what S. Paule
writeth to the Corinthians, how he exhorteth all persones diligently
to trie and examine themselves, before they presume to eate of that
breade, and drinke of that cup: for as the benefite is great, if with
a truly penitent heart, and lively faith, we receive that holy Sacrament;
(for then we spiritually eate the fleshe of Christ, and drinke his bloude,
then we dwell in Christ and Christ in us, wee bee made one with Christ,
and Christ with us;) so is the daunger great, yf wee receyve the same
unworthely; for then wee become gyltie of the body and bloud of Christ
our savior, we eate and drinke our owne damnacion, not considering the
Lordes bodye. We kyndle Gods wrathe over us, we provoke him to plague
us with diverse dyseases, and sondery kyndes of death. Therefore if
any here be a blasphemer, aduouterer, or bee in malyce, or envie, or
in any other grevous cryme (excepte he bee truly sory therefore, and
earnestly mynded to leave the same vices, and do trust him selfe to
be reconciled to almightie God, and in Charitie with all the worlde),
lette him bewayle his synnes, and not come to that holy table; lest
after the taking of that most blessed breade, the devyll enter into
him, as he dyd into Judas, to fyll him full of all iniquitie, and brynge
him to destruccion, bothe of body and soule. |
* study in some printings
¶ In Cathedral churches or other places, where there is dailie Communion it shall be sufficient to read this exhortacion above written, once in a moneth. And in parish churches, upon the weke daies it may be lefte unsayed. ¶ And if upon the Sunday or holydaye the people be negligent to come to the Communion: Then shall the Priest earnestly exhorte his parishoners, to dispose themselfes to the receiving of the holy communion more diligently, saiyng these or like wordes unto them. DERE
frendes, and you especially upon whose soules I have cure and charge,
on next, I do intende
by Gods grace, to offre to all suche as shalbe godlye disposed, the
moste comfortable Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ, to be taken
of them in the remembraunce of his moste fruitfull and glorious Passyon:
by the whiche passion we have obteigned remission of our synnes, and
be made partakers of the kyngdom of heaven, whereof wee bee assured
and asserteigned, yf wee come to the sayde Sacrament, with hartie repentaunce
for our offences, stedfast faithe in Goddes mercye, and earnest mynde
to obeye Goddes will, and to offende no more. Wherefore our duetie is,
to come to these holy misteries, with moste heartie thankes to bee geven
to almightie GOD, for his infinite mercie and benefites geven and bestowed
upon us his unworthye servauntes, for whom he hath not onely geven his
body to death, and shed his bloude, but also doothe vouchesave in a
Sacrament and Mistery, to geve us his sayed bodye and bloud to feede
upon spiritually. The whyche Sacrament beyng so Divine and holy a thyng,
and so comfortable to them whiche receyve it worthilye, and so daungerous
to them that wyll presume to take the same unworthely: My duetie is
to exhorte you in the meane season, to consider the greatnes of the
thing, and to serche and examine your owne consciences, and that not
lyghtly nor after the maner of dissimulers [dissemblers]
with GOD: But as they whiche shoulde come to a moste Godly and heavenly
Banket, not to come but in the mariage garment required of God in scripture,
that you may (so muche as lieth in you) be founde worthie to come to
suche a table. The waies and meanes thereto is, ¶ Then shall folowe for the Offertory, one or mo, of these Sentences of holy scripture, to bee song whiles the People doo offer, or els one of them to bee saied by the minister, immediatly afore the offeryng. LET
your light so shine before men, that they maye see your good woorkes, and glorify
your father whiche is in heaven. Math. v. |
* several
printings have treasure |
Whatsoever you would that menne should do unto you,
even so do you unto them: for this is the Lawe and the Prophetes. Math.
