Prayer Requests
Please remember in your prayers this week:
- For those who are sick or suffering: Alana, Ben, Betty, Christine, Dan, Deirdre, Doris, Douglas, Gavin, Gloria, Gordon, Ida, Jim, John, Kathy, Lori, Marsha, Meaghan, Myron, Nathan.
- For those who have died and those who mourn: John.
- Theological students, all in the discernment process and all in theological colleges.
- For those serving oversea: Maude.
Toll-free Number
For the benefit of rural parishes, the Synod Office can
be reached toll free by calling:
Diocesan Announcements
Website Re-launch: We are hoping to launch a new diocesan website next week. The new site will have a section for parishes similar to the current one. We will list basic parish information (location, contact information) and service times. Please advise Margaret (churched@edmonton.anglican.ca ) of any changes/additions to your parish information. Also, if you have recently launched your own parish website and would like us to post a link, please send us the address.
Clergy Day: The next Clergy Day: “Ministry Day with the Bishop” will be held this Thursday, at St. Matthew’s, St. Albert. The day will begin at 9:30am with coffee, followed by the Eucharist at 10:00am. For more information, please contact, Sarah Kemp: sarahkemp@edmonton.anglican.ca .
SSJD Quiet Day: A Quiet Day will be held at Christ Church, 12116-102 Ave., Edmonton, on Saturday, November 27th from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Coffee will be served, and soup will be served at noon. Please bring your own bag lunch. Contributions will be welcomed for the Sisters of St. John the Divine (please give to treasurer Beth-Anne Exham). The speaker will be Colleen Sanderson, Interim Associate Priest at St. Thomas, Sherwood Park.
Advent Quiet Day Whitemud Deanery: The Whitemud Deanery will hold its Annual Advent Quiet Day on Saturday, November 27th, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, at St. Matthias, 6210-188 St., Edmonton. The theme is "Waiting...Receiving...Sending", and addresses will be given by The Rev. Kevin Kraglund (St. Matthias), The Rev. Emma Vickery (St. George's, Devon), and The Rev. Thomas Brauer (Holy Trinity, Strathcona). A light lunch is provided, with a suggested donation of $5. Bring your Bible and a journal or notebook. To register, please email: rector@stmatthias.ab.ca , or call the St. Matthias Parish Office at: (780) 487-0324. Registration deadline is Monday, November 22nd.
Lay Reader Licensing Service: On December 5th we will be holding a service of choral evensong and the licensing of the graduates of our 2010 lay reader training course at All Saints' Anglican Cathedral, 10035 - 103 St., beginning at 7:00 pm. All are invited to celebrate this beginning of new ministries in our diocesan family. Lay readers are invited to a wine, sherry and cheese reception from 6-7 pm. Please note: there will be no reception following the service, as previously announced. Donations of treats, cheese, or fruit may be left on the reception tables in the hall prior to 6 pm). We ask that all licensees plan to arrive by 6:30 pm to meet with the Rev. Cameron Burns, who will lead a quick service walkthrough. For further information, please contact the Rev. Cameron Burns at rev.cameron.burns@gmail.com or 780-469-7530.
Marriage Encounter Happenings, November 2010: The November 5-7, 2010 Marriage Encounter Weekend was a great success. Eight couples were encountered. There was a high level of joy expressed at the conclusion of the weekend. The couples encountered expressed how pleased they were with their weekend; it would help them to improve their relationship as man and wife. Many expressed enthusiasm as they went home to be able to more effectively understand one another. Now they can grow their communication skills and level of commitment to each other. They expect their relationship to deepen in the weeks, months and years ahead. As several couples left, they promised the two Ministry Leadership couples to contact them by email very soon. They wanted to share their progress after having acquired new skills and a renewed commitment to their marriage and to each other.
The Marriage Executive has chosen the following dates for the next three Marriage Encounter Weekends:
- November 11-13, 2011
- November 16-18, 2012
- November 8- 10, 2013
Parish Announcements & Events
Parish News Submissions Welcome: Article and picture submissions (please include a description of photos) to the diocesan newspaper The Messenger are welcome. The deadline for the January, 2011 issue is December 1st. Please email submissions to editor, Margaret Marschall, at: anglicanmessenger@gmail.com .
