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Lambeth Conference Resolutions
'A Pastoral Statement ....'
Primates and diocesan bishops' reports
Lambeth Daily in HTML
Official web sites
News and Reports :
press coverage of the conference.
the resolutions, all the years
If you'd like to see just what Anglican Bishops have passed during the years, browse these pages put up by the Anglican Communion News Service.
It may make you feel better about the church and politics. Or perhaps worse.
Bishops Behaving Badly
A reflexion at Ship
of Fools, by 'Sister Mary Diocletian, SPP (Sisters of Perpetual Persecution)',
which has inspired a
response by Faith McDonnell, and a
further essay by Sister Mary Diocletian.
Primates and Diocesan Bishops' Reports
More and more diocesan bishops are writing and distributing reports on the Lambeth Conference. As we learn about them we'll link them here,
listed by diocese.
Canada, Bishop
Peers, Primate
Atlanta, Bishop
California, Bishop Swing
Colorado, Bishop
Dallas, Bishop
Eastern Michigan, Bishop
Easton, Bishop
Europe, Bishop
Los Angeles, Bishop Borsch
Maine, Bishop Knudsen
Maryland, Bishop
Massachusetts, Bishop
Montreal, Bishop
New Westminster, Bishop
New York, Bishop
Northern Indiana, Bishop
Pittsburgh, Bishop
Southwest Florida, Bishop
Texas, Bishop Payne
Toronto, Bishop Finlay
Vermont, Bishop
Western Michigan, Bishop
Other Bishops' Reports
Massachusetts, Suffragan
Bishop Harris
Nova Scotia, Suffragan
Bishop Hiltz
St Albans, Suffragan
Bishop Smith
Sydney, Area
Bishop Barnett
Toronto, Area Bishop Tottenham
'Lambeth Daily'
We did it! We converted virtually every Lambeth Daily to HTML format.
Here's the complete index of the issues available in HTML:
For more on the Lambeth Daily and what it was--and its Adobe Acrobat format--see
below under the category 'News and Reports: Web (official sources)'.
Official online copy of 1998 Conference Resolutions
One month after the end of the conference, the official texts of the conference resolutions have been placed on the web, though not all in
one place. We have not yet found any changes from the unofficial version that we published on 21 August, though mechanized comparison is
impossible. We do not know of a single URL that will locate all parts of the official texts. Link here to Section
1 , Section
2 , Section
3 , and Section
4 , then link here for
the other material. If you need a subject
index , or if you need it all in one place, you'll have to use our
copy , which is of course unofficial.
of all the Lambeth Conferences since 1867
Archbishop Carey's Pastoral Letter to the Communion
On August 13 the Most Rev. George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury, wrote a letter with the intention of having it read aloud in every Anglican
church in the world on Sunday, 28th September, 1998 (sic). You may read
a copy of it here , or look at a photographic scan of the original
( page 1 and page
2 ).
http://www.lambethconference.org This official home of Lambeth
Conference contains basic information and background documents The main interest here is the official news releases, which are actually posted
at the anglicancommunion.org site. (See below in the news section for more.)
http://www.anglicancommunion.org The
current official web site for the Anglican Communion Office in London.
http://www.anglicancommunion.org/souvenir.htm Souvenirs,
apparently official
There's another yet another apparently official Lambeth web site set up at http://www.lambeth98.org apparently
primarily to showcase a particular software and server programme to bishops at Lambeth. We think you can send a message to any bishop through
this, but we're not entirely certain. Explore the site and see what you think. (Sorry, you can't. Web access from the outside seems to have
been disabled. We've no idea why.)
The conference apparently has an email address: lambeth98@lambeth98.org We
don't know who's answering the mail, but it's an address.
A personal domain for the ABC: http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org ,
which points to the preexisting pages that most of you have probably seen.
A set of official Lambeth Conference web
pages sponsored by the Nippon Sei Ko Kai (The Anglican Church in Japan), only
in Japanese. Even if you don't have a Kanji character set on your computer, you might like to have a look at the photos scattered throughout
the pages.
photos and candids as
well on the Lambeth Conference site.
Daily reports from St
Cosmus and St Damian in Blean, Kent contain some very nice photos,
quite quick loading as these things go.
Official introduction
to the conference (on the older but still apparently
official Anglican Communion Office website, http://www.aco.org
From Australia to the
Arctic A virtual tour of our 70-million worldwide
Anglican Communion (somewhat outdated, but useful as an overview, and hosted on an even older but still possibly official Anglican Communion
Office website, http://www.quest.org.uk ).