vii. Where there be Clerkes, thei shall syng one, or many of the sentences above written, accordyng to the length and shortenesse of the tyme, that the people be offeryng. In the meane time, whyles the Clerkes do syng the Offertory, so many as are disposed, shall offer unto the poore mennes boxe every one accordynge to his habilitie and charitable mynde. And at the offeryng daies appoynted, every manne and woman shall paie to the Curate, the due and accustomed offerynges. Then so manye as shalbe partakers of the holy Communion, shall tary still in the quire, or in some convenient place nigh the quire, the men on the one side, and the women on the other syde. All other (that mynde not to receive the said holy Communion) shall departe out of the quire, except the ministers and Clerkes. Than shall the minister take so muche Bread and Wine, as shalt suffice for the persons appoynted to receive the holy Communion, laiyng the breade upon the corporas, or els in the paten, or in some other comely thyng, prepared for that purpose. And puttyng ye wyne into the Chalice, or els in some faire or convenient cup, prepared for that use (if the Chalice will not serve), puttyng thereto a litle pure and cleane water: And settyng both the breade and wyne upon the Alter: then the Priest shall saye.
The Lorde be with you. ¶ Here shall folowe the proper preface accordyng to the tyme (if there bee any specially appoynted), or els immediatly shall folowe, Therefore with Angelles, &c. |
PROPRE PREFACES. ¶ Upon Christmas Daie. BECAUSE thou diddeste geve Jesus Christe, thyne onely sonne, to bee borne as this daye for us, who by the operacion of the holy ghoste, was made very man, of the substaunce of the Virgin Mari his mother, and that without spot of sinne to make us cleane from all synne. Therefore &c. ¶ Upon Easter daie. BUT chiefly are we bound to praise thee, for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Jesus Christe, our Lorde, for he is the very Pascall Lambe, whiche was offered for us, and hath taken awaie the synne of the worlde, who by his death hath destroyed death, and by his risyng to life againe, hath restored to us everlastynge life. Therefore &c. ¶ Upon the Assencion Day. THROUGH thy most dere beloved sonne, Jesus Christ our Lorde, who after his moste glorious resurreccion manifestly appered to all his disciples, and in their sight ascended up into heaven, to prepare a place for us, that where he is, thither mighte we also ascende, and reigne with hym in glory. Therfore &c. ¶ Upon Whitsondaye. THROUGH Jesus Christe our Lorde, accordyng to whose moste true promise, the holy Ghoste came doune this daye from heaven, with a sodain [sudden] great sound, as it had been a mightie wynde, in the likenes of fiery toungues, lightyng upon the Apostles, to teache them, and to leade them to all trueth, gevyng them bothe the gifte of diverse languages, and also boldnes with fervent zeale, constantly to preache the Gospell unto all nacions, whereby we are brought out of darkenes and error, into the cleare light and true knowlege of thee, and of thy sonne Jesus Christ. Therfore &c.
