The Benevolent Lebanese Evangelical School for Special Education and Development

 Ghabeh Street no. 62, Karm El-Zeitoun, Achrafieh, Beirut - Lebanon




Our school has two major programs: 

1- St. Luke's Program for children with special needs: 

This program is mainly for children with medium or mild mental disabilities. Each child follows a daily individual program that suits his/her needs and abilities. Each program includes social skills, spiritual nurturing, educational development , music, and vocational skills.

We also have a special program for a limited number of autistic children. They are gradually taught social skills that help them relate to the outside world. They are encouraged to acquire personal discipline, develop communication techniques, acquire better speech and expression. A variety of methods is utilized, both in school and outside. Life skills are emphasized. Tolerance, understanding, and love are utilized in parallel with limited step by step objectives to bring about the happiness and gradual development of the individual child.

Our programs are applied in full partnership with parents.  A parent is required to attend at least two full days with the child's teacher in order to observe, learn, and reinforce the child's learning and development at home. Disciplinary action is only taken in consultation with parents, after setting a clear objective of what behavior is to be unlearnt, and what positive learning must replace the negative behavior of the child.

Recommended Readings:

ولد كسائر الأولاد: ندى بركات خواجه

واجهت المؤلفة ندى بركات خواجه، في العام 1991، وهي دون الثلاثين من العمر، (عالم الاختلاف)، إذ انجبت إبنا وضعها إزاء مشكلة لم تتخيلها يوما وواكبتها العمر كله. تصدت الأم بشجاعة كبيرة للموقف الجديد مترحلة من مستشفى إلى آخر، ومن طبيب إلى آخر، ومن مدرسة إلى مدرسة، عابرة من النضال إلى البأس ومن الصبر الجميل إلى سورة الغضب. ثم جاءت لحظة الشهادة فكتبت كتابها هذا بأسلوب طلي ومتعة أدبية متوجهة إلى أهل الأولاد المختلفين وإلى المجتمع بأسره كي يرى الولد قبل رؤية الإعاقة.

دار النهار للنشر

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This is Not About You By Maggy Larsen

Maggy reminds in a very loud voice that I cannot change other people; any changes I can make to help my child and to help me as a parent have to come within me. God's love is the answer for me - to trust in the future, to believe in myself as a parent, and to find the truth in His message. Friends, relatives, teachers, doctors won't change - I must do the changing. I know I cannot do that alone; I must depend on God. (Carol S.)

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Postal orders: 13065 Dunhill Drive; Fairfax; VA 22030; USA

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2- The Bartimaeus Program for visually impaired people:

Learning Braille, both Arabic and English, can be combined with two or more vocational programs. Students who follow a course of study in schools or universities are provided with whatever assistance they may need. 

  • Braille (Arabic and English)
    Braille is taught in both languages: Arabic and English.
  • Music and Piano Tuning
    Students are taught to play music instruments, are introduced to fundamentals of music, and can follow the piano tuning and restoration course.
  • Mobility and Life Skills  
    Learning to get out independently and developing practical skills for every day living.
  • Computer, Reading Machines & CCTV
    Modern developments in the computer industry are introduced to our students who utilize them to further their education. 
  • Vocational Training
    The skills of cane-work, woodwork, and wool-knitting are taught to interested students. We also have a modern bakery.


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