A Pastoral Statement to Lesbian and Gay Anglicans from Some Member Bishops of the Lambeth Conference

August 5, 1998

Dear sisters and brothers,

The Lambeth Conference has spent nearly three weeks deliberating issues of human sexuality, among many other vital issues facing our worldwide Communion. We have met in a climate of enormous diversity and have attempted both to articulate our views and listen carefully to those of others.

Within the limitations of this Conference, it has not been possible to hear adequately your voices, and we apologize for any sense of rejection that has occurred because of this reality. This letter is a sign of our commitment to listen to you and reflect with you theologically and spiritually on your lives and ministries. It is our deep concern that you not feel abandoned by your Church and that you know of our continued respect and support.

We pledge that we will continue to reflect, pray, and work for your full inclusion in the life of the Church. It is obvious that Communion-wide we are in great disagreement over what full inclusion would mean. We ourselves have varied views and admit, as the report of the Human Sexuality Sub-section of the Conference says, that there is much we do not yet understand. But we believe it is an imperative of the Gospel and our faith that we seek such understanding.

We call on the entire Communion to continue (and in many places, begin) prayerful, respectful conversation on the issue of homosexuality. We must not stop where this Conference has left off. You, our sisters and brothers in Christ, deserve a more thorough hearing than you received over the past three weeks. We will work to make that so.

[as of November 24, 1998 Total: 185 including 14 Provinces and 9 Primates ]

1.Gerald Beaumont, Perth - Goldfields Region. burttm@ludin.com.au
2.Pete Carnley, Perth (Metropolitan).
3.Brian Farran, Perth - Northern Region.
4.Ian George, Adelaide (Metropolitan). ian.george@accnet.net.au
5.Roger Herft, Newcastle. roher@bigpond.com
6.Peter Hollingworth, Brisbane (Metropolitan). archbishops.office@docnet.org.au
7.David Murray, Perth - Freemantle. plusdave@iinet.net.au
8.John A Noble, Brisbane (Northern Region).
9.Richard Randerson, Canberra & Goulburn. richard.randerson@accnet.net.au
10.Andrew St. John, Melbourne- Geelong.
11.Ronald Williams, Brisbane - Southern Region.
12.Phillip Aspinall, Adelaide.

13.Glauco Soares de Lima, Sao Paulo (Primate).

14.Michael Bedford-Jones, Toronto - York/Scarborough. mbj@astral.magic.ca
15.David Crawley, Kootenay (Metropolitan).
16.James Cruickshank, Cariboo. diocese_of_cariboo@ecunet.org
17.Terence Finlay, Toronto. finlay@tap.net
18.John Hannen, Caledonia. bishop_hannen@ecunet.org
19.Fred Hiltz, Nova Scotia (Suffragan).
20.Andrew Hutchison, Montreal. bishopscourt@ibm.net
21.Michael Ingham, New Westminster. michael_ingham@ecunet.org
22.R. Barry Jenks, British Columbia. barry_jenks@ecunet.org
23.Patrick V. Lee, Rupert's Land. diocese@escape.ca
24.Percy O'Driscoll, Huron (Metropolitan). huron@wwdc.com
25.Michael Peers, Canada (Primate). primate@national.anglican.ca
26.Arthur Peters, Nova Scotia (Metropolitan). diocese@fox.nstn.ca
27.Ralph Spence, Niagra.
28.Ann Tottenham, Toronto - Credit Valley. cvalley@tap.net
29.Robert Townshend, Huron - Georgian Bay. huron@wwdc.com
30.Duncan Wallace, Qu^Appelle. quappelle@sk.sympatico.ca

Central Africa
31.Khotso Makhulu, Botswana (Primate).
32.John Osmers, Eastern Zambia.