IT is very meete, righte, and oure bounden duetie, that we should at al tymes, and in al places, geve thankes to thee O Lorde, almightye everlasting God, whiche arte one God, one Lorde, not one onely person, but three persones in one substaunce: For that which we beleve of the glory of the father, the same we beleve of the sonne, and of the holy ghost, without any difference, or inequalitie: whom the Angels &c. After whiche preface shalt falowe immediatly,
Therfore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the holy companye
of heaven, we laude and magnify thy glorious name, evermore praisyng
thee, and saying, This the Clerkes shall also syng. ¶ When the Clerkes have dooen syngyng, then shall the Priest, or Deacon, turne hym to the people, and saye, Let us praie for the whole state of Christes churche. ¶
Then the Priest, turnyng hym to the Altar, shall saye or syng, playnly
and distinctly, this prayer folowyng: |
and everlivyng GOD, whiche by thy holy Apostle haste taught us to make
prayers and supplicacions, and to geve thankes for al menne: We humbly
beseche thee moste mercyfully to receive these our praiers, which we
offre unto thy divine Majestie, beseching thee to inspire continually
the universal churche with the spirite of trueth, unitie, and concorde:
And graunt that al they that do confesse thy holy name, maye agree in
the trueth of thy holye worde, and live in unitie and godly love. Speciallye
we beseche thee to save and defende thy servaunt Edwarde our Kyng, that
under hym we maye be Godly and quietly governed. And graunt unto his
whole counsaile, and to all that he put in auctoritie under hym, that
they maye truely and indifferently minister justice, to the punishemente
of wickednesse and vice, and to the maintenaunce of Goddes true religion
and vertue. Geve grace (O henvenly father) to all Bishoppes, Pastors,
and Curates, that thei maie bothe by their life and doctrine set furthe
thy true and lively worde, and rightely and duely administer thy holy
Sacramentes: and to al thy people geve thy heavenly grace, that with
meke heart and due reverence they may heare and receive thy holy worde,
truely servyng thee in holynes and righteousnes all the dayes of their
life: And we most humbly beseche thee of thy goodnes (O Lorde) to coumfort
and succour all them, whyche in thys transytory life be in trouble,
sorowe, nede, syckenes, or any other adversitie. And especially we commend
unto thy mercifull goodnes, this congregacion which is here assembled
in thy name, to celebrate the commemoracion of the most glorious death
of thy sonne: And here we do geve unto thee moste high praise, and heartie
thankes, for the wonderfull grace and vertue, declared in all thy sainctes,
from the begynning of the worlde: And chiefly in the glorious and moste
blessed virgin Mary, mother of thy sonne Jesu Christe our Lorde and
God, and in the holy Patriarches, Prophetes, Apostles and Martyrs, whose
examples (O Lorde) and stedfastnes in thy fayth, and kepyng thy holy
commaundementes, graunt us to folowe. We commend unto thy mercye (O
Lorde) all other thy servauntes, which are departed hence from us, with
the signe of faith, and nowe do reste in the slepe of peace: Graunt
unto them, we beseche thee, thy mercy, and everlasting peace, and that,
at the day of the generall resurreccion, we and all they which bee of
the misticall body of thy sonne, may altogether be set on his right
hand, and heare that his most ioyfull voyce: Come unto me, O ye that
be blessed of my father, and possesse the kingdom, whiche is prepared
for you from the begynning of the worlde: Graunt this, O father, for
Jesus Christes sake, our onely mediatour and advocate. |
Here the priest must take the bread into his handes. Here the priest shall take the Cuppe into his handes.
These two images how the main portion of the Prayer of Consecration, as it appeared in the original 1549 Book. Clicking on an image will give a larger (100K+) readable version. | |
These wordes before rehersed are to be saied, turning still to the Altar, without any elevacion, or shewing the Sacrament to the people. WHERFORE, O Lorde and heavenly father, accordyng to the Instytucyon of thy derely beloved sonne, our saviour Jesu Christ, we thy humble servauntes do celebrate, and make here before thy divine Majestie, with these thy holy giftes, the memoryall whyche thy sonne hath wylled us to make, havyng in remembraunce his blessed passion, mightie resurreccyon, and gloryous ascencion, renderyng unto thee most hartie thankes, for the innumerable benefites procured unto us by the same, entierely desiryng thy fatherly goodnes, mercifully to accepte this our Sacrifice of praise and thankesgeving: most humbly beseching thee to graunt, that by the merites and death of thy sonne Jesus Christ, and through faith in his bloud, we and al thy whole church, may obteigne remission of our sinnes, and all other benefites of hys passyon. And here wee offre and present unto thee (O Lorde) oure selfe, oure soules, and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto thee: humbly besechyng thee, that whosoever shalbee partakers of thys holy Communion, maye worthely receive the most precious body and bloude of thy sonne Jesus Christe: and bee fulfilled with thy grace and heavenly benediccion, and made one bodye with thy sonne Jesu Christe, that he maye dwell in them, and they in hym. And although we be unworthy (through our manyfolde synnes) to offre unto thee any Sacryfice: Yet we beseche thee to accepte thys our bounden duetie and service, and commaunde these our prayers and supplicacions, by the Ministery of thy holy Angels, to be brought up into thy holy Tabernacle before the syght of thy dyvine majestie; not waiyng our merites, but pardonyng our offences, through Christe our Lorde, by whome, and with whome, in the unitie of the holy Ghost: all honour and glory, be unto thee, O father almightie, world without ende. Amen. Let us praye. As
our saviour Christe hath commaunded and taught us, we are bolde to saye.
