Resolution V.1
On the authority of Scriptures in matters of Marriage and Sexuality.

This resolution was moved as an amendment to Resolution I.10 and was lost.

Resolution V.2
On International Debt Cancellation and the Alleviation of Poverty

This Conference:

  1. noting that the beginning of a New Millennium affords the Church of Christ a timely opportunity to propose concrete, Christ-centred means by which to combat poverty, disease, unemployment and other forms of human suffering especially in the developing world, and that cancellation of the unpayable International Debt by poor countries is one such means;
  2. aware that many countries in the developing world suffer under the weight of unpayable external debt, unable to provide essential services;
  3. believing in the principles championed by the Jubilee 2000 Coalition;
  4. convinced that developed lender countries, institutions and individuals have the capacity and means to cancel this crippling, unpayable debt, given the necessary concern and goodwill;
  5. therefore calls upon all concerned to join hands with our Anglican Communion in exploring together the possible cancellation of debt, as well as other ways and means of enabling the poor at grassroots level to escape the poverty cycle, for example by sponsoring projects which will equip and empower the poor to provide for their families; and
  6. noting that revolving micro-credit projects--such as those managed by Opportunity International, Grameen Bank, and ECLOF and others--equip the poor with the credit needed to start small businesses and create jobs with dignity, commends the efforts of these various development agencies. It further welcomes new initiatives such as the Five Talents Project, a micro-credit development initiative designed to combat world poverty, and commends it for its implementation.

Resolution V.3
A Call for Solidarity in Working for Justice, Peace and Reconciliation in the World

Whereas the last millennium, especially the twentieth century, has been characterised by human division, conflict, war and violence, both religious and civil, as well as economic and social injustices;

Whereas the Kingdom Jesus proclaimed and established is to be marked by reconciliation between God and humanity, and between peoples and His creation;

Whereas the work of the power of evil is to create divisions between humans and ruin the harmony that God intended; and

Whereas we have particularly experienced the demonic effects of division and conflict most recently in African nations fuelled by selfishness and greed for power;

This Conference believes that the people's hopes and aspirations for the third millennium will only be achieved if they are founded on the message of peace, reconciliation and practical steps taken to achieve the same; and

Therefore calls upon all governments, religions and people of good will

  1. to work for Peace and Reconciliation in order to make this world a better place for all its inhabitants and for posterity; and
  2. to engage decisively in reconciliation within families, congregations, residential areas and nations, and among nations, so that we may participate in our calling to be peacemakers, as servants of the Prince of Peace.

Resolution V.4
On Transformation* and Renewal

This Conference:

(a) noting that while Lambeth 1988 called for a Decade of Evangelism during which we have witnessed welcome changes in the world and enhanced efforts to share the Gospel of Christ many other injustices still disfigure our world and challenge our commitment to share the love of God;

(b) therefore calls our Church to build on what has been achieved in the Decade of Evangelism by working for a transformed humanity, transformed cultures, a transformed mission for the Church, and transformed relationships with other Christian communities. This will require a fair sharing of God's resources of personnel and funds.

(c) proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, forgiveness through the cross of Christ and deliverance from the power of Satan, will seek:

  1. Spiritual renewal of God's people;
  2. Transformation in the lives of children and youth, who form most of our growing churches;
  3. Transformation in the relations between ethnic groups and the nations;
  4. Transformation in Christian relations with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other religions:
    • True freedom of religion
    • Study of the history of other major religions including Islam/Christian relations
    • Assistance for converts from Islam and other religions
    • Support of new Dioceses within the Anglican Communion

* Transformation in our churches, in our worship and in our proper use of Scriptures.

Resolution V.5
On Northern Ireland

This Conference:

  1. welcomes the recent peace process in Northern Ireland, culminating in the Good Friday Agreement, overwhelmingly endorsed by both North and South, and the election of the new Assembly;
  2. supports the Church of Ireland and the other Christian Churches in any efforts to build bridges between the communities, and to pursue their Christian duty as peacemakers;
  3. seeks to encourage the Churches in re-assessing any attitudes or alliances which may be perceived as sectarian, so that the body of Christ may be free from any divisiveness or bitterness as it seeks to live out the Good News of peace in Ireland.

Resolution V.6
Anglican Provincial Structure for Continental Europe

This Conference, noting with appreciation the progress made so far by the parallel Anglican jurisdictions in Continental Europe working both with each other and with churches in communion in the area, resolves to encourage;

  1. continued exploration towards appropriate provincial structures for Anglican Continental Europe in partnership with other Churches in the service of the common mission of the Church; and
  2. the Church of England and the Episcopal Church of the United States of America to consider the provision of appropriate funding for such a province.

