The Book of Common Prayer | |||||||
priest metyng the Corps at the Churche style, shalt say: Or els the
priestes and clerkes shalt sing, and so goe either into the Churche,
or towardes the grave. |
AM the resurreccion and the life (sayth the Lord): he that beleveth
in me, yea though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lyveth
and beleveth in me: shall not dye for ever. |
John xi. |
I KNOWE that my redemer lyveth,
and that I shall ryse out of the yearth in the last daye, and shalbe
covered again with my skinne and shall see God in my flesh: yea and
I myselfe shall beholde hym, not with other but with these same iyes.
Job xix. |
WE brought nothyng into this worlde, neyther may we carye any thyng out of this worlde. The Lord geveth, and the Lord taketh awaie. Even as it pleaseth the Lorde, so cummeth thynges to passe: blessed be the name of the Lorde.
When they come at the grave, whyles the Corps is made readie to be layed
into the earth, the priest shall sa ye, or els the priest and clerkes
shall syng. |
1 Tim. vi. Job i. |
that is borne of a woman, hath but a shorte tyme to lyve, and is full
of miserye : he cummeth up and is cut downe lyke a floure; he flyeth
as it were a shadowe, and never continueth in one staye. Then the priest castyng earth upon the Corps, shall saye. I COMMENDE thy soule to God the father almighty, and thy body to the grounde, earth to earth, asshes to asshes, dust to dust, in sure and certayne hope of resurreccion to eternall lyfe, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall chaunge our vile body, that it may be lyke to his glorious body, accordyng to the myghtie workyng wherby he is hable to subdue all thynges to himselfe.
Then shalbe sayed or song. |
Job ix. |
I HEARDE a voyce from heaven saying, unto me: Wryte, blessed are the dead whiche dye in the Lorde. Even so sayeth the spirite, that they rest from theyr labours. Let us praye. WE commende into thy handes of mercy (moste mercifull father) the soule of this our brother departed, N. And his body we commit to the earth, besechyng thyne infinite goodnesse, to geve us grace to lyve in thy feare and love, and to dye in thy favoure: that when the judgmente shall come which thou haste commytted to thy welbeloved sonne, both this our brother, and we, may be found acceptable in thy sight, and receive that blessing, whiche thy welbeloved sonne shall then pronounce to all that love and feare thee, saying: Come ye blessed children of my Father: Receyve the kingdome prepared for you before the beginning of the worlde. Graunt this, mercifull father, for the honour of Jesu Christe our onely savior, mediator, and advocate. Amen. This praier shalt also be added. ALMIGHTIE
God, we geve thee hertie thankes for this thy servaunte, whom thou haste
delyvered from the miseries of this wretched world, from the body of
death and all temptacion. And, as we trust, hast brought his soule whiche
he committed into thy holye handes, into sure consolacion and reste:
Graunte, we beseche thee, that at the daye of judgement his soule and
all the soules of thy electe, departed out of this lyfe, may with us
and we with them, fully receive thy promisses, and be made perfite altogether
thorow [through]
the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Jesus Christ our Lorde. |
Apoca. [=Revelation] xiiii. |
These psalmes with other sufirages folowyng are to be sayed in the churche either before or after the buriall of the corps Dilexi, quoniam. Psalm cxvi. I
AM well pleased that the lorde hath hearde the voyce of my prayer. Lauda, anima, mea. Psal. cxlvi. PRAYSE the lorde, (o my soule), while I live wil I prayse the lorde : yea, as long as I have any being, I wil sing prayses unto my god. Note that this psalme is to be sayed after the others that foloweth.
O put not your trust in princes, nor in any childe of man, for there
is no helpe in them. |
Domine, probasti. Psalm cxxxix. O
LORD, thou hast searched me out, and knowe me. Thou knowest my down-sitting,
and mine up-rising : thou understandest my thoughtes long before. |
In some printings, this Psalm is placed after the next one, with a note: Note that this Psalm is to be said after the other that followeth. |
Then shall folowe this lesson, taken out of the XV. Chapter to the Corinthians, the firste Epistle. CHRISTE
is risen from the dead, and become the firstfruictes of them that slepte.
For by a man came death, and by a man came the resurreccion of the deade.
For as by Adam all dye: even so by Christ shal al be made alive, but
every manne in his owne ordre. The firste is Christe, then they that
are Christes, at hys comming. Then commeth the ende, when he hath delivered
up the kyngdome to God the father, when he hath put downe al rule and
al authoritie and power. For he must reygne til he have putte al his
enemies under his feete. The laste enemie that shal bee destroyed, is
death. For he hath putte all thinges under his feete. But when he sayeth
al thinges are put under him, it is manifeste that he is excepted, whiche
dyd putte all thinges under him. When all thynges are subdued unto hym,
then shall the soonne also hymselfe bee subjecte unto hym that put all
thynges under him, that god mai be all in all. Elles what doe they,
whiche are baptized over the dead, if the dead ryse not at all? Why
are they then baptized over them? yea, and why stand we alway then in
jeoperdie? By our rejoysing whiche I have in Christ Jesu oure lorde,
I dye dayly. That I have fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner
of men, what avavntageth it me, if the dead ryse not agayn? Let us eate
and drynke, for to-morowe we shall dye. Be not ye deceived: eivill wordes
corrupt good maners. Awake truly out of slepe, and sinne not. For some
have not the knowledge of God. I speake this to your shame. But some
man. will say: how aryse the dead? with what bodye shall they come?
Thou foole, that whiche thou sowest, is not quickened, except it dye.