Our father, whyche art in heaven, halowed be thy name. Thy Kyngdome
come. Thy wyll be doen in yearth, as it is in heaven. Geve us this daye
our dayly breade. And forgeve us our trespaces, as wee forgeve them
that trespasse agaynst us. And leade us not into temptacion. Then shall the priest saye.
The peace of the Lorde be alwaye with you. Here the priest shall turne hym toward those that come to the holy Comniunion, and shall saye. YOU that do truly and earnestly repent you of your synnes to almightie God, and be in love and charitie with your neighbors, and entende to lede a newe life, folowyng the commaundementes of God, and walkyng from hencefurth in his holy wayes: drawe nere and take this holy Sacrament to your comforte, make your humble confession to almightie God, and to his holy church here gathered together in hys name, mekely knelyng upon your knees. Then shall thys generall Confession bee made, in the name of al those that are minded to receive the holy Communion, either by one of them, or els by one of the ministers, or by the prieste himselfe, all kneeling humbly upon their knees. ALMYGHTIE GOD father of oure Lord Jesus Christ, maker of all thynges, judge of all men, we knowlege and bewaile our manyfold synnes and wyckednes, which we from tyme to tyme, most grevously have committed, by thought, word and dede, agaynst thy divine maiestie, provokyng moste justely thy wrath and indignacion against us, we do earnestly repent and be hartely sory for these our misdoinges, the remembraunce of them is grevous unto us, the burthen of them is intollerable: have mercye upon us, have mercie upon us, moste mercyfull father, for thy sone our Lorde Jesus Christes sake, forgeve us all that is past, and grant that we may ever hereafter, serve and please thee in neunes of life, to the honor and glory of thy name: Through Jesus Christe our Lorde. Then shall the Prieste stande up, and turnyng himselfe to the people, say thus, ALMIGHTIE
GOD, our heavenly father, who of his great mercie hath promysed
forgevenesse of synnes to all them, whiche with hartye repentaunce
and true fayth, turne unto him: have mercy upon you, pardon and delyver
you from all youre sinnes, confirme and strengthen* you in all goodnes,
and bring you to everlasting lyfe: through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amen. |
* strength in some prinings
Then shall the Priest also say,
Heare what coumfortable woordes our saviour Christ sayeth, to all
that truely turne to him. Then shall the Priest turnyng him to gods boord, knele down, and say in the name of all them, that shall receyve the Communion, this prayer folowing. WE do not presume to come to this thy table (o mercifull lord) trusting in our owne righteousnes, but in thy manifold and great mercies: we be not woorthie so much as to gather up the cromes under thy table: but thou art the same lorde whose propertie is alwayes to have mercie: Graunt us therefore (gracious lorde) so to eate the fleshe of thy dere sonne Jesus Christ, and to drynke his bloud in these holy Misteries, that we may continuallye dwell in hym, and he in us, that our synfull bodyes may bee made cleane by his body, and our soules washed through hys most precious bloud. Amen. ¶ Then shall the Prieste firste receive the Communion in both kindes himselfe, and next deliver it to other Ministers, if any be there present, (that they may bee ready to helpe the chiefe Minister,) and after to the people. ¶ And when he delivereth the Sacramente of the body of Christe, he shall say to every one these woordes. The body of our Lorde Jesus Christe whiche was geven for thee, preserve thy bodye and soule unto everlasting lyfe. And the Minister delivering the Sacrament of the bloud, and geving every one to drinke once and no more, shall say, The bloud of our Lorde Jesus Christe which was shed for thee, preserve thy bodye and soule unto everlastyng lyfe. If there be a Deacon or other Priest, then shal he folow with the Chalice: and as the Priest ministereth the Sacrament of the body, so shal he (for more expedition) minister the Sacrament of the bloud, in fourme before written. In the Communion tyme the Clarkes shall syng,