Basics, a whimsical collection of miscellaneous episcopal links
assembled by the BishopCam group
at the University of Kent at Canterbury .
Canterbury Cathedral, an
unofficial site, but very interesting.
The general
Lambeth Conference calendar on the Anglican
Communion Office site is a quite skeletal outline
of what's on.
Lambeth Conference 'Market Place' and Diary
of Events If you're in the neighbourhood of Canterbury, you might
want to stop in, have a look round the stalls, and stay for the evening events. August 4 would be our choice. Update
on Market Place arrangements, from the Revd Bob McCloskey, coordinator.
'BishopCam' A
light-hearted project by the Computer
Science department at the University
of Kent at Canterbury to provide some real-time video of the conference.
Alas, the fixed camera is stationed in a window overlooking at crosswalk between two buildings, not perhaps the most ideal place for it to
be pointed. We'd prefer the plenary hall. But now and then you can indeed espy a purple shirt.
On the other hand, because the camera
system is so automatic, the BishopCam
Cabal have some time on their hands and are doing
a smashing job of scouting Lambeth-related news stories. Have a look.
News and Reports
Web (official sources)
The Anglican Communion
News Service is the primary reporting group for Lambeth. Go here
for ACNS news releases about Lambeth; at present, these contain text only, no photos.
The official Lambeth Conference site
offers 'The
Lambeth Daily', a four-page mini-magazine (text and photos) in
Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). But with some of them weighing in at nearly 1 megabyte per issue and available only in PDF format,
the information may not be readily accessible for people with dial-up connexions.(Approximate downloading times for a 1M file at 9600 baud
would be from 11 to 20 minutes and for 28.8 from 3 to 6 minutes.)
The Lambeth Daily in HTML
Anglicans Online have converted highlights of The Lambeth Daily News
to web format for your viewing convenience. We don't promise to have the strength to keep up these conversions every day, but we'll give
it our best shot. The index page shows
the dates for which we have such files available.
Web (newspapers, wire services,
Links to key stories emerging from Lambeth or related to Lambeth Conference
issues. (See our page on reading
The Times if you've not tried to access a Times web page before.)
In addition to the stories listed below, see the BishopCam
collectionofnews for more.
Sexuality - Lambeth Conference
- 19 August
- 'Bishop
shelves Labour career to fight for gays: Church swing to right dismays
Scots Primate', Ruth Gledhill and David Calhoun, The Times (See our page on reading
The Times if you've not tried to access a Times web page before.)
- 18 August
- 'Gays and St
Paul' , Letters, The Independent
- 16 August
- 146
bishops apologise to gays over Lambeth', The Telegraph
- 15 August
- 'The
place to dance the mitre away', The Times (See our page on reading
The Times if you've not tried to access a Times web page before.)
- 'A
lean and hungry look', 'At Your Service', Ruth Gledhill, The Times
- 'Joining
hands across the boundaries of Christianity', 'Credo', Nigel McCulloch,The
Times (Not strictly Lambeth-related, but we'll put it here anyway.)
- 'He
turns the great into the good', 'Faith', Damian Thompson, The Times
(ditto about Lambeth relevance, but it's handy to tuck in here.)
- 'Rector
comes out in gay vote protest', The Sunday Times
- 14 August
- 'Church
of Africa', Letters, The Independent
- 'Summing
up the Lambeth Conference,' Church Times
- 'Bishops
seek to reassure homosexuals', Church Times
- 'Debt,
death, youth and unity join sex in the list of resolutions', Church
- 13 August
- 'Gays
in the Bible...', Letters, The Independent
- 'Anglicans get
literal', Op-ed, The New York Times
- '150
bishops support gay Christians', The Independent
- 12 August
- 'Turbulent
bishops', Letters, The Independent
- 'Terence
Blacker - James Taylor, the C of E's answer to the credit-card rosary', Columnists,
The Independent
- 'Web
does the Lambeth talk', The Times
- 'New
bishop flies to the rescue', The Times
- 10 August
- Simon Sarmiento's (Society of Archbishop Justus) report
about Resolution III.2 , which was entitled 'Unity of the Anglican
Communion' but which was more specifically about the position in the church of those who oppose the ordination of women to the priesthood
and episcopate.
- 'Bishop
and the showgirl who rocked the Church', The Times [Not strictly Lambeth-related,
but it is about an English bishop and the appointments procedure for filling episcopal vacancies...]
