The Book of Common Prayer
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    The Ordinal
from the 1549, 1552 and 1559 Books of Common Prayer

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The Psalme for the Introyte at the Communion, as at the orderyng of Priestes.

The Epistle. 1 Tim. iii.

1552, 59:

At the Communion

The Epistle.


THIS is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a Bisshoppe, he desireth an honest woorke. A Bishoppe therefore muste bee blamelesse, the husbande of one wyfe, dilygent, sober, discrete, a keper of hospitalitie, apte to teache, not geven to overmuche wyne, no fyghter, not gredy of filthy lucre, but gentle, abhorring fightynge, abhorrynge covetousnesse, one that ruleth wel his own house, one that hath children in subjeccion with al reverence. For if a man cannot rule his own house, howe shal he care for the congregacion of God? He may not be a yong scholer, lest he swel and fal into the judgemente of the evil speaker. He must also have a good report of them whiche are without, leste he fall into rebuke and snare of the evil speaker.
1 Timothy 3:1-7

The Gospell. John xxi.

JESUS saied to Symon Peter, Symon Johanna [i. e., Simon, son of John], loveste thou me more than these? He said unto him, yea, lorde, thou knowest that I love thee: he said unto him, fede my lambes. He said to him againe the seconde time: Simon Johanna, lovest thou me? He saied unto him, yea lorde, thou knowest that I love thee: he saied unto him, feede my shepe. He said unto him the thirde time; Simon Johanna, lovest thou me? Peter was sory, because he said unto hym the third time, lovest thou me, and he said unto him: lord thou knowest al thinges, thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus said unto hym, fede my shepe.

Or els out of the tenth Chapiter of John, as before in thorder of Priestes.

After the gospel and Credo ended, firste the elected Bisshoppe [havyng upon hym a Surples and Cope]* shall bee presented by two Bisshoppes [(beeyng also in surplesses and copes, and having theyr pastorall staves in their handes)]* unto the Archebisshoppe of that Province, or to some other Bysshoppe appoynted by his commission: The Bisshoppes that present hym saying.



[John 21:15b-17]


These two rubrics combined into one in 1559.

* 1550 only.

MOST reverend father in god, we presente unto you this godly and wel learned man to be consecrated Bisshoppe.

1550: 1552:, 59

And then the Kynges mandate to the Archebisshoppe for the consecracion shalbe read. And the othe touching the knowledging of the kinges supremacie, shalbe ministred to the person elected, as it is set oute in the Order of Deacons. And then shalbe ministred also, the othe of due obedience unto the Archebisshoppe, as foloweth.


dience to the Archebisshoppe.

IN the name of GOD, Amen. I, N. chosen Bisshoppe of the Churche and sie of N. doe professe and promesse, al due reverence and obedience to the Archebisshoppe, and to the Metropoliticall churche of N. and to their successours: so helpe me God, and his holy gospell.

Then shal the Archebisshoppe demand the Kynges mandate [Quenes Mandate] for the consecracion and cause it to be read. And the othe touching the knowledge of the kinges supremacie, [knowedging of the Quenes Souveraintie] shalbe ministred to the person elected, as it is set oute in the Order of Deacons. And then shalbe ministred also the othe of due obedience unto the Archebishoppe, as foloweth.

to the Archebisshoppe.

IN the name of GOD, Amen. I, N. chosen Bisshoppe of the Churche and sie of N. doe professe and promesse, al due reverence and obedience to the Archebisshoppe, and to the Metropoliticall churche of N. and to their successours: so helpe me God throughe Jesus Chryste.

This othe shal not be made at the consecracion of an Archebishoppe.

Then the Archebisshoppe shal move the congregacion present to praye; saying thus to them.

BRETHREN, it is written in the gospel of saincte Luke, that our savioure Christe continued the whole night in praier, or ever that he did chose and sende furth his xii. Apostles. It is written also in the Actes of the Apostles, that the disciples whiche were at Antioche did fast and pray, or ever they layed handes upon, or sent furth Paul and Barnabas. Let us therefore. folowyng the example of oure savioure Christ and his Apostles, first fal to prayer, or that we admit and send furth thys person presented unto us, to the worke wherunto we truste the holy goste hath called hym.