ii. O lambe of god, that takeste away the sinnes of the worlde : have
mercie upon us. Beginning so soone as the Prieste doeth receyve the holy Communion, and when the Communion is ended, then shall the Clarkes syng the post Communion. ¶ Sentences of holy Scripture, to be sayd or song every daye one, after the holy Communion, called the post Communion. IF
any man will folowe me, let him forsake hymselfe, and take up his crosse
and folowe me. Math. xvi. Then the Priest shall geve thankes to God, in the name af all them that have communicated, turning him first to the people, and saying. The
Lorde be with you. |
ALMIGHTYE and everlyvyng* GOD, we moste hartely thanke thee, for that thou hast vouchsafed to feede us in these holy Misteries, with the spirituall foode of the moste precious body and bloud of thy sonne, our saviour Jesus Christ, and haste assured us (duely receiving the same) of thy favour and goodnes toward us, and that we be very membres incorporate in thy Misticall bodye, whiche is the blessed companye of all faythfull people, and heyres through hope of thy everlasting kingdome, by the merites of the most precious death and passion, of thy deare sonne. We therfore most humbly beseche thee, O heavenly father, so to assist us with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy felowship, and doe all suche good woorkes, as thou hast prepared for us to walke in: through Jesus Christe our Lorde, to whome with thee and the holy gost, bee all honour and glory, world without ende. Then the Priest turning hym to the people, shall let them depart with this blessing: The peace of GOD (which passeth all understanding) kepe your hartes and mindes in the knowledge and love of GOD, and of his sonne Jesus Christ our Lorde: And the blessing of God almightie, the father, the sonne, and the holy gost, be emonges you and remayne with you alway. Then the people shall aunswere. Amen.
Where there are no clerkes, there the Priest shall
say al thinges appoynted here for them to sing. DEARELY beloved, &c. ¶ Collectes to bee sayed after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every such day one. ASSIST
us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplicacions and praiers, and dispose
the way of thy servauntes, toward the attainement of everlasting salvacion,
that emong all the chaunges and chaunces of thys mortall lyfe, they
maye ever bee defended by thy moste gracious and readye helpe; throughe
Christe our Lorde. Amen. ¶ For rayne. O GOD heavenly father, whiche by thy sonne Jesu Christ, hast promised to al them that seke thy kingdom, and the righteousnes therof, al thinges necessary to the bodely sustenaunce: send us (we beseche thee) in this our necessitie, such moderate rayne and showers, that we may receive the fruites of the earth, to our comfort and to thy honor; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. For fayre wether. O LORDE God, whiche for the sinne of manne didst once drowne all the worlde, except eight persons, and afterwarde of thy great mercye, didste promise never to destroy it so agayn: We humbly beseche thee, that although we for oure iniquities have woorthelye deserved this plague of rayne and waters, yet, upon our true repentaunce, thou wilt sende us suche wether wherby we may receive the fruites of the earth in due season, and learne both by the punishment to amende our lives, and by the graunting of our peticion to geve thee prayse and glory: Through Jesu Christ our Lorde. |
* everlasting in some printings |
Upon wednesdaies and frydaies the English Letany shalbe said or song
in all places, after suche forme as is appoynted by the kynges majesties
Injunccions: Or as is or shal bee otherwyse appoynted by his highnes.