- 'Don't
demonise colleagues for views', The Times
- 'A divisive
debut by African bishops', The Independent
- 9 August
- 'A
Surprising Conservative Surge Among Anglicans', The New York Times,
Week in Review
- 'Rid
us of the canker of compromise', The Sunday Independent
- 'Bishops
plot against 'pathetic' Carey in gay vote backlash', The Sunday Times
- 'A Pastoral Statement to Lesbian and Gay Anglicans
from Some Member Bishops of the Lambeth Conference '
- 8 August
- 'No
women, please, we're British', The Times
- 'Carey
apologises to gays for pain caused by the Church', The Telegraph
- 'Carey
apologises to Christian gays', The Independent
- 'Hardline
on gay sex "strengthens ecumenical bond"', The Guardian
- 'Marriages
made in heaven? They want more sex and they aren't role models. Meet the bishops' spouses', The
- 'Straight
and narrow: Homosexuals should seek a church which offers more generous love', Opinion,The
- 7 August
- Andrew Brown: 'How fear of Islam forced the
church to attack gays', Daily Express, London (An Anglicans Online
exclusive; the Express has no web site.)
- Simon
Sarmiento's (Society of Archbishop Justus) overview of Lambeth's last
Friday: 'No vote on Kuala Lumpur'
- 'Liberal
bishops reject anti-gay vote', The Telegraph
- 'Liberal
bishop 'felt lynched' in gays debate', The Times
- 'Anglicans
must listen to gays - Carey' , BBC (with RealAudio clips)
- 'Fierce
euthanasia debate adjourned', The Irish Times
- 6 August
- National Public Radio
(RealAudio only), Michael Goldfarb reporting from London, 6 August
- 'Articles
of Faith: A surprisingly trenchant verdict from the Lambeth Conference', The
- 'Liberal
bishops routed in vote on homosexuals', The Times
- 'Anti-gay
bishops crush liberals', The Guardian
- 'Rightwing
alliance seen behind gay defeat', The Guardian
- 'Intervention
by Carey helps sway bishops', The Guardian
- 'Bishops
vote to condemn gay sex', The Telegraph
- 'Hardline
bishops ban gay priests', The Independent
- 'How
I felt the wrath of a bishop... ' The Independent
- 5 August
- 'Anglicans
condemn gay relations', Breaking News via A.P. (New York Times)
- ' Lambeth
Conference condemns gay sex', BBC
- 'Confrontation
at Lambeth Conference', BBC
- 'Bishops
draw battle lines in homosexual debate' The Times
- 'Unholy
and unreal: Expect a parade of homophobic opinions from the bishops today' ,
The Guardian
- 4 August
- 'Liberal
bishops urged to repent on gay rights', The Times
- 'Bishops
urge gays to repent', The Independent
- 3 August
- 'Could
the Church split?' The Telegraph
- 'A
Church that is a world apart,' The Times
- 1 August
- Andrew
Brown's take at Lambeth's midpoint, in The Independent
- 'Bishops
call for ban on ordination of gay priests', The Times
- 'Anglican
summit split on gay rights', The Independent
- Late July
- 'Homosexuality
is neither a white man's disease nor a sin', 28 July, The Independent
- 'Bishops
deadlocked over gay Christians', 25 July, The Independent
- 'Bishops
in deadlock on gay priests', 24 July, The Independent
Sexuality - House of Lords
World debt
The matter of other faiths
- Videotapes of Lambeth plenary sessions: Christ
Church in Red Hook, New York is offering a full roster of unedited
videotapes (NTSC or PAL format) of the sessions, taped by their rector, the Revd Fred Cartier. Their Lambeth
web page carries a detailed listing of what's on each tape (generally
one plenary session per tape). Each costs US $14.95, plus US $5 shipping and handling. In his email to Anglicans Online the rector notes:
'I was there for most of the conference (40 hours) and these are the only videos that will be available'. We've heard of no others.
- 'Old black magic', Andrew
Brown, Church Times, 14 August (only in the paper edition, not on the web site)
- ' Carey
to be given role as a troubleshooter', The Times, 8 August
- 'Dizzy
clerics--Anglicans need a minister of spin', The Guardian, 8 August
- The Church Times, in
its print edition but not online, reviewed the online coverage of the Lambeth Conference. We have transcribed that article here.
