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Wardens' Handbook

Installation of Church Wardens

The usual form of installation takes place after the election of the People’s Warden in a quiet moment of prayer for both Wardens and Vestry, during the Parish Annual Meeting. If a more formal installation is desired, the following short service for the first Sunday after the Annual Meeting may be used.

Immediately following the second hymn, or at some other point in the service deemed convenient by the Incumbent, the Wardens to be installed are asked to proceed to the Chancel steps.

Incumbent: (addressing the standing congregation, may say:)

We are here to install into office the Church Wardens of this congregation, to ask God’s blessings upon them in their newly accepted responsibilities, and to pledge them our prayers and support in the extension of God’s Kingdom. Let us, therefore, pray that God may richly bless those who are about to assume this office.

The following Lesson may be read: Numbers 11:16 – 17

Let us pray:

Incumbent: Lord have mercy upon us.

Response: Christ have mercy upon us.

Incumbent: Lord have mercy upon us.

The Lord’s Prayer:

Collect: O Eternal God, the fountain of all wisdom, enlighten with Thy Grace the Wardens of this church, and so rule their minds and guide their counsels, that in all things they may seek Thy Holy Will; through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for Christian Service: O Lord, our Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, we beseech Thee to bless all who, following in His steps, give themselves to the service of their fellow worshipers. We pray especially for those who are about to assume office in the government and work of this parish. Endue them with wisdom, patience and courage to strengthen the weak and raise up those who fall; that, being inspired by Thy Life, they may worthily minister in Thy Name to the suffering, the friendless and the needy; for the sake of Him who laid down His life for us, the same, Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

(Name), you have been appointed Rector’s Warden, and

(Name), you have been elected People’s Warden of this congregation,

[(Name), you have been elected Assistant Warden of this congregation.]

I would remind you that the office of Church Warden is an ancient and honourable one, and carries with it not only dignity, but great responsibility. Each of you is possessed of equal authority, and yours is a joint and mutual responsibility.

Together with the Incumbent and the Vestry, it will be your duty to make provision for and to manage the temporalities of this church in accordance with the Canons and Bylaws of the Diocese of Edmonton.

I would add, also, that on account of the office you now hold, this congregation will look to you, not only for leadership in all that pertains to the good management and welfare of the temporalities of the parish, but also for Christian example and encouragement in all efforts to promote the spiritual and moral well–being of the congregation.

In order that you may have fuller and more detailed knowledge of the duties and responsibilities that pertain to your office, I commend to you to study the Canons of this Diocese.

Before investing you with the symbol of your office, may I ask if you accept this office of Church Warden in this church and the responsibilities pertaining thereto in accordance with the principles set forth in the Canons of this Diocese?


Incumbent: The Lord, who hath given you this good will, grant you grace to perform your duty to His glory and the welfare of this church and congregation.

I present you with a copy of the Constitution, Rules and Canons of the Synod of the Diocese of Edmonton, and install you as Rector’s (and/or Peoples’ and/or Assistant) Warden of this parish church of N. for the ensuing year, until a successor has been appointed or elected.

May you look well to the important duties of your office and may God’s richest blessing rest upon you in your efforts to discharge the same.

To the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who has only the gift of immortality, dwelling in the light which no one can approach, be ascribed all right, majesty, dominion and praise, henceforth and for evermore.


Installation of Church Wardens

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[Notes to the reader: Throughout this document the word "responsible" is used when defining a warden’s functions and duties. This does not mean that the warden must carry out a specific function or duty; rather, the warden must ensure that the function or duty is carried out.

It is our intent that this document will be reviewed and updated at a minimum of every ten (10) years.]

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