Resolution V.7
Formation of an Iberian Forum

In order to facilitate a greater participation of the Iberian-Afro-Latin Region in the affairs of the Anglican Communion, this Conference resolves to request the Joint Standing Committee of the ACC and Primates to consider:

  1. the immediate formation of an Iberian-Afro-Latin American Consultative Forum that will meet periodically;
  2. the appointment by the Archbishop of Canterbury, with the advice of the Primates of the region, of a permanent advisor, as adjunct to the ACC Secretary-General, for the Iberian-Afro-Latin American world.

Resolution V.8
Reopening the Evangelism Secretariat

This resolution was not moved in view of Resolution II.2

Resolution V.9

This Conference reaffirms the 1988 Lambeth Conference Resolution that called for the condemnation and cessation of the embargo of the USA against Cuba.

Resolution V.10
Traditional Sexual Ethics

This resolution became an amendment to Resolution I.10 and was withdrawn.

Resolution V.11
Millennium Logo

This Conference requests the Anglican Consultative Council to consider developing a logotype for the Anglican Communion that will focus on the birth of Jesus Christ in order to celebrate the Millennium.

Resolution V.12
Global Cease Fire

This Conference rejects the use of violence in the name of religion and supports the call for a 72 hour Global Cease Fire, December 31, 1999, to January 2, 2000, which will allow the world to end the old age in peace and to begin the new millennium in the spirit of reconciliation, healing and peace-making.

Resolution V.13
Episcopal Responsibilities and Diocesan Boundaries

This Conference:

  1. reaffirms Resolution 72 of the Lambeth Conference of 1988 “Episcopal Responsibilities and Diocesan Boundaries”; and
  2. requests the Primates to encourage the bishops of their Province to consider the implications of Resolution 72 of the Lambeth Conference 1988.

Resolution V.14
On Social Justice issues in the Oceania region

This Conference, noting that in the Churches of Oceania (Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, Australia, Melanesia and Papua New Guinea) there continues to be much concern about a variety of social justice issues affecting island nations, indigenous peoples and rural communities:

(a) reaffirms the recommendations of the 1988 Lambeth Conference Resolution 35 (Concerns of South Pacific Islands) on the right of indigenous peoples to self determination, that they “be in control of their own affairs and especially of the use of the vital resources of their lands and seas”, the development of a truly nuclear-free Pacific, the cessation of unjust exploitation of the region's natural resources and the need for international advocacy on these issues;

(b) affirms its support for the recognition of indigenous land title;

(c) expresses its concern that where existing indigenous land title is under threat whether through domestic legislation, globalisation, structural adjustment programmes and debt rescheduling, resulting in increased foreign ownership and control of indigenous land and resources;

(d) recognises the effect of unpayable international debt on island nations and calls for immediate relief as outlined by the Jubilee 2000 campaign;

(e) encourages the nations of Oceania to address corruption in government and business and to participate in the establishment of an international code of practice for financial management;

(f) supports the actions of churches, governments and other organisations to challenge those aspects of globalisation which are having a negative impact upon agriculture, forestry and fishing throughout Oceania;

  1. stands in solidarity with Pacific island nations facing disaster because of global warming and rising sea levels;
  2. encourages a broad range of research, education and action on global warming and its effects;

(g) requests churches to urge their governments to fund this research, education and action;requests churches in Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand, East Asia and other countries engaged in trade and economic activities in Oceania,

  1. to become more aware of these activities by their governments and multi-national corporations in the region;
  2. where these activities are unjust and exploitative, to become strong advocates of social justice to eliminate this exploitation.

Resolution V.15
An Appeal for Peace to the Governments of the Middle East and South Asia

This Conference, noting that peace is being threatened in the Middle East and South Asia region, appeals to all the governments of the region for disarmament, the up holding of human rights and harmony among people.

Resolution V.16
An Appeal to the Churches and Governments of South Asia

This Conference, noting the complex situation that exists in South Asia, which has been highlighted by recent events and is based upon ethnic and religious complexities, which have become great impediments to the harmony and development of its people, and also noting that such a milieu continues to be blatantly exploited by different political parties and fundamentalist religious groups for their own ends, and that such a scenario causes havoc amongst communities, especially the poor and the marginalised, calls upon the churches of this region to live and preach the Gospel, to promote the right of God's creation and to collaborate with other faith communities in acknowledging the sovereignty of God and in sharing their common values and resources for harmony and justice, and further calls upon the governments of this region to seek after serving its people, especially by providing universal education and proper health care in an atmosphere of security and stability and urges them to refrain from excessive militarisation and abuse of authority.

Resolution V.16A
Peace and Reconciliation

This Conference resolves that our Anglican Communion be called upon to take special initiatives to use its resources and efforts in facilitating peace and reconciliation between conflicting nations and communities of our human family.

