"The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength"
The following parishes in the Diocese of Edmonton have active ACW branches:
To become a member contact your rector, bishop or a member of the Board.
St. Andrew,
Camrose |
St. John,
Cold Lake |
All Saints',
Drayton Valley |
St. Mary,
Edgerton |
St. David,
Edmonton |
St. Faith,
Edmonton |
St. John,
Edmonton |
St, Matthias,
Edmonton |
St. Michael,
Edmonton |
St. Peter,
Edmonton |
St. Stephen,
Edmonton |
St. Timothy,
Edmonton |
St. George,
Fort Saskatchewan |
Gibbons |
St. Francis,
Hinton |
St. John,
Onoway |
St. Augustine,
Parkland |
St. Mary,
Ponoka |
St. Mary,
Vegreville |
St. Saviour,
Vermilion |
St. Thomas,
Wainwright |
St. Philip,
Westlock |
Wetaskiwin |
In Touch, is the quarterly publicaton of the Diocese of Edmonton ACW. To subscribe to In Touch for one year, please mail your name, address and cheque for $10 (payable to ACW Diocese of Edmonton) to: The Treasurer, ACW Diocese of Edmonton, 13511-61 St. NW, Edmonton AB, T5A 0T6.
- In Touch welcomes submissions. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions selected for publication. Send submissions and queries to: Willa Gorman, In Touch Editor, 5808-136 Ave.NW, Edmonton, T5A 0N5.
To read a recent article about the Diocese of Edmonton ACW, please see The Messenger, March 2009; pg.s 4-5.
Campbell's Soup Labels:
Since 2008, the ACW has delivered approximately 20,000 Campbell's Soup labels to Belmead Elementary School in west Edmonton. The school is able to use the labels towards the purchase of resources, such as books and computer equipment. Parishioners are encouraged to save their soup labels (unfolded and flattened, revealing the front panel and barcode) and place them in an envelope to give to an ACW member. 
The ACW Prayer
Almighty God, our heavenly Father,
who sent your Blessed Son into the world
to be the Saviour of mankind;
Grant us a deep sense of gratitude
for your grace and mercy towards us.
Enable us by your Spirit to reveal your love
in prayer and work and stewardship,
so that your salvation may become known to all people,
and your Name glorified throughout the earth,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