Advent Service of Lessons and Carols
All are invited to attend the annual Service of Lessons and Carols for Advent, at All Saints’ Cathedral, 10035-103 St., Edmonton, on November 28th, from 7-9 pm.
A mulled wine and mince tart reception will follow.
Parish Bazaar and Bake Sale: St. Michael and All Angels ACW, 5003-146 Avenue, Edmonton, will host a Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 27th, from 11 am until 3 pm. Come one. Come all!
Christmas Bazaar: On November 27th, a Christmas Bazaar and Lunch will be held at St. Augustine's-Parkland Anglican Church, 131 Church Road, Spruce Grove. The bazaar will feature bake, craft and used book tables. The Grove City Chorus will provide entertainment. Doors will open at 10 am-3 pm, and lunch will be served from 11 am-2 pm. Soup lunch $7.00, Dessert and beverage is $4.00, Children 4 and under are free.
Community Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols: Holy Trinity Strathcona (10037 84 Avenue) will be holding a service of Lessons and Carols on the First Sunday of Advent, November 28th, at 6:00 pm, followed by a potluck supper. Children’s activities will be available. All are invited to attend. For more information please contact the church office at (780) 433-5530, or at church.office@holytrinity.ab.ca .
New Friday Service at Cathedral: On Friday, December 3rd, at noon, the Cathedral will hold its first regular Friday service of Reconciliation and Forgiveness, based on the Friday non penitential services at Coventry Cathedral in Great Britain. The service lasts about 30 minutes and all are welcome.
World AIDS Day Vigil: On December 1st, World AIDS Day, the Cathedral will be hosting a special vigil service at noon. All persons are welcome.
Annual St. Matthias Church Luncheon and Bazaar
Saturday, December 4th (Doors open 10:00 am, luncheon 11 am–2 pm)
Location: 6210-188 St., Edmonton
Contact: 780-487-0324
St. Stephen's Christmas Tea: The ladies of St. Stephen the Martyr ACW will hold their Annual Christmas Tea at 11725-93 St., Edmonton (new address) on Saturday, December 4th from 1:30-3:30 pm. Please join us for lunch, home baking, crafts and door prizes. Admission is $5 adults, children (6-12 years) $2, free children under 6.
St. Patrick’s Cookie Sale: Do your Christmas baking the easy way and come to the St. Patrick's Annual Christmas Cookie Sale, on December 4th from 10 am to 1 pm. There are thousands of delicious homemade cookies to choose from. St. Patrick's is located at 334 Knottwood Road North (85 Street, one block south of 23 Avenue). For more information, phone: 780-463-5452.
Christmas Concert: St. Margaret's Church will be having a beautiful Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 4th, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $10/person or a maximum of $30/family. Contact the church office for tickets at 780-437-7231. Please join us for fun and fellowship at 12603 Ellerslie Road, Edmonton.
Christmas Play and Carol Sing: St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 145th St. and Stony Plain Rd., Edmonton, is holding a Christmas Play and Carol Sing on Sunday, December 5th, starting at 5:00 pm. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
Beyond the Diocese
Salvadoran Visitor to Bring Message of Peace-making: Father Rogelio Ponseele, a priest, and friend of assassinated Archbishop Oscar Romero, will be making public presentations in Edmonton, in addition to several private commitments, to which everyone is welcome:
- Thursday, November 25th, 12 noon, Foyer of University of Alberta International Centre (Ground level, HUB Mall),
- Friday, November 26th, 7 pm, St. Faith's Anglican Church, 11725-93 Street, (Spanish language).
Fr. Rogelio is a key figure in the history of El Salvador, especially through the years of civil war in the 1980s. He has spent his live exploring ideas of liberation theology, base Christian community, popular education, and peace-making, both in his teachings and as he has lived his life, often in circumstances of personal danger. His visit to Edmonton is hosted by CEBES (the Salvadoran Christian base community movement) and other interested associates. For more information about his presentations, please contact Delmy Garcia-Hoyt (780-482-4744 or delmygardahoyt@yahoo.com ) or Jim Gurnett (587-881-1940 or jimgurnett@yahoo.ca).
