Stewardship |
Letting Down the Nets
The Diocese of Edmonton applied to be, and was selected as, a ‘pilot diocese’ for the Letting Down the Nets program of General Synod. The information that follows will provide some background information about the program, the process that led up to it, and the significance of the Diocese of Edmonton being selected as a pilot.
In 1995 General Synod approved a strategic plan—Preparing the Way—that outlined priorities and areas of work that it would concentrate on. Preparing the Way identified some areas of work that were to be eliminated in favour of other priorities and some that were to be passed on to dioceses and parishes It was to guide the church until 2004.
In 2001, Council of General Synod was directed to initiate and oversee a process of intentional listening to the church and in parishes regarding the future life and work of the Anglican Church of Canada. Out of that came a vision, approved by General Synod in 2004, Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church: A Framework for a common journey in Christ.
“We envision a church that is growing in membership, faith and service in God’s world:
- A church that reaches out to serve the world God loves by
- inviting people into a relationship with Jesus Christ
- nurturing spiritual growth and development in all its members
- welcoming and supporting children and young people in their journey of faith
- nurturing and strengthening local Christian communities in their worship, learning and mission
- A church that works in creative ecumenical partnerships locally, nationally and internationally
- A church whose members are learning and growing to understand themselves as stewards of their time, their resources, their decisions and their relationships
- A church that is committed to walking with indigenous people in their goal of self–determination, to the enrichment of the whole church
- A church that educates its members and advocates on issues of ecological, economic and social justice in Canada and throughout the world
- A church that celebrates and strengthens the leadership of bishops, clergy and laity, and recognizes the vital role each has to play as it engages in God’s mission in the world
- A church that actively affirms the presence of people of all ages and works to make the most of the gifts of each person
The intentional listening process disclosed deep concern for the financial and spiritual vitality of local churches in challenging circumstances. General Synod believes that it is called by God to offer national responses that can support and strengthen local ministry. It does not hear an invitation to develop another series of “one size fits all” national initiatives, resources and programs.
The church’s capacity to exercise the ministry called for in the Baptismal Covenant depends on its members’ capacity to embrace stewardship. That stewardship is rooted in the knowledge that we are participants in a mission initiated by God, rather than directors of a mission grounded in our own preferences, comfort or advancement. Consultations across the country indicated a strong desire that General Synod resume a leadership role in stewardship education. Continuing to implement the principles of proportional giving as a key element of Christian stewardship and as the basis of diocesan support of General Synod is a priority. For the church to grow in membership, faith and service, strong financial support is required at all levels. Pilot projects in selected dioceses in stewardship education are envisioned as a first step towards renewed efforts in this area.
Letting Down the Nets
In 2004 General Synod approved the stewardship proposals contained in Letting Down the Nets. The program is focused on four major initiatives along with a plan for funding each of them. The implementation of these four plans is to take place between 2005 and 2008.
1. Stewardship Education
General Synod proposes a diocesan–based pilot initiative in stewardship education and financial development with the goal of increasing annual giving by ten percent a year for several years. A key component of this initiative will be the promotion of proportional giving. Another will be to create an acceptance that stewardship education is a transformational process.
2. Proportional Gifts to General Synod
Since the year 2000, dioceses have been asked to give 26 percent of their annual revenue to General Synod. The Diocese of Edmonton is currently giving 20 percent, having risen to that level over a number of years. A series of discussions between diocesan leaders and senior staff from General Synod will begin in 2005, in select dioceses, to shape a new plan aimed at helping all dioceses meet the 26 percent target. These discussions will focus on the need to improve diocesan financial stewardship as well as on fundraising essentials such as vision, leadership, education and communications.
3. Annual Appeals
Many Anglicans are on the lists of four annual national appeals and so end up receiving multiple uncoordinated financial requests a year. General Synod proposes an audit and study of the four national appeals to develop a strategic fundraising plan and to coordinate fundraising at the national, diocesan and parish levels.
4. Planned Giving and Major Gifts
It is in the church’s best interest to become more proactive in seeking planned and major gifts in support of its ministry and mission. Gift planning vehicles enable Anglicans to experience the joy of making substantial gifts to their church. Cash or deferred gifts can actually increase personal income. Anglicans can leave substantial amounts to their family, to charities and the church on their death. This can be done painlessly, without jeopardizing present security. General Synod wants to increase planned giving activity across the country and to cultivate major supporters and potential givers.
Congregational Development
New sources of funding must be found before initiatives in congregational development can be implemented. No new initiatives will be undertaken until the funding is secure. An effective funding proposal requires a clear, compelling plan that describes what will be funded. The basic components of such a plan will be to:
- Develop an Anglican youth network
- Expand participation in the youth program: Ask and Imagine
- Develop youth justice camps
- Survey how dioceses carry out youth ministry and programs for young adults
- Develop programs to support diocese and parishes in the ministry of congregational development.
Significance to the Diocese of Edmonton
Letting Down the Nets has supported stewardship initiatives in the diocese. Specifically, LDTN provided the leaders for a one–day workshop held in November 2005 at Holy Trinity, Edmonton. LDTN also supported the May 2006 Diocesan Gathering on stewardship by covering the costs for The Ven. John Robertson and The Rev. David Ponting to be keynote speaker and breakout session leader respectively. LDTN has also provided a large number of copies of David Ponting’s book, From Scarcity to Abundance, at a deep discount. LDTN has also made it possible to have a full–time Planned Giving Officer in the Diocese.
Looking forward, the Synod Office is negotiating with the Letting Down the Nets Steering Committee to answer the question, What’s Next for the Diocese of Edmonton?
Additional Information
Additional information about Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church: A Framework for a common journey in Christ please refer to the Anglican Church of Canada website at www.anglican.ca. Look under ‘Resources’, ‘Downloads’ and point to ‘The Framework’, or contact:
Mr. David Connell
Planned Giving Officer
Diocese of Edmonton
10035 – 103 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 0X5
Phone: (780) 439-7344
Toll free: 1-877-494-8890
Email: pgofficer@edmonton.anglican.ca