SO, we all know that being a youth leader is something that we absolutely love doing...
it's who we are...
BUT, sometimes we are sooooo excited to be working with youth, we forget where or how to start.
If you are new-ish to the ministry or are just trying to spice it up a lil' bit, check out some of these links. They are here
for you to browse and pick through. OR, if you know of any awesome resources out there that are not listed here,
I would encourage you to take a break from browsing the net to read:
The cup of blessing that we bless,
is it not a sharing in the blood of Christ?
The bread that we break, is it not a sharing in the body of Christ?
The resources and guidance that we give to one another,
is that not a sharing in the ministry of Christ?
1 Corinthians 10.16 "paraphrased"
Drop an email to youth@edmonton.anglican.ca and let us know what we are missing!!
websites listed here are for your convenience; their
inclusion does not necessarily imply endorsement by
the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton, nor does the Diocese
take responsibility for their content.
G A M E S Everyone in youth ministry knows that games make the world go 'round... click here to access a list of different games you can play the next time you are hanging out with friends or trying to pass the time away.
Click here for an entire page of music resources!!
"The Looking Glass": check out the podcasts at justgeneration.ca & rabble.co
This fun site has daily Christian cartoons that can
be downloaded free for you to use (depending on size
of distribution).