And then shalbe saied the Letany, as afore in the order of Deacons, And after this place: That it may please the to illuminate at Bisshoppes. &c. he shal saye.

THAT it maye please thee to blesse this our brother elected, and to sende thy grace upon him, they he may duely execute the office wherunto he is called, to the edifying of thy Churche, and to the honour, prayse and glory of thy name.
    Aunswere. We beseche thee to heare us good Lorde.

Concluding the Letanye in thende, with this prayer.

ALMIGHTIE God, gever of all good thynges, which by thy holy spirite hast appointed diverse orders of ministers in thy Church: mercifully beholde this thy servaunt, now called to the worke and ministerie of a Bisshoppe, and replenishe him so with the trueth of thy doctryne, and innocencie of life, that both by worde and dede, he may faithfully serve thee in this office, to the glorye of thy name, and profite of thy congregacyon: Through the merites of our savioure Jesu Christe, who lyveth and reigneth with thee and the holy gost, worlde without ende. Amen.

Then the Archebisshoppe sittyng in a chaire, shall saye this to hym that is to be consecrated.

BROTHER, forasmuche as holy scripture and the olde Canons commaundeth, that we should not be hastie in laying on handes and admyttynge of any person to the governement of the congregacion of Christe, whiche he hath purchased with no lesse price than the effusion of hys owne bloud; afore that I admit you to this administracion wherunto ye are called, I wil examyne you in certaine articles, to thende the congregacion present, may have a trial and beare witnes how ye be minded to behave your self in the churche of god.
    Are you perswaded that you be truely called to thys ministracion according to the will of oure Lorde Jesus Christ, and the order of this realme?
    Aunswere. I am so perswaded.
    The Archebisshoppe. Are you perswaded that the holy Scriptures conteine sufficiently all doctryne, requyred of necessitie for eternall salvacyon, through the faith in Jesu Christe? And are you determyned with the same holy scriptures, to enstruct the people committed to your charge, and to teache or maintein nothyng, as required of necessitie to eternall salvacion, but that you shall bee perswaded may be concluded, and proved by the same?
    Aunswere. I am so perswaded and determined by gods grace.
    The Archebisshoppe. Wil you then faithfully exercise your selfe in the said holy scriptures, and call upon god by prayer for the true understanding of the same, so as ye may be able by them to teache and exhorte with wholesome doctrine, and to withstande and convince the gainsaiers?
    Aunswere. I wyll so doe, by the helpe of God.
    The Archebisshoppe. Be you ready with al faithful diligence, to banishe and drive away al erronious and straunge doctryne, contrary to god's worde, and both privately and openly to call upon, and encourage other to the same?
    Aunswere. I am ready, the lord beyng my helper.
    The Archebisshoppe. Wil you deny al ungodlinesse and worldly lustes, and live soberly, ryghteouslye, and godly in thys world, that you may shewe yourself in all thinges an example of good workes unto other, that the adversary maye be ashamed, havynge nothing to laye agaynst you?
    Aunswere. I wyll so doe, the horde beyng my helper.
    The Archebisshoppe. Wil you maintain and set forward (as muche as shal lie in you) quietnesse, peace, and love, emonge al men? And suche as be unquiete, disobedyente, and criminous within your Diocesse, correcte and punishe, accordyng to suche aucthoritie, as ye have by gods worde, and as to you shalbe committed, by the ordinaunce of thys realme?
    Aunswere. I wyll so doe by the helpe of god.
    The Archebisshoppe. Wil you shewe yourself gentle, and be mercifull for Christes sake to poore and nedy people, and to all straungers destitute of helpe?
    Aunswere. I wyll so shewe myselfe by gods grace*.

* "helpe" from 1552.

    The Archebisshoppe. Almightie God oure heavenly father, who hath geven you a good wil to doe all these thinges, graunt also unto you, strengthe and power to performe the same, that he accomplishing in you, the good worke which he hath begon, ye may be found perfecte, and irreprehensible at the latter day, through Jesu Chryst our Lord. Amen.

Then shal be song or sayd, Cum holy gost, &c. as it is set out in the Order of Priestes.

That ended, the Archebisshoppe shall saye.

THE Lord be with you.
   Aunswere. And with thy spirite.
1552, 59:
    Lorde, heare our prayer.
    Aunswer. And let our crie come unto thee.

¶ Let us praye.