33.John Austin, Birmingham - Aston.
34.Jonathan Bailey, Derby.
35.Paul Barber, Peterborough - Brixworth.
36.Gordon Bates, York-Whitby.
37.David Bonser, Manchester - Bolton.
38.Michael Bourke, Lichfield - Wolverhampton.
39.Ian Brackley, Guildford - Dorking.
40.Michael Doe, Bristol - Swindon. 106064.431@compuserve.com
41.John Flack, Ely - Huntington. suffragan@ely.anglican.org
42.Richard Garrard, Penrith - Carlisle.
43.John Garton, Exeter - Plymouth.
44.John Gladwin, Guildford.
45.Laurie Green, Chelmsford - Bradwell. lauriegr@globalnet.co.uk
46.Christopher Hill, Lichfield - Stafford.
47.Rupert Hoare, Worcester - Dudley.
48.Edward Holland, Chelmsford - Colchester.
49.William Ind, Truro.
50.John Kirkham, Salisbury - Sherbourne.
51.Richard Lewis, St. Edmundsbury & Ipswich.
52.Christopher Mayfield, Manchester.
53.John Nicholls, Sheffield.
54.John Oliver, Hereford.
55.John Packer, Liverpool - Warrington.
56.Stephen Pedley, Blackburn - Lancaster.
57.John Richardson, St. Albans - Bedford.
58.Henry Richmond, Derby - Repton.
59.Barry Rogerson, Bristol. 106430.1040@compuserve.com
60.Roger Sainsbury, Chelmsford - Barking.
61.Mark Santer, Birmingham.
62.John Saxbee, Hereford - Ludlow.
63.Colin Scott, Manchester - Hulme.
64.Peter Selby, Worcester.
65.Robin Smith, St. Albans - Hertford.
66.Alan Smithson, Durham - Jarrow.
67.David Stancliffe, Salisbury.
68.Timothy Stevens, St. Edmundsbury & Ipswich - Dunwich.
69.Humphrey Taylor, York - Selby.
70.Hewlett Thompson, Exeter.
71.James Thompson, Bath & Wells. bishop@globalnet.co.uk
72.David Tustin, Lincoln - Grimsby.
73.Dominic Walker OGS, Oxford - Reading.
74.Frank Weston, Ripon-Knaresborough.

75.Richard Clarke, Meath & Kildare. bishop@meath.anglican.org
76.Edward Darling, Limerick & Killaloe. bishop@limerick.anglican.org
77.Robin Eames, Armagh (Primate). archbishop@armagh.anglican.org
78.John Neill, Cashel & Ossory. bishop@cashel.anglican.org

79.James Uno, Kita Kanto.

80.Terry M. Brown, Malaita.
81.Ellison L. Pogo, Central Melanesia (Primate).

82.Sergio Carranza-Gomez, Mexico.

New Zealand
83.Thomas Brown, Wellington. 100401.320@compuserve.com
84.David Coles, Christchurch. info@chch.ang.org.nz
85.George Connor, Waiapu. georgebop@ang.org.nz
86.Penelope Jamieson. Dunedin pennydn@earthlight.co.nz
87.Murray Mills, Waiapu. murray.waiapu@hb.ang.org.nz
88.David Moxon, Waikato. davidm@wave.co.nz
89.John Paterson, Auckland (Primate).
90.Waiohau Rui Te Harra, Aotearoa (Northern Region). bishop@pih.ang.org.nz

91.Bruce Cameron, Aberdeen & Orkney.
92.Douglas Cameron, Argyll & The Isles.
93.Neville Chamberlain, Brechin.
94.Michael Henley, St. Andrew's.
95.Richard Holloway, Edinburgh (Primate).
96.Gregor MacGregor, Moray.

South Africa
97.Robin Briggs, Pretoria. rbriggs@cpsa.org.za
98.Duncan Buchanan, Johannesburg. jhbishop@cpsa.org.za
99.Merwyn E. Castle, Cape Town - False Bay.
100.Geoffrey Davies, Umzimvubu. mzimvubu@cpsa.org.za
101.Christopher Gregorowski, Cape Town - Table Land. diocapet@cpsa.org.za
102.Njongokulu Ndungane, Cape Town (Primate). archbish@cpsa.org.za
103.Michael Nuttall, Natal. mnuttall@cpsa.org.za
104.David Russell, Grahamstown. bpgtn@intekom.co.za