Resolution V.17
Religions/World Faiths Desk

This Conference:

  1. noting that the major religions were born in Asia and recognising the complexities and challenges of religion, the role that religions have played in the lives of people and civilizations throughout human history and foreseeing, as we enter the third Christian millennium, that religious pluralism will bring many new challenges and dilemmas;
  2. recognizes that in this milieu faith should be the source of reconciliation and hope; and
  3. urges our Anglican Communion to give high priority to this challenge and invites the ACC to consider setting up a Religions/World Faiths desk at the earliest opportunity.

Resolution V.18
Economic Needs of Asia

This Conference:

  1. noting that the poverty and human deprivation in most parts of Asia (which is about 3/5 of humanity) is acute and deplorable, that South Asia (c. 1.2 billion people) has recently been declared by the UN as the poorest region in the world, displacing sub-Saharan Africa, and that there are at least 400 million people in South Asia who live below the acute poverty line;
  2. urges the Western governments, Church bodies and aid agencies to give special attention to the economic needs of this region and to strive towards the eradication of this misery.

Resolution V.19
On Pakistan

This Conference notes with deep concern the following resolution of the Church of Pakistan, namely:

“The Church of Pakistan wishes to place before the Lambeth Conference their concern about the deterioration of Christian/Muslim relations ever since the introduction of the Blasphemy Law into the Pakistan Penal Code under Section 295 B and C.

While we affirm

  1. our love for Pakistan as our homeland and our good wish for its safety and dignified position among the community of nations;
  2. our continued participation in the building of the nation which has been the hallmark of individual Christians and our institutions;
  3. our appreciation for Islamic moral values and the commonalities between the two faiths enabling us to live together;

We are deeply concerned with the increasing intolerance and call upon the Conference to condemn:

  1. the rise of intolerance towards minorities, especially Christians;
  2. the legal and judicial processes which marginalise minorities and isolate them from the national mainstream, such as the separate electorates.”

and therefore at the Church's request:

(a) calls for

  1. the repeal of the Blasphemy Law (PPC 295 B and C) which is the source of victimization of the minorities in Pakistan;
  2. the release of all prisoners unjustly accused under the Blasphemy Law, such as Ayub Misih; and
  3. the restoration of the rights of minorities as given in the 1973 Constitution;

(b) requests the Anglican Consultative Council to use its good offices to promote and develop harmony between the two major communities in Pakistan.

Resolution V.20
On the Holy Land

This Conference:

(a) expresses its deep ongoing concern about the tragic situation in the Holy Land, especially as it affects the City of Jerusalem;

(b) affirms the following points:

  1. Jerusalem is holy to the three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and a home equally for Palestinians and Israelis;
  2. The status of Jerusalem is fundamental to any just and lasting peace settlement and therefore it should serve as the capital of two sovereign states, Israel and Palestine, with free access to the adherents of all three faiths.
  3. East Jerusalem is an integral part of the occupied territories, and should be included in all political arrangements relating to those territories, including self-determination, release of prisoners, right of return, and eventual sovereignty;
  4. The continued serious decline of the Christian Community is a substantial threat to the threefold presence in the Holy City;
  5. The continued building and expansion of Jewish Settlements within East Jerusalem and the occupied territories remains a major obstacle to any just and lasting peace.

(c) urges the government of Israel to recognize the right of Palestinians, Christians and Muslims alike to build their own homes and establish their own institutions in Jerusalem;

(d) sends a message of love, hope and support to our fellow Christians in Israel and Palestine;

(e) encourages our own congregations in greater dialogue, understanding and fellowship with their brothers and sisters in that land;

(f) urges our political leaders to take every opportunity to encourage the Israeli Government and Palestinian Authority to work urgently for a just and lasting peace settlement, to include fair and proper provision for the right of return to the land of those Palestinians dispossessed by the conflicts of the past fifty years;

(g) urges the United Nations, and the governments of the United States and the European Community to use diplomatic and economic influence in support of the above and to demonstrate as firm a commitment to justice for Palestinians as they do for the security of the State of Israel;

(h) continues to uphold all those, in any nation, who have committed themselves to working for the cause of peace, praying that they may have wisdom and courage to bring this process to a just conclusion; and

(i) resolves to send copies of this resolution to the respective parties mentioned above as well as to the Prime Minister of Israel and the President of the Palestinian Authority.