And thoughe there be none to communicate with the Prieste, yet these
dayes (after the Litany ended) the Priest shall put upon him a playn
Albe or surplesse, with a cope, and say al thinges at the Altar (appoynted
to be sayed at the celebracyon of the lordes supper), untill after the
offertory. And then shall adde one or two of the Collectes aforewritten,
as occasion shall serve by his discrecion. And then turning him to the
people shall let them depart with the accustomed blessing. And the same
order shall be used all other dayes whensoever the people be customably
assembled to pray in the churche, and none disposed to communicate with
the Priest. For advoyding of all matters and occasyon of dyscencyon, it is mete that the breade prepared for the Communion, bee made, through all thys realme, after one sort and fashion: that is to say, unleavened, and rounde, as it was afore, but without all maner of printe, and somethyng more larger and thicker than it was, so that it may be aptly devided in divers pieces: and enery one shall be devided in two pieces, at the leaste, or more, by the discrecion of the minister, and so distributed. And menne muste not thynke lesse to be receyved in parte then in the whole, but in eache of them the whole body of our saviour Jesu Christ. And forsomuche as the Pastours and Curates within thys realme shal continually fynd at theyr costes and charges in theyr cures, sufficient Breade and Wyne for the holy Communion (as oft as theyr Parishioners shalbe disposed for theyr spiritual comfort to receyve the same) it is therefore ordred, that in recompence of suche costes and charges, the Parishioners of every Parishe shall offer every Sonday, at the tyme of the Offertory, the juste valour and price of the holy lofe (with all suche money, and other thinges as were wont to be offered with the same) to the use of theyr Pastours and Curates, and that in suche ordre and course, as they were woont to fynde and pay the sayd holy lofe. Also, that the receiving of the Sacrament of the blessed body and bloud of Christ, may be most agreable to the institucion thereof, and to the usage of the primitive Churche: In all Cathederall and Collegiate Churches, there shal alwaies some Communicate with the Prieste that ministreth. And that the same may bee also observed every where abrode in the countrey: Some one at the least of that house in every Parishe to whome by course after the ordinaunce herein made, it apperteyneth to offer for the charges of the Communion, or some other whom they shall provide to offer for them, shall receive the holy Communion with the Prieste: the whiche may be the better doen, for that they knowe before, when theyr course commeth, and maie therfore dispose themselves to the worthie receivyng of the Sacramente. And with hym or them who doeth so offre the charges of the Communion; all other, who be then Godly disposed thereunto, shall lykewyse receive the Communion. And by this meanes the Minister havyng alwaies some to communicate with him, maie accordingly solempnise so high and holy misteries, with all the suffrages and due ordre appoynted for the same. And the Priest on the weke daie shall forbeare to celebrate the Communion, excepte he have some that will communicate with hym. Furthermore, every man and woman to be bound to heare and be at the divine service, in the Parishe churche where they be resident, and there with devout prayer, or Godlye silence and meditacion, to occupie themselves. There to paie their dueties, to communicate once in the yeare at the least, and there to receyve, and take all other Sacramentes and rites, in this booke appoynted. And whosoever willyngly upon no just cause, doeth absent themselves, or doeth ungodly in the Parishe churche occupie themselves: upon proffe [proof] therof, by the Ecelesiasticall lawes of the Realme to bee excommunicate, or suffre other punishement, as shall to the Ecclesiastical judge (accordyng to his discrecion) seme convenient. And although it bee redde in aunciente writers, that the people many yeares past received at the priestes handes the Sacrament of the body of Christ in theyr owne handes, and no commaundement of Christ to the contrary: Yet forasmuche as they many tymes conveyghed the same secretelye awaye, kept it with them, and diversly abused it to supersticion and wickednes: lest any suche thynge hereafter should be attempted, and that an uniformitie might be used, throughoute the whole Realme: it is thought convenient the people commonly receive the Sacrament of Christes body, in their mouthes, at the Priestes hande. |
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