United States
105.Frank K. Allan, Atlanta. fallan@mindspring.com
106.Harry Bainbridge, Idaho. bishopb@micron.net
107.Charles Bennison, Pennsylvania. CBenni4455@aol.com
108.Frederick Borsch, Los Angeles. BISHOP_BORSCH@ecunet.org
109.David Bowman, Western New York. David.Bowman1@ecunet.org
110.William Burrill, Rochester. BILL.BURRILL@ecunet.org
111.Richard Chang, Hawaii. rsoc@aloha.net
112.John C. T. Chien, Taiwan.
113.Michael Creighton, Central Pennsylvania. Bishopcpa@aol.com
114.Clifton Daniel, East Carolina. diocese.ec@coastalnet.com
115.Jane Dixon, Washington.
116.Joe Doss, New Jersey.
117.Christopher Epting, Iowa. BISHOP.EPTING@ECUNET.ORG
118.J. Gary Gloster, North Carolina. ggloster@episdionc.org
119.Richard F. Grein, New York. cybersexton@dioceseny.org
120.J. Clark Grew, Ohio.
121.Edwin Gulick, Kentucky. TGULICK@ecunet.org
122.Ronald H. Haines, Washington. ronald_haines@smtp.cathedral.org
123.Sanford Hampton, Olympia.
124.Barbara Harris, Massachusetts. BARBARA.HARRIS@ecunet.org
125.Donald P. Hart, Southern Virginia. Don.Hart@ecunet.org
126.Dorsey F. Henderson, Upper South Carolina. DUSC@aol.com
127.Robert Ihloff, Maryland. Rihloff@ang-md.org
128.Carolyn Irish, Utah. cirish@episcopal-ut.org
129.James Jelinek, Minnesota.
130.Robert C. Johnson, North Carolina. DIOCESE.OF.NC@ecunet.org
131.Robert H. Johnson, Western North Carolina. bishopwnc@compuserve.com
132.David Jones, Virginia. David_Colin_Jones@ecunet.org
133.David Joslin, Central New York. cnybishop@aol.com
134.Charles Keyser, Armed Forces.
135.Rustin Kimsey, Eastern Oregon.
136.Chilton Knudsen, Maine. Chilton.knudsen@ecunet.org
137.Jerry A. Lamb, Northern California. bishopjal@aol.com
138.Edward Lee, Western Michigan.
139.Peter Lee, Virginia.
140.Edwin Leidel, Eastern Michigan. Ed.Leidel@ecunet.org
141.Mark MacDonald, Alaska. Mark.MacDonald@ecunet.org
142.Alfred C. Marble, Mississippi. Kathryn.Weathersby@ecunet.org
143.Larry Maze, Arkansas. BishopMaze@aol.com
144.Jack McKelvey, Newark. BpJackM@aol.com
145.Mary Adelia McLeod, Vermont. BISHOPVT@ECUNET.ORG
146.Rodney Michel, Long Island. RodMitre@aol.com
147.Robert O. Miller, Alabama.
148.Robert Moody, Oklahoma.
149.James H. Ottley, The United Nations. ANGLICAN.UN.OFFICE@ecunet.org
150.Stephen Plummer, Navajoland.
151.F. Neff Powell, Southwestern Virginia. neff_powell@ecunet.org
152.Kenneth Price, Southern Ohio. BishopKen@aol.com
153.Thomas K. Ray, Northern Michigan.
154.Creighton Robertson, South Dakota. CREIGHTON_ROBERTSON@ecunet.org
155.Hays H. Rockwell, Missouri. bishop@missouri.anglican.org
156.Catherine S. Roskam, New York. csr125@aol.com
157.John Said, Southeast Florida.
158.Calvin Schofield, Southeast Florida. DioseF@aol.com
159.Thomas Shaw, Massachusetts. pkb@diomass.org
160.Richard L. Shimpfky, El Camino Real. rlsecr@thegrid.net
161.Mark S. Sisk, New York. marksisk@worldnet.att.net
162.William Smalley, Kansas. wsmalley@episcopal-ks.org
163.Andrew Smith, Connecticut.
164.John S. Spong, Newark. cmsctm@aol.com
165.William E. Swing, California. bishop@diocal.org
166.Chester L. Talton, Los Angeles.
167.E. Don Taylor, New York.
168.Frank J. Terry, Spokane. Epispokane@aol.com
169.Robert G. Tharp, East Tennessee. rtharp@conc.tdsnet.com
170.Douglas E. Theuner, New Hampshire. DOUGLAS.THEUNER@ECUNET.ORG
171.John S. Thornton, Idaho. carrolk@micron.net
172.Martin Townsend, Easton. MARTIN_TOWNSEND@ecunet.org
173.Orris G. Walker, Long Island. dioceseli@aol.com
174.Vincent Warner, Olympia. vwarner@olympia.anglican.org
175.Catherine (Cate) Waynick, Indianapolis. hob929@aol.com
176.Arthur Williams, Ohio. bishsuff@dohio.org
177.Geralyn Wolf, Rhode Island.
178.Stewart Wood, Michigan. StewWood@aol.com
179.Wayne Wright, Delaware. wright@delanet.com
180.Stewart C. Zabriskie, Nevada. diocese.of.nevada@ecunet.org

181.Dewi Bridges, Swansea & Brecon.
182.Alwyn Jones, St. Asaph (Primate).
183.David Huw Jones, St. David's.
184.Barry Morgan, Bangor.
185.Rowan Williams, Monmouth.

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