ALMIGHTIE God and moste mercyfull father, which of thy infinite goodnesse haste geven to us thy only and most dere beloved sonne Jesus Chryst, to be our redemer and aucthour of everlasting life; who after that he had made perfecte our redempcion by his deathe, and was ascended into heaven, powred downe his gyftes aboundauntly upon men, making some Apostles, some Prophetes, some Evangelistes, some Pastours and doctours, to the edifying and makyng perfecte of his congregacion: graunt we beseche the, to this thy servaunt suche grace, that he may be evermore ready to spreade abrode thy gospell, and glad tidinges of reconcilement to God, and to use the aucthoritie geven unto him, not to destroie, but to save, not to hurt, but to helpe: so that he as a wise and a faithful servaunt, geving to thy family meate in due season, may at the last daye* be received into joye, through Jesu Christ our horde, who with thee, and the holy goste liveth and reigneth one God, world without ende. Amen.

* "daye" dropped, early 1600's

Then the Archebisshoppe and Bisshoppes present, shal lay their handes upon the head of the elect Bisshop, the Arohebisshoppe saying.

TAKE the holy gost, and remember that thou stirre up the grace of god, whiche is in thee, by imposicion of handes: for god hath not geven us the spirite of feare, but of power, and love, and of sobernesse.

Then the Archebisshoppe shal lay the Bible upon hys necke, saying.

GEVE hede unto reading, exhortacion and doctrine. Thinke upon these thinges conteined in this boke, be diligent in them, that the encrease comyng therby, may be manyfest unto all men. Take hede unto thyselfe, and unto teaching, and be diligent in doing them, for by doing this thou shalt save thyselfe, and them that heare thee: through Jesus Christe our Lorde.

Then shal the Archebisshoppe putte into his hande the pastorall staffe, saying.

BE to the flocke of Christ a shepeheard, not a wolfe: feede them, devoure them not; holde up the weake, heale the sicke, binde together the broken, bryng againe the outcastes, seke the lost. Be so mercifull, that you be not to remisse, so minister discipline, that ye forgeat not mercy; that when the chief shepheard shal come, ye may receyve the immarcessible [=unfading] croune of glory, through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen.

1552, 59:
Then the Archebisshoppe shal deliver him the Bible, saying.

GEVE hede unto reading, exhortacion and doctrine. Thinke upon these thinges conteined in this boke, be diligent in them, that the encrease comyng therby, may be manyfest unto all men. Take hede unto thyselfe, and unto teaching, and be diligent in doing them, for by doing this thou shalt save thyselfe, and them that heare thee; bee to the flocke of Christ a shepeheard, not a wolfe: feede them, devoure them not; holde up the weake, heale the sicke, binde together the broken, bryng againe the outcastes, seke the lost. Be so mercifull, that you be not to remisse, so minister discipline, that ye forgeat not mercy; that when the chief shepheard shal come, ye may receyve the immarcessible [=unfading] croune of glory, through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen.


Page from the Consecration of Bishops, 1550 Ordinal

Page from the Consecration of Bishops, 1552 Ordinal

Corresponding pages from this section of the the 1550 and 1552 Ordinals are shown at left. Click on the images to see larger (110K) readable versions of these images.

 ¶ Then the Archebisehoppe shal procede to the Communion, with whom the newe consecrated Bysshopp [with other,]* shal also communicate. And after the laste Cottecte, immediatlye afore the benediccyon, shall bee sayed thys prayer:

MOST merciful father, we beseche thee to send down upon this thy servaunt, thy heavenly blessynge, and so endue hym with thy holy spirite, that he preaching thy worde, may not only be earneste to reprove, beseche, and rebuke with al pacience and doctryne, but also may be to such as beleve, an wholesome example in worde, in conversacion [=behavior], in love, in faith, in chastitie, and puritie, that faythfully fulfilling his course, at the latter day he may receive the croune of righteousnesse, laied up by the Lord, the righteous judge, who liveth and reigneth, one god with the father and holy gost, worlde withoute ende. Amen.



* added 1552.


typographus Regius
Mense Martii
Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum.




Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum.



Richardus Graf-
tonus, Typographus, Regius

Anno Domini 1559.

Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum.


Imprinted at London by
ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the
Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the
Assignes of JOHN BILL.
Anno 1634.


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