Resolution V.21

This Conference:

(a) recording with gratitude the welcome received by the President Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East on his recent visit to Iran and the courtesy accorded to him by the country's authorities,

(b) reaffirms the following resolution of Lambeth 1988, namely:

"This conference, recognizing the positive development of recent events in Iran, and in the light of a declared policy of religious tolerance in that land, respectfully requests the Islamic Republic of Iran to facilitate a positive response to the many requests, sent on behalf of the Diocese of Iran, the Primates of the Anglican Communion, and the President Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, concerning all the claims of the Church in Iran";

(c) eagerly awaits the government of Iran's positive response to that resolution; and

(d) respectfully requests the Archbishop of Canterbury to pursue these concerns.

Resolution V.22
Iraq and Libya

This Conference:

  1. aware of the serious effects of economic sanctions on two of the major countries of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East (i.e. Iraq and Libya);
  2. concerned about the plight of the civilian populations of these countries, particularly those who are vulnerable because basic medicines and food are lacking;

calls upon the Security Council of the United Nations urgently to review the situation.

Resolution V.23
On the Kuala Lumpur Statement

This resolution was not voted upon, as the Conference agreed to move to next business.

Resolution V.24
Young People

This Conference, recognising the active participation and contribution of young people and young adults in the Churches of East Asia, calls on the Anglican Churches to continue to provide challenges and opportunities for young people to serve in the ministry of the Church.

Resolution V.25
Economic Difficulties in Asia

This Conference:

  1. supports the actions and initiatives of the churches in the East Asia region for the realization of economic justice through the restructuring of the economic system, including debt cancellation for the poorest countries; and
  2. expresses its concern to see that the economic difficulties in the countries in East Asia are resolved.

Resolution V.26
Korean Unification

This Conference, noting the desire of the Korean people for the reunification of Korea:

  1. supports the efforts of the National Council of Churches in Korea, including the Anglican Church of Korea, to achieve reunification;
  2. recognises that these efforts have promoted peace not only in Korea but also in Northeast Asia; and
  3. urges that the governments of the North and South improve their relationship by implementing peace, reunification and cooperation through the 'Agreement on Reconciliation, Non-aggression and Exchange and Cooperation between the South and the North' which was signed on the 13th December 1991 by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea and the Premier of the Administrative Council of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Resolution V.27

This Conference calls on

  1. all Provinces of the Communion to take concrete steps to celebrate the dawn of a new millennium as a Christ-centered event, and to share these steps widely;
  2. all countries to celebrate the millennium by inter alia freeing all slaves, returning refugees to their homes, doing their utmost not to create any more refugees, and restoring land to those that have been deprived thereof.

Resolution V.28
Swords into Ploughshares

This Conference:

  1. endorses the call of the Bishops of the Church in Central and Southern Africa and of the Indian Ocean for Africa to be declared a weapons-free zone;
  2. encourages the rest of the Anglican Communion and the worldwide Christian Community to campaign against the international arms trade;
  3. calls upon all nations to invest their resources in the development of people, rather than in the manufacture of weapons of destruction.

Resolution V.29

This resolution was not moved as it had been conflated with Resolution V.3

Resolution V.30
St. Helenians' citizenship in the United Kingdom

This Conference:

  1. supports the members of the government of the United Kingdom who are urging that full British Citizenship be granted to the citizens of all the British Overseas Territories, and
  2. respectfully draws their attention to the islanders of St Helena and the specially strong reasons for full British Citizenship to be restored to them.

Resolution V.31

This Conference:

  1. gives thanks to God for the end of apartheid rule and of centuries of colonial oppression in South Africa; and
  2. welcomes the first democratically elected government under President Mandela and sends greetings and good wishes to him and to all the people of South Africa.

Resolution V.32

This Conference:

  1. gives thanks to God for the successful decolonisation process that led to the attainment of freedom and independence in Namibia; and
  2. sends a message of good wishes to the President of Namibia, Dr Samuel Shafiishuna Nujoma and the people of Namibia, assuring them of our prayers for lasting peace, stability and prosperity.

Resolution V.33

This Conference:

  1. warmly welcomes the coming of Anglicans in Angola into the Church of the Province of Southern Africa, rejoicing in the prospect of the creation of a new diocese there; and
  2. calls on all involved in the political life of Angola to bring the peace process there to full fruition, using peaceful means.

Resolution V.34
Christian-Muslim relations

This Conference:

  1. noting that
    1. to the Muslim community, a secular state is a state of hostility to religion;
    2. to the Christian community, a secular state is the separation of church and state and a guarantee of freedom of religion; and
    3. the experience of Christian-Muslim relations calls attention to the issue of the appropriate relationship between politics and religion,
  2. supports the idea of a national state in which all religions are free to establish and propagate themselves without the state and religion becoming either interchangeable or mutually hostile.

Resolution V.35
On Homosexuality

This resolution was moved as an amendment to Resolution I.10 and was lost.

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