ADVENT Programs at Star of the North:
3A St. Vital Ave. St. Albert, 780-459-5511, www.starofthenorth.ca
Advent Wreath Making: Wed. Nov. 24th, 7:30 pm
As we begin to prepare our hearts for Christmas, learn the history and symbolism of the Advent wreath, and make this beautiful Advent symbol for your home. We will use the wreath in prayer, and provide a blessing for your Advent wreath. Please bring scissors and a glue gun if you can. Cost: 48.00 (Includes $35.00 for supplies)
Concordia’s Christmas Concert: “Welcome to our Wondering Sight” will be held on Sunday afternoon, November 28th, at 3:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church (10525-105 Street, Edmonton). The concert is structured around four voices of the Christmas season – the Baby, Mary, the Angels, and Simeon. Involved in the concert will be the Concordia Concert Choir, the Concordia Community Chorus, Bella Voce Concordia, Männerchor (the newly-formed men’s choir), and the Concordia High School Choir. Guests for this concert include Keri Zwicker, Shelly Foster, Josh McHan, and Debbie Rice. Dr. Joy Berg, Dr. John Brough, Jordan Van Biert, and Rev. Lorne Manweiler will be leading the choirs and audience in the music throughout the afternoon. Tickets are $12/15, and are available in advance from TIX on the Square (on line or 780-420-1757) and Concordia (780-479-9313), as well as at the door.
KAIROS Day of Action - Beat the Drum: Parishes are invited to host a public drum circle and petition-signing in support of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and climate justice. Make Indigenous Rights and Climate Justice a focal part of your church service on December 5th. Invite local drum circles and drum groups of all kinds. Invite your local Friendship Centre, local Indigenous leadership, and groups of every age and background who want to sound the drum for justice. Invite Elders and speakers to share their thoughts. Explore together how you can make local contributions to climate justice, and how you can live into the UN Declaration. Together, sign the KAIROS petition on the UN Declaration!
KAIROS has many resources churches can use. Visit the KAIROS website: www.kairoscanada.org/drum/ for more details and downloads. You can register your event so KAIROS can put you on the map.
The King’s University College Choirs: The King’s University College Choirs, with guests All-City Youth Choir and Archbishop Jordan High School Choirs, invite you to their concert: “Lo, In the Time Appointed!” on Wednesday, December 8th at 8 pm at the Winspear Centre. Tickets are available at the Winspear Centre Box Office (780) 428-1414, and King’s Bookstore (780) 465-8306 ($20/adults; $15/students, seniors, and alumni; $5/children under 12, plus service charge).
Pastoral Care Workshops: The EP Wahl Centre at Taylor Seminary, 11525-23 Ave., Edmonton, will host ecumenical lay pastoral care workshops February 5 and 12, 2011. The Pastoral Care Training Program is an ecumenically-based program which provides a basic understanding of pastoral care given to hospital patients, continuing care and assisted living residents and community shut-ins. For more information, please visit: www.taylorseminary.ca/ .
Employment Opportunity: Taylor Seminary is hiring an Event Coordinator for the EP Wahl Centre (10 hours/week). The Event Coordinator will be responsible for providing administrative leadership and planning of EP Wahl Centre events. The position will pay $17.41 per hour (negotiable depending on qualifications). Candidates interested in applying for this position are asked to send their résumé with cover letter to the Director of the EP Wahl Centre, Dr. David Williams, at david.williams@taylor-edu.ca . Review of applications will begin November 22, 2010. This search will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.
Chaplaincy Position: Applications are now being accepted for one contracted Protestant Chaplanicy position at the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre. The contract position is for 32 hours/week. If interested, please submit a resume by November 30, 2010 to: Fiona Lavoy, Deputy Director, Diviion Support Services Branch, 10th Floor South, John E. Brownlee Bldg., 10365-97th St., Edmonton, AB, T5J 3W7; fax: (780) 427-1903; email: Fiona.Lavoy@gov.ab.ca .
If you know someone who might like to receive the Synod Scene simply have them send their request to Margaret at churched@edmonton.anglican.ca and she will add them to the distribution list. To be removed from the distribution list, please email Margaret at churched@edmonton.anglican.ca and put “Remove from Synod Scene” in the subject line. To downlaod a PDF version of the Synod Scene click here.