- 'Conference
to back "death with dignity"', The Times, 7 August
- 'Church
'less good at listening' than Marks and McDonald's' The Guardian,
4 August
Wrapup: stories summarizing Lambeth
- Bishops
Behaving Badly: a reflection at Ship
of Fools, by 'Sister Mary Diocletian, SPP (Sisters of Perpetual Persecution)',
which has inspired a
response by Faith McDonnell, and a
further essay by Sister Mary Diocletian.
- Is Reception
Really Open? Mary Tanner reflects on living with difference from Lambeth
1988 to Lambeth 1998 . She was until recently Secretary of the Council for Christian Unity of the General Synod of the Church
of England. This article first appeared in New Directions, August 1998.
- Anglicans Online have placed a copy of the Resolutions passed
by the conference on the web; as of 29 August we believe our copy is still the only one available. We've provided you with a basic subject
index as well.
- Martin L. Smith SSJE, superior of the Cambridge monastery of the Society
of St John the Evangelist , delivered a
talk on the Lambeth Conference during the Eucharist at the monastery
on Tuesday, 25 August, 1998.
- The Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll, Professor of Biblical Studies at the Trinity
Episcopal School for Ministry , wrote a
letter published in the Letters section of the 28
August 1998 Church Times .
- The Tablet published
a letter on 21 August 1998 from Canon James Rosenthal in response to the Ruth Gledhill article "My Lambeth Hell". Since this letter
appeared only in the print edition of The Tablet , we have transcribed a copy
of that letter here at Anglicans Online, so that you may read it.
Do read Ms.
Gledhill's article first.
- 'Dr Carey Triumphant', Ruth
Gledhill, The Catholic Herald, 14 August 1998 (reproduced here at the kind suggestion of Ms Gledhill)
- 'More
talk than listening', Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford, The Tablet,
14 August 1998
- 'Lambeth lessons', from
the Notebook column of The Tablet, 14 August 1998
- ' My
Lambeth Hell' , Ruth Gledhill, in The Tablet, 14 August 1998, but
not on their web site. We have transcribed a local copy.. Don't miss Canon James Rosenthal's reply .
Archive: stories at the opening of Lambeth
- 'Anglican
brethren meet among divisions' , BBC News, 19 July
- Andrew
Brown's pulls-no-punches look at the Lambeth Conference, The Telegraph,
18 July 1998.
- An article on Lambeth perhaps surprisingly in the Financial
Times (18 July 1998). You'll need to register to read the FT, but
there's no charge to do so. (If you lose the URL, look for the story in the 'World' section, under 'Columnists'.)
- The
Guardian (UK) considers the Lambeth Conference (19 July 1998) and
Bishop Holloway's scheme to toss biodegradable mitres into the Thames.
- The Times (London)
on 18 July features two lead stories on Lambeth in its news of Britain section. We
explain in
full how to read an article in the Times; it can be
worth it, but it's a bit tedious.
Web (collections of news stories)
The folks looking after BishopCam are
doing a fine
job scouting Lambeth news stories on the Internet.
Web (other sources)
Daily reports from St Cosmus
and St Damian in Blean, Kent (just outside the city of Canterbury)
The staff of this parish church are providing brief daily reports of the Lambeth Conference, with photos. We believe they were the first site
on the Net to supply behind-the-scenes images two days before the official opening of Lambeth. Start
at their home page and link to their Lambeth coverage from the left-side
United Lambeth reports by Doug Le Blanc.
from people connected with the various Prayer Book Societies round
the world, hosted at the Prayer Book Society of Canada web site. Also links to Lambeth news stories and coverage of special events at the
conference connected with the Prayer Book societies.
Integrity has
a Lambeth News section.
The Society of Archbishop Justus offers
a read-only news wire with postings during the conference. To be added to the list and receive posts at your email address, email majordomo@justus.anglican.org In
the body of the message type
subscribe news.
Or you can read the the
Society of Archbishop Justus releases on the web: http://justus.anglican.org/newsarchive/lambeth
A booklet
of prayers for Lambeth, by Bishop Roger Herft, the
Chaplain of the Lambeth Conference .
Lambeth Conference prayer, in the seven languages of Lambeth. (The
prayer was composed by Janet Morley of Christian Aid.) The HTML code of this page is a bit scrabbled, and an image intrudes into some of
the translations, affecting one's ability to read the various versions clearly. But it's worth trying to do so.
Lundi-Lambeth prayers, composed by the Reverend June Maffin
in preparation for the Lambeth Conference.
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This web site is maintained privately by volunteers .
It is not a sanctioned organ of any official church body, though it does list links to official church sites and documents. © 1998 Society
of Archbishop Justus |