And what sowest thou? Thou sowest not that body that shall be; but bare
corne as of wheate, or of some other: but god geveth it a bodie at hys
pleasure, to every seede his owne body. All fleshe is not one maner
of fleshe: but there is one maner of fleshe of men, another maner of
fleshe of beastes, another of fishes, another of birdes. There are also
celestiall bodies, arid there are bodies terrestriall. But the glorye
of the celestiall is one, and the glorye of the terrestrial is another.
There is one maner glory of the sonne, and another glorye of the moone,
and another glorye of the sterres. For one sterre differeth from another
in glorie. So is the resurreccyon of the dead. It is sowen in corrupcion,
it ryseth again in incorrupcion. It is sowen in dishonour, it rysethe
agayne in honour. It is sowen in weakenesse, it ryseth agayn in power.
It is sowen a naturiall bodie, it ryseth agayn a spirituall bodie. There
is a naturall bodie, and there is a spirituall bodye: as it is also
written: The firste manne Adam was made a living soule, and the last
Adam was made a quickning spirite. Howebeit, that is not firste which
is spiritual: but that which is naturall, and then that whiche is spirituall.
The firste man is of the earthe, yearthy: The seconde manne is the Lorde
from heaven (heavenly). As is the earthy, such are they that are yearthy.
And as is the heavenly, such are they that are heavenly. And as we have
borne the image of the yearthy, so shal we beare the image of the heavenly.
This say I brethren, that fleshe and bloud cannot enherite the kyngdome
of God: Neyther doeth corrupcion enherite uncorrupcion. Behold, I shewe
you a mistery. We shall not all slepe: but we shal al be chaunged, and
that in a momente, in the twynkeling of an iye by the last trumpe. For
the trumpe shall blowe, and the dead shall ryse incorruptible, and we
shall be chaunged. For this corruptible must put on incorrupcion: and
this mortall must put on immortalitie. When this corruptible hath put
on incorruption, and this mortall hath put on immortalitie: then shall
bee brought to passe the saying that is written: Death is swalowed up
in victorye: Death where is thy styng? Hell where is thy victorye? The
styng of deathe is sinne: and the strength of sinne is the lawe. But
thankes be unto god, whiche hath geven us victory, through our Lorde
Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dere brethren, be ye stedfast and unmovable,
alwaies ryche in the woorke of the lorde, forasmuch as ye know that
your labour is not in vayne, in the lorde. |
The lesson ended then shall the Priest say.
Lorde, have mercie upon us. Let us pray. O LORDE, with whome dooe lyve the spirites of them that be dead: and in whome the soules of them that bee elected, after they be delivered from the burden of the fleshe, be in joy and felicitie: Graunte unto us thy servaunte, that the sinnes whiche he committed in this world be not imputed unto him, but that he, escaping the gates of hell and paynes of eternall derkenesse: may ever dwel in the region of highte, with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the place where is no wepyng, sorowe, nor heavinesse: and when that dredeful day of the generall resurreccion shall come, make him to ryse also with the just and righteous, and receive this bodie agayn to glory, then made pure and incorruptible, set him on the right hand of thy sonne Jesus Christ, emong thy holy and elect, that then he may heare with them these most swete and coumfortable wordes: Come to me ye blessed of my father, possesse the kingdome whiche hath bene prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde: Graunte thys we beseche thee, o mercifull father: through Jesus Christe our mediatour and redemer. Amen. |
THE CELEBRACION of the holy communion when there is a burial of the dead. Quemadmodum. Psalm xlii. LIKE
as the hart [deer]
desireth the water-brookes, so longeth my soule after thee, o God. Collette. O MERCIFULL god the father of oure lorde Jesu Christ, who is the resurreccion and the life: In whom whosoever beleveth shall live thoughe he dye: And whosoever liveth, and beleveth in hym, shal not dye eternallye: who also hath taughte us (by his holye Apostle Paule) not to bee sory as men without hope for them that slepe in him: We mekely beseche thee (o father) to raise us from the death of sin, unto the life of righteousnes, that when we shall departe this hyfe, we maye slepe in him (as our hope is this our brother doeth), and at the general resurreccion in the laste daie, bothe we and this oure brother departed, receivyng agayne oure bodies, and rising againe in thy moste gracious favoure: maye with all thine elect Saynctes, obteine eternall joye. Graunte this, o Lorde god, by the meanes of our advocate Jesus Christ: which with thee and the holy ghoste, liveth and reigneth one God for ever. Amen. The Epistle. 1 Thess. iv. I WOULDE not brethren that ye shoulde bee ignoraunt concernyng them which are fallen aslepe, that ye sorowe not as other doe, whiche have no hope. For if we beleve that Jesus dyed, and rose againe: even so them also whiche slepe by Jesus, will God bring again with him. For thys saye we unto you in the word of the Lorde: that we whiche shall lyve, and shal remain in the comyng of the Lord, shal not come ere they which slepe. For the Lorde himselfe shal descende from heaven with a shoute, and the voice of the Archangell, and troump of God. And the deade in Christe shal arise first: then we whiche shall lyve (even wee whiche shal remayne) shal bee caughte up wyth them also in the cloudes, to meete the Lorde in the ayre. And so shall wee ever be with the Lorde. Wherefore coumforte youreselves one another wyth these woordes. ¶ The gospell. John vi. Jesus saied to his disciples and to the Jewes: Al that the father geveth me, shall come to me: and he that commeth to me, I cast not away. For I came down from heaven: not to do that I wil, but that he wil, which hath sent me. And this is the fathers wyll whiche hath sente me, that of all whiche he hath geven me, I shal lose nothing: but raise them up again at the last day. And this is the wil of him that sent me: that every one which seeth the sonne and beleveth on him, have everlasting life: And I wil raise him up at the laste daye. |
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